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        관개용수내 염분농도가 벼 생육 및 수량에 미치는 영향

        최선화 ( Sun Hwa Choi ),김호일 ( Ho Il Kim ),안열 ( Yeul Ahn ),장정렬 ( Jeon Ryeol Jang ),오종민 ( Jong Min Oh ) 한국하천호수학회 2004 생태와 환경 Vol.37 No.2

        This study was conducted to investigate the effects of salinity in irrigation water on the growth, yield components, yield and grain quality of rice plant by the pot experiments. Irrigation waters were supplied with control and amended with NaCl at 1,000, 2,000, 3,000, 5,000, and 7,000 ㎲ ㎝^(-1) electrical conductivity. A randomized block design was used with four replicates for each treatment and control. As increasing salt concentration, plant height, tiller number, SPAD value, dry weight, content of N, P, and K, ripened grain ratio (%), 1,000 grain weight, and protein con-tent (%) tended to decrease, especially, significant at 3,000 ㎲ ㎝^(-1) of salt level. Grain yield decreased significantly at all treatments. The percentage of head rice slightly tended to increase as the salt concentration due to the decrease of green kernel. The percentage of green kernel was significantly lower at 3,000 ㎲ ㎝^(-1) of salt level than the control.

      • KCI우수등재

        바이마르 공화국 실업문제와 사회정책 -여성 청소년을 중심으로-

        최선아 ( Sun Ah Choi ) 한국서양사학회 2010 西洋史論 Vol.0 No.105

        As the political system of Germany shifted from an empire to Weimar Republic, German society pushed ahead with a policy to incorporate contemporary youth into the national system. The Weimar government determined to supervise and control adolescents as one of major social policies, and tried to embrace them in the order of the Republic. The importance of the youth generation was already stressed in that society before World War 1, and that generation was viewed as ones in whom the government should intervene. So the government tried to get teen laborers in control from an educational perspective. The coverage of the social policies was extended to adolescent girls, which contributed to the equity of legislation. Women acquired the franchise along with the establishment of Weimar Republic, and the government started to discuss problems with teen girls as a national policy. In fact, however, the equity of legislation wasn`t actually concomitant with a practical change in social perception or the equity of social rights. Contemporary social policies merely centered around teen boys, and adolescent girls were disregarded and discriminated. Job training programs catered to boys only and dealt with jobs suitable for them. Girls didn`t need to receive compulsory education during a fixed period of time, and no unemployment benefits are provided to them, either. The reason seemed that there was no consensus about view of occupation for teen girls in not only the age of the German Empire but Weimar Republic. Vocational education that targeted adolescent girls merely focused on maternity, regarding them as prospective mothers and homemakers. Some believed women just had to stay at home if national circumstances required it, and others believed they should continue to work as wage earners in the labor market. The two parties didn`t find anycommon ground, which resulted in weakening the historical meaning of contemporary social policies for teen girls. In terms of youth policies and matters related to teen girls in Weimar Republic, the government found it difficult to carry out social policies in a way to ensure gender equity, and there was a broad gap between ideal and reality. That country just made a partial achievement by realizing the equity of legislation.

      • 외국인을 위한 안드로이드 기반 한국어 교육 애플리케이션

        최선아 ( Sun-a Choi ),이화민 ( Hwa-min Lee ) 한국정보처리학회 2011 한국정보처리학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.18 No.2

        스마트 기기 사용자가 급증하면서 애플리케이션의 수도 급격히 많아지고 있다. 다양한 종류의 교육용 애플리케이션이 많이 개발되어 졌지만 외국인을 위한 한국어 교육 애플리케이션의 수는 매우 적다. 이에 본 논문은 외국인 사용자가 한국어를 학습할 수 있는 애플리케이션을 설계·구현하였다. 한국어 어휘능력이 부족한 외국인을 주 대상으로 단어와 예문 및 시각적인 요소인 이미지와 청각적인 요소인 듣기를 결합하여 학습 효과를 극대화시킴으로써 효과적인 어휘능력의 향상을 목표로 구현하였다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        강화 전등사 木造地藏菩薩坐像과 조각승 守衍

        최선일(Choi, Sun-il) 인천대학교 인천학연구원 2013 인천학연구 Vol.18 No.-

        본 논문은 강화군 전등사 명부전에 봉안된 목조지장보살좌상을 제작한 수연(守衍)비구에 관한 연구이다. 이 보살상은 2010년 10월에 사찰의 의뢰 를 받아 명부전 내 봉안된 지장보살삼존상과 시왕상의 복장 조사를 계기 를 통하여 조성발원문을 비롯한 복장물이 조사되었다. 조성발원문에는 제 작시기와 조각승 등이 적혀 있어 조선후기 불교조각사 연구에 매우 중요 한 위치를 차지한다. 발원문에 의하면 목조지장보살좌상과 시왕상은 1636년 수연(守衍)과 탄 오(坦悟)가 증명(證明)을 맡고, 수연과 영철 등이 제작하였다. 이 목조지장 보살좌상을 제작한 수연은 1619년에 서천 봉서사 불상을 수화승으로 제작 하면서 증명의 소임을 맡았다. 따라서 1610년대 후반에 수연은 상당한 지 위와 학식을 겸비한 스님으로 보인다. 그는 1623년에 강화 전등사 대웅보 전 목조삼세불좌상을, 1625년에 나주 쌍계사 목조삼존불좌상과 소조나한상 (나주 다보사 봉안)을, 1634년에 옥구 보천사 목조지장보살삼존상과 시왕 상(익산 숭림사 명부전 봉안)을, 1636년에 전등사 명부전 목조지장보살삼 존상과 시왕상을, 1639년에 남원 풍국사 목조삼세불좌상(예산 수덕사 대웅 전 봉안)을 조성하여 이제까지 밝혀진 활동 시기가 1615년부터 1639년까 지이다. 목조지장보살좌상은 높이 107센티미터 되는 중형보살상으로, 민머리의 성문비구형(聲聞比丘形)이다. 지장보살은 상체를 앞으로 약간 내밀고, 불신(佛身)과 따로 제작된 양 손은 엄지와 중지를 맞댄 수인을 취하고 있다. 이러한 수인은 조선후기 제작된 석가불(釋迦佛)을 제외한 대부분의 여래와 보살 등이 공통적으로 취하고 있다. 보살은 각이 진 얼굴에 가늘게 뜬 눈, 원통형의 코, 미소를 머금은 입 을 가지고 있다. 착의법은 두꺼운 대의 안쪽에 편삼(扁衫)을 입고, 대의자 락의 한 가닥을 들어 올린 손목 뒤에 비스듬히 걸치고, 팔꿈치와 배를 지 나 왼쪽 어깨로 넘어가며, 왼쪽 어깨에 앞에서 넘어온 대의 자락이 길게 늘어져 있다. 하반신을 덮은 옷자락이 완만하게 흘러 내려 표현된 것은 17세기 전반부터 나타나는 대의처리이다. 대의 안쪽에 가슴을 가린 승각 기(僧脚崎)는 수평으로 묶어 상단에 연판형의 주름이 접혀있다. 전등사 목 조지장보살좌상는 1634년에 제작된 익산 숭림사 목조지장보살좌상과 인상 이나 착의법이 거의 유사하다. 이번 연구를 통하여 조각승 수연과 그 계보는 태전( 1600경 1615 ) →수연( 1615 1639 )→성옥( 1619 1625 ), 운혜( 1649 1680 ), 경림( 1665 1680 ) 등으로 이어진다. 또한 수연과 그 계보에 속하는 조각승이 불상을 만든 지역은 강화 전등사, 배천 강서사, 서천 봉서사, 김 제 금산사, 옥구 보천사, 남원 풍국사, 나주 쌍계사, 해남 서동사, 장성 백 양사 약사암, 곡성 도림사, 화순 쌍봉사, 순천 동화사, 고흥 능가사로 서 해안을 따라 이동이 가능한 곳이라 이들이 서남해안을 중심으로 거주하였 음을 알 수 있다. 수연과 그 계보 조각승이 제작한 불상 양식을 바탕으로 전국 사찰 전각 에 봉안된 무기년명(無紀年銘) 불상 가운데 전남 강진 백련사과 해남 미 황사에 봉안된 목조지장보살상은 1660년대 초반 조각승 운혜가 제작한 작 품으로 추정된다. This paper is a study for a monk sculptor, Suyeon. Recently, the votive inscrips for the Jeondeungsa Myeongbujeon Buddhist sculptures were found. This votive inscription for Myeongbujeon Buddhist sculptures provides critical information for analyzing the late 17th Joseon dynasty s Buddhist sculpture s stylistic transition. This votive inscription shows that Suyeon has two different jobs for this project in 1636. The first one is Jeungmyeong. A person, who usually takes this position, is required to understand detailed Buddhist ritual processes, so this person watched whether or not sculptors carve a properform of Buddhist sculptures. The second position is a leader of monk sculptors for Jeondeungsa Myeongbujeon sculpture. He seems to be a renaissance monk who is a seasoned theoretician as well as a competent sculptor. As a leader of monk sculptor school, Suyeon participated in various Buddhist sculptures rendering projects. In 1623, Suyeon and his disciples made three Buddhas in Jeondeungsa main hall, and in 1625, Suyeon s group took a charge for Naju Ssanggyesa Sakyamuni triad and 16 Buddha s disciples. In 1634, Suyeon and other sculptors created??wood seated ksitigarbha and the Ten King in Okgu Bocheonsa and rendered Namwon Bungguksa s wood seated Buddhas triad in 1639. Jeondeungsa wood seated ksitigarbha is mid size image, whose height is 107cm. Its upper body is slightly bended, andtwo hands are separately carved. The hand position for this sculpture is that its two thumbs and middle fingers are attached. This hand form is the most common in the late Joseon dynasty s Buddhist sculptures. This ksitigarbha have a squared face, slightly open eyes, cylinder shape nose, and compressed mouth. The garment drapery patterns for this sculpture are displayed by several lines. For this paper, I can present Suyeon monk sculpture school s pedigree: Taejeon(actively engaged in 1600-1615), Suyeon(-1615-1639-), Seongok(-1619-1625-), Unhye(-1649-1680-), Gyeongim(-1665-1680-). In addition, most of temples, enshrining Suyeon School s Buddhist sculpture, are located in coast line of west see. As a result, Suyeon School seemsto cultivate this area for their sculpture projects. Base on stylistic features of Suyeon s School, we can assume other Suyeon School s works in different region. Two of examples are in Ganjin Baeglyeonsa, and Haenam Mihwangsa s ksitigarbha. Both of wood Ksitigarbha artists seem to be Unhye.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        동과 추출물(HR1901-W)의 지표성분 2-Furoic acid 분석법 개발 및 검증

        최선일 ( Sun-il Choi ),한웅호 ( Xionggao Han ),문효 ( Xiao Men ),이세정 ( Se-jeong Lee ),박미혜 ( Mi-hye Park ),이옥환 ( Ok-hwan Lee ),양정모 ( Jung-mo Yang ),최예은 ( Ye-eun Choi ),조주현 ( Ju-hyun Cho ) 강원대학교 농업생명과학연구원 2021 강원 농업생명환경연구 Vol.33 No.3

        As interest and demand for functional foods increase, standardization becomes important to manage the quality of raw materials and products. Analytical methods for the standardization of bioactive compounds must be created in tandem with the development of functional foods. Therefore, the aim of this study was to validate an analytical method for the determination of 2-furoic acid in Benincasa hispida extract (HR1901-W). The 2-furoic acid analysis method was validated by evaluating the linearity, precision, accuracy, limit of detection (LOD), and limit of quantification (LOQ), using a high-performance liquid chromatography-photodiode array spectrum. Our results showed that the correlation coefficients of the calibration curve for 2-furoic acid was 0.9999. Furthermore, the LOD and LOQ for 2-furoic acid were 0.10 μg/mL and 0.32 μg/mL, respectively. The range of inter-day and intra-day precision values (RSDs, relative standard deviation) for 2-furoic acid were 0.13%-0.56% and 0.27%-0.33, respectively, and the inter-day and intra-day accuracy values (recovery) were 98.47%-102.74% and 98.77%- 102.72%, respectively. In addition, the content of 2-furoic acid in HR1901-W was found to be 412.39 ± 0.91 μg/dry weight in grams. These results indicate that the analytical method used in this study should be appropriate for the quantitative analysis of 2-furoic acid in HR1901-W and considered for use as basic data for the standardization of HR1901-W.

      • KCI등재

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