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        롯데 자이언츠 팀의 승률과 관중 관계 및 지역경제 파급효과 분석

        주수현(Joo Soo-Hyeon),유영명(Yoo Young-Myung) 한국지역사회학회 2010 지역사회연구 Vol.18 No.4

        This paper investigates regional economic effects of the Lotte Giant Team using a multi-regional input-output(MRIO) model. Home game of The Busan-based Lotte Giant, as Pro Baseball game, is an ambitious project to develop Busan to be an advanced international and worldwide city. The result of this analysis shows that the efficiency of the home game is proved very high. The event could generate 110,870 million won of output, 48,905 million won of added value, and 2,359 persons of employment throughout the nation. In the South-east Area, the event could generate 76,020 million won of output, 32,953 million won of added value and 1,800 persons of employment. Focusing on Busan, the event could generate 62,622 million won of output, 27,266 million won of added value and 1,566 persons of employment. Thus, sports event can make a successful contribution to the economic development of a city. We expect that this study will be a helpful case for similar studies and at the same time a reference resource for analysis concerned. Especially it will help those who consider the sports event to be non-productive and consumptive correct their prejudices. It is desirable that estimation of the sports event be expanded to Performance Analysis from the industrial production growth.

      • KCI등재

        지역 문화관광자원으로 해운대 해수욕장의 가치추정

        주수현(Joo Soo-Hyeon),이선영(Lee Sun-Young) 한국문화산업학회 2008 문화산업연구 Vol.8 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to estimate the residents' willingness to pay for the Haundae Beach, using the double-bounded dichotomous choice contingent valuation model. Haundae Beach is a kind of public good intended to serve as an economic and cultural stimulus for Busan City. If a policy intervention is justified, we need to measure or estimate the value of the perceived benefits and set them against the costs of the intervention to assess whether the policy will produce a net benefit to society. As a result of estimating the mean, the truncated mean, and median welfare measures, three WTPs are calculated as 12,863, 5,879, and 5,592 Korean won. respectively. The annual total benefits value based on the mean WTP is calculated as 76.3 billion Korean won. The results of this study can provide valuable information to policy makers to fully realize the value of public good. The purpose of this study is to estimate the residents' willingness to pay for the Haundae Beach, using the double-bounded dichotomous choice contingent valuation model. Haundae Beach is a kind of public good intended to serve as an economic and cultural stimulus for Busan City. If a policy intervention is justified, we need to measure or estimate the value of the perceived benefits and set them against the costs of the intervention to assess whether the policy will produce a net benefit to society. As a result of estimating the mean, the truncated mean, and median welfare measures, three WTPs are calculated as 12,863, 5,879, and 5,592 Korean won. respectively. The annual total benefits value based on the mean WTP is calculated as 76.3 billion Korean won. The results of this study can provide valuable information to policy makers to fully realize the value of public good.

      • KCI등재

        고령화에 따른 지역 효율성 분석

        주수현(Joo, Soo Hyeon),박형호(Park, Hyeong Ho),유영명(Yoo, Young Myung) 한국지역사회학회 2016 지역사회연구 Vol.24 No.1

        Busan is expanding the domestic market through the metropolitan city-based association and trying to create a global business in response to the global metropolitan competition. But these efforts are more likely to be half the effects in the long run without fundamental measures for the aging population which could be the largest constraints of urban development. Busan is urgent to establish measures for this aging population because of the highest aging rate of seven major cities across the country. However, except for the welfare area, the aging-related research were not nearly done from an economic point of view and at least that was mostly a research study on the development of the most elderly-friendly industries. The study aims to derive strategy for Busan as the most significant aging city to mitigating the impact of an aging population. In order to achieve such research, efficiency value representing the city competitive is derived and mutually compared. And the cause and effect relationship between the efficiency and aging-related variable will be analyzed. The analysis show that the rate of aging and elderly dependents rate, was found to inhibit the efficiency as expected. But contrary to expectations, social welfare spending appeared to have a positive effect on efficiency. Rather, income redistribution, such as policies to address the polarization can be seen as a choice that could impact positively on the efficiency increase in the purchasing power level.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        부산지역 섬유,패션기업의 공간근접성에 따른 효율성 분석

        주수현 ( Soo Hyeon Joo ),이선영 ( Sun Young Lee ),김영재 ( Young Jae Kim ) 국제지역학회 2008 국제지역연구 Vol.12 No.3

        This paper investigates the properties and relative importance of Apparel Textile industry of Busan in terms of both the number of employees and the value-added, and then analyzes the relative technical efficiencies from the perspectives of space closeness such as consumption market, suppliers, living standards and clustering environments using the DEA model. The main outcomes are as follows. The Apparel Textile industry is still a key industry in Busan with relatively high intensity and high LQ (greater than one) in spite of the recent decrease between 2000 and 2005 both in the number of employees and the value-added. Those firms with consumption market showed higher efficiency in all kinds of efficiencies than the firms without the market, and further relatively higher efficiency than the firms with suppliers. In addition, the firms located in the higher living standards also showed higher values of efficiency compared with the firms in lower living standards. The policy implication from the results is that the strategic and selective investment should be made according to the relative efficiency and thus the traditional industry should be transformed to the high value added one with additional investment to utilize the scale efficiency.

      • KCI등재

        지방정부 메가이벤트 개최가 문화산업에 미치는 효과분석 : 부산 APEC을 중심으로

        주수현(Joo Soo-Hyeon),유영명(Yoo Yung-Myung),김형빈(Kim Hyung-Bin) 한국지방정부학회 2005 지방정부연구 Vol.9 No.3

        본 연구는 지방자치단체에서 개최되는 대규모 이벤트가 지역문화산업에 미치는 경제파급효과를 분석하였다. 부산 APEC이 가져다주는 문화산업중심의 지역발전효과와 부산경제에 이바지할 수 있는 구체적인 전략들을 살펴보고자 한다. 먼저 2005 APEC 정상회의의 개최의미와 문화적 기대효과를 제시한 후, APEC의 최종수요 지출현황을 조사한후 이를 바탕으로 APEC이 지역 문화산업에 직간접으로 미치는 경제적 파급효과를 생산, 소득, 고용, 부가가치 및 전후방산업연관 측면에서 측정함으로써 문화산업의 경제적 잠재력을 분석하고, 문화산업 관련 투자 및 육성의 근거 및 정책과제를 제시하였다. 기존의 메가이벤트 사업 및 이와 연계된 지역사업에 대한 파급효과 분석실태와 문제점 검토를 통하여 지역파급효과 분석방안을 개선하는 차원에서 구해진 부산지역 산업연관분석모델을 보다 객관적인 분석절차를 통해 APEC에 적용분석 하였다. This study aims to help establish strategies to host mega events in Busan by continuously analysing outcome of APEC in cultural industry projects. It also seeks its objects of maximizing and, further, keeping up APEC impact on host-city by developing APEC in cultural industry projects in many sides. In analyzing the impact on regional economy, the research presents post-APEC development plans to maximize the regional economy. Busan is now more than ready to host the APEC 2005 expecting opportunity to show the name of Busan to the worldin terms of rich culture, tourism and economics as well as diverse aspects of the city. During the APEC 2005 meetings and related events, Busan will receive very large flows of visitors, including APEC leaders and all other delegates, reaching 15,000 people. When the economic effect of the APEC 2005 is compared with that of other special grand events (e.g. the 14th Asian Games, 2002 FIFA World Cup), it exceeds the effect of those at the production multiplier effect, the value added multiplier effect and the employment effect. The purpose of this article is to investigate the Regional Linkage Effects of APEC 2005 in BUSAN using regional input-output model.

      • KCI등재

        영문 : 단일양분형 가상가치평가법을 이용한 을숙도 가치추정

        주수현 ( Soo Hyeon Joo ),이선영 ( Sun Young Lee ),김영표 ( Young Pyo Kim ) 국제지역학회 2010 국제지역연구 Vol.14 No.2

        본 연구의 목적은 비시장재확인 철새도래지 을숙도의 가치를 추정하는 것이다. 을숙도는 전 세계적인 생태관광 명소가 되었다. 그리고 을숙도의 환경 복원 작업은 막대한 비용이 소요되고 있다. 일반적으로 정책 판단에 의한 비용 투입은 편익이 사회적 비용을 초과할 때 정당할 수 있다. 을숙도는 문화관광과 같은 외부효과가 있으나, 이를 시장가치로 추정하는 것은 매우 어렵다. 본 연구에서는 단일양분형 가상가치평가법(Contingent Valuation Methods)을 이용하여 을숙도의 가치를 추정하고자 한다. 분석결과에 의하면, log-narmal 모형의 평균 지불의사액(Willing ness to Pay: WTP)과 절단된 평균 WTP는 각각 5,240원, 3,374원이며, log-logistic 모형의 평균지불의사액과 절단된 평균 WTP에 각각 5,888원, 3,232원으로 추정 되었다. log-narmal 모형의 절단된 평균 WTP에 기초한 연간 총편익 가치는 3,870백만원이며, Log-logistic 모형의 경우는 4,040백만원이다. 본 연구의 결과는 공공재 가치의 중요성을 인식하는 정책 입안자 및 개발자에게 유용한 가이드를 제공 할 것이다. The purpose of the study is to estimate value of the Eulsukdo that is attracting lots of birds. Eulsukdo became one of the most famous eco-tourism destinations worldwi de and environmental restoration work is progressing with enormous budget. The in put of the budget by policy judgement basically can be justified when the benefit ex cesses the cost in social aspect. Eulsukdo has external effect as cultural tourism res ource but it is difficult to estimate the value in market. The study is to estimate the value of Eulsukdo through the single-bounded dichotomous CVM(Contingent Valuati on Methods). According to analysis results, the mean WTP(Willingness to Pay) and the truncated mean WTP are estimated at 5,240 and 3,374 won in the log-normal model, and 5,888 and 3,232 won in the log-Logistic model respectively. The annual total benefits value based on the truncated mean WTP is estimated at 3,870 million won in the log-normal model and 4,040 million won in log-logistic model. The result of this study will provide useful guide to policy makers and developers who fully realize the value of public goods.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        포스트 APEC의 지역경제 파급효과 분석

        주수현(Soo hyeon Joo),유영명(Yoo Young-myung),김형빈(Kim Hyungbin) 21세기정치학회 2005 21세기 정치학회보 Vol.15 No.3

        This study aims to help establish strategies to host mega events in Busan by continuously analysing outcome of post-APEC projects. It also seeks its objects of maximizing and, further, keeping up APEC impact on host-city by developing post-APEC projects in many sides. In analyzing the impact on regional economy, the research presents post-APEC development plans to maximize the regional economy Busan is now more than ready to host the APEC 2005 expecting opportunity to show the name of Busan to the worldin terms of rich culture, tourism and economics as well as diverse aspects of the city. During the APEC 2005 meetings and related events, Busan will receive very large flows of visitors, including APEC leaders and all other delegates, reaching 15,000 people. When the economic effect of the APEC 2005 is compared with that of other special grand events (e.g. the 14th Asian Games, 2002 FIFA World Cup), it exceeds the effect of those at the production multiplier effect, the value added multiplier effect and the employment effect. The purpose of this article is to investigate the Regional Linkage Effects of APEC 2005 in BUSAN using regional input-output model.

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