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      • KCI등재

        온실고온 환경에서의 밀 생육 및 수량변화 평가

        정한용 ( Han-yong Jeong ),최인배 ( In-bae Choi ),안승현 ( Seung-hyun Ahn ),황운하 ( Woon-ha Hwang ),정재혁 ( Jae-hyeok Jeong ),이현석 ( Hyeon-seok Lee ),윤종탁 ( Jong-tak Yun ),최경진 ( Kyung-jin Choi ) 한국국제농업개발학회 2018 韓國國際農業開發學會誌 Vol.30 No.2

        Since the yield of wheat is expected to decrease due to global warming, this study evaluated the change in wheat yield due to temperature changes. Korean wheat cv. Keumkang was sown in rows on November 7, 2016 and November 17, 2016 in temperature gradient chamber. When the mean temperature for growth period increased by 1℃, heading date shortened by 2.8days. Among yield components, ear number/m<sup>2</sup> was the most important factor for decrease of grain number/ m<sup>2</sup> and grain yield. Although grain number/ear decreased in high temperature conditions when sown on November 7, not decreased when sown on November 17. 1000-Grain weight decreased 2.1g when mean temperature for 30days after heading increased 1℃. Although above-ground biomass at heading stage was not influenced by high temperature, culm number/m<sup>2</sup> at heading stage decreased. It was thought that grain number/m2 decreased by deterioration of nitrogen uptake capacity in high temperature conditions.

      • KCI등재

        추위에 강하고 수량이 많은 조사료용 트리티케일 품종 '세영'

        한옥규,박형호,박태일,조상균,최인배,노재환,김기종,오영진,박기훈,김대욱,구자환,권순종,안종웅,Han, Ouk-Kyu,Park, Hyung-Ho,Park, Tae-Il,Cho, Sang-Kyun,Choi, In-Bae,Noh, Jae-Hwan,Kim, Kee-Jong,Oh, Young-Jin,Park, Ki-Hun,Kim, Dea-Wook,Ku, Ja-Hwa 한국초지조사료학회 2017 한국초지조사료학회지 Vol.37 No.2

        'Saeyoung', a winter triticale (X Triticosecale Wittmack) for forage, was developed at the Department of Rice and Winter Cereal Crop, NICS, RDA in 2012. The cultivar 'Saeyoung' has narrow and long leaves of light green color, middle size and thin culm, and a medium grain of brown color. The heading date and yellow ripe stage of 'Saeyoung' was May 3 and May 27, which were similar to check cultivar 'Shinyoung', respectively. 'Saeyoung' showed a little stronger in cold tolerance and a little weaker in resistance to lodging than the check, and wet injury, powdery mildew, and leaf rust were similar to those of the check cultivar. The forage fresh and dry matter yields of 'Saeyoung' at milk-ripe stages were 47.2 and $15.6MT\;ha^{-1}$, respectively, which was 9% and 4% higher than those of the check. The crude protein content of 'Saeyoung' was 0.4% lower than 6.8% of the check, while was higher than the check cultivar 'Shinyoung' in neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber. Total digestible nutrients of 'Saeyoung' was also 3% lower than 62.8% of the check cultivar. It showed grain yield of $4.1MT\;ha^{-1}$, which was 11% higher than that of the check. 'Saeyoung' is recommended for fall sowing forage crops in areas in which average daily minimum mean temperatures in January are higher than $-10^{\circ}C$. 트리티케일 신품종 '세영'은 2012년에 농촌진흥청 국립식량과학원에서 육성되었으며, 그 특성은 다음과 같다. '세영'은 담녹색이며, 폭이 좁고 길이가 중간 정도인 잎, 가는 줄기와 크기가 중간 정도인 종실, 그리고 갈색인 종피색을 가졌다. '세영'은 출수기가 평균 5월 3일, 황숙기가 5월 27일로 표준품종인 '신영'과 대등하였다. '세영'의 내한성은 '신영'에 비해 다소 강하였고, 도복는 '신영'보다 다소 약하였다. 습해와 흰가루병과 잎녹병은 모두에서 피해가 발생하지 않았다. '세영'의 ha당 생체수량은 평균 47.2톤으로 표준품종인 '신영'의 43.2톤 보다 9 %가 많았으며, 건물수량은 ha당 평균 15.6톤으로 '신영'의 15.1톤에 비해 4 %가 많았다. '세영'은 '신영'에 비해 조단백질 함량이 6.4 %로 6.8 %인 표준품종 '신영'보다 0.4% 낮았으나, NDF와 ADF 함량은 각각 62.5 %, 36.9 %로 높았으며, TDN 함량은 59.8 %로 '신영'의 62.8 %에 비해 3%가 낮았다. '세영'은 '신영'에 비해 $m^2$당수수가 727개로 81개 많고, 종실수량이 ha당 4.1톤으로 '신영'보다 11 %가 많았다. 적응지역은 1월 최저평균기온이 $-10^{\circ}C$ 이상인 지역이면 전국 어느 곳에서나 재배가 가능하며, 특히 추위에 강한 장점이 있기 때문에 중 북부지역에서 겨울철 조사료 생산에 유용할 것으로 기대된다.

      • KCI등재

        간척지에서 파종량 및 질소 시비량에 따른 사료용 피의 생육특성과 사료 수량

        황재복,박태선,박홍규,김학신,최인배,배희수,Hwang, Jae-Bok,Park, Tae-Sun,Park, Hong-Kyu,Kim, Hak-Sin,Choi, In-Bae,Bae, Hee-Soo 한국잡초학회 한국잔디학회 2017 Weed & Turfgrass Science Vol.6 No.2

        사료용 피 직파재배시 적정 파종량 시험에서 입모수는 파종량이 증가할수록 많았으며, 입모율은 41-42% 정도였다. 경수도 파종량이 증가할수록 많았고, 초장은 파종량이 많을수록 증가하였으나 $50kg\;ha^{-1}$에서는 감소하였다. 파종량이 많았던 $50kg\;ha^{-1}$에서 도복지수가 3이었다. 건물중은 파종량 $40kg\;ha^{-1}$에서 가장 높았고, TDN 생산량은 파종량이 적을수록 높았다. 수량반응 곡선상 $36kg\;ha^{-1}$에서 최대수량 건물수량이 추정되었다. 변화 상태의 회귀식은 $Y=0.0098X^2+0.7030X+2.6267$으로 표시되었다. 출수기는 파종량이 많을수록 늦어지는 경향이었다. 사료용 피 직파 재배시 질소질 비료 $150-250kg\;ha^{-1}$ 시비에서 건초 수량의 차이는 없었으나, 무시용 대비 건초 수량은 200 및 $250kg\;ha^{-1}$ 시비에서 16.6톤 $ha^{-1}$ 및 16.9톤 $ha^{-1}$로 43% 및 45% 정도 높았다. 조단백질 수량(CP)은 건물수량과 비슷한 경향으로 무질소구에서 0.28톤 $ha^{-1}$이었던 것이 질소 $250kg\;ha^{-1}$ 시비구에서 0.54톤 $ha^{-1}$ 이었다. The Experiments were conducted by moderate season culture of each of early, medium and late maturing varieties which were considered to be of strong salt tolerance in low and high salty reclaimed areas (0.2% at the May). This study was carried out to investigate the proper nitrogen fertilizer level and seeding rates at reclaimed saline land in Korea. The proper seeding rates were $40kg\;ha^{-1}$ in 0.2% saline land. The dry matter production of barnyard millet was possibly estimated by exponential functions of $Y=0.0098X^2+0.7030X+2.6267$. Effects of nitrogen rate on agronomic characteristics, forage yield, and chemical composition of barnyard millet to reclaimed tidal land are summarized as follows: The proper nitrogen fertilizer level was $200kg\;ha^{-1}$ in 0.2% saline land. N was absorbed actively before the emergence of the barnyard millet but showed relative decrease thereafter. The early growth of the barnyard millet was inhibited, resulting in the favorable late growth, increased panicle weight and ratio of matured grain. These results suggest that barnyard millet is the most forage crops for cultivation on reclaimed tideland in view of the good emergence and forage production.

      • KCI등재

        담수 처리에 따른 잡초성벼의 출현 변화

        황운하,정재혁,이현석,박태선,양서영,최인배,최경진,Hwang, Woon-Ha,Jeong, Jae-Hyeok,Lee, Hyeon-Seok,Park, Tae-Sun,Yang, Seo-Young,Choi, In-Bae,Choi, Kyung-Jin 한국잡초학회한국잔디학회 2018 Weed & Turfgrass Science Vol.7 No.3

        국내에서 수집되어 농업유전자원센터에 기탁된 잡초성벼 유전자원 중 100점을 이용하여 토양 매몰 깊이, 담수 처리 깊이 및 기간, 생육 온도에 따른 출현율을 분석하고 출현하지 못하고 토양 속에 존재하는 종자를 회수하여 종자 상태를 분석하였다. 토양 매몰 깊이가 1 cm로 얕을 시 담수 깊이 5 cm 및 10 cm 처리에서 출현율이 각각 54, 57% 감소하였으며, 토양 매몰 깊이가 5 cm 깊어지면서 담수 처리에 따른 출현율 감소는 담수 5 cm, 10 cm에서 66, 84%로 크게 증가하였다. 잡초성벼 유전자원 별 담수 처리에 따른 출현율 변화를 분석한 결과, 토양매몰깊이 1 cm 및 담수 깊이 5 cm에서는 대부분의 유전자원이 60% 이하의 출현율을 보였으며, 토양매몰깊이 5 cm 및 담수 깊이 5 cm에서는 출현율은 크게 감소하여 94%의 유전자원이 10%이하의 출현율을 나타내었다. 출현이 완료된 뒤 출현하지 않고 토양 속에 남아있는 종자를 회수하여 종자 상태를 분석한 결과, 토양 매몰 깊이가 5 cm 일 시, 담수 처리에 의해 발아는 하였지만 출현하지 못하는 비율이 증가한 반면 죽거나 소멸된 종자의 비율은 감소하였다. 생육 온도를 달리하여 담수 처리 기간 동안의 유효 적산 온도에 따른 종자의 변화를 분석한 결과, 출현율은 유효 적산 온도와 유의한 상관관계를 보이지 않았으나 종자 사멸율 및 발아/미출현율은 유효 적산온도에 따라 증가, 감소하는 경향이었다. 담수 처리에 따른 출현율 변화는 담수 처리 온도 보다는 담수 처리 기간에 따른 차이가 컸으며 담수 처리 기간이 21일 이상일 시 출현율이 크게 감소하였다. We investigated changes of weedy rice emergence and seed condition under different flooding depth condition using 100 accessions of weedy rice germplasm collected in South Korea. In 1 cm of soil buried depth condition, 54 and 57% of emergence was reduced under 5 and 10 cm of flooding depth conditions respectively compared to non-flooding condition. In 5 cm of soil buried depth condition, 66 and 84% of emergence was reduced under 5 and 10 cm of flooding depth conditions respectively compared to non-flooding condition. The 94% of weedy rice germplasm showed less than 10% of emergence rate at 10 cm of flooding depth condition. In flooding condition, seed number, which germinated but did not emerged, was increased. As a result of analyzing the correlation between effective accumulated temperature and seed condition, dead seed rate increased and germination rate decreased depending on effective accumulated temperature. However, emergence rate did not show significant correlation with growth temperature condition under flooding condition such as 5 or 10 cm of water depth, it decreased according to flooding period. In order to reduce the emergence rate of weedy rice, longer than 21 days of flooding might be needed.

      • KCI등재

        셀레늄함유 청보리 급여가 거세비육돈의 생산성, 혈액 및 도체특성, 조직 내 셀레늄 축적에 미치는 영향

        황보순,조익환,김국원,최창원,이성훈,한옥규,박태일,최인배,HwangBo, Soon,Jo, Ik Hwan,Kim, Guk Won,Choi, Chang Weon,Lee, Sung Hoon,Han, Ouk Kyu,Park, Tae Il,Choi, In Bae 한국축산식품학회 2012 한국축산식품학회지 Vol.32 No.6

        본 연구는 증가하는 수준의 셀레늄함유 청보리 사료를 비육돈에 급여 시 비육돈의 생산성, 혈액성상, 도체형질 및 조직 내 셀레늄함량에 미치는 영향을 조사하였다. 시험은 거세비육돈 40두를 공시하였고, 처리구는 셀레늄 수준에 따라 4처리구(0.1 ppm(대조구), 0.2 ppm, 0.4 ppm, 0.6 ppm)로 나누어 처리구당 5 pen씩, pen당 2두씩 배치하여, 6주간 사양시험을 실시하였다. 각 시험사료는 셀레늄 함유 및 셀레늄무시비 관행 청보리를 조합하여 배합비의 5%를 배합하였고, 조단백질 및 가소화에너지 함량은 처리구 간 유사하도록 배합하였다. 실험사료 내에 셀레늄함유 청보리의 수준증가는 사료섭취량과 증체에 영향을 미치지 않았고, 혈중 총지질 농도는 셀레늄 수준이 증가할수록 유의하게 낮아졌으며(p<0.05), 혈중 총콜레스테롤은 대조구가 0.4와 0.6 ppm 셀레늄 시험구보다 유의하게 높았다(p<0.05). 혈중 중성지방농도는 사료내 셀레늄수준이 증가함에 따라 유의하게 낮아졌고(p<0.05). 혈중 면역글로블린 G와 셀레늄 농도는 사료 내 셀레늄수준이 증가함에 따라 유의적으로 증가하였다(p<0.05). 도체율, 등지방 두께, 육량 및 육질등급은 셀레늄급여로 인한 효과가 나타나지 않았다. 신장, 간장 및 등심 내 셀레늄함량은 사료 내 셀레늄함유 청보리 급여수준이 증가함에 따라 유의하게 직선적으로 증가하였다. 이상의 결과에서 셀레늄함유 청보리급여는 비육돈의 지질대사관련 혈액성상을 개선시켰고, 셀레늄강화 돈육의 생산이 가능하였다. 본 연구에서 조직 내 셀레늄수준을 강화시키기 위한 사료내 적정셀레늄수준은 0.4 ppm인 것으로 나타났고, 생산된 돈육 등심 100 g이 소비자에게 제공되었을 때, 세계보건기구(WHO, 1996)에서 제안한 성인기준 1일 최소셀레늄권장량(40 ${\mu}g$)이 충족되는 것으로 나타났다. The present study has been conducted to investigate the effects of feeding seleniferous whole crop barley (WCB) to finishing pigs on their growth performance, blood and carcass characteristics as well as on tissue selenium deposition. A total of 40 cross-bred barrows ((Landrace${\times}$Yorkshire)${\times}$Duroc) were allotted to five replicates of four treatments. Each replicate was arranged to 2 pigs per pen; the experimental period lasted for 6 weeks. The finishing pigs were fed diets containing 0.1 (non-seleniferous WCB as a control), 0.2, 0.4 and 0.6 ppm of selenium (Se) by supplementing the diets with seleniferous WCB. The isonitrogenous and isocaloric diets containing 5% non-seleniferous or seleniferous WCB were formulated. Feeding seleniferous WCB did not affect (p<0.05) the feed intake and BW gain. Total blood lipid concentration was significantly (p<0.05) decreased with increasing Se levels. Total blood cholesterol concentration for the control was significantly (p<0.05) higher than that for 0.4 and 0.6 ppm of Se treatments. Increasing the Se levels in WCB significantly (p<0.05) decreased blood triglyceride concentration; however, the levels increased immunoglobulin G and selenium concentrations. Feeding seleniferous WCB did not affect the carcass rate, backfat thickness and meat quality as well as yield grades. The Se concentration in the kidney, liver and loin were significantly (p<0.05) increased with increasing levels of seleniferous WCB. The results indicated that feeding seleniferous WCB may improve the blood characteristics related to lipid metabolism and thus, could produce selenium-fortified pork. Moreover, it is shown that the dietary optimal selenium level to depose selenium in porcine tissues by utilizing seleniferous WCB would be 0.4 mg of Se/kg of ration. Moreover, when 100 g of pork produced from pigs raised under such condition is served to consumers, it meets the minimum recommended daily requirements (40 ${\mu}g$) of dietary selenium proposed by the World Health Organization (1996).

      • KCI등재

        벼 이앙기별 인산에 의한 논조류 발생과 제초제에 의한 방제 특성

        황재복 ( Jae-bok Hwang ),배희수 ( Hee-soo Bae ),박태선 ( Tae-seon Park ),박홍규 ( Hong-kyu Park ),최인배 ( In-bae Choi ),구본일 ( Bon-il Ku ) 한국국제농업개발학회 2018 韓國國際農業開發學會誌 Vol.30 No.2

        The objective of this study was to determine the occurrence of floating algae by phosphoric acid according to transplanting time and the effect of chemical control in paddy fields. Phosphoric acid was treated with conventional treatments (100-0%, before transplanting time - tillering stage), 50-50%, 0-100%, and un-treated and the herbicide was treated on the 7 day after transplanting. Total number of green algae was 61 species. The chlorophyll a concentration was in the range of 6.3~75.8 mg m<sup>-3</sup> during the initial cultivation period after the rice transplanting. According to the cropping system, chlorophyll a concentration decreased as the transplanting was delayed. Quinoclamine was more effective to decrease algae than other herbicides.

      • KCI등재

        고온조건에서 등숙이 양호하고 도열병에 강한 조생 고품질 벼 ‘중모1024’ 육성

        정지웅(Ji-Ung Jeung),강경호(Young-Seop Shin),최임수(Im-Soo Choi),장재기(Jae-Ki Chang),김명기(Myeong-Ki Kim),이점호(Jeom-Ho Lee),박향미(Hyang-Mi Park),양창인(Chang-Ihn Yang),전용희(Yong-Hee Jeon),서정필(Jung-Pil Suh),최인배(In-Bae Cho 한국육종학회 2016 한국육종학회지 Vol.48 No.1

        ‘Jungmo1024’ is a blast resistant early maturing rice cultivar with high temperature tolerance during grain filling stage. ‘Jungmo1024’ was derived from a sodium azide treatment on ‘Suweon472’, a high yielding japonica elite line which was latterly registered as ‘Namil’. Comparison with the agronomical traits of ‘Namil’, ‘Jungmo1024’ was uniquely characterized as the induced gained function due to the reduced culm length, increased tiller number, strong blast resistance and especially high temperature tolerance during grain filling stage. The high temperature tolerance of ‘Jungmo1024’ was supported by two years experiments by comparing the head rice ratio produced in ordinary paddy field and green house condition. The heading date of ‘Jungmo1024’ was July 29 in central plain area, which was 9 days earlier than that of ‘Hwaseong’. The milled rice yield performance of ‘Jungmo1024’ was about 4.98 MT/ha in local adaptability test for three years. ‘Jungmo1024’ had 69 cm in culm length, which was 15 cm shorter than that of ‘Hwaseong’, 20 cm in panicle length, 16 in tiller number, and 22.3g in 1,000 grain-weight of brown rice. ‘Jungmo1024’ exhibited strong rice blast resistance, but do not have any clear resistance gene sources against bacterial blight, viral diseases and insect fests. ‘Jungmo1024’, nevertheless, would be a useful rice cultivar could be used as a donor line for the breeding programs for developing southern plane adaptable early maturing rice cultivars with enhanced rice blast resistance, lodging tolerance, and especially high temperature tolerance during grain filling stage.

      • KCI등재

        셀레늄함유 청보리 급여가 육성돈의 생산성 및 혈액성상에 미치는 영향

        이성훈(Sung Hoon Lee),조익환(Ik Hwan Jo),김국원(Guk Won Kim),황보순(Soon Hwangbo),한옥규(Ouk Kyu Han),송태화(Tae Hwa Song),박태일(Tae Il Park),최인배(In Bae Choi) 한국초지조사료학회 2012 한국초지조사료학회지 Vol.32 No.1

        본 연구는 다양한 배합수준의 셀레늄 함유청보리 사료를 육성돈에 급여 시 육성돈의 성장특성 및 혈액성상에 미치는 영향을 조사하였다. 시험은 육성돈 20두를 공시하였고, 처리구는 셀레늄수준에 따라 4처리구(0.1 ppm (대조구), 0.2 ppm, 0.4 ppm, 0.6 ppm)로 나누어 처리구당 5두씩 배치하여, 6주간 사양시험을 실시하였다. 각 시험사료는 셀레늄 함유 및 일반 청보리를 조합하여 배합비의 5%를 첨가하였고, 조단백질 및 대사에너지 함량은 각 18% 및 3,500 kcal/kg을 함유하도록 배합하였다. 실험 사료 내에 셀레늄의 함유 수준을 증가하였을 때 사료섭취량과 증체에 영향을 미치지 않았고, 혈중 총단백질 농도는 0.2 ppm 급여구가 대조구보다 유의하게 높았다(p<0.05). 사양연구 14일에 혈중 알부민농도는 셀레늄 함유청보리 급여구가 대조구보다 유의하게 높았다(p<0.05). 혈중 포도당 농도는 대조구가 셀레늄함유 청보리 급여구보다 높은 경향이었다. 혈중 총지질 농도는 사료 내 셀레늄 함량이 증가함에 따라 유의하게 낮았다(p<0.05). SGOT 및 SGPT는 대조구와 셀레늄 함유 청보리 급여구간에 차이가 없었다. 혈중 총콜레스테롤과 중성지방은 셀레늄 청보리 급여로 낮아지는 경향이었다. 혈중 셀레늄 농도는 셀레늄 함유 청보리 급여수준이 증가함에 따라 유의하게 증가하였다(p<0.05). 이상의 결과에서 청보리 내 존재하는 셀레늄은 육성돈의 혈액성상을 개선시키고, 셀레늄 함유 청보리의 급여로 증가된 혈중셀레늄 농도는 돼지 장관 내 청보리 내 셀레늄 이용효율이 우수할 뿐만 아니라 조직 내 셀레늄 전이 가능성을 시사한다. This study was conducted to investigate effects of different levels of seleniferous whole crop barley (WCB) supplementation on performance, and blood characteristics as physiological responses in growing pigs. A total of 20 cross-bred pigs ((Landrace * Yorkshire) * Duroc) were divided into 4 treatments of 5 pigs each and experimental period lasted for 6 weeks. They were fed diets containing 0.1 (non-seleniferous WCB as controls), 0.2, 0.4, and 0.6 ㎎/㎏ levels of selenium (Se) by supplementing seleniferous WCB, and non-seleniferous or seleniferous WCB was formulated to 5% level in total ration. The diets were isonitrogenous (18% crude protein) and isocaloric (3,500 kcal/kg digestible energy) across treatments. Increasing levels of seleniferous WCB supplements did not affect feed intake and BW gain, and blood total protein concentration was (p<0.05) significantly higher for 0.2 ㎎/㎏ Se treatments than for controls. On d 14, blood albumin concentration was higher (p<0.05) for seleniferous WCB supplemented groups than for control group. Contrarily, blood glucose concentration was tended to be higher for controls than for seleniferous WCB groups. Blood total lipid concentration was significantly (p<0.05) lowered with increasing levels of seleniferous WCB. Serum glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase and glutamic-pyruvic transaminase did not have any difference among treatments. It was tended that blood total cholesterol and triglyceride were lowered with increasing levels of seleniferous WCB. Blood Se concentration was significantly (p<0.05) increased with increasing levels of seleniferous WCB. The results indicate that Se present in seleniferous WCB had favorable effects on blood characteristics and blood Se increased by supplementing seleniferous WCB implies not only a good intestinal absorption of Se present in WCB but also the possibility of Se transfer into tissues.

      • KCI등재

        셀레늄함유 청보리 사일리지급여가 육성기 거세한우의 생산성 및 혈액성상에 미치는 영향

        김국원(Guk Won Kim),조익환(Ik Hwan Jo),황보순(Soon Hwangbo),이성훈(Sung Hoon Lee),한옥규(Ouk Kyu Han),박태일(Tae Il Park),최인배(In Bae Choi) 한국초지조사료학회 2012 한국초지조사료학회지 Vol.32 No.2

        본 연구는 다양한 수준의 셀레늄함유 청보리사일리지를 육성기 거세한우에 급여 시 성장특성 및 혈액성상에 미치는 영향을 조사하였다. 시험은 육성기 거세한우 20두 (개시체중 208.8 ± 17.9 ㎏)를 공시하였고, 처리구는 셀레늄수준과 형태에 따라 4처리구 (셀레늄시비 및 비시비 청보리 사일리지이용 0.1 ㎎/㎏ 셀레늄 (대조구), 0.3 ㎎/㎏ 셀레늄 (T1), 0.9 ㎎/㎏ 셀레늄(T2) 및 무기셀레늄 0.9 ㎎/㎏ 셀레늄 (T3)로 나누어 처리구당 5두씩 배치하여, 90일간 사양시험을 실시하였다. 각 시험사료는 셀레늄함유 및 일반 청보리를 조합하여 배합비의 30%를 대체하였고, 무기셀레늄구 (T3)는 대조구사료에 0.9 ㎎/㎏의 셀레늄수준에 상응하는 양의 sodium selenite를 첨가하였다. 사료내 조단백질 및 에너지함량은 처리구간 동일하였다. 사료 내 셀레늄의 수준 및 급여형태에 따라 사료섭취량과증체에는 영향을 미치지 않았고, 혈중 포도당 농도는 대조구가 T1과 T2구 보다 유의하게 낮았다 (p<0.05). 혈중 총지질농도는 셀레늄수준이 증가할수록 유의하게 낮아져, T2구와 T3구가 대조구 보다 유의하게 낮았다 (p<0.05). LDL-콜레스테롤은 셀레늄급여구가 대조구보다 유의하게 낮았다 (p<0.05). 혈중 중성지방 또한 T2구가 대조구보다 유의하게 낮았다 (p<0.05). 혈중 면역글로불린농도는 셀레늄의 급여로 전반적으로 상승하는 경향을 보였고, 사료 내 같은 셀레늄수준에서 T3구보다는 T2구가 높은 양상을 나타내었다. 혈중 셀레늄농도는 셀레늄함유 청보리 급여수준이 높아짐에 따라 유의하게 증가였으나 (p<0.05), T3구는 대조구와 유의한 차이가 나타나지 않았다. 이상의 결과에서 육성한우에 대한 셀레늄함유 청보리급여는 육성우의당 및 지질대사에 관여하는 것으로 나타났고, 특히 혈중 총지질 및 LDL-콜레스테롤의 농도를 감소시켰다. 또한 무기셀레늄보다는 청보리내 존재하는 셀레늄이 장관내에서 더 잘 흡수되는 것으로 나타났고, 이는 육성기 및 어린성장단계에 있는 거세한우의 면역력을 향상시키는데 도움이 될 수 있을 것으로 판단된다. This study was conducted to investigate effects of feeding seleniferous whole crop barley silage (WCBS) on growth performance and blood characteristics in growing Hanwoo steers. A total of 20 growing Hanwoo steers, initially weighing on average 208.8 kg of body weight, were used and treatments were consisted of 1) controls : 0.1 ㎎/㎏ Se, 2) T1 : 0.3 ㎎/㎏ Se, 3) T2 : 0.9 ㎎/㎏ Se by combining seleniferous and/or non-seleniferous WCBS, and 4) T3 : 0.9 ㎎/㎏ Se of inorganic Se treatment. Five steers were allocated to each treatment, and the trial was lasted for 90 days. All experimental diets were included to 30% of combination of seleniferous and/or non-seleniferous WCBS, and in T3 diet, sodium selenite that corresponds to 0.9 ㎎/㎏ Se was added to control diets. Also, the diets were isonitrogenous and isocaloric among treatments. Dietary level and type of selenium did not affect feed intakes and daily gain, and blood glucose concentration was significantly (p<0.05) lower for controls than T1 and T2 treatments. Blood total lipid concentration was significantly (p<0.05) decreased with increasing levels of dietary selenium, and also that of T2 and T3 was significantly (p<0.05) lower than controls. LDL-cholesterol concentration was significantly (p<0.05) lower for treatments including dietary selenium than controls, and also blood triglyceride concentration was significantly (p<0.05) lower for T2 than controls. Overall, it was tended that feeding seleniferous WCBS or inorganic Se increased blood IgG concentration, and in the same dietary selenium levels, T2 treatment was higher for IgG than T3 group (p>0.05). Blood selenium concentration was significantly (p<0.05) increased by feeding increasing levels of seleniferous WCBS, but there was no significant difference between controls and T3 group. These results showed that feeding seleniferous WCBS to growing Hanwoo steers was responsible for saccharide and lipid metabolism, and in particular, it reduced their total lipid and blood LDL-cholesterol concentrations. Furthermore, selenium present in seleniferous WCBS rather than inorganic selenium was better available in intestinal absorption, and it might help to enhance immunity in growing and younger stages of Hanwoo steers.

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