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      • 한국 천주교회 평신도 운동의 영성

        황경훈(Hwang KyungHoon) 인천가톨릭대학교 복음화연구소 2015 누리와 말씀 Vol.- No.37

        본고는 평신도 영성의 전통 ‘ ’에대한논의가현저히부족한한국천주교회현실에서, 이제는그러한논의를본격화할때가되지않았는가하는한평신도연구자의반성의결과물이라고할수있다. 이러한문제의식과나아가그것의가능성을 구체적으로 제시하기 위해 한국 교회 창설 당시의 순교영성으로부터 토마스머튼, 도로시데이의영성과제2차바티칸공의회의대화정신, 또그것에힘입은 한국 천주교 사회운동을 살피면서 통합적인 한국적 평신도 영성을 탐색했다. 그과정에서 구체적인한국의사회변동과 함께 호흡하고그것에적극적으로 대응한 ‘운동의영성’으로서 순교 영성과 ‘사회적 영성’을 바탕으로 ‘우주론적생태 영성’을 아우르는통합적인 것으로서 장일순의영성을 우리논의의결론으로 제시하고자 한다.본고는 한국 천주교회는 평신도들의 자발적 운동으로 시작했으며 그 실천적영성에힘입은바크다고본다. 순교시대이후에도평신도영성은시대의변화와 밀접한 관련 속에서 이에 대해 적극적으로 대응해가면서 성장해왔다고 할수있다.본고는시대의변화에적절히응답해온‘운동’으로서의평신도영성이어떻게변화해왔는가를간단하게일별하고,현시대에요구되는평신도영성은어떠해야 하는가를 묻고 그것의 가능성을 탐색함으로써 ‘평신도 영성’의 전통을 확립하는 데 일조하는 것을 목표로 한다.이를위해먼저순교영성에서시작하여제2차바티칸공의회의대화정신에영향을받은시대상황의산물로서‘사회적영성’을살핀뒤,공의회문헌자체에서도 보이고 그 뒤에도 뿌리 깊게 남아 있는 성속이원적 신앙에 대한 대안으로서 통합적 평신도 영성의 가능성을 토마스 머튼과 도로시 데이에서 찾아볼 것이다. 이어 이들의 영성을 우주론적으로 확장함과 더불어 이를 사회운동으로 구체화한무위당장일순의삶과사상을‘통합적평신도영성의한한국적가능성’으로제시하고자하는것이다. 부연하면 무위당 장일순이 , 섬세한생태적감수성을통해작은미물을모시는연대의치밀함과다른한편으로는‘나락한알속의우주’라는광활한연대의스케일을 보여주고있으며, 그가 평신도 영적 전통의 확립과 그것의 현재화를딛고 미래를 위해서도 튼튼한 평신도 영성을 만들어 나갈 하나의 수원지로 제안하고자 한다. 한편 본고는 이러한 평신도 영성의 탐색과정에서 시에나의 가타리나의 예를통해서, 또 1980년대 한국 천주교회 평신도 운동의 몇 가지 사례 속에서 성속 이원론이 어떠한 모습으로 자리 잡게 되고 그것의 교회 내 반영으로서 성직 중심의제도교회와 갈등했던역사를 보여줄 것이다. 그 역학관계에서 어떻게 평 신도운동이약화되어가는지, 따라서평신도영성이왜철저한포용성을말하면서도 평신도의 주체의식을 강화하는 방향이어야 하는지를 아울러 보여주고자 한다. The Korean Church faces the reality of insufficient discussion on 'tradition of the laity spirituality'. This study is the outcome of a lay scholar, who feels that it is the time to discuss about it. To propose this kind of critical mind and its possibilities, this study searched from early Korean martyrs' spirituality to those of Thomas Merton's and Dorothy Day's, the 2nd Vatican Council, Korean Church social movement influenced by that Council, then integrated Korean laity spirituality. In this process, this study proposes martyrs' spirituality as of 'movement spirituality' which breathes with Korean social change and opposes positively to it. And, as a result, propose Jang, Il Soon's integrated spirituality; which is a 'cosmic Eco-spirituality' based on these martyrs' spirituality and 'social spirituality'. Korean Church started from the laity voluntary movement, grew with their practical spirituality. After the persecution period, the laity spirituality has grown in close relationship with social change and has flourished with their positive reactions to it. This study shows how the laity spirituality has adequately responded as a 'movement' facing to time change, asks what is the right laity spirituality demanded in current era, searches its possibilities, eventually helps to establish to settle the 'tradition of the laity spirituality'. To do this, starting from martyrs' spirituality, looks into 'social spirituality' which is influenced from the 2nd Vatican Council, then searches the possibility of integrated laity spirituality, which is the counter-proposal to holy/secular dualism rooted deeply from the 2nd Vatican Council, in Thomas Merton and Dorothy Day. Then, proposes Moo Wie Dang, Jang, Il Soon's life and idea as to 'the possibility of Korean integrated the laity spirituality'. Jang Il Soon has expanded this spirituality to cosmology point. Moo Wie Dang, Jang, Il Soon showed interrelation delicacies of serving tiny creatures through his fine ecology sensibility. On the other hand, he has showed broad interrelation scale of􋺵the cosmos in one grain.􋺶This study proposes his strong spirituality as a lay man as to head spring to establish the tradition of the laity spirituality settlement of future spirituality study. In the searching process, this study shows how holy/secular dualism has settled and shows the discord history within existing priesthood entering church system through the example of Catharina of Sienna and the examples Korean laity movement in 1980s. In this dynamic relation, this study shows how the laity movement is getting weaker, then, tells why the laity spirituality should head for strengthening the identities of the laity, even though saying of complete capacity of tolerance.

      • 부갑상선 기능 항진증 환자에서의 ^(99m)Tc-Sestamibi를 이용한 부갑상선 영상

        황경훈,박찬희,윤석남,배문선,김수지,진윤미 아주대학교 의과학연구소 1999 아주의학 Vol.4 No.1

        Parathyroid imaging with ^(99m)Tc-sestamibi (MIBI) was performed in patients with biochemical diagnosis of primary hyperparathyroidism to localize or lateralize the parathyroid lesion. Eleven patients with suspected hyperparathyroidism were subjected to a MIBI study prior to surgical exploration of the neck. Surgical exploration of the neck was performed in 7 patients, 6 patients among them showing parathyroid adenoma and one parathyroid carcinoma. MIBI scan correctly diagnosed and localized all 6 parathyroid adenomas and localized 1 parathyroid carcinoma. In conclusion, parathyroid imaging with ^(99m)Tc-sestamibi (MIBI) is an effective method for detection and localization of parathyroid adenomas in patients with primary hyperparathyroidism.

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