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        윤상실 ( Sang Sil Yoon ) 한국일어일문학회 2007 日語日文學硏究 Vol.62 No.2

        本稿は日本語の命令 · 禁止、依賴などのいわゆる要求表現を、語用論的 · 社會言語學的な立場から分析を試み、また、韓國語話者の使用する要求表現とを照らし合わせることを通して日本語話者の發想と言語行動の一端を明らかにしようとするものである。命令 · 禁止と依賴は、話し手が聞き手にある行爲の實行を求める点で共通し「要求表現」として締め括られるが、その要求表現形式として、それぞれ「直接形」と「間接形」を設定することができる。またこれらの要求表現形式は「相手への동きかけ性(要求)」「丁寧性(聞き手への配慮)」「待遇性(尊敬)」という三つの要因を適用すると、<表1>のような四つの類型([1]~[4])が認められ、それぞれ弁別できる。◁도표삽입(원문을 참조하세요)▷

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        중도종료형 생략문의 기능 및 용법 -접속조사 중도종료 생략문을 중심으로-

        윤상실 ( Sang Sil Yoon ),이지현 ( Ji Hyun Lee ) 한국일어일문학회 2015 日語日文學硏究 Vol.92 No.1

        Japanese is considered to be a language with a lot of ellipsis as a whole. This study explored the types and functions of an abridged sentence ending with high-frequented conjunctive particles like 「te, kara/node, kedo/ga, si, noni, ba/tara」, focusing on the so-called incomplete utterance type abridged sentence. At first, the abridged sentence was set as three types largely, which is specifically as follows. Ellipsis type I is in which the latter sentence is omitted, but the restoration of the latter sentence is possible considering front and back content. Ellipsis type II is the same as ellipsis type I in that the latter sentence is omitted, but the restoration of latter sentence is impossible as it is difficult to specifically be envisaged. And ellipsis type III is a so-called inverted sentence reversing the front sentence and latter sentence, whose position restoration is possible. The function of this ellipsis sentence can be classified as repetition avoiding function, alleviating function, and usage as a sentence-final particle. The repetition avoiding function is what omits the repetition at front and back content and secures the brevity and effectiveness of a sentence to delivered content, bears little direct relation with function of considering the listener. The alleviating function is what omits the expression without directly indicating that giving burden to the other party such as order, refusal and blame etc. and involves in considering the listener. The usage as a sentence-final particle is what indicates the completion of a sentence in a type of incomplete utterance and facilitates the flow of utterance, basically involves consideration of the listener.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        심포지엄 : 한일 중도종료표현에 관한 고찰 -배려적 관점을 중심으로-

        이지현 ( Ji Hyun Lee ),윤상실 ( Sang Sil Yoon ) 한국일어일문학회 2013 日語日文學硏究 Vol.84 No.1

        本稿では、多樣な省略表現の中で文末に現われる中途終了表現に焦點を當て、日本語之韓國語の使用樣相之その特徵を考察し、兩言語の類似點之相違點を明らかにする。また、談話的レベ兒での配慮的?點から中途終了表現に現われる意味用法の?態之機能を究明するこ之を目標之した。映?およびドラマを對象にして抽出した中途終了文を、形態的レベ兒での分類を試みて、A型(接?助詞で終わる場合)、B型(接?助詞以外の助詞で終わる場合)、C型(名詞で終わる場合)、D型(副詞で終わる場合)、E型(その他)の5つの類型を設けた。韓日「中途終了表現」は總發話文數(3,243文)の中、日本語は22.0%(715文)、韓國語は16.8%(545文)の比率を示し、日本語のほうが韓國語の中途終了表現より多く使われており、相手に?する「配慮」が活?に?くこ之が確認された。?言語の??關系の調査では日本語が「中途終了表現」であるのに?し韓國語の場合は終結形で終わる表現が??する類型が最も多かった。特に類型のA型に分類した日本語の接?助詞類の中で主要なものをいくつか取り上げ、その中途終了の用法を詳しく?討分析した結果、次のような4つの配慮的機能が?くこ之を明らかにした。 (1) 否定的な表現を直接示さず、省略するこ之によって柔らかにする緩和機能 (2) 斷定的な表現を避け、相手の反?を察する機能 (3) 發話に關わる余地を相手に與え、相手の發話を促進する發話促進機能 (4) 親しい關系であるこ之を表わす親愛表現機能

      • KCI등재

        일한 심리동사 술어문의 대응관계 분석 -일본소설과 한국어번역본을 중심으로-

        이재은 ( Jae-eun Lee ),윤상실 ( Sang-sil Yoon ) 한국일어일문학회 2016 日語日文學硏究 Vol.96 No.1

        본고에서는 ‘동일한 상황’에서의 일한 심리동사 술어구문의 특징과 양언어의 유사점 및 차이점을 명확히 밝히기 위하여, 125종의 심리동사가 사용된 예문을 일본소설에서 채집하여 얻어진 총 5,314예를 한국어 번역본과 대조하여 그 대응관계를 살펴보았다. 심리동사를 사고·인지·감정·감각동사의 4종으로 분류하여 각각의 동사유형별 대응관계를 조사한 결과, 양언어 심리동사 전체의 일치대응 률과 불일치대응률은 27%와 73%로 나타났다. 그 중 사고동사의 경우 가장 불일치 대응률이 높은 84%를 나타내고 있는데, 이는「思う」가 사고동사로서의 본래의 기능보다는 모달리티(Modality) 요소로서의 사용예가 현저히 많기 때문으로 판단된다. 그밖에도 감각동사를 제외한 3종의 심리동사에서 각각 84%(사고동사), 64%(감정동사), 50%(인지동사)와 같이 비교적 높은 불일치대응률을 보이는 점에서 일한 심리동사 술어문의 차이를 확실히 확인할 수 있다. 특히 감정동사와 감각동사에서 일본어의 <タ形>과 한국어의 <-ㄴ形>형의 불일치대응, <テイル形>과 <-ㄴ다形>의 불일치대응, <+모달리티형식>과 <Ф모달리티형식>의 불일치대응 등 아스펙트(Aspect) 및 모달리티에서의 차이를 극명하게 보여주는 점이 주목된다. In order to clearly illuminate the characteristics of predicate sentences in Japanese and Korean Psych Verbs in ‘same contexts’ and the similar points and different points of both languages, this article gathered exemplary sentences from Japanese novels in which 125 kinds of Psych Verbs were used and compares total 5,314 examples with Korean translation version and examined into their corresponding relations. As a consequence of categorizing Psych Verbs into four sorts such asThinking·Perception·Emotion·Sensation Verbs and investigated the corresponding relation by each verb type, the consistent corresponding ratio and inconsistent corresponding ratio of both languages were indicated to be 27% and 73%. Of them, Thinking Verbs showed the highest ratio, 84% in the inconsistent corresponding ratio, which is determined to be because of that 「思う」is markedly much used as Modality factors rather than inherent function as a Thinking Verb. Besides that, three kinds of Psych Verbs except for Sensation Verbs, showed relatively high inconsistent corresponding ratio like 84% (Thinking Verbs), 64% (Emotion Verbs), 50% (Perception Verbs), which makes us clearly see differences of presentation of Japanese and Korean Psych Verbs. Especially, it is noted that Emotion Verbs and Sensation Verbs definitely display the differences of Aspect and Modality such as inconsistent correspondence of Japanese 「タ」form and Korean 「-ㄴ다」form, inconsistent correspondence of Japanese「テイル」form and inconsistentcorrespondence of Japanese form 「+ Modality」form and 「Ф Modality」form.

      • KCI등재

        일본어의 가치인정형 모달리티에 대하여

        윤상실 한국일어일문학회 2000 日語日文學硏究 Vol.36 No.1

        日本語において, ある命題に對する話し手の判斷を表す判斷系モダリティは大きく眞僞判斷モダリティと價値判斷モダリティの二種に分けられるが, 本稿は後者の價値判斷モダリティを考察の對象とするものである. 具體的には, 「ベキダ」「ホウガイイ」「ナケレバナラナイ」を價値認定型の代表的形式として認定し, 妥當性判斷と必要·必然性判斷という要因で各形式が相互對立する構造として捉えた. すなわち, 話し手の價値認定の<妥當性>と<必要·必然性>をかけて「ベキダ」「ホウガイイ」と「ナケレバナラナイ」が對立し, さらに主張される妥當性が<絶對的>か<相對的>かをかけて「ベキダ」と「ホウガイイ」が對立するとの把握である. また各形式の使用條件と使用制限を手がかりにして價値認定型モダリティ形式としての性格と價値認定の本質を明らかにしようと試み, 次のようなことがわかった. ·「ベキダ」「ホウガイイ」の先行命題が常に話し手にとって望ましいことと判斷されるのとは對照的に, 「ナケレバナラナイ」は必ずしもそうではない. つまり, 「ナケレバナラナイ」の價値判斷は, 望ましいこととしての認定が含意されることもあるが, 價値認定の主眼はあくまでも命題內容に對する必要·必然性の認定にある. ·客觀的事實としての<眞>であることは話し手の內省による妥當性判斷形式の「ベキダ」では示せない. その理由は當事態の統制ができない話し手に先立って他者(事態統制者)によって妥當性判斷權が行使されたからである. この場合「ナケレバナラナイ」は充分使われうる. ·「ナケレバナラナイ」は客觀的諸狀況から要求される必要性判斷, 客觀的諸狀況から導き出される必然性判斷を表し, その價値認定は二重構造を成す.

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