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        미군정기 한국 농업 기술기구의 변천과 농업 기술관료

        이송순(Lee, Song Soon) 한국사학회 2020 史學硏究 Vol.0 No.137

        본 연구는 미군정기 농업 기술행정 기구와 조직, 이에 참여한 한국인 관료들의 갈등과 순응과정을 살펴보았다. 미군정은 조선총독부 농업시험장 체제를 인수하여 농업기술 연구를 진행하고자 했으나 시험장의 직급을 급격히 격하시켜 시험장 직원 및 관리자의 반발과 저항을 불러일으켰다. 1947년 12월 농사개량원의 설립은 일제 식민농정의 하향식 관치주의 를 탈피하고자 농무부에서 분리시켜 농업생산력 증가를 위한 연구․교육사업과 민주적 농민지도 사업을 추진하려는 구도를 갖고 있었다. 그러나 제도적 한계와 정치 상황의 변화로 지속되지 못했다. 일제 관변농민단체였던 조선농회도 민주적 농민단체로의 전환을 추진했지만, 오히려 관제성이 강화되면서 성과를 거두지 못했다. 미군정기 남한의 농무행정 최고 담당자는 이훈구였다. 초대 농산국장 현근도 미국 유학파였다. 이훈구 - 현근 라인은 미국의 대한정책에 입각하여 자본주의국가 건설에 걸맞는 농무행정을 지향하면서 전체주의적 관치행정을 탈피해 ‘민주적’ 농무행정을 구현한다는 입장이었지만 실현되지 못했다. 해방 이후 일본인 관리 중심의 구조였던 식민지 행정체계의 공백을 메우는 것은 간단한 일이 아니었다. 농사시험장 초대 장장인 계응상은 한국인 관리의 자부심과 실무적 능력 배양을 위한 과정이 필요하다는 입장이었으나 미군정과의 소통 부재와 불화로 6개월여 만에 해임되었다. 후임자 김호직은 미군정에 대한 협력과 순응의 태도를 보였으나 농사 시험장은 침체되었다. This study explores the agricultural technocratic organizations of Korea during the U.S. Military rule and the Korean technocrats’ initial conflict and subsequent compliance with the U.S. Military rule. The US Army Military Government in Korea (USAMGIK) adopted Joseon Government General’s Agricultural Experiment Stations system as it was but lowered the Stations’ technocrats staff level by more than three ranks, which causedthe technocrats’ opposition and resistance. The USAMGIK established Agricultural Improvement Service in Dec.1947 to deviate from top-down agricultural technocracy of the colonial period. Agricultural Improvement Service was separated from the Agricultural Department to initiate research and educational projects to increase agricultural productivity and encourage democratic practices in agricultural businesses. However, systematic limitations and volatile political landscape hampered their progress. Korea Agricultural Association, a government-sponsored agricultural organization, attempted to transform into a democratic agricultural organization but failed as its bureaucratic nature became stronger. The Head of Agricultural Department during the US Military rule was Lee Hoon- Koo. The first Chief of Bureau of Agicultural Production was Hyun Kun, who studied abroad in the United States. Lee Hoon-Koo and Hyun Kun together supported the establishment of anti-Communism, capitalistic nation promoted by the United States, while deviating from authoritarian bureaucracy and implementing ‘democratic’ agricultural administration. But such plan did not realize. The first Chief of Agricultural Experiment Stations Keh Ung-Sang proposed that the training system to develop practical administrative skills and confidence as Korean administrators. But due to the lack of communication and conflict with the USAMGIK, Keh was laid off in six months. The successor Kim Ho-Jik conformed to and cooperated with the USAMGIK but Agricultural Experiment Stations staggered.

      • 혼종적 정체성의 해항도시: 식민과 탈식민, 내셔널리즘과 코스모폴리타니즘 사이의 홍콩

        이송이(Lee, Song-Yi) 한국해양대학교 국제해양문제연구소 2011 해양도시문화교섭학 Vol.- No.4

        Against conservative and popular currents of contemporary cinema, Wong Kar-Wai’s films seek to reclaim the perceptual possibilities of cinema. Wong’s aesthetic finds an equilibrium between Chinese tradition and western culture. His taste for popular culture, global influences and incorporation of several different music genres are explicit within his films. Wong’s visual style opens up the vicissitudes of spatial/temporal perception. Wong’s disruption of cinematic expectations implies that a new sense of being-on the levels of individuality, collectivity, and nationhood-must begin with a reassessment of perception itself. Through Wong’s oeuvre, especially in <Days of Being Wild> and <Chungking Express>, Hong Kong becomes a metaphor for the characters and their varied existence. It represents an urban pastiche in which individuals struggle to come to terms with a sense of detachment and loneliness. With its fusion of Chinese and Western culture and complex history, Hong Kong’s unique identity provides a culturally diverse space in which technology and tradition co-exist in various forms. Wong’s avant-garde filmic aesthetic is composed of elliptical storytelling through the use of deeply drenched tones, slow motion, jump cuts and fragmented images. Wong’s films oscillate between the local and the global, refusing to be either indigenous or foreign, creating a suspension of identification <Days of Being Wild> and <Chungking Express> show the limits of western cultural imperialism and also betrays, in its very treatment of U.S. culture, the influence of other cultures. Theses films exemplify this new localism, and represent a kind of postcolonial resistance. The films of Wong Kar-wai attest to this manner of filmmaking, articulating the nebulous space of Hong Kong and the ‘in-betweeness’ and possible dislocation felt by Hong Kong citizens in the face of cultural and political diversity and advances in modernity.

      • KCI등재

        통일과도기 대북치안요원의 규모와 확보방안 연구

        이송호(Lee Song Ho) 경찰대학 경찰학연구편집위원회 2012 경찰학연구 Vol.12 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to analyze public order problems in the early stage of Korean unification, estimate the types and size of police manpower needed to tackle these problems, and suggest ways of securing the manpower. 20)This paper anticipated, as crime that can increase rapidly in North Korea, riots,terror and murder, arson and destruction of main national facilities, plunder and burglary, slave trade, etc. And, as the urgent and top-priority measure that South Korean police authorities ought to take, this paper indicated the prevention of riots,arson, destruction, terror, murder, plunder in North Korea, the management of North Korean people flowing into South Korea, and the reconstruction of North Korean police stations. Finally, it estimated the police manpower necessary for these measures as 220,000 riot squad and police officers. And it suggested that at least half of them should be prepared and trained in advance by South Korean police authorities and the rest of them be required to employ North Korean people after North Korean government starts to collapse.

      • 6SC 기법을 활용한 FDM방식 3D프린터의 최적 출력환경 연구

        이송연(Song-Yeon Lee),허용정(Yong-Jeong Huh),박종순(Jong-Soon Park),이준균(Joon-Kyun Lee) 한국산학기술학회 2015 한국산학기술학회 학술대회 Vol.2015 No.1

        본 논문에서는 FDM(Fused Deposition Modeling) 방식의 3D 프린터로 제품을 출력할 때 열가소성 합성수지의 특성상 온도 차이에 의하여 제품이 휘는 현상이 발생하여 Bed에 제대로 붙지 않아 적층이 불안정하고 제품의 완성도가 떨어지는 현상이 나타난다. 따라서 적층이 안정적이고 제품의 완성도를 높이기 위하여 초기 적층 시 토출량을 증가해 적층하여 출력물과 Bed가 잘 붙게 한다. 하지만 출력 완료후에는 제품과 Bed의 분리가 쉽게 일어나야 하는데 본 논문은 FDM 방식의 3D 프린터 출력의 문제점을 6SC 기법을 활용하여 해결하였다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        가정위탁보호 양육 환경에 관한 연구

        이송이(Song Yi Lee) 한국아동가족복지학회 1999 한국가족복지학 Vol.4 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to review the environment of family foster care provided by foster parents and the environment of fostering the foster children with a view to providing the basic information on the family foster care necessary for vitalization and development of the family foster care services in korea. For this study, ten foster mothers, who have been providing family foster care services through the Korean Association of Foster Parents, were selected as the subject of study and were interviewed by using the unstructured interview method, which is one of the qualitative study methods. The results were as follows; The positive aspects of the family foster care were identified as (ⅰ) the increase of communication among family members originated by foster children, (ⅱ) the increase in maturity of the foster parentsh` own children influence by the existence of foster children and (ⅲ) the existence of the talking companion to the foster mother, and, on the other hand, the negative aspects of the family foster care were identified as (ⅰ) the feeling of guilt for not treating foster children in the same manner with the foster parents` own children, (ⅱ)the concern about foster children`s returning to its biological fathers of foster children to meet foster children and (ⅳ) the financial problems.

      • KCI등재

        대학 신입생의 대학생활 기대에 관한 인식 탐구

        이송이(Lee, Song Yi) 학습자중심교과교육학회 2019 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.19 No.21

        본 연구는 대학 신입생들의 대학생활 기대 인식에 대한 유형화를 목적으로 하고 있다. 본 연구의 P 표본은 27명으로 대학 교양과목을 수강하는 2019년 신입생인 1학년을 대상으로 구성되었다. Q 표본은 총 33개의 진술문으로 구성되었는데, Q 표본을 구성하기 위하여 대학생활 기대에 대한 문헌을 살펴보았고, 대학생활에 대해 어떤 기대를 가지고 있는지에 대한 설문을 실시하였다. 이를 기반으로 수집된 Q 모집단에서 중복되는 진술문을 제외하고 가능한 다양한 의견이 내포되도록 진술문 33개를 선정하였다. 연구결과, 총 4가지 유형으로 유형 1은 ‘발전적인 성장을 기대하는 유형’으로 대학생활을 하는 동안 세상에 대한 견문을 넓히면서 발전하고 성장하여 사회의 성인으로 도약하고자 하는 태도를 보인다. 유형 2는 ‘자유로운 여가를 기대하는 유형’으로 대학생활 자체에는 관심이 적고, 고등학교와 달리 자신만이 누릴 수 있는 여유에 관심을 보이는 특성을 지니고 있다. 유형 3은 ‘재미를 추구하는 기대형’으로 힘든 삶에서 벗어나 걱정 없이 놀며 새로운 경험을 해 보고자 하는 특성을 보이고 있는데, 이는 학업과 관계되기보다는 대학생활에서 누릴 수 있는 즐거운 경험에 중점을 두고 있다. 유형 4는 ‘경험을 통해 진로를 준비하는 기대형’ 으로 대학생활을 통하여 비교과활동과 같은 다양한 경험을 통해 자신만의 미래를 위해 준비하며 진로를 찾고자 하는 특성을 보인다. The purpose of this study was to examine the types of perception in regards to the expectations towards college life among college freshman students. The P sample for this study was 27 freshman students taking General Education courses. The Q sample consisted of 33 statements which were collected from literature and surveys concerning college life expectations, and selected through comprehensive review and revision process. The method for this study used was a Q factor analysis for the perception types of college life expectations. The results of the study showed 4 types of perception towards college life expectations; Type 1 (Expectations for Developmental Growth Type) includes those who enrich their knowledge of the world and grow into a mature member of society; Type 2 (Expectations for Enjoyment and Leisure Type) includes those who have no interest in college life itself and focus on their newly found freedom; Type 3 (Expectations for Social Forms of Entertainment Type) includes those who want to free themselves from worries and focus on social activities; Type 4 (Expectations for Career Planning Type) includes those who want to prepare for their future career through various experiences including extra-curricular activities. Therefore, this study aims to investigate these perception in regards to the expectations towards college life as well as provide reference materials to develop measures allowing the students to better enjoy their life in college.

      • KCI등재

        재난심리 지원에 대한 국민 인식도 조사

        이송은(Song-Eun Lee),이나빈(Nabin Lee),유선영(Seonyoung Yoo),박도원(Dowon Park),전경선(Kyoungsun Jeon),황태연(Tae-Yeon Hwang),이정현(Jung Hyun Lee) 대한신경정신의학회 2021 신경정신의학 Vol.60 No.1

        Objectives This study examined post-disaster mental health problems and related public perception of disaster-related mental health services. The differences of these perceptions according to the disaster experience and disaster type were also investigated. Methods Data were collected via telephone and online surveys, and information from 2928 respondents was analyzed. The participants were allocated across age, sex, and residence area. Results Those who had experienced disasters showed a more negative perception of post-disaster mental health services than those who had not. While natural disaster survivors most often reported financial problems as secondary stressors after a disaster, social disaster survivors were more likely to report mental health problems. Regarding national mental health support for disaster, disaster-experiencing respondents more often tended to prefer mental health services than non-disaster-experiencing respondents. Conclusion The current study can help understand the public perception of disaster-related mental health and the needs of mental health services. These findings could suggest directions and grounds for policies of a national support system for disaster-related mental health.

      • KCI등재

        한말(韓末) 정부 관료 및 언론의 철도에 대한 인식과 수용

        이송순(Lee song-soon),정태헌(Jung Tae-Hern) 고려사학회 2013 한국사학보 Vol.- No.50

        This thesis analyzes how government officials and the elite in the early modern time perceived railroad system. In 1876, Kim Gi-su, who was dispatched to Japan as Susinsa after Korea opened its port, came to observe railroad system for the first time with awe and curiosity. Josa Sichaldan acknowledged the efficiency of railroad system as a means of transportation but pointed out the practical issue regarding provision of the necessary capital to institutionalize this system. Yu Gil-jun, who observed and experienced the modern Western culture in America, tried to understand railroad system from a more detailed and objective perspective. He did not only elaborately explain the history and technicality of railroad system but also the problem of utilizing private property in the process and how to solve this problem. Despite these analyses and efforts, eventually, it was the foreign power that established the railroad system in Korea. Both Gyeongin railway and Geyongui railway were constructed by Japan. There was a movement among the Koreans to construct railway on their own but it wasn’t realized. Due to the Japanese government’s scheme and the Korean government’s incapacity, the railway running through Korean peninsula fell under Japanese control and it later led to the Japan’s colonializing of Korea. The railroad system in Korea shows the typical duplicity of modern railroad system. As the construction of railroad started, the Korean press advertised and provided information on railroad system in their distinctive tones and from their own perspectives. ≪Dongnipsinmun≫ described railroad as an useful system of modern culture and the basis of civilization, praising the economic benefit and the spread of advanced civilization that it will bring. It didn’t recognize its invasive and exploitative nature. ≪Hwangseongsinmun≫ conformed to the international order of imperialism and the modernization, but at the same time, was concerned about losing the control over the railroad system and the potential of Japanese colonial power cornering the market. Simultaneously, it criticized the public’s ignorance and stressed the need to enlighten the public in order to restore sovereignty and national competence. ≪Daehanmaeilsinbo≫ addressed how unconditional ‘assimilation’ to and ‘imitation’ of Western civilization can endanger the nation by exposing it to exploitation and invasion, as it disclosed the Japanese exploitation in the process of railway construction. It suggested that we accept the railways that were already built and use the significance that railroad system has as a modern power to revolutionize and restore sovereignty.

      • KCI등재

        자기관리역량이 진로적응능력에 미치는 영향 -후기 청소년의 비교과활동을 중심으로-

        이송이 ( Song Yi Lee ),심태은 ( Tae Eun Shim ) 한국가족복지학회 2016 한국가족복지학 Vol.21 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to examine the correlation among non-subject activities, self-competence, and career adaptability for college students when developing their core capabilities. The subjects were 422 students of D university, who were surveyed with scales that measure these variables. 53.8% of the subjects were found to be female students and 46.2% were male. In terms of their majors, 35.3% were engineering, 18.3% were social science, and 13.8% were business. In respect to types of experience, 30.1% of students had volunteer experience, 11.3% had extracurricular experience, 15.4% had counseling experience with faculty members, and 20.6% had overseas experience. The results for the correlation between self-competence and career adaptability showed that systematic management by objectives, self-exploration, comprehensiveness and healthcare were found to have a positive correlation with concern, self control, curiosity and confidence. Volunteer experience, extracurricular experience, and counseling experience were found to have a significant correlation with students’ concerns for career adaptability, and extracurricular experience and counseling experience had a meaningful influence on the control of career adaptability. Extracurricular experience and counseling experience were found to have a significant correlation with students’ curiosity of career adaptability, and extracurricular experience and counseling experience had a meaningful influence on confidence in regards to career adaptability. Finally, volunteer experience, extracurricular activities, counseling experience with faculty and overseas experiences had an influence on career adaptability by the mediator variable of self-competence.

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