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      • KCI등재

        고랭지 농업으로 인한 토사가 송천 상류역에 서식하는 저서성 대형무척추동물 군집에 미치는 영향

        한승철 ( Seung Chul Han ),전영철 ( Yung Chul Jun ),황인철 ( In Chul Hwang ),원두희 ( Doo Hee Won ) 한국환경생물학회 2011 환경생물 : 환경생물학회지 Vol.29 No.4

        This study was conducted to examine the effects of sedimentation caused by highland agriculture on benthic macroinvertbrate assemblages in upper Song Stream from 2006 to 2009. The mean concentrations of water quality parameters (pH, DO, EC, TDS, TN, and TP) were gradually increasing toward downstream but ORP was decreased. Furthermore, biological habitats at lower reaches were more homogeneous and unstable due to sand deposition than those at upper sites. A total 106 species of benthic macroinvertbrates in 47 families, 11 orders, 6 classes, and 5 phyla were identified during whole field surveys. Song Stream showed great declines of overall biological attributes along its longitudinal gradients, particularly in taxa richness and abundance. Of all functional groups scrapers and clingers were most affected against the degradation of habitat quality, whereas collector gatherers and burrowers showed the opposite case. It was found that such results had close correlations with water quality parameters and substrate composition which played an important role in structuring macroinvertebrate communities. In conclusion, this study represents that disturbance caused by highland agricultural activities had negative effects on benthic macroinvertebrate communities by leading to sand deposition at adjacent stream ecosystems.

      • KCI등재

        수온이 긴꼬리투구새우(배갑목: 투구새우과)의 생장에 미치는 영향

        Kwon Soon Jik(권순직),Yung Chul Jun(전영철),Jae Heung Park(박재흥),Doo Hee Won(원두희),Eul Won Seo(서을원),Jong Eun Lee(이종은) 한국생명과학회 2010 생명과학회지 Vol.20 No.11

        수서생물에 있어서 생장이나 기타 생물학적 특성들은 수온의 영향을 받는다. 본 연구는 긴꼬리투구새우의 생장에 미치는 수온의 영향을 알아보기 위하여 수행되었다. 수온에 따른 생장률실험에서 긴꼬리투구새우는 상대적으로 높은 온도에서 생장률이 빠른 것으로 나타났다. 침수 후 14일이 경과하면 갑각길이는 20℃에서 5.7(±2.1) ㎜, 28℃에서 7.5(±0.5) ㎜로 나타났다. 그리고 21일이 경과하면 20℃에서 6.9(±2.8) ㎜, 28oC에서 7.8(±2.0)㎜로 나타났다. 또한 침수 후 14일경까지는 빠르게 생장하는 것으로 나타났으나, 이후에는 생장이 둔화되는 것으로 나타났다. 수심(80 ㎜, 190 ㎜)에 따른 생장률실험에서 침수 후 19일이 경과하였을 때 평균 갑각길이는 수심 80 ㎜에서 9.3(±2.1) ㎜, 수심 190 ㎜에서 9.5(±1.3) ㎜로 나타나 수심의 차이에 의한 영향은 적은 것으로 확인되었다. 갑각길이에 따른 생체량의 분석 결과 길이가 5 ㎜일 때 건중량은 1.1(±0.3) ㎎, 10 ㎜일 때 18.0(±3.7) ㎎, 16 ㎜일 때 26.0(±0.0) ㎎, 20 ㎜일 때 52.3(±4.0) ㎎으로 나타났다. 생산력과 관련하여 갑각길이가 증가하면 알의 개수도 급격하게 증가하였는데, 갑각길이가 7.0 ㎜인 개체의 경우 20(±0.0)개이고, 갑각길이가 17.0 ㎜인 개체의 경우 560(±0.0)개의 알을 가지고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 결과적으로 온도는 생장과 생산력의 척도인 갑각길이와 알의 수에 영향을 미치는 것으로 확인되었다. Growth and other biological processes in aquatic organisms are particularly dependent on water temperatures. This study examined the effects of water temperature on the growth of Triops longicaudatus. The influence of water temperature fluctuations was that growth rate was increased at higher temperatures. The mean carapace length was 5.7 (±2.1) ㎜ in a water temperature of 2 0℃ and 7.5 (±0.5) ㎜ in a water temperature of 28℃ on the 14th day after submergence. It was 6.9 (±2.8) ㎜ in a water temperature of 20℃ and 7.8 (±2.0) ㎜ in a water temperature of 28℃ on the 21st day after submergence. The mean carapace length grew rapidly within 14 days after submergence, but increase in carapace length beyond this time was slow. The influence of water depth fluctuations was low as the mean carapace length was 9.3 (±2.1) ㎜ under a water depth of 80 ㎜ and 9.5 (±1.3) ㎜ under a water depth of 190 ㎜ on the 19th day after submergence. Biomass showed that the carapace length of 5, 10, 16 and 20 ㎜ was a dry-weight of 1.1 (±0.3), 18.0 (±3.7), 26.0 (±0.0) and 52.3 (±4.0) ㎎ respectively. The number of eggs increased rapidly with increments in carapace length. The mean number of eggs was 20 (±0.0) at a carapace length of 7.0 ㎜, but at a carapace length of 17.0 ㎜, the mean number of eggs was 560 (±0.0). The results suggested that differences in water temperature accounted for the differences in length of the carapace and the number of eggs.

      • KCI등재

        정적 변형률 데이터를 사용한 CNN 딥러닝 기반 PSC 교량 손상위치 추정

        한만석,신수봉,안효준,Han, Man-Seok,Shin, Soo-Bong,An, Hyo-Joon 한국BIM학회 2020 KIBIM Magazine Vol.10 No.2

        As the number of aging bridges increases, more studies are being conducted on developing effective and reliable methods for the assessment and maintenance of bridges. With the advancement in new sensing systems and data learning techniques through AI technology, there is growing interests in how to evaluate bridges using these advanced techniques. This paper presents a CNN(Convolution Neural Network) deep learning based technique for evaluating the damage existence and for estimating the damage location in PSC bridges using static strain data. Simulation studies were conducted to investigate the proposed method with error analysis. Damage was simulated as the reduction in the stiffness of a finite element. A data learning model was constructed by applying the CNN technique as a type of deep learning. The damage status and its location were estimated using data set built through simulation. It was assumed that the strain gauges were installed in a regular interval under the PSC bridge girders. In order to increase the accuracy in evaluating damage, the squared error between the intact and measured strains are computed and applied for training the data model. Considering the damage occurring near the supports, the results of error analysis were compared according to whether strain data near the supports were included.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        노란잔산잠자리(Macromia daimoji Okumura, 1949)의 서식지 특성 및 기후변화에 따른 잠재적 분포 예측

        권순직(Soon Jik Kwon),권혁영(Hyeok-Yeong Kwon),황인철(In Chul Hwang),이창수(Changsu Lee),김태근(Tae-Geun Kim),박재흥(Jae Heung Park),전영철(Yung Chul Jun) 한국습지학회 2024 한국습지학회지 Vol.26 No.1

        우리나라는 노란잔산잠자리(M. daimoji Okumura, 1949)를 멸종위기 야생생물로 지정하여 보호하고 있고, 국가적색목록 평가에서 위기(EN)로 등재하였다. 이들은 주로 동북아지역에 서식하는데, 우리나라에는 위도상 사천시(35.1°)부터 연천군(38.0°)까지, 경도상 연천군(126.8°)부터 양산시(128.9°)까지 관찰되었다. 서식지는 저지대의 평지하천에 하상재료가 모래로 이루어져 있고, 유속이 완만한 하천의 가장자리와 하중도의 가장자리, 하천 구역에 일시적으로 형성된 웅덩이를 선호한다. 노란잔산잠자리 출현 지점에서의 저서성 대형무척추동물 군집구조는 낙동강 본류의 경우 서식지에 따라 군집 조성의 차이가 적었고, 지류의 경우 주변 환경과 하천의 규모에 따라 낙동강 본류보다 군집 조성의차이가 컸다. 현재 분포지역을 토대로 MaxEnt 모델을 이용하여 잠재적 분포를 예측한 결과, 낙동강 본류와 지류에서식할 가능성이 높았다. 환경변수 중 기여도는 BIO03(36.2%), BIO10(15.8%), BIO14(13.8%), BIO12(12.5%), BIO08(6.1%) 등의 순으로, 모형에 대한 중요도는 BIO10(43.7%), BIO14(14.6%), BIO17(13.78%), BIO13(9.8%), BIO02(6.7%), BIO18(5.2%) 등의 순으로 높았다. 노란잔산잠자리의 공통사회경제경로를 통한 미래 분포 예측에 있어서 재생에너지 기술 발달로 화석연료 사용을 최소화한 SSP1은 서식가능지역이 넓은 범위에서 확대되었으며 산업기술의 빠른 발전에 중심을 두어 화석연료 사용이 높고 도시 위주의 무분별한 개발이 확대될 것을 가정한 SSP5는 대체로증가하는 것으로 예측되었다. 이들의 서식지는 하천공사, 골재채취 등과 같은 물리적 환경변화와 강우 강도의 증가에의한 홍수 등 급변하는 기후변화에 영향을 받을 것으로 판단된다. 따라서 노란잔산잠자리 보호를 위해서는 생태계 환경변화관찰을 위한 장기적인 모니터링 수행과 개체군 유지를 위한 보전방안 수립이 요구된다. Macromia daimoji Okumura, 1949 was designated as an endangered species and also categorized as Class II Endangered wildlife on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List in Korea. The spatial distribution of this species ranged within a region delimited by northern latitude from Sacheon-si(35.1°) to Yeoncheon-gun(38.0°) and eastern longitude from Yeoncheon-gun(126.8°) to Yangsan-si(128.9°). They generally prefer microhabitats such as slowly flowing littoral zones of streams, alluvial stream islands and temporarily formed puddles in the sand-based lowland streams. The objectives of this study were to analyze the similarity of benthic macroinvertebrate communities in M. daimoji habitats, to predict the current potential distribution patterns as well as the changes of distribution ranges under global climate change circumstances. Data was collected both from the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) and by field surveys from April 2009 to September 2022. We adopted MaxEnt model to predict the current and future potential distribution for M. daimoji using downloaded 19 variables from the WorldClim database. The differences of benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages in the mainstream of Nakdonggang were smaller than those in its tributaries and the other streams, based on the surrounding environments and stream sizes. MaxEnt model presented that potential distribution displayed high inhabiting probability in Nakdonggang and its tributaries. Applying to the future scenarios by Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), SSP1 scenario was predicted to expand in a wide area and SSP5 scenario in a narrow area, comparing with current potential distribution. M. daimoji is not only directly threatened by physical disturbances (e.g. river development activities) but also vulnerable to rapidly changing climate circumstances. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the habitat environments and establish conservation strategies for preserving population of M. daimoji.

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