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      • 제올라이트13X의 이산화탄소와 질소에 대한 흡착특성

        임이랑 ( Yi Rang Lim ),서성섭 ( Sung Sup Suh ) 한국공업화학회 2012 응용화학 Vol.16 No.1

        The paper presents adsorption equilibrium of CO2 and N2 on different size of Zeolite13X at temperatures ranging from 25℃ to 60℃ and pressures up to 1 bar. Adsorption amount is measured using a static adsorption experiment apparatus. Adsorption equilibrium was reached faster at high temperatures and high pressure. The size of adsorbent particle has no effect about adsorption rate and adsorption amount. However, adsorption rate is faster in smaller adsorbent particles.

      • KCI등재

        전시체제기 염원시삼랑(鹽原時三郞)의 황민화정책 구상과 추진(1937~1941)

        임이랑 ( Lim Yi Rang ) 역사문제연구소 2013 역사문제연구 Vol.17 No.1

        Shiobara Tokisaburo, the Chief of the Education Bureau during the period of Governor-General Minami Jiro, is known as the actual driving force behind the Kominka policy as well as a faithful servant to the Governor-General. Looking into him is essential to the understanding of the Kominka policy during the wartime regime. Recognized for his aspects as a ultra-rightist and his administrative skills, Shiobara Tokisaburo was appointed as Chief of the Education Burea right before the outbreak of Sino-Japanese War. He properly altered and accepted fascism and followed the “Naisen Ittai” theory of Minami. The “Kominka education” he envisioned was completely different from the previous colonial education. Led by him, the Revised “Third Joseon Education Act” made Joseon language as a selective subject and announced mixed education and educational system unification between Japanese and Joseon people. All the policies were designed to be implemented among people on a daily life basis instead of remaining as institutions. His plans caused every field of life to resist. In reacting to their resistance, he started to control every special school and Keijo Imperial University to ensure that the Education Bureau would have the authority and power to implement its policies. Those schools included many progressive intellectuals, thus having a great concern that they would be critical of the policies of the Governor-General. Given that the intellectuals were influential figures in the colonial society, he had to reorganize the existing hegemony. He imposed full-scale control onto each influential school and expanded the control to Keijo Imperial University, the only highest-level college in colonial Korea, and private special schools. He especially applied personnel administration to the final stage of the control and thus replaced the existing figures with his own people. At the same time, he reorganized the Education Bureau, as well. He focused on appointing the police figures with no relation to education as section chiefs in the Bureau. He filled the Bureau with those who actively agreed with his policies and gradually excluded those who raised doubts about his policies or failed to generate results. In a word, he sought after “efficient and powerful Education Bureau” with the chief at the apex. He continued the educational transition of colonial Joseon through those processes.

      • KCI등재

        일제시기 『문교의 조선(文敎の朝鮮)』에 나타난 조선총독부 학무관료의 조선교육론

        임이랑(Lim, Yi-Rang) 부산대학교 한국민족문화연구소 2013 한국민족문화 Vol.49 No.-

        『문교의 조선(文敎の朝鮮)』은 조선총독부 학무국의 관변단체였던 조선교육회의 기관지였다. 학무국 관료들은 조선교육회의 간부이자 동시에 『文敎の朝鮮』의 주요 필자로 활동했다. 『文敎の朝鮮』에 나타난 학무관료의 조선교육론은 다음과 같이 정리할 수 있다. 첫째, 2차 조선교육령기 총독부 관료들은 지속적으로 ‘실업교육ㆍ직업교육’과 ‘보통학교의 보급’을 강조했다. 단, 사이토, 야마나시, 우가키 등 총독에 따라 시기별로 구체적인 정책논의는 다르게 전개되었다. 즉 사이토 총독 시기는 산업제일주의라는 정책을 위해, 야마나시 총독 시기는 사이토 총독 시기 교육에 대한 비판과 극복을 위해, 30년대 우가키 총독 시기는 경제공황과 광주학생운동이라는 위기의식 속에 진행되었다는 편차가 존재했다. 배경의 차이는 ‘실업과’와 ‘직업과’, 혹은 ‘1면 1교제’와 ‘간이학교제’ 등 대응방안의 차이로 이어졌다. 그리고 학무관료들은 충실하게 이를 반영하여 논의를 전개했다. 둘째 중일전쟁을 기점으로 전시체제기로 들어서면, 바로 직전까지 중대 사안으로 취급되던 보통학교 보급정책이나 현실교육론 등은 수면 아래로 내려가게 된다. 대신 학무국의 주도로 ‘국민정신함양론’이나 ‘교육자 개조론’이 전면 등장했다. 3차교육령기 총독부는 실업과와 보통교육 보급을 여전히 정책 차원에서 유지ㆍ강화했지만『文敎の朝鮮』이라는 언설 공간에서는 기존 교육의 반성, 극복을 요구하며 새로운 교육론을 만들어냈다. 학무관료들은 보다 적극적으로 교육시책을 홍보, 지지했고 필자들 또한 상당 부분 교체되며 이러한 현상을 뒷받침했다. 학무관료들은 『文敎の朝鮮』을 통해 일관되게 총독부 교육정책을 선전ㆍ보급했고, 이러한 현상은 황민화 정책을 강력하게 전개하기 위해 3차교육령을 기점으로 더욱 강화되었다. One of the magazines that enjoyed longevity during the Japanese Colonial Period, 『Education of Joseon』 was the bulletin of Joseon Educational Association, a government circles agency of Academic Affairs Bureau at Government-General of Joseon. The officials of the bureau thus had an influence on the magazine as the executives of the Joseon Educational Association and also served the magazine as major writers, which explains why the magazine reflected the educational theories of Joseon among the officials of the bureau in a clear way during the Japanese Colonial Period. The content of『Education of Joseon』can be characterized as follows: first, the officials of the Government-General consistently emphasized "vocational education and job education" and "spread of primary school" during the second educational ordinance of Joseon. The officials of the bureau fully reflected it and developed a discussion accordingly. But specific policy discussions moved forward differently according to the periods and governor-generals including Saito, Yamanashi, and Ugaki. The differences stemmed from what was sought after by the governor-generals: Saito pursued the policy that put the top priority on industry; Yamanashi tried to criticize and overcome the education during the reign of Saito; and Ugaki had to face the crises including the depression and Student Movement in Gwangju in the 1930s. Those differences in backgrounds led to differences in countermeasures such as "vocation major" and "job major" and "one township, one school system" and "small scale school system." Second, the wartime regime began after the outbreak of the Sino-Japanese war, and the policy of spreading primary school and the realistic education theory, which were regarded as major issues right before the war, were pushed down the surface. Instead, the "theory of cultivating the nation"s spirit" and "theory of educator reform" came to the forefront by the leadership of the Academic Affairs Bureau. During the third educational ordinance, the Government-General maintained and reinforced the vocation major and the spread of primary school for policies, but the comment section of Education of Joseon demanded the reflection upon and conquest of the old education and created a new educational theory. The writers from the bureau also exhibited changes, supporting the phenomenon. It appears as a measure to build a basis to strongly forward with the Japanization policy during the wartime regime.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        일제시기 신문으로 살펴본 비구니의 활동과 지위

        임이랑 이화여자대학교 한국문화연구원 2010 한국문화연구 Vol.18 No.-

        일제시기 비구니의 활동은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 승려로서 종교활동에 힘썼다. 구체적으로는 참선과 가람수호, 포교 및 봉사활동 등으로 정리할 수 있다. 둘째, 일제 말기에는 생산 및 헌금활동에 동원되었다. 일제는 조선인의 정신통제를 위해 ‘심전개발운동’을 실시하였고 이는 중일전쟁을 기점으로 ‘국민총동원령’ 체제로 변화하는데, 조선 불교계는 적극 협조하였다. 비구니 동원은 이때 이루어진 것이다. 일제시기 비구니의 교단 내 지위를 살펴보면, 비구니들은 교단 내 비구들에 대한 종속적 지위가 심화되었다고 생각된다. 비구에 비해 수적으로 열세였고 비구니의 수행과 교육이 비구승의 주도 아래 이루어진 점, 비구니들에게는 종무 행정을 거의 맡기지 않은 점 등은 그 예이다. 또, 비구들이 비구니를 성적으로 착취하거나 폭행하는 사건 등도 다수 발견되는데, 이러한 처우는 일제의 비호를 받는 불교 지도부의 권력 독점현상과 대처식육이라는 제도적 뒷받침이 전제되었다. 그 결과 비구승들은 비구니의 주체적 활동과 역량을 인정하지 않았다. 사회적으로도 비구니의 지위는 열악하였는데, 출가한 여성들의 신분이 사회적 약자들이었다는 점과 비구니의 각종 범죄․일탈행위가 스스로의 지위를 하락시켰다는 점 등이 요인으로 보인다. 그러나 비구니의 구복신앙적 활동이 다수 보이는 것에서 일반인들 사이에서는 그들의 영향력이 명맥을 이어갔던 것으로 짐작된다. The activities of Buddhist nuns were reported by newspapers during the Japanese colonialism as follows:first, they kept doing their religious activities, participating in Buddhist services in various ways including ascetic exercises, education of the public, collection of offerings, and social services. Second, they engaged in production and collection of donations. The Japanese rulers implemented the "Mental Development Policy"and "Total Mobilization System" in order to control the minds of Chosun people, and the Buddhist community took active part in them. The Buddhist nuns' activities in production and collection of donations resulted from their mobilization in the process. Third, they committed crimes, most of which were swindles, embezzlements, and adulteries. There were many reports on their crimes, which reflected the evil practices of Buddhist nuns during those days. However, it should be considered that newspapers tend to report events a lot. During the period of Japanese colonialism, the status of Buddhist nuns was subordinate to Buddhist monks in the religious order, which is well proven by that they were fewer than Buddhist monks, received poor treatments from the religious order, and were subject to sexual exploitation and assault. In society, they were not properly recognized as religious figures. Such negligence of Buddhist nuns derived from the conventional doctrines. It was, however, also a huge factor that most of women that became Buddhist nuns belonged to the socially weak class. All sorts of crimes they committed contributed to their lower social status, as well. During the period of Japanese colonialism, the activities and status of Buddhist nuns were passive before the people's reality. However, the trend should be understood in the historical context rather than as part of their qualities.

      • KCI등재후보

        한말 국사교과서의 근대사 서술에 나타난 대외인식

        임이랑 이화여자대학교 한국문화연구원 2011 한국문화연구 Vol.20 No.-

        1895년 한국 최초의 국사교과서인 󰡔조선역사(朝鮮歷史)󰡕가 학부(學部) 주도로 편찬된 이래 1910년 한일병합 때까지 약 20여 종의 국사교과서가 간행되었다. 국사교과서의 근대사 서술에 나타난 대외인식의 특징은 다음과 같이 정리된다. 우선 중국에 대하여 정치적 주권 확립을 주장하면서도 전통적 유교사관을 완전히 탈피하지 못했다는 점이다. 또 중국에 대하여서는 지나치리만큼 독립을 강조하면서도 일본에 대해서는 비교적 우호적인 입장을 보이고 있다. 이는 일본 제국주의와 식민사학의 무비판적 수용이라는 비판을 받는 요인이 되었다. 또한 일본의 영향을 받아 교과서의 내용이 상당부분 왜곡되었다는 점을 들 수 있다. 1908년을 기점으로 통감부는 노골적으로 교과서정책에 개입하기 시작했고 이에 따라 교과서의 내용도 시기에 따라 미묘한 차이를 나타냈다. 청은 무능하고 부패하며 조선을 압제하는 존재로서의 이미지가 강화되는 한편, 일본은 우호와 선진적 존재 심지어는 구원의 존재로서 이미지가 미화되고 있다. 러시아로 대표되는 서양에 대해서도 열강의 각축을 견제할 수 있는 존재에서 결국은 한국을 삼키려는 백인종으로 묘사되면서 일본의 개입을 정당화하는 존재로 전락하였다. 교과서 내용상의 한계는 통감부의 통제정책이 가장 큰 이유였지만 한편으로는 사회진화론과 일본 역사서의 영향을 직간접으로 받았던 저자들의 상황에서도 실마리를 찾을 수 있다. 국사교과서의 편찬을 주도했던 대표적 인물들은 현채, 정인호, 류근, 안종화 등으로서, 당시 애국계몽운동을 펼치던 지식인 계층이었다. 한말 국사교과서는 편찬 당시나 지금이나 비판의 대상이 되고 있다. 그러나 자국사에 대한 관심을 제고하고 체계화하려 한 점, 근대 역사학의 새로운 체제를 도입했다는 점, 자주의식 확보에 노력했다는 점 등은 간과되어서는 안 될 부분이다. 따라서 한말 역사교과서는 사회진화론에 경도되었던 지식인들이 역량이 부족한 상황에서 서술한 과도기적 교재로 이해해야 할 것이다. About 20 kinds of Korean history textbooks were published from 1895 when Korea’s very first Korean history textbook Joseon History was published under the leadership of the faculty to 1910 when Japanese annexation of Korea took place. The characteristics of the foreign perceptions in the description of modern history in those Korean history textbooks are as follows:first, while they claimed the nation’s political sovereignty should be obtained against China, they failed to completely graduate from the conventional Confucius ideas of history. They put almost too much emphasis on independence from China but took relatively favorable positions towards Japan, which became the ground behind the criticism that they accepted Japanese imperialism and colonial history with no critique. Secondly, a considerable portion of the textbook content was distorted under the Japanese influence. Starting in 1908, the Tonggambu(통감부) began its overt intervention into Joseon’s textbook policies. As a result, subtle differences were found in the textbook content according to the different periods. While Qing Dynasty had its image reinforced as the neighbor that was impotent and corrupt and suppressed Joseon, Japan was beautified as the country that was friendly, advanced, and even would save Joseon. Represented by Russia, the West began as the party that would keep the competition among the world powers in check but became the party to justify Japan’s intervention, being described as the whites trying to swallow Joseon up. The biggest reason behind the limitations with the textbook content was the Tonggambu’s control policy, but some clues are found in the situations of the authors who were under the direct and indirect influences of Theory of Social Evolution and Japanese history books. The major figures that led the publication of Korean history textbooks were Hyeon Chae(현채), Jeong In-ho(정인호), Ryu Geun(류근), and Ahn Jong-hwa(안종화), who were the intellectuals that engaged in the patriotic enlightenment movement. The Korean history textbooks published in late Joseon were bombarded by criticisms at the time of publication and still are even today. However, they should be recognized for trying to raise interest in Korean history and systemize it, introducing a new system for modern history science, and making efforts to establish independent consciousness in Korean people. Thus they should be understood as transitional textbooks written by intellectuals who were overwhelmed by Theory of Social Evolution and lacked capabilities in textbook writing.

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