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      • KCI등재

        구약성서에 나타난 인간의 아름다움

        이은애(Eun Ae Lee) 한국기독교학회 2011 한국기독교신학논총 Vol.74 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to come to an understanding of the human being in the Old Testament by analyzing the biblical texts which refer to human beauty. In the Hebrew thinking, a human being is understood as a whole, which implies both soul and body. The description of physical beauty in the Old Testament shows the importance of the nature of a person as a being created in the image of God. Research into the texts that use the Hebrew words like yafah, tob and barii, meaning beautiful, handsome and good lets us know the meaning and function of human beauty in the Old Testament. The beauty mentioned in the Old Testament is more external and physical than internal and spiritual. It is used as an important standard with which to value a person and acts as a motivational power or a crucial precondition of major events. The beautiful appearance of a man is, in general, closely connected to political power, as in the case of David and Absalom. On the other hand, the beautiful appearance of a woman tends to motivate a rape or sexual violation, as in the case of Bathsheba and Tamar. The physical beauty may also be used to save one`s life, either individual or national, and that is a messianic role, as in the case of Moses and Esther. The beauty referenced in the Old Testament is a means for human to take part in the salvation history of God.

      • KCI등재

        소설 속에 나타난 ‘반복강박’의 의미에 대한 고찰 - 이청준의『조율사』를 중심으로 -

        이은애 ( Lee Eun-ae ) 한국현대문예비평학회 2018 한국문예비평연구 Vol.- No.59

        본 연구는 이청준의 소설『조율사』를 중심으로 문학 속에 나타난 ‘반복’의 문제를 정신분석적으로 독해해 보려는 것을 목적으로 한다. ‘문학은 정신분석의 무의식’이라는 명제처럼, 이청준 소설은 ‘언어’, ‘불안’, ‘반복’ 등 정신분석적 접근이 요청되는 많은 문제를 내포하고 있다. 흔히 이청준 소설을 심리소설이라고 칭하는 것도 이러한 측면에서 기인한 것이라고 볼 수 있다. 프로이트에 의하면, 환자는 증상을 통해 무의식에 근원을 둔 고통스러운 어떤 경험의 기억을 반복하는데 소설『조율사』에서는 세 가지 현상이 반복된다. 첫 번째는 글쓰기에 대한 ‘조율’의 반복이다. 소설 속 주인공인 ‘나’는 이미 오래전 부터 글쓰기를 포기하게 된 소설가이다. ‘나’뿐만 아니라 ‘나’와 친교를 맺고 있는 ‘나’의 주변 문인 친구들 모두는 창작 활동은 하지 않고 창작에 대한 구상 및 준비활동만을 계속 이어나가고 있다. 그들은 이 행위를 ‘조율’이라고 부른다. 이들은 수시로 만나서로의 창작에 대한 열망 및 창작 포기에 대한 불안이 엄습해 올 때마다 스스로들 ‘조율’이라고 부르는 행위를 반복한다. 이러한 반복은 불안에 대한 회피이자 방어로써 ‘조율’은 라캉식으로 말하자면 ‘써지는 것을 멈추지 않는’ 행위이다. 다시 말하면 쓰지는 못하면서도 영원히 ‘쓰여지기가 멈추지 않게’ 하기 위한 최소한의 방어 장치 내지 제어장치인 셈이다. 두 번째는 배앓이나 복통의 반복과 단식에 대한 생각의 반복이다. 창작 행위의 위축 및 좌절로 인해 마신 술로 건강을 상실한 ‘나’는 위기와 불안의 순간마다 복통을 경험하며 육체적 극단의 치유 방식인 단식에 대한 생각을 반복적으로 한다. 이러한 것도 ‘나’의 정신적, 육체적 불안을 제어하지 못할 경우에 ‘나’는 이미 오래전에 실종되어 생사를 알 수 없는 외종 규혁 형의 기억을 깨워내며 반복적으로 찾아보곤 한다. 이것이 이 소설에 나타나는 세 번째의 반복 현상이다. ‘나’의 세 가지 반복 행위는 어떤 기억의 고통이나 불안이 엄습해 올 때마다 지속적으로 나타나는 강박적 증세이다. 이러한 강박적 행동은 자동적이고 반복적으로 나타난다는 점에서 정신분석에서는 이러한 현상을 ‘반복강박’이라고 명명한다. 이러한 반복적인 강박 행동은 주체의 외상적 사건으로 인한 고통스러운 기억이나 불안 등의 강박관념의 출현에 대한 회피이자 방어이고 죽음이라는 실재계가 출몰하거나 덮쳐오려는 것을 은폐하고자 하는 동종요법이다. 또한 이 증상은 반복적인 행위를 통해 실재가 정상화되고 상징화되는 과정이다. 본 소설에 나타난 세 가지 반복적 행위의 근간은 주체의 욕망의 진실을 말해야 하는 글 쓰는 이, 즉 작가의 ‘진실 말하기의 불가능성’이라는 원외상에서 비롯되고 촉발된 (무의식적) 불안에 대한 방어의 강박적 행위라고 보아야 할 것이다. 소설『조율사』에 나타난 이와 같은 작중인물의 반복적 행위를 통하여, 우리는 내밀한 인간 심리의 근간에서 일어나고 있는 ‘반복강박’의 작동 방식을 파악해 볼 수 있을 것이다. 즉, ‘반복’이란 기억 속에 끊임없이 출몰하여 주체를 괴롭히는 그 ‘고통’을 제어하려는 심리적 작업이며, 또한 그것은 반드시 상징계의 영역에서 ‘고통의 상징화’ 과정을 통해야만 한다는 (프로이트, 라캉) 정신분석의 명제처럼, 작품『조율사』의 인물들은 ‘조율’, ‘단식’, ‘잊혀진/불확실한 인물찾기’라는 일종의 ‘상징화 놀이’를 반복함으로써 주체의 고통을 ‘견딜만함’으로 전환시키고 있는 것이다. The objective of this study is to psychoanalytically read the issue of 'repetition' shown in literature, focusing on a novel『Tuners』by Lee, Chung-Joon. Out of the psychological problems continuously suggested by the author, this paper aims to examine the psychological mechanism of repetition through the novel『Tuners』. According to Freud, patients repeat the memory of certain painful experiences originated from unconsciousness through symptoms. In the novel『Tuner』, three phenomenons are repeated. First, it is the repetition of 'tuning' of writing. 'I' who is the main character of the novel is a novelist who has given up on writing for a long time. Including myself, all the surrounding literary friends of mine just keep planning and preparing for the creation without performing any creative activities. In other words, they just repetitively continue their criticism through discussions and volubility based on their passion for creation even without producing any actual works. They call this act 'tuning'. They frequently meet with each other and repeat the act called 'tuning' whenever feeling anxious about giving up on writing and their passion for creation. Second, it is the repetition of thinking about bellyache, stomachache, and fasting. Whenever facing the fear after losing my health by alcohol, I repetitively feel bellyache and stomachache, and also repetitively think about fasting as a physically-extreme healing method. In case when this cannot control 'my' psychological and physical anxiety, I refresh my memory about my maternal cousin Gyu-Hyeok who has been missing for a long time and then repetitively search for him. This is the third repetition shown in this novel. Those three repetitive acts of 'mine' are such compulsive behaviors continuously showing whenever feeling pain or anxiety about certain memories. As these compulsive behaviors are shown automatically and repetitively, the psychoanalysis call this phenomenon 'repetition compulsion'. According to the psychoanalysis by Freud and Lacan, the repetitive compulsive behavior conceal a painful memory or anxiety by a 'traumatic incident', so that the repetition compulsion is not only the avoidance and defense of this obsession, but also the 'homeopathy of death' for the appearance of the real called 'death'. These repetitive behaviors are the process of normalizing and symbolizing the real. In conclusion, the basis of those three repetitive behaviors shown in this novel could be the compulsive behavior for defending the anxiety originated from the original trauma which is the 'impossibility to speak up the truth' of 'mine' as an author who should talk about the truth of desires of a subject. Therefore, the repetition of tuning, stomachache and fasting, and finding the elder brother Gyu-Hyeok could be a symbolic play to get out of the anxiety about facing the real that is the world of death of 'talking about the truth'. In other words, according to Lacan, it could be the 'homeopathy of death'. The subject's repetitive compulsive behaviors are the pathway in which the real is normalized through the symbolization. Through the character's repetitive behaviors shown in the novel 『Tuners』,we could understand the operating method of 'repetition compulsion' occurring in the basis of humans' inner psychology.

      • KCI등재

        현대문학 : 소설 속에 나타난 "강남"의 이미지 연구 -<강남몽>을 중심으로

        이은애 ( Eun Ae Lee ) 반교어문학회 2012 泮橋語文硏究 Vol.0 No.32

        본고는 황석영의 소설 <강남몽>을 중심으로 소설 속에 나타난 ``강남``의 이미지를 연구함을 목표로 한다. 후기 자본주의 시대에 들어서면서 ``신자유주의`` 질서의 바람이 대학에도 영향을 미쳐 학문의 지형도가 바뀌게 되었다. 그 중, 가장 두드러진 변화는 기존의 대학에서 학문의 근간을 이루던 ``인문학의 위기``와 ``분과 학문``의 붕괴 현상이다. 이제 모든 학문은 간학문적 성격을 띠며 학문의 ``통섭``과 ``융합``의 대상이되기에 이르렀다. 이러한 현상은 문학에서도 예외가 아니어서, 문학 분야에서도 ``융합``의 움직임이 활발하게 전개되기 시작했다. 문학은 정통 본격문학의 범주를 탈피하여 21세기 최대의 관심사이자 핵심 코드인 ``문화``로 그 외연을 확장해 나가려는 변모를 꾀하게 되었다. 바야흐로 문학에서 문화로의 시대로 접어들게 된 것이다. 이제, 문학은 문화의 핵심 콘텐츠로서 자리매김하며 그 인문학적 상상력을 바탕으로 문화연구에 비판적 기능을 수행하여 문화연구를 바람직한 방향으로 선도하는 중추의 역할을 담당하게 되었다. 문학은 오늘날의 문화 현상을 비판적으로 진단하고 평가하는 데에 한 몫을 하게 된 것이다. 본고는 이러한 전제 아래, 문학과 문화의 융합으로서의 비판적 문화연구 기획의 일환으로, 소설을 통한 지역문화연구를 시도해 보고자 한다. 한국의 지역문화연구는 한국의 근, 현대화 과정에서, ``지역``이 어떻게 ``주거`` 및 생활과 삶의 터전으로서의 ``공간``에서, 부와 권력 및 신분을 생산, 재생산 해내는 ``이미지``로 탈바꿈하게 되었는가를 밝히는 작업에 집중되어야 할 것이라고 여겨진다. 이렇듯 오늘날 ``지역``이 사회적 신분을 규정하는 하나의 ``이데올로기``로 작동하게 된 가장 대표적인 예를 우리는 ``강남열풍``에서 목격할 수 있다. 본고는 소설이 사회와 상동성의 관계에 있다는 점에 주목하여, 황석영의 <강남몽> 속에 형상화 된 ``강남``의 모습과 이미지를 분석하여 어떻게 오늘날의 ``강남``이 형성되게 되었는가를 밝히고자 하는 목적의식에서 출발한다. 소설 <강남몽>은 일제 강점기부터 삼풍백화점의 붕괴 시점 까지, 각 계층과 집단의 전형적 인물을 통하여 강남의 형성사를 형상화하고 있다. 작가 황석영의 눈에 비친 ``강남``이라는 공간은 부정부패의 정치적 권력과 경제, 나아가 조직적 폭력의 야합으로 이루어진, 한국적 천민자본주의가 생산해 낸 최대의 욕망의 집결지인 것이다. 삼풍백화점처럼 허망하게 꿈과 같이 무너져 내리고야 말 욕망과 환상의 그런 공간 말이다. 본고는 강남이라는 공간이 ``욕망의 기표``로 작동하고 있다는 점에 착안하여, 오늘날의 이와 같은 ``강남지향`` 현상을 ``욕망``과 ``환상``이라는 인간의 ``심리적 현실`` 의 문제로 접근하려 한다. 그리고 이러한 인간의 심리적 메커니즘을 규명하기 위하여 정신분석의 방법론을 적용해 볼 것이다. 왜냐하면 정신분석이야말로 이와 같은 인간의 무의식적 층위를 해명함에 놀라운 통찰력을 제공해 주기 때문이다. This paper is an analysis of how ``Gangnam``, a district of Seoul, South Korea is portrayed in the novel『GangNamMong(Dream of GangNam). Within society, the late emergence of capitalism and ``Neoliberalistic globalization`` has spread throughout the globe. This change has also brought about a change in the character of academic study, from complementary to a more simplistic approach. This change in approach has caused an expansion in the study of not only contemporary literature, but also cultural aspects. This phenomenon has had both positive and negative affects, positive in the sense of the improved contribution to academia, and negative in which certain social trends have become phenomenalized. To give us an improved view of this negative side, this study will focus on criticising the cultural phenomenon in social literature. Our analysis starts by focusing on how the term ``area`` has changed from ``space to live in`` to ``impression to create and recreate wealth and form new class groups`` Through a detailed analysis of Hwangsukyoung`s novel ``GangNamMong``, we aimed to show how the impression of ``GangNam`` in the fictional context may bring about and contribute to how we observe society. KangNamMong`s novel illustrates how the district of ``GangNam`` has played an important role from the time of Japanese colonial era to Sampung department store collapsing in creating various kinds of class groups and trends among people. The author paints the picture of ``KangNam`` as a center of desire, created by Korean pariah capitalism that is heavily influenced by corrupt political issues and organised criminal gangs. ``KangNam`` is a space (area), much like Sampung department store, which has been collapsing with a forlorn hope.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        결정화/응집 기법에 의한 구형 에너지 복합체 제조 및 그 열분해 특성

        이은애 ( Eun Ae Lee ),심홍민 ( Hong Min Shim ),김재경 ( Jae Kyeong Kim ),김현수 ( Hyoun Soo Kim ),구기갑 ( Kee Kahb Koo ) 한국공업화학회 2016 공업화학 Vol.27 No.2

        Spherical DADNE/AP (1,1-diamino-2,2-dinitroethylen/ammonium perchlorate) energetic composites were produced by drowning-out/agglomeration (D/A). The agglomeration of DADNE with AP particles was found to be affected by the amount of the bridging liquid, stirring velocity and residence time. The composites appeared to grow dramatically with the amount of bridging liquid which triggers agglomeration. As the stirring velocity and the residence time increased, the size of composites increased and then tended to decrease. Thermal gravimetric analysis showed that the addition of DADNE activates the low temperature decomposition (LTD) of AP. For the neat AP, the only about 30 wt% of AP was found to decompose at the LTD. On the other hand, it was found that 70 wt% of AP decomposed when DADNE was added by physical mixing and 90 wt% of AP decomposed when the DADNE/AP composites were prepared by the D/A method.

      • KCI등재

        히브리 성서에 나타난 매장의 권리 - 실정법에 대항하는 자연법적 요구 -

        이은애(Eun-Ae Lee) 한국구약학회 2019 구약논단 Vol.25 No.2

        Personal death and funerals/burying as a ritual of death are closely associated not only with respect of and care for the human beings, but also with political, social, and cultural customs, traditions, and laws. The death of an individual in the text of the Hebrew Bible and in a Greek tragedy, which are discussed in this paper, is related to the politic situation and the actual laws of the state. The mourning of a mother in the text of Hebrew Bible can be understood as an ethical act that demands human dignity for the body of her son, who is left unattended after his death, and thus as a gesture defying the country"s laws of practice. The ritual of Rizpa in front of the bodies of her dead son and relatives was understood to be not only a mourning rite of death. But it also is an active political act to bury them in the ground through a proper funeral ceremony, which was the demand of the natural laws for the restoration of the dignity of the human beings and to oppose the national law, which is represented by the supreme national power, David. In the Greek tragedy Antigone, Antigone buried the dead against Creon"s law, which prohibited the burial of Polyneices, and then she confronted her own death. Her actions should be understood to be an independent and protesting political act that asks and requires the community"s responsibilities and obligations for the death of the human beings. They were not just based on the sadness and loss, which gives priority to the home rather than to the state and results from emotional responses based on private relationships, but not on the universal principles of the community. Natural laws are responsible for critically reviewing actual laws. That is, the orders of the existing state cannot be absolute laws, and the fundamental order of the political and social community cannot be arbitrary. In this sense, natural laws mean ‘political justice,’ and the basis of justice is the human dignity. In other words, natural laws function to criticize actual laws by showing the limits of actual laws on the moral and ethical level, and furthermore, it functions to change actual laws in the community. The above two texts show that the burial of human bodies is a legitimate duty in harmony with nature and can be interpreted as a demand for universal natural laws. If it is a request of national laws to prohibit the funeral of a person who died by the national power or as a traitor to the state, the activity to bury a dead person in the grave according to proper funeral procedures is based on the human dignity. Natural laws criticize national laws, requires to renovate them, and eventually changes them, and thus it is a example which shows a practical function of natural laws.

      • KCI등재

        권력과 성폭력 - 사무엘하 13:1-22을 중심으로 -

        이은애(Eun-Ae Lee) 한국구약학회 2019 구약논단 Vol.25 No.3

        The story of Tamar in the Second Samuel 13 was understood as an incident in the literary context of the struggle for power of the sons who surrounded the throne in the court of the powerful King David. But this paper defines the horrific incident that happened to Tamar as a power-related rape under the protection of the power of the monarchy and patriarchal family relations, and reveals that it serves as a pessimistic harbinger of the tragic history of the Davidic monarchy and the negative fate of the kingdom as the judgment of God (2 Sam. 12:10-13). The Deuteronomistic history books describes the kingdom or monarchy of Israel from an already critical point of view and from a theological point of view of interpreting it thoroughly in relation to Israel"s relationship with the God of Israel, Yahweh. The formation of a powerful kingdom in Israel has led to stability and prosperity of the nation’s order internally and to defending foreign invasions or gaining an advantageous position in diplomatic relations externally. On the other hand, however, the kingdom based on a centralized and powerful royal authority was built on a patriarchal system that prioritizes the authority of fathers, men and elders, resulting in the emergence of new social classes, such as political royalty and nobility, and thus in various conflicts between the rich and the poor, and between the tribes. Amnon, David"s eldest son, made the beautiful sister Tamar the object of his sexual desire. For Amnon, Tamar was not one person as an equal, independent entity or his own sister, something that he wanted to have and do with her, and her thoughts and desires were not important. The idea that had sickened Amnon was already the beginning of violence and rape, and the men around him, including Jonadab and David, were facilitators in the rape. Tamar clearly refused Amnon, who was trying to rape her, and offered the possibility of a solution in wise words, but in the end, her wisdom was rejected and Amnon forced her to fulfill his desires and raped his sister. After the incident, Amnon again rejected Tamar"s words of wisdom warning him, and drove her out the door. Although Tamar exposed the sexual assault outside, the men around her remained silent about the incident and forced her to remain silent. The tragic incident that happened to Tamar should be interpreted not just as a premise of the succession battle between the two princes, but rather around the rape victim. The horrific and brutal sexual assault, which took place in the non-visible power structure of father-son-centered family relations, is, after all, an indication of the violence of power within the kingdom of David centered on the powerful kingship, its subsequent failure of the monarchy, and ultimately, of the collapse of the kingdom.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        술패랭이꽃 ( Dlanthus superbus ) 경단분열조직에서 (莖端分裂組織) 유래된 배발생 캘러스로부터 식물체 재분화

        이은애(Eun Ae Lee),김준철(Joon Chul Kim),김원배(Won Bae Kim),김병현(Byeong Hyeon Kim),김정간(Jeong Kan Kim) 한국식물학회 1994 Journal of Plant Biology Vol.37 No.3

        The highest degree of callus formation was obtained from the shoot tips of Dianthus superbus when cultured on the MS medium supplemented with 2.0 ㎎/L NAA and 0.5 ㎎/L BAP. Embryogenic calluses were obtained from the seperated friable calluses on MS medium containing 2.0 ㎎/L 2,4-D after 7-8 wk of culture. For plant regeneration, embryogenic calluses were selected and cultured on the proliferation medium. After 3 wk, somatic embryos appeared on MSK medium (0.5 ㎎/L NAA, 2.0 ㎎/L kinetin) and N_6 medium (2.0 ㎎/L kinetin, 0.1 ㎎/L NAA, 0.1 ㎎/L 2,4-D and 2.0 g/L casein hydrolysate). When these somatic embryos were kept under continuous illumination, shoots were successfully regenerated on the both media. The shoots were rooted on MS medium supplemented with 2.0 ㎎/L NAA.

      • KCI등재
      • 재난관리에 있어서 로컬 거버넌스의 유용성에 관한 고찰

        이은애(Eun Ae Lee) 위기관리 이론과 실천 2006 Crisisonomy Vol.2 No.2

        본 연구는 2002년 태풍 ‘루사’와 2005년 전북지역의 폭설피해 당시 구호활동 현황을 통해 재난구호활동에서 민관협력의 수준을 가늠해 보고, 1995년 한신·아와지 대지진 당시 일본의 지진피해지역에서 자발적으로 만들어진 민간단체의 협력시스템이 행정기관과의 협력관계로 이어져, 행정기관과 민간단체가 대등한 관계에서 협력시스템을 구축한 사례와 비교해 보았다. 그 결과 아직 한국사회는 행정기관과 민간단체가 횡적인 네트워크를 통해 각기 고유한 영역의 활동을 전개하고, 행정기관과의 연대를 통해 정보공유와 공동 활동을 전개해 가는 재난관리 로컬 거버넌스에 대한 인식은 확산되었지만, 재난현장에서의 활동으로 구체화되고 있지 않은 현실임을 알 수 있었다. 지구환경의 변화와 사회환경의 변화로 인해 재난의 다발과 피해규모의 대형화가 예상되는 현실에서, 재난에 대처하기 위해서는 지역의 행정기관과 주민, NGO가 서로 협력해 가지 않으면 안 된다. 이러한 협력은 조직만들기가 아닌 구체적인 활동으로 이루어져야 하며, 활동을 통해 행정기관과 시민단체가 각기 서로의 영역과 특성을 이해하게 되고 자발적이고 대등한 네트워크를 구축함으로써, 재난복구과정에서 새로운 로컬 거버넌스 모델을 만들어갈 수 있을 것이다. Recently, disasters have been more frequently happening, because of global warming and the changes of social environment. Furthermore, the scale of damage has become bigger. Against the backdrop, it is necessary to perform the relief activity against disasters with the cooperation between administrational organizations and private organizations during the whole process of disaster control. The purpose of this study was to research into the plans for disaster control through private cooperative system. To achieve the purpose, especially, the necessity of establishment of local governance in the step of disaster recover was understood with case analyses of Korea and Japan. A case of Japan implied that there was a precondition, which was local NGO interiorly should set up a horizontal network to build cooperative relation with administrational organizations. NGO, which has performed various activities, has joined in relief activity for disasters so that it has brought the effects to generate abundant requested aids to victims. While performing appropriate activities for each role and value, administrational organizations and NGO has recognized each other who has their own area for activities in even relation. Accordingly, local governance has been materialized through the process. However, in Korea, private organizations has just taken a role of an assistance for the administrational organizations. Its reason could be that administrational organizations has recognized voluntary activities including NGO's activities just as an assistance. The other reason would be that NGO hasn't created their own activities and methods. However, as it has been acknowledged by the case of Gangreung, when all concerned such as local residents, administrational organizations, companies, etc think about their areas to materialize local governance, local community would take a role of safety net to protect the people from disasters.

      • KCI등재

        집단미술치료가 저소득층 청소년의 정서조절능력에 미치는 효과 -인간중심미술치료를 중심으로-

        이은애 ( Eun Ae Lee ),이수연 ( Soo Yeon Lee ) 한국청소년복지학회 2012 청소년복지연구 Vol.14 No.2

        본 연구는 인간중심 집단미술치료가 저소득층 청소년의 정서조절 능력에 미치는 효과를 검증하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 경남C지역의 문화의 집에 소속된 저소득층 청소년을 대상으로 집단미술치료 프로그램을 실시하였다. 방과후아카데미 프로젝트매니저에게 의뢰하여 이곳에서 활동하고 있는 저소득층 청소년 총40명 중 심리·정서적 도움이 필요하다고 판단되는 24명을 선발하였다. 그 중 12명을 실험집단에 나머지 12명을 통제집단에 각각 무선배치 하였으나, 참가자 1명이 중도 탈락하여 통제집단은 11명으로 구성되었다. 프로그램은 집단원들의 신뢰감과 친밀감을 형성시키고 자기 정서인식을 도모하는 초기진단 단계, 내면 표출을 비롯한 대인관계 기술 및 정서탐색에 초점을 둔 탐색중기 단계, 자기이해에 토대를 둔 정서조절과 행동통제를 연습하는 실행단계, 그리고 긍정적 자기개념 증진과 타인 수용을 확인하는 종결 단계로 진행되었다. 정서조절능력 척도와 K-HTP를 활용하여 설문조사와 질적 분석을 실시하여 자료를 수집하였으며, 분석 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 인간중심 집단미술치료는 저소득층 청소년의 정서조절능력에 유의미한 영향을 미쳤다. 둘째, 인간중심 집단미술치료는 저소득층 청소년의 K-HTP 그림검사 변화에 긍정적인 영향을 미쳤다. 또한 총 12회기 구조화된 프로그램의 회기별 진행과정을 질적으로 분석한 결과, 집단원들 간의 자유로운 의사소통과 창작과정을 통해 성취감과 자기정서 표현, 감정조절 능력이 향상되었다. The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of person-centered group art therapy on emotion regulation ability of adolescents in low-income family. As the combination of person-centered group art therapy and art therapy, based on the close listening, acceptance as well as sincere and frank attitudes, was undergone client-centered program. Among the adolescent. in low-income family, who utilize the House of Culture located in C-city, a total of 23 adolescents was classified into experimental group (12) and control group (11) and then, undergone 12 sessions of program. In order to verify the results of the study, the studies underwent emotion regulation ability questionnaire at both pre-test and post-test and adapted t-test as well as analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) for statistical analysis. Also, Qualitative analysis was performed for the content by the session and K-HTP picture test. The results of the study from the above procedures and methods are as followed. First, the person-centered group art therapy showed positive effects on emotion regulation ability. Second, the person-centered group art therapy has shown a significant results on subfactors for emotion regulation ability (self-emotional recognition and expression, emotion regulation and impulse suppression, self-emotion use, recognition of others emotion and consideration, human relationship). Third, the person-centered group art therapy has shown a positive effects on K-HTP picture test for the adolescents in low-income family. According to the changes on the process of each session, it was found that the sense of accomplishment, expressions of self-emotion and emotion regulation ability have been improved through free communication between group members and creation process during the structured programs. Based on these results, it is suggested that the person-centered group art therapy provided positive changes on the adolescents in low-income family by expressing unconscious thoughts, emotion and feelings in a sincere and voluntary way through the client-centered non-linguistic media.

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