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        청허 휴정(淸虛休靜) 선사상의 고유성과 독특성 ― 일물(一物)에 담긴 깨달음에의 실천적 위상(位相)을 중심으로 ―

        오용석 ( Oh¸ Yong-suk ) 동국대학교 세계불교학연구소 2021 불교 철학 Vol.9 No.-

        본 논문은 청허 휴정 선사상의 고유성과 독특성을 일물에 담긴 깨달음에의 실천적 위상을 중심으로 논의하였다. 여기서 위상은 ‘어떤 사물이 다른 사물과의 관계 속에서 가지는 위치나 상태’를 의미한다. 청허 휴정은 일물을 통해 그의 선사상과 깨달음에의 실천적 위상을 드러내었는데 이를 크게 사교입선과 선정겸수의 관점에서 살펴보았다. 먼저 휴정의 사교입선과 일물의 관계를 통해 휴정의 일물이 갖는 특징을 파악하였다. 즉 휴정의 일물은 우리의 본원진심을 묘사하기 위한 추상적 용어 혹은 선과 교를 통합하기 위한 중도적 교의를 나타내는 것에 한정되지 아니하고 경절의 활구를 통해 직접적인 선의 체험 즉 견성성불의 중요성을 드러내는 위상을 갖는다. 다음으로 휴정의 선정겸수과 일물의 관계를 논술하였다. 기본적으로 휴정은 선과 염불이 다르지 않다고 보았다. 그러나 이는 선과 염불의 차이를 없애기 위해서라기보다 선의 입장에서 염불을 포용할 것을 강조한 것이다. 특히 이러한 관계속에서 휴정의 일물은 선의 입장에서 염불을 참선으로 승화시킨 염불공안으로 제시되었다. 즉 휴정의 염불은 선과 만나 참구의 염불이 되고, 다시 자심의 정토를 깨닫는 실상염불을 지향한다. This study discussed the Characteristic and Uniqueness of the Cheongheo Hyujeong’s Seon Thought, focusing on the practical status of enlightenment contained in One-Thing. Here, status means ‘the state that an object has in relation to another object’. Cheongheo Hyujeong revealed his Thought of Seon and practical status of enlightenment contained in One-Thing that I discussed from the perspective of Relinquishing Gyo(敎) and Entering Seon and the combined cultivation of Seon and Pure Land(淨土). First, I reviewed the relationship between Relinquishing Gyo and Entering Seon and One-Thing, and through this, I could examine the characteristics of Hujeong’s One-Thing. In other words, the works of Hujeong are not limited to abstract terms to describe our One’s original Buddha-nature or to express The Middle Way to integrate Seon and Gyo, but have a status of revealing the importance of direct experience of Seon, that is, to penetrate one’s mind is to become enlightened through the Living Phrase(活句) of shortcut expedient. Next, the relationship between the combined cultivation of Seon and Pure Land and the One-Thing of Hyujeong was discussed. Hyujeong thought of that Seon and to meditate on the Buddha were not different. However, this is not to eliminate the difference between Seon and to meditate on the Buddha, but rather emphasizes the embracing of to meditate on the Buddha from the point of view of Seon. In particular, the work of Hujeong presented in this relationship was presented as to meditate on the Buddha with kung-an(公案) that sublimated to meditate on the Buddha into Seon from the point of view of Seon. In other words, to meditate on the Buddha meets Seon and becomes to meditate on the Buddha of Penetration(參究), and aims to become the One’s own original nature that realizes the Pure Land of Buddha-nature again.

      • KCI우수등재

        선 수행에 나타난 분심(憤心)과 자비에 대한 소고

        오용석(Oh Yong Suk) 불교학연구회 2016 불교학연구 Vol.49 No.-

        본 논문은 선 수행에서 나타난 분심(憤心)의 개념을 타자구제라는 자비행의 측면에서 논의한 것이다. 이러한 연구를 위해서 우선 분노가 갖고 있는 긍정적인 관점에 주목하고 그러한 특징이 선 수행에서 나타나는 분심의 개념에도 적용될 수 있음을 살펴보았다. 특히 분노와 관련된 연구에서 공분(公憤)이라는 개념에 주목하였으며 선 수행의 분심에도 이러한 특징이 있음을 살펴보았다. 공분이란 공적 정당성을 가지고 중대한 결함을 시정하고 대응하려는 반응으로 분노의 긍정적이며 실천적인 측면이다. 이러한 특징은 선 수행에서 나타난 분심의 개념과 연관된다. 선 수행에서 분심은 생사에 대한 자각과 타자구제에 대한 원력에 의해 추동되는 것으로 공분의 성격을 갖는다. 논자는 선 수행에서 나타나는 분심을 크게 두 가지로 나누어 살펴보았다. 첫째는 선수행자의 분심으로 이러한 분심은 수행자가 수행을 해 나가는 단계에서 요구되는 것으로 이것은 생사에 관한 자각과 타자구제의 원력 속에서 성장하는 발심의 동력이다. 특히 생사의 문제에 대한 자각에서 출발하나 그 자각이 추구되는 보편적인 장면은 삶 속의 관계에서 구현되기 때문에 한 수행자의 생사 발심은 선의 실천이라는 역사적인 실천과 타자의 역동에 참여하는 타자구제로 확대된다. 둘째는 이미 깨달음을 얻은 선사의 분심이다. 선사의 분심은 타자구제에 대한 자비의 원력과 맞물려 제자의 깨달음을 촉발하는 방식으로 나타난다. 이러한 선사의 분심은 깊은 자비심의 표현으로 일종의 순수한 분노라고 할 수 있으며 여기서 중요한 것은 선사들의 분심이 상호관계성을 갖는다는 점이다. 또한 선사의 분심은 현실에 대한 공분을 통하여 자신의 정당성을 확보하려는 공분의 성격을 갖는다. 그러나 이때 공분이 가진 정당성의 확보는 선사 자신의 독단적 주장이 아니라 당시 사회의 역사적 요구에 의하여 결정되는 것으로 사회적 실천성을 갖는다. In this paper, I examined the meaning of Endeavoring Heart (憤心) through Seon (禪, Zen) practice with the Compassion (慈悲) of Mahayana Buddhism. For these studies, I pay attention to the positive aspects of anger and come to the result that Justifiable anger (公憤) has a relationship with the Endeavoring Heart (憤心) of Seon (禪) Practice. To prove these, I examined from two perspectives about this. First I discussed that the Endeavoring Heart (憤心) of Seon (禪) practice is a sort of justifiable anger (公憤), because it is driven by awareness of birth and death with a wish to awaken to the Bodhi-mind. The practice of Seon (禪) basically contains an implement of the compassion emphasized by Mahayana Buddhism. Next I discussed the Endeavoring Heart (憤心) of a Seon master who has become enlightened already. First, the Endeavoring Heart (憤心) of a Seon (禪) master has a characteristic to help the disciples out of compassion. Second, the Endeavoring Heart (憤心) of a Seon (禪) master tends to be expanded to justifiable anger determined by the historical needs of society at the time. To conclude, I examined the positive aspects of anger in Seon (禪) practice with justifiable anger (公憤), and came to understand compassion (慈悲) of Mahayana Buddhism in Seon (禪) practice.

      • KCI우수등재

        간화선 위빠사나 논쟁

        오용석(Oh, Yong-Suk) 불교학연구회 2016 불교학연구 Vol.46 No.-

        현재 한국에서 유행하고 있는 불교 수행법은 크게 전통적인 수행이라고 할 수 있는 간화선과 현대에 들어와 유행된 위빠사나 수행이라고 할 수 있다. 이 두 가지 수행법은 각각 동아시아의 북방 대승불교와 남방 상좌부불교를 대표하는 것으로 단 순히 수행방법의 차이뿐만 아니라 문화적 사상적 차이를 함축하고 있다. 본 논문에서는 주로 간화선의 입장에서 그동안 쟁점이 되었던 주제에 대하여 논의해 보았다. 첫째는 간화선에 있어서 선정이 갖는 위상에 대한 논의이다. 간화의 공부법은 지나친 좌선의 배격이나 선정 무용론을 주장하는 파격의 입장에 서기 보다 도 언제 어느 때나 수행할 수 있는 방법의 계발이었다. 당대 조사선이 가진 장점을 수용하고 단점을 극복한 바탕 위에서 이루어진 간화선은 선정의 바탕 없이 지혜만을 추구한다거나 혹은 반드시 4선의 바탕 위에서 이루어지는 수행과는 다르다고 할수 있다. 간화의 방법은 선정의 배격에 있는 것도 아니고 더군다나 선정의 추구에 있지도 않다. 간화선은 정혜등지의 입장에서 선정과 지혜의 문제를 중도적으로 수용하였다. 둘째는 사띠에 대한 광의적인 해석을 선불교의 핵심 사상인 정념(正念: 無念) 과 직접 연관시킨다거나 간화선의 수행론에 적용할 때에는 좀 더 신중한 입장을 취할 필요가 있음을 살펴보았다. 초기․ 상좌부 불교의 정념(正念: sati)은 그 자체가 지혜를 계발하는 수단임에 비하여 선불교의 정념은 결과에 가까운 것으로 이 둘을 등 치시키는 것은 현대 심리학에서 사띠 개념을 조작적 정의로 사용하는 것과 같은 것으로 개념 해석의 재고가 필요하다. 특히 사띠에는 어원적으로 ‘안다’는 의미가 들어있지 않기에 선종의 ‘자연지(自然知)’ 등으로 해석하는 것은 문제가 있다고 할 수 있다. Buddhist practice in Korea is currently divided into two main groups, namely Ganhwaseon and Vipassanā meditation. In this paper I discuss the debates about Ganhwaseon and Vipassanā meditation. I especially focus on the application of the concepts jhāna (禪定) and sati (正念) in Ganhwaseon. In this manner, this study is directed at understanding the difference between Ganhwaseon and Vipassanā Meditation. It is important to look at the differences and similarities through cultural and ideological contexts. Firstly, Ganhwaseon presents The Middle Way (中道) about jhāna, whereby it embraces both positive and negative aspects of this concept. Ganhwaseon did not deny the way of sitting meditation, neither did it pursue jhāna, which rouses gradually step by step. In addition, I examine why we should not apply the concept of sati directly to Zen Buddhism’s Mind of non-attachment (無念). While Early Theravāda Buddhism’sconcept of sati refers to means used to inspire wisdom, Zen Buddhism’s concept of Mind of non-attachment is close to wisdom itself. Furthermore, sati does not imply ‘to know something’; therefore, it is problematic to understand sati as Zen Buddhism’s One’s

      • KCI등재

        주제별 논단 : 자본시장통합법의 쟁점과 과제 ; 자본시장통합법 제정에 따른 금융권역별 영향 및 금융감독 방향

        오용석 ( Yong Suk Oh ) 한국금융법학회 2006 金融法硏究 Vol.3 No.1

        For leading a financial Big Bang in the capital market by stimulating financial innovation and competition, the Korean government is working on the establishment of Capital Market and Financial Investment Services Act which will consolidate the existing capital market related acts. One of the main points of this act is to regard financial products with possibilities of losing a part of the principal as ``financial investment products``. Another main point is that a financial investment company is allowed to manage all six financial investment businesses(investment transactions, investment intermediation, collective investments, investment commitments, investment consulting and trust businesses). Also the Act extends the scope of investment business. For example, the Act allows financial investment companies to join the micro-settlement system of Korea Financial Telecommunications & Clearings Institute and this will greatly improve the convenience of the securities account, which until now was bound to provide only basic services. Finally the Act is upgrade the investor protection mechanism. For example, financial investment companies are required to receive clients`` signatures which confirm that clients are well informed of the details of the investment products when they sell investment products. Though the scope of this legislation is yet limited to the capital market and the securities industry, requests will be growing that banking and insurance industries should adopt the same regulation system. On the other hand, the business scope extension in securities industry is likely to causes more competitions among the industries and consumers in banking and insurance industries may claim more strict consumer protections in their areas. Because nowadays many securities companies are belong to financial groups, all the financial companies in a financial group will enjoy synergy effects by turning a securities company into a financial investment company. One of the worries regarding the Act is related with allowing financial investment companies to join the micro-settlement system. In spite of all the carefully designed systemsafety- purposed devices, overall risks of micro-settlement system due to the entrance of the securities companies are estimated to be increased slightly. For the banking industry, this legislation will be the chance to diversify banks`` income structures and increase their customers. However, the trust business in bank can be shrunken as the financial investment companies can run the trust business as a main business. For the insurance industry, the Act will help to improve the asset managing environment and escalate the possibility of joining the micro-settlement system, but competitions will also be growing because some business area can be overlapped. Clearly the securities industry will enjoy many benefits from the Act. First of all, the role and scale of the capital market will be enlarged and capital market related financial institutions can be large enough to compete with international investment banks such as Merrill Lynch through the capital increase and M&As. Competitiveness of investment products will grow and business grounds for the financial investment companies will be strengthened by offering comprehensive financial services. However, there is a good possibility that foreign investment companies can erode the new profitable market with advanced financial technique, skilled experts and sufficient capitals. For minimizing the adverse effects and maximizing the positive effects, the methods of financial supervision should be adjusted. The confusion caused from the co-existence of institutional regulations(banking and insurance industry sectors) and functional regulations (securities industry sector) can be eliminated by changing the supervisory organization in the way that institutional regulations are supplemented by functional regulations. Also the balances between the securities industry supervision and banking/insurance supervision should be considered to get rid of possible discriminations caused by different regulation systems.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        보조지눌(普照知訥)의 간화선관(看話禪觀) 고찰: 대혜종고(大慧宗杲) 간화선과의 관계를 중심으로

        오용석(Yong Suk Oh) 보조사상연구원 2019 보조사상 Vol.54 No.-

        본 논문은 보조지눌의 간화선관을 대혜종고 간화선과의 관계를 중심으로 고찰한 것이다. 대혜종고에 의해 보편적 수행법으로 제시되고 수행되었던 간화선이 보조지눌에 의해 어떤 식으로 수용되었는지 ‘절후재소(絶後再甦)’의 개념을 통해 지눌이 제시한 간화경절문의 특징을 논하였다. 지눌은 범부중생이 지적인 이해에만 만족하지 말고 깨달음을 구현할 것을 강조하였다. 특히 그는 선학자(禪學者)들도 화두에 대한 전제(全提)니 파병(破病)이니 하는 상견(常見) 혹은 단견(斷見)을 버려야 할 것을 강조하였는데 이는 화엄교학과의 관계에서 선의 우위를 확보하기 위해서만 『간화결의론』을 저술한 것이 아님을 유추할 수 있다. 또한 지눌의 경절문은 절대적인 경절문이 아니기에 그것을 수용하는 근기 혹은 상황에 따라 달라질 수 있음을 보여준다. 왜냐하면 화두 자체가 문제가 아니라 화두를 접근하는 방식에 따라 참의(參意) 혹은 참구(參句)가 될 수 있기 때문이다. 『간화결의론』에 나타나는 지눌의 선사상은 교문 혹은 선문에 집착하는 병통을 깨뜨리고 대혜종고가 보여준 것과 같은 조사선의 활발발한 정신을 회복하기 위한 것이라고 볼 수 있다. 지눌의 간화선을 대혜종고 간화선과의 관계를 통해 살펴보면 동정일여(動靜一如)의 측면에서 회통한다.대혜가 조사선의 입장에서 간화경절의 길을 제시하고 삼교합일(三敎合一)과 진속불이의 입장에서 다양한 근기를 포섭하는데 역점을 둔 반면에, 지눌은 간화경절을 통해 지해가 갖고 있는 병통을 심각하게 고민하고 교학자(敎學者)나 선학자(禪學者)들이 갖고 있는 문제를 해결하기 위한 방편을 고민하였다. 지눌은 중도적 관점에서 당시 광선(狂禪)과 치선(痴禪)을 경계(警戒)하고 실천론적 관점을 제시하기 위해 간화경절문을 제시하였다. This paper presents the Ganhwa Seon of Bojo Jinul based on the Dahui Zonggao’s Ganhwa Seon. I discussed the characteristics of Bojo Jinul’s Ganhwa Seon how be accepted through the concept of ‘Born again after death’ that suggested in Dahui Zonggao’s enlightenment. Jinul emphasized that people should not only be satisfied with intellectual understanding but also embody enlightenment. In particular, he emphasized Zen trainees should also abandon a false view that the self and world are eternal and the view point of annihillation that of Hwadu. It is infered that GanHwa Gyeoruiron is not writtened only occupy a superiority by comparison with the Huayan thought. It is also shown that Jinul s shorter road to attainment is not an absolute passage, and it can be changed depending on the circumstance or situation accepting it. This is because the Hwadu itself is not a problem, but it can be depending on how to approach the Hwadu itself. The Jinul’s Zen thought shows that break down the attachment of Zen Buddhism and scholastic Buddhism. It can be seen that Jinul presented a shorter road to attainment in order to show the middle way as a practical viewpoint to take warning the crazy Zen and foolish Zen.

      • KCI등재후보

        중국인의 경제마인드 연원 고찰: 한국과의 비교

        오용석 ( Yong Suk Oh ) 한중사회과학학회 2009 한중사회과학연구 Vol.7 No.2

        One of the recent Chinese tendency is to bring the old thoughts back to their senses. This study focuses on inquiry into the economic consciousness from the traditional Chinese mythological stories and the economic thoughts from five major Chinese philosophers and literary scholars as the origins of the Chinese economic mind. The Chinese economic mind regarding commerce as important has been firmly preserved since the mythological age. So, the Chinese commerce progressed enough to open the Silk Road as early as in the third century B.C. And many wealthy merchants appeared in spite of the agriculture-first and commerce-last policy based on the "four classes thought" advocating an inequal jobs in order of scholars, farmers, artisans, and merchants oriented by the Legalist and the Confucian scholars, After all, such a thought was substituted for a "new four classes thought" of equal jobs, and now the four classes thought is not clear in the Chinese economic mind. The Korean economic mind seems to be similar to the Chinese because of their similar cultural histories and thoughts. But both are quite different in many aspects. For example, the Korean commercial consciousness has not so enough strong as the Chinese to overcome the traditional "four classes thought" and the agriculture-first and commerce-last policy oriented by the doctrines of Chu-tzu through the Choson dynasty era. Thus the tradition of the "four classes thought" is still remained in the Korean economic mind.

      • KCI등재

        국제무역의 구조적 변화와 신통상정책원리

        오용석(Yong Suk Oh) 한국국제통상학회 1999 국제통상연구 Vol.4 No.1

        Besides launching the WTO system, development of high technology has altered the trade structure focused on merchandise to that on services. Concurrent trade in services made by internet speeds up economically borderless globalization as well as makes commerce at light speed possible. New regionalism leads pervasive regional economic blocs to shape broad commercial spheres. Intra-regional trade based on regional economic blocs has continued to increase. The structure of the division of labor in international trade has changed from vertical specialization to horizontal one. Since the 1980s, intra-regional divisions of labor have increased by regional cooperation, and international divisions of labor have been expedited by giant industrial firms and multinational corporations. These have made intra-industry trade enlarged. According to structural change in international trade, some theories have newly appeared. New theories of commercial policy make two premises: Competition in markets is imperfect, and firms and governments act strategically to affect trade flows and national welfare. One of new commercial policy principles is protectionism for preference of national advantage led by governments. Government intervention, managed trade and national welfare maximization are the main point of this principle. Another new commercial policy principle is liberalism for national competitive advantage based on globalization. The traditional theory of free trade stands on static comparative advantage made by hardware resources and perfect competition markets. But the new principle is dynamic competitive advantage centered on software resources and imperfect competition markets. The third principle is new regionalism. Commercial policy on it tends to both free trade and protectionism. That is, it pursues free intra-trade and multiple agreement on non-discriminal tariff reduction on the one hand, new protectionism against trade disputes between nations or regions on the other hand.

      • 건설장비차량의 배출가스에 관한 실험적 연구

        오용석(Yong-Suk Oh) 산업기술교육훈련학회 2010 산업기술연구논문지 (JITR) Vol.15 No.3

        The use of diesel engine on the bus, truck, construction equipment, and agricultural equipment has been increased because of high thermal efficiency, high torque, and high fuel economy. especially, As increasing the using of construction equipment diesel engine, the pollution has been more serious. In this experiment, the amount of CO, HC, NOx, and PM was compared with present construction equipment exhaust emission standards in EPA, U.S.A.. In analyzing exhaust emission, it was measured at the D-13 mode of heavy duty diesel regulation mode. I think that Korea had better quickly prepare test mode for construction equipment diesel engine such as America, European Union, and Japan.

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