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        미술관 전시공간 내 뉴 미디어의 체험적 특성에 관한 연구

        유단경 ( Danqiong Liu ),유정 ( Ting Liu ),황연숙 ( Yeonsook Hwang ) 한국공간디자인학회 2019 한국공간디자인학회논문집 Vol.14 No.4

        (연구배경 및 목적) 최근 여러 미디어들이 서로 통합되는‘미디어 컨버전스'의 시대로 빠르게 등장하고 있다. 다양한 미디어들이 서로 통합되어 나타나는 이른바 뉴 미디어가 등장하면서 전시공간에서도 융합형태의 미디어들을 활용한 공간이 등장하고 있다. 이러한 전시공간은 디지털기술의 발전과 더불어 여러 가지 미디어들이 융합된 뉴 미디어를 통해 관람자의 적극적인 참여를 불러일으키고, 상호교류환경을 마련하고 있다. 특히, 뉴 미디어는 사람들의 호기심과 흥미를 끌어들여 공간의 현장감을 극대화하고, 다양한 체험을 유도하면서 사람들에게 적극적으로 공간과 교류하게 한다. 이에 본 연구는 전시공간에 있어 뉴 미디어 활용에 따른 체험적 특성을 분석하고, 뉴 미디어 활용 전시공간의 발전 추세를 파악하여 향후 새롭게 출현할 전시공간에 관한 기초자료를 제공하는데 연구의 목적을 두었다. (연구방법 및 범위) 본 연구의 범위는 서울에 위치한 2010년 이후에 개관된 뉴 미디어 미술관 5곳을 대상으로 현장조사 하였다. 먼저 이론적 고찰을 통해 뉴 미디어의 개념 및 유형, 전시공간의 체험적 특성에 대해 정리하고, 그 후 전시 공간의 체험 특성에 대한 분석의 틀을 마련하기 위한 선행연구를 진행하였다. 최종적으로 사례조사 대상에 대해 분석 요소로 도출된 감각자극성, 상호작용성, 다양성, 복합성의 표현특성에 따라 뉴 미디어를 활용한 전시공간의 체험적 특성을 분석하였으며, 최종적으로 결론을 도출하였다. (결과) 전시공간을 적용한 뉴 미디어기술의 체험은 감각자극성, 상호작용성, 다양성, 복합성으로 나눌 수 있었는데, 그 중 가장 많이 적용된 표현 특성은 감각자극성과 상호작용성 이었다. 대부분의 사례에서 조명, 색채, 그래픽, 사운드, 3D 투영, 비디오 영상, LED 디스플레이, 2차원 그래픽과 문자 등을 3차원 4차원의 입체적인 애니메이션으로 만들어 사람들의 시각과 청각, 촉각을 자극하고 있었다. 뉴 미디어를 활용한 전시공간 체험적 특성 중에서 다양성이 가장 낮게 나타났다. 모든 사례에서 색채, 조명, 그래픽, 애니메이션, 소리 등 다양한 뉴 미디어 기술을 사용 하였으나, 대부분의 전시관에서는 관람자에게 풍부한 체험 동선과 다양한 주제의 전시가 제공되지 않기 때문에 관람자는 자신의 취향대로 체험동선을 선택할 수 밖에 없었다. (결론) 대부분의 미술관 전시공간에서 뉴 미디어의 활용은 아직 완벽한 구현의 단계는 미치지 못하는 것으로 파악되며, 쌍방향 커뮤니케이션 보다는 단순한 일방향 커뮤니케이션으로 나타났다. 따라서 앞으로 미술관의 발전 방향에 있어 공간과 관람자 간의 쌍방향 인터랙션을 강화하는 방안이 더 확대 되어야 할 것으로 판단된다. 현대 전시공간은 작품과 기술의 결합을 통해 보다 공간의 형식을 다양하게 함으로써 전시 공간 속에서 더욱 다양한 체험을 이끌어 낼 수 있을 것이며, 이는 뉴 미디어 기술의 발전과 더불어 융합을 통한 새로운 미래 전시 공간을 주도할 수 있을 것으로 기대한다. (Background and Purpose) Recently, with the emergence of new media in which various media are fused, the space utilizing fusion media emerging in the exhibition space. Along with the development of digital technology, the exhibition space creates a new environment through integration and exchange with various media. New media, in particular, encourage people’s curiosity and interest, maximize their sense of space, and encourage them to experience various activities. Thus the purpose of this study is to analyze the experiential characteristics of new media in exhibition space, understand the development trend of new media using exhibition space, and provide basic data about future exhibition space. (Method) The study was carried out in five media museums newly opened in Seoul since 2010. First, the concept and type of new media and the experiential characteristics of exhibition space were summarized through a theoretical review; a precedent study was then conducted to provide an analytic framework for the experiential characteristics of exhibition space. Finally, the experiential characteristics of the exhibition space using new media were analyzed according to the expressiveness of sensory stimuli, interactivity, diversity, and complexity derived from the analytic elements. (Results) The characteristics of the museum exhibition space were classified according into four: sensory stimulation, interaction, diversity, and complexity. The most frequently used expressive traits were sensory stimulation with interactions. In most cases, 3D stereoscopic animations stimulate people’s sight, hearing, and tactile sense of light, color, graphics, sound, 3D projection, video images, LED displays, 2D graphics, and text. Diversity is the lowest among the experiential characteristics of exhibition space using new media. In all cases, a variety of new media technologies were used, such as color, lighting, graphics, animation, and sound. However, most exhibitions do not provide visitors with a variety of experience circles and exhibitions on a variety of topics, so they cannot help. (Conclusions) The use of new media in most museum exhibits has not yet reached completion, and there is a much simpler one-sided approach than interactive methods. Therefore, in the future, we will find a way to strengthen the interaction between space and spectators in museums development. . The modern exhibition space will be able to host more diverse experiences in the exhibition space by diversifying the forms of space available through a combination of art and technology. It is anticipated that this will be combined with the development of new media technology, leading to a new exhibition space.

      • 사용자 체험을 바탕으로 한 오프라인 서점 독서공간 디자인 연구

        유단경(Liu Dan-Qiong),파트리샤쿠아린(Patricia Quarin),남경숙(Nam Kyoung-sook) 한국실내디자인학회 2018 한국실내디자인학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.20 No.3

        With the development of the Internet and the universalization of information, people"s reading style has changed. Thanks to the number of books available and the home delivery service, people started to prefer Internet bookstores, causing a huge increase in the number of online sites on one hand and the closure of offline bookstores on the other. But even if in the last few years Internet bookstores have quickly replaced offline bookstores, the cultural characteristics of offline bookstores cannot be replaced. Offline bookstores indeed are a place for people"s mental culture and they play an active role in the social and spiritual culture. Through the actual structure, people not only buy one item but also seek for the satisfaction of their mind. In the 21st century people are receiving a lot of stress, so they are looking again for this kind of experiences. 3 bookstore (both indipendent and big-chain stores) have been chosen in two of Seoul (Mapo-gu) where young people usually gather to hang out and shopping. The aim of this paper is to study offline bookstore design cases based on user experience in order to identify the requirements to design an offline bookstore that meets users needs.

      • KCI등재

        직장보육시설의 보육공간 특성에 관한 분석

        유단경 ( Liu Danqiong ),이자영 ( Lee Jayoung ),전현상 ( Jeon Hyeonsang ),황연숙 ( Hwang Yeonsook ) 한국공간디자인학회 2020 한국공간디자인학회논문집 Vol.15 No.7

        (연구배경 및 목적) 최근 한국의 저출산은 맞벌이 가정증가, 여성의 사회적 진출, 양육비용의 증가 등 다양한 요인으로 인해 사회적인 문제가 되고 있다. 이에 본 연구는 이론적 고찰을 통해 보육공간 구성 및 특성을 파악하고 직장어린이집 사례조사를 통해 보육공간 특성을 분석하여 직장어린이집의 질적인 보육공간계획을 위한 기초자료로 활용되는 것을 목적으로 한다. (연구방법 및 범위) 본 연구는 서울을 중심으로 2010년 이후 개원한 400㎡ 이상의 직장 내 보육시설 4개소를 조사대상으로 하여 분석하였다. 선행연구에서 분석된 보육공간의 공간특성에 대해 체크리스트를 도출하였으며 이를 기준으로 사례조사를 통해 직장보육시설의 공간특성을 파악하였다. (결과) 어린이집 주요 보육공간은 보육실, 유희실, 화장실로 구분하였다. 특히 직장어린이집은 대부분 사업장 내 한층 규모로 사용되고 있으며 유희실을 중심으로 보육실들이 주변을 배치하는 경우가 많았다. 선행연구를 분석하고 재정리를 통해 보육공간의 특성을 적용성, 접근성, 안전성, 쾌적성의 4가지로 도출하였다. 보육공간에 따라 나타난 특성을 살펴보면 보육실은 쾌적성이 높게, 안전성이 낮게 나타났다. 유희실은 쾌적성이 높게, 적용성과 안전성이 낮게 나타났다. 화장실은 쾌적성이 높게, 적용성이 낮게 나타났다. 전체적으로 보육공간의 특성을 살펴보면 쾌적성이 가장 높게 나타났으며 적용성과 안전성이 낮게 나타났다. (결론) 첫째, 직장어린이집의 보육공간 특성은 쾌적성, 접근성, 적용성, 안전성 순으로 나타났다. 둘째, 보육공간은 기능적 특성에 따라 지원되어야야 할 공간특성이 다른 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 보육실은 공간의 안전성을 강화하고 접근성을 높여서 아동이 안심하고 보육실을 사용할 수 있도록 지원해야 한다. 유희실은 공간의 적용성을 높이고 안전성을 강화해야 하는 것으로 나타났다. 다양하고 충분한 놀이 및 활동 도구를 배치하여 어린이의 대소근육 발달을 촉진시키며 안전사고를 예방할 수 있도록 해야 한다. 화장실은 보육실 외부에서도 쉽게 접근할 수 있도록 접근성을 높여야 한다. 이를 위해 보육실 외부에도 화장실을 배치해야 하며 변기의 수가 아동의 수에 적합하도록 더 많이 배치되어야 한다. 또한, 배변 활동과 목욕공간을 위해 여유 있는 화장실 규모가 제공되어야 한다. 넷째 직장어린이집의 경우, 부모의 직장과 같은 건물에 자녀가 함께 있음으로써 부모와 자녀에게 정서적으로 안정감을 줄 수 있으나 직장 건물 환경에 따라 보육환경에 제한을 가져오기도 한다. 조사결과 직장 건물의 제한적 특성으로 보육실이나 유희실의 크기와 같은 실내보육환경 조건과 모래놀이와 실외 놀이터와 같은 실외보육환경을 제대로 제공하지 못하는 경우가 있었다. 따라서 이러한 보육환경의 문제점을 보완하여 질적인 보육환경을 제공해야 할 것이다. (Background and Purpose) Low birthrates are becoming a social problem today due to various factors, including the increase in dual-income families, women's social advancement and increased child care costs. Therefore, this study aims€to€identify the composition and characteristics of child care space through theoretical consideration and analyze the characteristics of child care space through the case study of workplace daycare centers and to use it as basic data for planning quality child care space of workplace daycare centers. (Method) This study analyzed four child care facilities in the workplace of 400㎡ or more, opened since 2010, mainly in Seoul. A checklist was drawn on the spatial characteristics of the child care space analyzed in the preceding study, and the spatial characteristics of the workplace care facility were identified through a case study. (Results) Through theoretical consideration, the main nursery spaces were divided into nursery rooms, playrooms and toilets. Most workplace day care centers were being used on a one-story scale in the workplace. Through the analysis and re-organization of preceding studies, the nursery space derived four things: applicability, accessibility, safety and comfort. According to the characteristics of the nursery space, nursery room were found to be high comfort and low safety. The playroom showed high comfort, low applicability and safety. The toilet showed high comfort and low applicability. Looking at the entire nursery space, the comfort was high, and the applicability and safety were low. (Conclusions)€The results of the case analysis showed comfort, accessibility, applicability and safety in order. Almost all cases provided regular hygiene control and a pleasant nursery atmosphere. However, in terms of safety, it was found that the corners of furniture were not rounded or the use of safety devices and protectors in the windows was insufficient. It was found that the characteristics to be supported by each functional characteristic of the nursery space are partly different, and nursery rooms should enhance the safety and accessibility of the space, and playrooms should be placed as spaces that enhance the physical and motor development of the child, thereby promoting the development of the small and medium muscles of the child. According to the survey, due to the limited nature of work buildings, indoor child care environment conditions such as the size of nursery or playroom and outdoor child care environment such as sand play and outdoor playgrounds were not provided properly.€Therefore, it is necessary to provide a qualitative child care environment by supplementing these problems in the child care environment.

      • 뉴 미디어를 활용한 전시공간의 체험적 특성에 관한 연구 - 디지털 미디어 미술관 사례를 중심으로 -

        유단경(Liu, Dan-Qiong),유정(Liu, Ting),소미(Lian, Zhuo-Er),황연숙(Hwang, Yeon-Sook) 한국실내디자인학회 2019 한국실내디자인학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.21 No.1

        In order to provide effective reference materials for the future development of display space. This paper studies four art galleries in urban areas that use new media, especially familiar with media, and understands the characteristics of new media art. In addition, we also understand the experience types and characteristics of modern experience art galleries under the use of new media. Through the preliminary study and analysis of a large number of specific cases, it reveals the characteristics of the space experience under the use of new media: First, the sensation is irritating. Second, interaction. Third, the application of association and digital technology makes the work more realistic. Fourth, the induction and induction of voluntary experience. The fifth is connectivity, where space enhances reality, and based on the specific spatial nature of a specific region, the display of the entire space is easy to connect. Through projection, 3D technology, digital media, LED display, lighting, color, sound, sound, sound, voice, etc. Using new media techniques makes the display space very much interactive and sensory stimulation. Due to the relatively long range of participants " participation in the experimental museum or experience facility, some space is not enough to guide the visitor to the next room, which leads to a lesser connection.In order to utilize the new media, it is also more diverse and diverse, and the experience of display space is more diverse.

      • 서울 시내 면세점 휴게 공간의 실내 환경 디자인 특성

        유단경(Liu, Dan-Qiong),문자영(Moon, Ja-Young),황연숙(Hwang, Yeon-Sook) 한국실내디자인학회 2019 한국실내디자인학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.21 No.3

        As tourists increase and competition intensifies, each duty-free shop is confronted with competition in various aspects, including not only sales volume, but also the internal space environment design. When shopping for a long time is busy and crowded, tourists urgently need a rest area to ease fatigue and wait. Nowadays, how to create a resting environment to satisfy tourists is a big challenge for duty-free shops. Therefore, this study compared and analyzed the changes in the design characteristics of the rest space inside the duty free shop in Seoul and analyzed the design characteristics of the rest space environment through case study. In the study, rest spaces should be added to the future design, such as the number of furniture, additional facilities, and disability information, and pay attention to the mobility of the furniture. Rest spaces should be installed on each floor. In addition, it is necessary to select various materials for both the layout of the resting space and the interior to increase the change of color and lighting. It is necessary to separate the resting space from other spaces in order to increase the discrimination of space. The lighting should be soft and create a good atmosphere for the customer.

      • 돈의문 박물관 마을에 나타나는 재생건축 특성 연구

        백선정(Baek, Seon-Jeong),유단경(Liu, Dan-Qiong),유정(Liu, Ting),황연숙(Hwang, Yeon-Sook) 한국실내디자인학회 2018 한국실내디자인학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.20 No.3

        Today, cities are trying to preserve the disappearing historical and cultural resources. At the same time, there is a growing awareness that the identity of the city should be restored.This study aims to present reference materials by understanding the concept of regenerated architecture and analyzing its characteristics and analyzing how each characteristic appears in regenerated architecture for preserving historical and cultural resources. The case was selected as one of the projects carried out in Seoul to preserve historical and cultural resources, the Donuimun Museum Village. The research method confirms the concept of regenerating architecture through prior research and confirms the characteristics of the regenerated architecture mentioned, and it is historical, symbolic, and preservation. The three characteristics were extracted: history was shown in all cases, but history was low in case of reconstructions. Symbolism was high in the hanok experience village where reconstruction was carried out. The preservation was low in the hanok experience village and the ruins exhibition room where the reconstruction was carried out, and it failed as a historical resource because of its low preservation.

      • 청년 여행자를 고려한 게스트하우스의 커뮤니케이션 스페이스 특성

        안상녕(Yan, Xiang-Ning),류정(Liu, Ting),유단경(Liu, Dan-Qiong),황연숙(Hwang, Yeon-Sook) 한국실내디자인학회 2018 한국실내디자인학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.20 No.1

        With the development of tourist industry and diversification of a traveling way, the guesthouse seems to be a standard organization of the international hotel chain, different from the general hotels. Moreover, its unique spaces for communications attract a large number of young tourists to the guesthouse. However, with some problems learned from the communication spaces in some guesthouses, it is necessary to research characteristics of particular guesthouses and then vitalize those characteristics for young tourists’ interests. Therefore, a case study was conducted on three guesthouses located in Seoul. Analysis results are as follows: First, five design characteristics of communication spaces are interactivity, regional culture, variability, openness, and sensory stimulation. Second, based on the research from arrangement types, interactivity ranks the highest in intensive type and blended type, and in stand-alone type, regional culture shows the highest. Third, with the design characteristics examined from three places, interactivity is well-reflected in Jung-gu and Mapo-gu, and regional culture is effectively expressed in Jongro-gu.

      • 효과적인 VMD 표현을 위한 2D그래픽 교육 사례

        노이경(Noh, Yi-Kyung),유정(Liu Ting),유단경(Liu Danqiong) 한국실내디자인학회 2019 한국실내디자인학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.21 No.2

        Recently, commercial spaces have used various space production methods to raise brand awareness, away from the past sales-oriented space production. Especially, VMD strategy is actively used to visualize the brand"s identity in the interior and exterior space as well as the display of products tailored to the needs of consumers. In this study, we examined the 2D digital graphic design process to express effective VMD using Photoshop and Illustration Program, a computer graphic software. This class is a practical subject. It was conducted in the second semester of the first grade of the VMD exhibition design department. It was conducted in theory and practice according to the total 15 weeks process. After fully understanding the theoretical and reference examples required for the class, the practice was carried out after selecting individual brands. Through this class, the ability to express VMD more effectively was cultivated. Visual visualization was improved by expressing idea sketches using graphics programs, and new and impactful store production was made possible by enabling more detailed and realistic planning expressions.

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