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        아동간호사의 공감정도에 관한 연구 -간호사와 입원아동 어머니를 대상으로-

        박은숙,석민현,정경숙,Park Eun Sook,Suk Min Hyun,Jung Kyung Sook 한국아동간호학회 1997 Child Health Nursing Research Vol.3 No.2

        Empathy is an essential factor for establishing therapeutic relationship. Especially for pediatric nursing, the nurses need to know how to perceive children's feeling and thought and to express her understanding about them affectively. So, empathy is considered as an important concept in pediatric nursing. This study was attempted to measure the empathic ability of pediatric nurses by pediatric nurses and mothers of hospitalized children. The subject of this study consisted of 83 pediatric nurses and 106 mothers of hospitalized children in 4 hospitals in Seoul and 1 hospital in Kyung-Gi. Data were collected from Jan. 14 to Feb. 6, 1997, by the questionnair method. The instrument for this study was the Empathic Construct Rating Scale : ECRS(60-item, 5 point scale). Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test and ANOVA. Results of this study are summarized as follows 1. Pediatric nurses perceived their empathic ability to be moderately high (Mn=3.71). The level of perceived empathic ability of the pediatric nurses showed no significance by general characteristics. 2. The mothers of hospitalized children perceived nurses' empathic ability to be moderate(Mn=3.27). The level of perceived nurses' empathic ability of the mothers of hospitalized children showed significant differences by the experience of hospitalization of the children and the age of the mothers. 3. The perceived nurses' empathic ability of the mothers was significantly low than of the pediatric nurses(t=6.50, P<.001). From the above results, it can be concluded, that the empathic ability of the pediatric nurses is not sufficient for caring children and mothers of ficiently. So, the pediatric nurses' empathic ability is needed to improve through facilitative relationship training as refreshment in-service education program.

      • KCI등재

        엽천사(葉天士)의 통보위부법(通補胃腑法)에 관(關)한 고찰(考察)

        정경숙 ( Kyung Suk Jung ),백유상 ( You Sang Baik ),장우창 ( Woo Chang Jang ),정창현 ( Chang Hyun Jeong ) 대한한의학원전학회 ( 구 대한원전의사학회 ) 2012 대한한의학원전학회지 Vol.25 No.2

        Objective: This study began with a recognition of the increase in internal disorders caused by functional impairment of the Spleen-Stomach(脾胃) due to modern dietary culture and environment. Method: Way of studying is select and analysis sentences which is include ``Stomach-Yin(胃陰)``, ``Stomach-Jin(胃津)``, ``Spleen-Stomach-Yin(脾胃陰)``, ``Stomach-Yang(胃陽)``, ``Spleen-Stomach-Yang (脾胃陽)`` in Imjeungjinamuian(臨證指南醫案), and organize relevant paper. Result & Conclusion: In the history of the Spleen-Stomach Theory(脾胃學說), the theoretical mainstream was focused on On-yang(溫養), which was supplemented with methods of sweeten-cool-moisturize(甘凉濡潤) and communication-descent(通降法) by Ye, Tianshi(葉天士). Ye, Tianshi followed the academic theory of Li, Dongyuan(李東垣), putting emphasis on Stomach-gi(胃氣), along with some unique developments of his own. He specifically argued that the Spleen and Stomach be treated separately, and while accepting the methods of Li Dong-yuan in Spleen treatment, asserted that the Stomach-Yin be treated with medicinals with sweet/plain and sweet/cool/moist(甘平與甘凉濡潤) characteristics, and Stomach-Yang be kept firmly, as to prevent obstruction and reflux, by means of medicinals that communicate the Yang softly(通陽柔劑). As a result, the Yin-Yang(陰陽), Dryness-Dampness(燥濕) and Cold-Heat(寒熱) balance of the Yin-Jang (陰臟), Spleen and the Yang-Bu(陽腑), Stomach, the Stomach-Yin and Stomach-Yang was achieved both theoretically and in treatment by means of both communication and supplementation, adding accuracy to clinical application of the Spleen-Stomach Theory.

      • 적외선(赤外線) 체열촬영(體熱撮影)을 이용한 복부구법(腹部灸法)이 복부(腹部) 및 수장(手掌)의 온도에 미치는 영향

        나효석,정아롱,정은아,공현우,정경숙,김경혜,Na, Hyo-Sock,Jung, A-Rong,Jung, Eun-A,Kong, Hyun-Woo,Jung, Kyung-Suk,Kim, Kyeong-Hye 대한한방체열의학회 2006 대한한방체열의학회지 Vol.5 No.1

        Purpose: The purpose of this study is to report the effects of Abdomial-Moxibustion on abdomen and palm temperature Methods: This study was performed on 42 patients with gastrointestinal trouble, lower abdominal symptoms or hand cold(or hot) hypersensitivity to observe difference in temperature of skin surface between before and after 5 times abdominal-moxibustion using digital infrared themographic imaging(D.I.T.I) Results: After 5 times moxibustion, temperature $difference({\Delta}t)$ on chest. abdomen and palm is reduced each other. Besides the symptoms of patient are alleviated Conclusion: This study showed that abdominal-moxibustion is reducing temperature difference on the body.

      • KCI등재

        동씨침법(董氏鍼法)을 이용한 중풍(中風) 환자의 연하장애(嚥下障碍) 치험 3례(例)

        임웅경,박수은,김창환,정경숙,옥민근,Lim, Woong-Kyoung,Park, Soo-Eun,Kim, Chang-Hwan,Jung, Kyung-Suk,Ock, Min-Keun 대한한방안이비인후피부과학회 2005 한방안이비인후피부과학회지 Vol.18 No.3

        Objective: This study was performed to evaluate the effect of Dong-Si acupuncture therapy, on the stroke patients with dysphagia. Method: We studied three selected stroke patients with dysphagia who could follow instructions. The patients were treated with Dong-Si acupuncture (Jokch'eonkeum, Jokokeum) with Dong-Qi therapy for two weeks. We evaluated the effects by AHSA scale, VAS and MBI. Results & conclusion: Dysphagia was improved in all of three cases after treatment. But more clinical & scientific trials are expected to follow this study.

      • KCI등재

        요추(腰椎) 추간판(椎間板) 탈출증(脫出症)으로 인하여 발생한 소음인(少陰人) 요각통(腰脚痛) 치험 1례

        김현호,김은이,김경선,임은철,정경숙,윤형선,Kim, Hyun-Ho,Kim, Eun-Yi,Kim, Kyung-Sun,Lim, Eun-Chul,Jung, Kyung-Suk,Yoon, Hyoung-Seon 사상체질의학회 2004 사상체질의학회지 Vol.16 No.3

        1. Objectives The purpose of this study is to give an account of the effects of Korean herbal medicine therapy which is based on the Sasang Constitutional Medicine for the patient who has suffered from low back pain caused by the Herniated Lumbar Disc. 2. Methods Consulting her sungjeong(性情), Chehyungkisang(體形氣像) and QSCCII, we have diagnosed her as Soeumin(少陰人), and have prescribed Hyangbujapalmul-tang(香附子八物湯). 3. Results After the treatment, she felt her symptoms, low back pain, headache, and general condition, improved. 4. Conclusions This paper describes the process of management and changes of symptoms. We hope this paper useful to rehabilitatable treatment for low back pain caused by the Herniated Lumbar Disc through Sasang Constitutional Medicine.

      • KCI등재

        광제정(光霽亭) 장소 전승의 함의와 의미맥락

        노재현 ( Jae Hyun Rho ),이석우 ( Suk Woo Lee ),이정한 ( Jung Han Lee ),정경숙 ( Kyung Suk Jung ),김영숙 ( Young Suk Kim ) 한국전통조경학회(구 한국정원학회) 2011 한국전통조경학회지 Vol.29 No.3

        본 연구는 전북 임실군 삼계면에 소재한 광제정의 건립 배경 및 연혁 그리고 장소 및 공간특질에 대한 분석과 해석을 통해 광제정 조영 및 이건(移建)에 담긴 상징과 장소적 함의를 추찰(推察)할 목적으로 시도되었다. 옛 광제정 터와 현 광제정에 대한 ``물리적 환경 · 인간활동 · 상징성과 의미``를 중심으로 해석할 때 다음과 같은 장소성과 장소전승의 의미가 도출되었다. 정명(亭名)의 ``광제(光霽)``란 선비로서 혼탁한 속세에 물들지 않겠다는 매당(梅堂) 양돈(楊墩)의 지조를 상징하며, 이는 매당 생존의 시대상황과 무관치 않다. 광제정의 누정제영을 통해, 은일을 실현코자 한 매당의 심정과 광풍제월의 마음으로 우뚝 선 기상이 엿보인다. 광제정중건기를 통해 볼 때 광제정에 매화를 심고 광제라는 현판을 내건 주체가 바로 매당 자신이며 매당뿐만 아니라 사후에도 광제정은 매당을 기리는 상징물로 존재해 왔는데 이는 경사지를 이용해 조성된 돈대(墩臺)와 매화 식재에서도 확인된다. 또한 광제정 입구 ``숙호(宿虎)마을``과 광제정 우측으로 돌출된 ``복호암(伏虎巖)``은 매당을 배향하는 공간이라는 장소성이 함축된 표현이며, 이곳에 새겨진 양집하의 5언시에도 매당을 추념하는 공간 아계사(阿溪祠)의 장소성이 잘 묘사되어 있다. 매당을 배향한 아계사가 고종5년(1868) 훼철되면서 그 유지(遺址)는 ``광제정 이건을 위한 터``로의 쓰임새를 보였다. 광제정 건립 이후 최소 359년간 이어져 왔던 후천리 옛 광제정 터와 그 주변은 광제정의 이건에도 불구하고 ``광제정 · 광제마을 · 광제교 · 광제천`` 등의 지명 속에 ``광제``라는 전부지명소로 남아 매당을 기리는 장소로 전승되고 있다. 광제정은 남원 양씨 종중의 ``연대의 공간``이라는 뚜렷한 구심적 장소로, 전승될 수 있었던 배후에는 선조의 덕업을 숭상하며 시대적 고민을 함께한 후손과 종중 및 교우자 간의 동료의식이 크게 작용한 것으로 풀이된다. 또한 장소 전승의 이면에는 매당의 인품과 ``광풍제월``의 기상을 기리고자 하는 추모의 정 그리고 선조의 덕업을 이어받아 지켜나가는 ``봉선(奉先)``의 정신이 깊이 작용했던 것으로 해석된다. The purpose of the study was to understand the symbol and locational meanings in building and relocating Gwangje-jeong(光霽亭) through the analysis and interpretation on the construction background, history, the location and its characteristics. Concerning physical environment, human activities, the symbol and meanings of the formal Gwangje-jeong site and the present location, the study was concluded about the site and its meaning of tradition as following. Gwangje, the name of the pavilion, represents the fidelity of Maedang(梅堂) Yangdon(楊墩) who refused as Seonbee(a man of virtue) to be tainted with the corrupt world, which was related with the situation at that time. It implies Maedang`s feeling of realizing Noojeongjeyong(櫓亭題詠) of Gwangje-jeong along with the high spirit of Gwangpoongjewol(光風霽月). According to the record about rebuilding Gwangje-jeong, Maedang was the very person who planted plum flowers at the pavilion and put up the tablet of its name, Gwangje. Even after his death, Gwangje-jeong was the symbol indicating Yangdon, given the triple high ground and the planting of plum flowers. Also, Sookho(宿虎) town at the entrance of Gwangje-jeong and Bokhoam(伏虎巖: a rock) at the right side of the pavilion signifies the location for praising Maedang Yangdon, and the Yangjipha`s Oensi(五言詩: five words verse) engraved on the rock gives a good description about the place, Agyesa that worshiped Yangdon. As Agye-Sa(阿溪祠) where Yangdon was worshiped and praised had been abolished in the 5th year under the Kojong`s reign(1868), the spirit praising Maedang had finally been used for the relocation of Gwangje-jeong. Despite the relocation of Gwangje-jeong, the old Gwangje-jeong site has remained at least for 359 years at Hucheonli, and its surroundings have maintained the name ``Gwangje`` as the front place name morpheme, for example, ``Gwangje-jeong,````Gwangje Town,`` ``Gwangje Bridge`` and ``Gwangje Creek,`` for symbolizing the praising of Maedang. Gwangje-jeong, as the center place of solidarity among Namwon Yang`s family clan, has been able to maintain its symbol and meanings in spite of relocation, mainly because of the fellowship among the descendants, family clan and alumni who respected virtuous achievements of ancestors and shared the agony of the time. In addition, the symbolism has been preserved since the spirit of Gwangpoonjewol of Yangdon and his high character were cherished along with the spirit of Bongseon(奉先) that inherited and kept virtuous achievements of ancestors.

      • 4-tert-octylphenol에 노출된 장수깔따구 Chironomus plumosus의 생태독성 반응과 기형

        방현우(Hyun Woo Bang),이창훈(Chang-Hoon Lee),정경숙(Kyung-Suk Jung),곽인실(Inn-Sil Kwak) 환경독성보건학회 2008 환경독성보건학회지 Vol.23 No.4

        The ecotoxicological effects of 4-tert-octylphenol were observed on non-biting midge, Chironomus plumosus collected from Anyang stream in Seoul. The survival rate and adult emergence rate on C. plumosus exposed to octylphenol were not significantly affected. However, 4-ten-octylphenol induced developmental delay and disrupted sex ratio in high concentration of octylphenol. The mouth deformity such as tooth deletion or fusion in mentum, and tooth deletion in mandible were observed exposure to 4-tert-octylphenol. The deformity type of the mentum showed deletion (LT, 6.7%), and fusion (LT, 6.3%). Moreover. tooth deletion of madible was observed in 4-ten-octylphenol treated groups (6.7%. 3ppm).

      • KCI등재

        축구선수의 Detraining과 Retraining이 혈청지질 및 호르몬농도에 미치는 영향

        정정화,박재현,채종훈,성혜련,황지인,윤미숙,노금선,윤종관,윤영학,노순덕,정경숙,박일규,김은희,박현태,박상갑 대한스포츠의학회 1999 대한스포츠의학회지 Vol.17 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of detraining and retraining on serum lipid and hormones in soccer players. Subjects were seven male high-school soccer players. V˙O_2max was determined for each subjects by administering a treadmill test(initial speed: 90m/min, grade: 5%, increasing speed per 3 min: 30m/min). Serum lipid(T-C, TG, HDL-C LDL-C) and hormones(epinephrine, norepinephrine, growth hormones, cortisol) were assayed pre and post detraining in 10, 20, 30 days after retraining. The repeated ANOVA was used to determine significant differences. The 0.05 level of significance was as critical level for the study. The results of the study were as follows: 1. V˙O_2max(ml/min) were 3576.3±204.2ml/min pre detraining, 3234.1±198.9 ml/min post detraining. There are significant(p<.05) difference between pre and post detraining. In 10, 20, 30 days after retraining, V˙O_2max(ml/min) were 3601.4±170.9 ml/min. There were significantly(p<.05) increased in retraining periods. 2. V˙O_2max(ml/kg/min) were significantly(p<.05) decreased from 62.3±2.9 ml/kg/min to 55.9±4.7 ml/kg/min in detraining. In 10, 20, 30 days after retraining, V˙O_2max(ml/kg/min) were 62.4±3.4ml/kg/min, 62.7±2.3ml.kg/min, 67.3±7.2ml/kg/min respectively. There were significantly(p<.05) increased in retraining periods. 3. T-C were significantly (p<.05) increased from 166.6±8.5mg/dl to 175.3±10.3 mg/dl in detraining. In 10, 20, 30 days after retraining, T-C were 160.1± 3.2mg/dl, 156.7±3.7mg/dl, 140.3±9.0mg/dl. There were significantly(p<.05) decreased in retraining periods. 4. HDL-C were 61.4±6.6mg/di pre detraining, 5.3±6.6mg/dl post detraining. There are significant(p<.05) difference between pre and post detraining. In 10, 20, 30 days after retraining, HDL-C were 56.9±7.1mg/dl, 56.4±9.2mg/dl, 57.7±9.1mg/dl respectively. There were no significant difference in retraining periods. 5. The hormones(epinephrine. norepinephrine, growth hormone, cortisol) were changed as same patterns. Epinephrine were 26.0±7.0[g/ml pre detraining, 24.6±3.2pg/ml post detraining. In 10, 20, 30 days after retraining, epinephrine were 26.9±5.6pg/ml, 30.6±6.2pg/ml, 29.4±5.6pg/ml respectively. There were no significant difference in retraining periods. In conclusion, HDL-C, epinephrine, norepinephrine, growth hormone and cortisol were decreased, T-C, LDL-C and TG were increased in detraining. But HDL-C, epinephrine, norepinephrine, growth hormone and cortisol were increased, T-C, LDL-C and TG were decreased in retraining.

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