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      • KCI등재

        외교문서 관리제도의 개선 방향

        전현수,Jeon, Hyun-Soo 한국기록학회 2006 기록학연구 Vol.0 No.13

        이 글은 2005년에 공개된 한일회담문서(1952-1965)를 중심으로 해서 우리나라 외교기록의 보존관리 및 공개 제도의 현황을 살펴보고 그 개선 방향을 검토한 것이다. 2000년 1월 <기록물관리법>이 시행되기 전에는 외교문서의 보존관리제도가 부실하여 중요 기록이 계통적으로 폐기되어 왔다. <기록물관리법>의 시행으로 외교기록의 보존관리 환경이 현저히 개선되었다. 특히 출처보전의 원칙에 따른 등록, 분류, 편철이 제도화된 것과 비밀기록 원본의 폐기가 금지된 것은 중요한 의미를 지닌다. 그러나 제도 개선을 위해서는 더 많은 기록관리 전문가가 배치되어야 하고, 폰드 형성도 이루어져야 한다. 외교문서 공개심의의 전문성을 강화하기 위해서 외교문서 공개 작업에 직업 외교관만이 아니라 역사학자, 아키비스트, 국제관계전문가 등 민간 전문가의 참여가 확대되어야 하고 이를 위한 제도적 개선도 이루어져야 한다. 한일회담문서의 보존관리와 관련해서는 일본, 미국 등 외국 생산 문서자료의 체계적인 수집보존 대책을 수립하고, 협상 참가자들의 개인기록의 보존관리대책을 수립하는 것이 필요하다. 역사학자, 아키비스트, 국제관계전문가, 국제법학자 등 전문가들로 간행위원회를 조직하여 국제적 규범에 따른 외교문서 편찬간행 사업도 추진해야 한다. My suggestions in this paper come out of the review of the records on the Korean-Japanese negotiations(1952-1965). Before January 2002, the enforcement of the public records law, we had a poor management system of the diplomatic records. For a long time the diplomatic records of Korean government has not been preserved and managed according to the international and professional standards. So many important records have been probably lost and unsuitably classified, preserved for the future use. By the coming of public records law this deplorable situation in the management of diplomatic records has been much improved. However the registration, classification, compilation, based on the principle of provenance were not so sufficiently realized. It is now very urgent to employ more archivists in the relevant governmental institutions and organizations, and to introduce the concept of record group for the management of diplomatic papers. Also at the preparatory work for the publication of the diplomatic papers it is strongly needed to make a room for the participation of the civil experts such as historians, archivists and political scientists. In the case of publication of the Korean-Japanese papers it is also necessary to take the relevant American and Japanese governmental records on Korean-Japanese negotiations and private records of the actors of the times into account. Moreover it must be also seriously considered to start a big project for the elaborate edition of the important records of the foreign policy of the nation.

      • KCI등재

        논문(論文) : 1946년 북조선 도,시,군 인민위원회 선거

        전현수 ( Hyun Soo Jeon ) 대구사학회 2014 대구사학 Vol.116 No.-

        In November 1946, the elections of provincial, municipal, county People`s Committees were held in every part of North Korea. Through these elections, the temporary local authorities became the permanent organs of the government. However, the role of these elections did not end with giving local authorities legitimacy and legality. Indeed, the provincial, municipal, and county Committee members gathered in a congress in February 1947 and composed the People`s Council and the North Korean People`s Committee, setting up the North Korean nation-building project. The People`s Committee elections were to make of the North Korean society a Soviet democracy. They enabled the institutionalization of a sociopolitical mobilization system that connected the Workers` Party of North Korea, the North Korean Provisional People`s Committee, the National Democratic United Front, the Parties and Social organizations, and the people to each other, thereby strengthening the role of the Workers` Party as a leader. Albeit election rules prescribed general, direct, equal election and secret vote, only the Parties and social organizations that joined the United Front could recommend candidates. The electorate`s power to choose a candidate who could represent its interests was highly limited. Because the electorate had to vote for or against the United Front candidate by casting ballots in either a white or black ballot box, the secrecy of voting was not guaranteed and opposition was thus fundamentally prevented. (Professor of Department of History, Kyungpook National University, jeonhs@knu.ac.kr)

      • KCI등재

        북조선 행정10국의 조직과 활동

        전현수 ( Hyun Soo Jeon ) 대구사학회 2016 대구사학 Vol.123 No.-

        북조선 주둔 소련군사령부는 북조선에 부르주아민주주의정권을 수립하라는 스탈린 명령에 따라 1945년 10월 평양에서 북조선 5도 인민위원회 대표대회를 소집하여 북조선에 독자적인 정권기관을 수립하는 문제를 제기했다. 1945년 11월 19일 소련군사령부는 공업, 교통, 농림, 상업, 체신, 재정, 교육, 보건, 사법, 보안의 행정10국을 조직하고 현지 조선인들 중에서 국장들을 임명했다. 행정10국은 소련군사령부 민정담당 부사령관 로마넨코 소장의 직접적인 통제 하에 있었다. 행정10국에는 소련군사령부 대표가 파견되었다. 행정국들의 임무는 북조선의 경제생활을 보다 효율적으로 관리하고 지방정권기관들의 활동을 조정하는 데 있었다. 행정국들은 각 행정국에 대한 소련군사령부의 명령들과 지시들을 이행하고, 소련사령부를 위해 여러 문제들에 대해 자료를 준비하고 협의에 응해야 했다. 행정국들의 명령과 지시는 북조선의 모든 행정ㆍ경제기관들과 주민들이 의무적으로 이행해야 하는 구속력을 갖고 있었다. 행정국들은 주민들의 경제적 문화적 생활의 정상화에 긍정적인 역할을 수행했지만, 행정국들 상호간의 연계의 결여, 중앙과 지방간의 연계의 결여, 간부들의 경험 및 전문성 부족 때문에 커다란 곤란을 겪어야 했다. 이 때문에 행정10국 전체를 아우르는 북조선의 유일한 중앙주권기관의 창설이 요구되었다. In accordance with Stalin’s order to establish a bourgeois democratic government in North Korea, the Soviet military command in North Korea convened in Pyongyang in October 1945 representatives of the people’s committees for five provinces of North Korea and raised the question of instituting an independent political authority in North Korea. On November 19, 1945, the Soviet military command organized ten administrative bureaus corresponding to industry, transportation, agriculture and forestry, commerce, communications, finances, education, health, justice, and security, and appointed local Koreans as the directors of the bureaus. The ten administrative bureaus were under the direct control of General Romanenko, the deputy commander of the civil administration that the Soviet military command operated in North Korea. Representatives of the Soviet military command were dispatched to the ten administrative bureaus. Duties of the administrative bureaus lay in more efficiently managing the economic life of North Korea and mediating the activities of local government agencies. The administrative bureaus had to execute the Soviet military command’s orders and directions, prepare data regarding various issues of concern to the Soviet military command, and accede to consultations. The orders and directions of the administrative bureaus in turn wielded a binding force on all inhabitants as well as administrative and economic agencies of North Korea. The administrative bureaus exerted a positive influence on the normalization of inhabitants’ economic and cultural lives, but faced immense hardships due to scant connections among the administrative bureaus and between the central and local governments, as well as insufficient experiences and expertise of bureau executives. As a result, a demand arose for the foundation of a sole central political authority for North Korea that would encompass the ten administrative bureaus. (Professor of History and Director of Peace Research Institute at Kyungpook National University, jeonhs@knu.ac.kr)

      • KCI등재

        수술 전 양측 태아 심장박동으로 확인된 자연적인 이소성 임신

        전현수 ( Hyun Soo Jeon ),신현준 ( Hyun Jun Shin ),김익희 ( Ick Hee Kim ),정두용 ( Doo Yong Chung ) 대한산부인과학회 2012 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.55 No.5

        Heterotopic pregnancy, combined intrauterine and extra-uterine (ectopic) pregnancy, is a potentially fatal condition that rarely occurs in natural conception cycle. There has been a rise of this entity mainly due to ovulation induction and in vitro fertilization performed in women undergoing assisted reproductive technology. Diagnosis is often delayed causing life threatening situations, since heterotopic pregnancy is still rare and unexpected in natural conception. We report a case of patient with spontaneous heterotopic pregnancy in the fi rst trimester with a review of the literature. Transvaginal ultrasound confi rmed heart activity of both embryos in uterus and the right ampulla portion.

      • KCI등재

        임신 초기에 합병된 소장폐색

        전현수 ( Hyun Soo Jeon ),김현준 ( Hyun Jun Kim ),최영칠 ( Young Chil Choi ),이태의 ( Tae Ui Lee ),정두용 ( Doo Yong Chung ) 대한산부인과학회 2009 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.52 No.5

        Intestinal obstruction occurs rarely as a cause of acute abdominal pain during pregnancy. It is very difficult to make diagnosis, as nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain are commonly associated with pregnancy, and X-rays are avoided if possible. However, delayed diagnosis can cause intestinal strangulation, which results in a high incidence of maternal morbidity, mortality, premature labor, and fetal loss. The incidence of intestinal obstruction seems to increase at the time of rapid uterine size changes such as between 16~20 weeks, 32~36 weeks or even in the puerperium. The possibility of intestinal obstruction must always be kept in mind when a pregnant woman with an operation scar on her abdomen develops abdominal pain. We present a case of small bowel obstruction during early pregnancy with a brief review of the literature who had the history of right salpingo-oophorectomy and appendectomy operation.

      • KCI등재

        1947년 북조선 면ㆍ리 인민위원회 선거

        전현수(Hyun Soo Jeon) 한국사학회 2014 史學硏究 Vol.- No.115

        1947년 2~3월 북조선 전역에서 면, 리 인민위원회 선거가 실시되었다. 선거는 임시적인 성격의 지방정권기관을 상설적인 정권기관으로 전환시켰다. 인민위원회 선거는 지방정권기관에 정통성과 합법성을 부여하는 것으로 끝나지 않았다. 1947년 2월 도, 시, 군 인민위원회 대회가 개최되어 최고주권기관인 북조선인민회의와 최고집행기관인 북조선인민위원회가 조직된 것이다. 인민위원회 선거는 북조선의 국가건설 프로젝트였던 것이다. 인민위원회 선거는 북조선 사회에 소비에트 민주주의를 조기에 정착시켰다. 선거는 당?북조선임시인민위원회?통일전선?정당ㆍ사회단체-대중으로 연결되는 정치사회적 동원 체계를 제도화하고 당의 지도적 역할을 한층 강화했다. 선거 규정은 일반적 평등적 직접적 선거원칙 및 비밀투표를 분명히 했지만, 후보자 추천 권한은 민주주의민족통일전선에 가입한 정당ㆍ사회단체에게만 주어졌다. 유권자들이 다양한 후보자들 중에서 자신의 이해를 대변하는 후보자를 선택할 가능성이 크게 제한된 것이다. 민주주의민족통일전선 추천 후보자에 대한 찬반투표가 흑백함 투표 방식으로 실시되면서 비밀투표가 보장되지 못하고 반대가 원천적으로 봉쇄되었다. In February-March 1947, the elections of township-level People’s Committees took place in every part of North Korea. These elections transformed the temporary local authorities into permanent organs of the government. The elections did not end with endowing the local authorities with legitimacy. In February 1947, the provincial, municipal, and county People’s Committees convened and formed the People’s Council of North Korea, the highest sovereign organization, and the People’s Committee of North Korea, the highest executive organization. Indeed, the People’s Committee elections had ignited North Korea’s nation-building project. The People’s Committee elections served to establish Soviet democracy early in North Korean society. The elections not only institutionalized a sociopolitical mobilization system that connected the Workers’ Party of North Korea, the North Korean Provisional People’s Committee, the United Democratic National Front of North Korea, parties and social organizations, and the general public, but also strengthened the leadership role of the Workers’ Party. Even though the election rules followed the principles of general, equal, and direct election and of secret ballot, only the parties and social organizations belonging to the United Democratic National Front of North Korea could exercise the right to recommend candidates. Therefore, the power of the electorate to choose a candidate to best represent its interests became highly limited. Since the electorate had to vote either for or against the United Front candidate by casting ballots in a black or white box, the election could not guarantee secrecy and essentially blocked the negative vote.

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