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        랭보와 1870년

        최춘식(CHOI Chun-Sik) 한국프랑스문화학회 2011 프랑스문화연구 Vol.22 No.-

        Aux yeux de Rimbaud de 16 ans, Charleville, sa ville natale, n'était qu'une ville idiote supérieurement entre les petites villes de province. Mais en 1870, après l'entrée en fonction comme nouveau maître de rhétorique de George Izambard, cette Charleville a connu beaucoup de changements qui ont influé Rimbaud dans plusieurs domaines idéologiques, par exemple l'antibonapartisme, et républicanisme et anticléricalisme etc. Surtout, la guerre franco-prussienne ne contribue pas peu à l'émancipation idéologique du poète Rimbaud : ce qu'il voit autour de lui l'amène à réfléchir sur l'injustice sociale, la nature du pouvoir, l'oppression des peuples par les Etats qui programment la consommation de leurs propres enfants. Les caricaturistes de presse lui donnent pour ses propres poèmes l'idée d'exploiter les contrastes, de forcer le trait jusqu'à la charge. Dans les sonnet <le Mal> et <le Dormeur du val>, peut-être écrits en été de 1870, Rimbaud attaque l'alliance de l'Eglise et du pouvoir de l'Empire. D'après lui, Dieu ne peut rien faire devant le destin des populaires et des malheurex qui ont payé de leurs vies dans cette guerre absurde. Rimbaud dit que le mal est donc Dieu, symbole de l'ordre politique du Second Empire. Cette anticléricalisme n'est qu'une transformation de l'antibonapartisme rimbaldien.

      • KCI등재

        종교활동의 제한 기준에 대한 일본 판례의 시사점

        최춘식(Choi, Chun-Sik) 한국법학회 2014 법학연구 Vol.55 No.-

        일본은 1995년 종교단체에 의한 지하철 테러사건 이후 종교법인법을 개정하였다. 그 주된 내용은 종교단체의 투명한 운영을 위해 신도와 공권력이 공동으로 종교단체를 감시할 수 있도록 하는 것이었다. 그러나 여기에 더 나아가 2000년경부터 하급심판례를 중심으로 포교활동과정에서 종교적 자기결정권의 침해를 이유로 종교단체의 불법행위책임을 인정하고 있다. 이러한 판례는 이후 10년이 지난 현재까지 유지되어 이제 확립된 판례라고 할 수 있다. 종교단체라 하더라도 개별적인 사건에서 불법행위가 인정되는 것은 당연하지만, 여기에서 논의하는 판례는 이러한 개별적인 사건에서의 판례와는 다르다. 즉 신도가 종교단체에 가입하여 탈퇴한 후 당초 종교단체의 전도와 교화활동이 포괄적으로 위법하다는 이유로 손해배상책임을 묻는 형태이기 때문이다. 따라서 종교단체에 대하여 특별법도 없는 우리나라에서 이러한 일본의 판례는 시사하는 바 크다 할 것이므로 위 일본 판례를 중심으로 포교활동 과정에서 발생하는 불법행위에 대하여 주로 살펴보았다. 일본에서 위법성이 인정된 종교단체는 이미 판례가 형성되기 수년전부터 사회적 비난의 대상이 되었고, 1995년 지하철 테러사건 이후 종교단체에 대한 법적규제를 강화하여야 한다는 사회적 여론에 힘입은바 컸다는 특수한 사정이 있었다. 그러나 이와 같은 점을 감안하더라도 일본의 판례가 특별한 입법적 근거에 따라 형성된 것은 아니며, 민법상 불법행위의 일반적 성립요건에 따라 법리적으로 형성된 것이라는 점에서 우리나라에서도 충분히 참고할 만한 판례라고 생각된다. After the terrorist attacks in the subway by religious organizations in 1995, Japan revised the Religious Corporation Act. The main purpose was to monitor religious organizations in collaboration with the believers and the governmental authorities for transparent operation of religious organizations. However, in addition to this work, from around 2000, focusing on cases of lower court, it recognized tort liability of religious groups for the reason of religious self-determination violation in the course of missionary activities. Because these cases have kept for 10 years, it is said to be the established case law. Even if they are religious organizations, tort should be recognized in a separate and individual incident. However the case law in this case is not the same as an individual. That is, its the question whether they have responsibility to cover damages or not after withdrawal of believers who joined in the religious organizations, because the mission work and edification activities of that religious organizations were comprehensively illegal. There is not a special law about religious organizations in our country currently. So this study mainly includes investigations of illegal activities occurred in the course of religious activities focusing on Japanese precedents. These religious groups recognized with the illegality have been criticized by Japanese society before precedents was formed. Also, after the terrorist attacks in the subway by religious groups in 1995, Social opinion, that legal restrictions on religious organizations should be strengthened, has already formed. Therefore we can know that Japanese cases are not formed in accordance with a special legislative basis. We can understand Japanese cases are formed according to requirement for establishment of civilly tort. In these aspects, I think these cases can be valuable references in our country.

      • KCI등재

        Une Saison en enfer의 구조와 이야기성 연구

        최춘식 ( Chun Sik Choi ) 한국불어불문학회 1996 불어불문학연구 Vol.32 No.1

        La narrativite´ d` Une Saison en enfer, structuralise´e par l`opposition /discours/ vs /histoire/ qui se manifeste sous le mode de l`e´nonciation de ce texte, est recele´e dans le <Je>, actant et narrateur a` la fois. De plus sous la structure de l`e´nonciation du /discours/, la structure narrative de la opposition/solution dans la Sq 1 est repre´sente´e dans les Sq 2 et 3, parce que l`opposition de la qualite´ de l`actant (/infe´riorite´/ vs /supe´riorite´/) de la Sq 2 est re´gle´e par son e´mancipation dans la Sq 3. En conse´quence, nous avons verifie´ que les Sq 2 et 3 ont l`isomorphie de la structure narrative de la Sq 1. Sous la structure de la /histoire/, <De´lire II>, qui est diffe´rent des autres textes par l`e´nonciation de type historique, relate l`histoire de la folie de l`actant <Je>. Cette folie a la narrativite´ de la transformation en Verbe alchimique en essayant de cre´er le nouveau langage qui pourra e^tre accessible a` tous les sens. En somme, la narrativite´ d`Une Saison en enfer a de´cele´ la line´arite´ se´mantique au niveau de la profondeur du texte qui parai^t avoir superficiellement un discours irre´gulier et herme´tique. Et la structure du /discours/ vs /histoire/ d`Une saison en enfer sera utile a`l`analyse du re´cit de ce texte.

      • KCI등재후보

        Trimethoprim / Sulfamethoxazole ( TMP / SMX ) 을 복용 중인 외래 환자에서 발생하는 경구 칼륨 투여 후 칼륨 대사 장애

        최춘식(Chun Sik Choi),유영조(Young Jo Yoo),김태영(Tae Young Kim),민경환(Kyung Hwan Min),한상웅(Sang Woong Han),노광호(Kwang Ho Roh),양성규(Seong Kyu Yang),유준호(Jun Ho Yoo),오석중(Suk Joong Oh),문중돈(Jung Don Mun),김호중(Ho Jung Ki 대한내과학회 1999 대한내과학회지 Vol.57 No.1

        N/A TMP/SMX has been shown to cause hyperkalemia in a few outpatients on standard-dose. This prospective study was aimed at investigating other associated factors inducing clinically important hyperkalemia in outpatients on standard-dose of TMP/SMX. Methods : Age-matched diabetic(n=22) and non-diabetic (n=20) patients with UTI on standard dose of TMP/SMX for 5 days were given acute oral intake of 40 mEq of potassium chloride(KCl). Results : Before the intake of TMP/SMX, basal levels of serum potassium(K), serum BUN and creatinine, plasma renin activity(PRA), aldosterone(PA), and transtubular potassium gradient(TTKG) were comparable between diabetic and non-diabetic subjects. Also after TMP/SMX was taken, all parameters didnt reveal any overt changes except a slightly increased serum K but not significantly (from 4.20±0.15 to 4.14±0.21mEq/L in non-diabetics; from 4.13±0.18 to 4.25±0.13mEq/L in diabetics). Following acute oral KCl load, however, the peak increases of serum K changes were significantly higher in diabetics compared to non-diabetics(0.34 0.06 vs 0.62 0.09mEq/L, p<0.01). Furthermore, 8 out of 22 diabetics but none of non-diabetics after acute KCl load developed hyperkalemia(> 5.0 mEq/L). After KCl load, PRA did not show any significant changes, whereas PA was increased simultaneously with the increments of serum K in both diabetic subgroups hyperkalemic(n=8) and normokalemic (n=14) diabetics. But increment was blunted in hyperkalemic diabetic subgroup. TTKG was increased prominently in normokalemic diabetic subgroup(9.20 from 4.50), while it was slightly increased in hyperkalemic diabetic subgroup(4.63 from 3.79mEq/L). There was statistical difference between two subgroups(p < 0.05). In conclusion, Besides the known effect of blocking sodium channels in distal K secreting cells by TMP/SMX, insulinopenia(DM). Hypoaldosteronism with its decreased tubular bioactivity, and increased exogenous K intake in concert could cause clinically overt hyperkalemia on standard-dose of TMP/SMX. When standard- dose of TMP/SMX is administered to patients with deranged K homeostasis, especially to diabetics with hypoaldosteronism, blood K level should be monitored meticulously to avoid hyperkalemia.

      • KCI등재

        모로코의 언어 혼종 연구

        윤용수(Yoon Yong Soo),최춘식(Choi Chun Sik) 한국아랍어아랍문학회 2014 아랍어와 아랍문학 Vol.18 No.3

        Morocco is located at the crossroads of Africa, Europe and the Middle East. This strategic location has made Morocco open to a variety of linguistic influences by the Phoenician language, Berber language, Greek language, Arabic, Spanish, Portugal language and French. Given this complex multilingual situation related historical layers, the languages used in Morocco have mutual competed and overlapped for social, economic, cultural and political divisions. Therefore Morocco provides a rich setting for researching the conflict and tensions between languages in Morocco. Morocco has became a multicultural society since the French occupation even though this country had been called the Arabic diglossia society or bilingualism society between Arabic language and Berber language for ages long. These dynamic language change relating the historical process also provides us the affluent environment to study the hybridity of languages in Mediterranean. Therefore I expect to investigate the below issues in this thesis. The first is to give an overview of the sociolinguistic situation in Morocco focusing on the post independent of Morocco. The second is the discussion of some issues related to the language policy(Arabization) pursued since independence in 1956 and the language attitudes reflecting on identity issues among Moroccan following recent changes in language policy.

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