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      • 미주 한인학교의 운영실태와 한국정부의 해외동포 교육지원사업의 발전방향

        오성삼 ( Sung Sam Oh ),서효자 ( Hyo Ja Suh ) 건국대학교 교육연구소 1994 교사와 교육(구 교육논집) Vol.18 No.-

        There has been a large influx of Korean immigrants to the United States since 1965, when the United States changed the immigration laws and repealed the quata system that had limited the number of immigants from Asian countries. The children of these Korean immigrants are known to be relatively successful in American school as a group. This article has three main goals: first, to trace the history of Korean Immigrants regarding to their educational activities for their children, second, to explain, within the context of the current plural societies, the relatively high achievement of Korean children in the American educational system and thrid, to evaluate Korean language program for the Korean-Americans. This article is based on survey questionaire and in-depth open-ended interviews researchers of this study conducted with 959 Korean-American children and 134 parents from January to November in 1993. Money and prestige are the criteria for success among Korean-American immigrants, and these criteria are the foundation for the Korean-American community`s cultural model of success. The strategy of most immigrants is to earn money by running their own bussiness and achieve prestige by sending their children to the best universities to become professionals. Because these views are so widely held and firmly believed in, when they manifest themselves with respect to the children`s education they become a powerful force. The children of immigrants internalize these values, making them an important part of their identity. Unfortunately these powerful family and community forces channel students into narrowly defined careers, leaving no room for those who do not conform. When their talents, interests, and lifestyles do not match those appreciated by the family and the community, students have no choice but to suppress that part of themselves, sometimes at significant emotional cost. According to this study, many Korean immigrant parents have conflicts with their children who have been exposed to the liberal educational environment in the United States and the priority concerns of Korean immigrant mothers related to language, communication and the generation gap with their children. Korean immigrant parents feel limitations in talking with their children in English while Korean children often become quiet fluent in communication in English. The differentiated language patterns between children and parents complicate family life. Parents in the dual language family usually have difficulty providing appropriate guidance to their children and receiving their respect. Currently, many Korean language schools are facing the problem of finance, teaching materials, qualified teachers and school buildings. To organize a special committee or research institutes for Korean-American students is one of the recommends to Korean government as a result of this study.

      • 한국,이스라엘 아동의 학교 및 가정생활 비교

        오성삼 ( Sung Sam Oh ) 건국대학교 교육연구소 2000 교사와 교육(구 교육논집) Vol.24 No.-

        Jewish education began in the biblical period. Its purpose was to shape a "kingdom of priests and a holy nation" through the study of the history of Israel and the worship of God. Education took place within the family as the father taught his children the biblical laws, religious ceremony, and precepts, in addition to providing training in a craft or agriculture. Education was incidental, as the father explained when necessary how to act in daily life according to religious values. The girls were taught domestic duties by their mothers. In view of the diminishing influence of the family and the synagogue the Jewish school could fulfill an increasingly vital function as a framework in which patterns of Jewish life are formulated and created within a changing society. That function could best be carried out in comprehensive Jewish day schools based on modem pedagogical principles in which Jewish and general subjects are totally integrated curricularly and extra-curricularly, from nursery school to secondary school, with classes provided for parents as well. Schools of this type would be able to evolve a life-style appealing to youngster because it copes with the problems of how to live as Jews within a non-Jewish society. Such a change in the structure and practices of Jewish schools will naturally involved a need for research on education and for a national clarification of its means and end. The purpose of this study is to introduce Israeli ways of education to Korean society especially for the elementary school level. By reviewing Jewish education in historical perspective : ancient times, middle ages, the Renaissance, the twentieth century, and Jewish education in the United States, and Jewish education at present, similarities in the ways of child rearing at home and student teaching at school between two nations can be compared. Based on these similarities a survey questionnaire was developed to administer to the elementary student groups in the largest city of two countries, Seoul and Tel Aviv to memorate Korean children`s day which is May 5 in 1999. The subject of this study was 510(children in 4th, 5th, and 6th grades m elementary school from Seoul and Tel-Aviv area in both countries. The questionnaire on children`s daily life at school and at home was developed by the researcher. Important result obtained through this study is that Jewish way of education heavily focus on diversion thinking and mutual cooperation is one of the emphasizing factors while the Korean children are emphasizing competition with peers and achievement in many ways are big emphasized at the family and school. is based on the Jewish identity and culture originated from their ancestor. Clearly, the changing nature of family roles is having a powerful effect on the socialization patterns for moral development of youth in Korea and Israel. But this phenomenon is only part of the problem. School structure and policy are viewed by this research as having an even more profound effect on the changing moral climate children experience. Specifically, the examination system, overemphasis on educational credentials, cramming of factual information for tests, excessive standardization of curricula and school regulations, and the poor quality of higher education have been identified by critics as having a damaging effect on the development of ethical sensibility. In addition, there is widespread public agreement that the primary goals of the school and the family as social institutions are the connection of these values to high levels of academic achievement for a large percentage of youth and to Korean`s battle for global economic supremacy. In summary, Israel has been a tightly group-oriented society throughout its history as reflected in its culture, way of life, and today in its school management system. Overall, the school management system in Israel operates very effectively in encouraging cooperation and team work and the harmonious development of individual students. Indeed, there could be some very important lessons for Korea`s highly individualized and departmentalized school system which has been subject to so much criticism in national reports over last few years.

      • 대학(大學) Communicator의 공신력(公信力)과 학생(學生)의 정보습득(情報習得), 태도변화(態度變化)와의 상관관계연구(相關關系硏究) -건국대학교(建國大學校) 학생(學生)들의 반응분석(反應分析)을 중심(中心)으로-

        김정규 ( Jeong Kyu Kim ),오성삼 ( Sung Sam Oh ) 건국대학교 교육연구소 1977 교사와 교육(구 교육논집) Vol.2 No.-

        This study was aimed to find out the effects of credibility toward university administrative staff upon the efficiency of communication to the students. Recently, one of the most remarkable problems in organization has been problem of communication. Organization is created to get the job done efficiently. Communication has an important role in the achievement of that goal. Communication is made up of individual`s work with other individuals, groups, and the organization as a whole. And it can serve a variety of functions which may persuade, change attitude and inform, etc. The assurance of effectiveness and efficiency in the university communication is a vital factor in initiating and maintaining a quality of Education. So this study focuses attention on the factors for the communication effects in university organization. To find out the factors for the effects of communication, the study was conducted using bibliographical survey. Through this survey related theories, models and the related studies were drawn out. As the result of bibliographical survey, investigator had several questions such as the following: (1) Is there any correlation between the credibility of the university administrative staff and the communication effects on students? (2) Are there any differential effects of credibility by the intermediating of sox difference and educational age of students? And to solve above questions, investigator established two main hypotheses and four sup- porting hypotheses: 1. There is some correlation between the credibility of university administrative staff and the communication effects on students. I-a There is some correlation between the credibility and the information gain of student as a communication effect. I-b There is some correlation between the credibility and the attitude change of student as a communication effect. II. But there will be some differential effects in relationship to sex difference and education age. II-a Female student would be more influenced by the credibility than male student. II-b The higher division student would be less influenced by the credibility than those of lower division. To test these hypotheses, the study employed the filed survey. It was done by giving four kinds of questionnaire to Kon Kuk University Students (50 freshmen, 50 sophomore, 100 junior, 50 senior) in the first semester of 1977. The reason why investigator selected 100 junior was to compare sex differences within the same grade level. The procedures were as follows: Firstly, the credibility of university administrative staff was measured by the "Semantic Differential Scales" (15-bipolar adjectives- 5 safety, 5 qualification, 3 dynamism, 1 sociability) which were previously used by Berlo and Lemert. Secondly, investigator measured the information gain score and the attitude change score of students by giving questionnaire to high credibility group and low credibility group. Lastly, investigator calculated each measurements according to each hypotheses as follows: Hypothesis [I-a] was calculated by the correlation co-efficient between the credibility score of university administrative staff and the information gain score of student. And [I-b] was calculated by the correlation coefficient between the credibility score and attitude change score of students using the method of "Pearson". Hypothesis [II-a] was calculated by the Chi-Square (x(2)) between the credibility socre of university administrative staff and the information gain score of student. Hypothesis [II-b] was calculated by the Chi-Square (x(2)) between the credibility score and the attitude change score. And next the hypotheses [II-a], [I1-b] was calculated again by employing the 2x2 factorial analysis of Variance (F-test), such as high and low credibility x female and male students, high and low credibility x higher and lower division students. As the results of the above, initial hypotheses of this study was reexamined; (1) The hypothesis [I-a] was not supported in this study, because investigator did not find out the significant correlation coefficient the level is p) .05 (2) The hypothesis [I-b] was supported by mean score to the degree of the level of 0.01 So, the credibility of university administrative staff could influence the change of attitude of student as a communication effect. (3) The hypothesis [II-a] that female would be more influenced by the credibility than male student was not supported. F=.26 df=l p> .05 (4) The hypothesis [II-b] that higher division student would be less influenced by the credibility than those of lower division student was supported. The mean was significant at the 0.01 level. F=5.05 df=3 p> .01 Based on the above results, it was concluded that credibility of university administrative staff influences the attitude change of student in university communication, but does not influence information gain of student. Also, the credibility of university administrative staff could have less influence on higher division student than on those of lower division. But, there is no sex differences in influence of credibility.

      • 학업성취(學業成就)와 관련(關聯)된 가정환경변인(家庭環境變因), 학습풍토변인(學習風土變因), 교사변인(敎師變因)에 대한 통합분석(統合分析)

        김억환 ( Uk Hwan Kim ),오성삼 ( Sung Sam Oh ),구병두 ( Byung Doo Ku ) 건국대학교 교육연구소 1990 교사와 교육(구 교육논집) Vol.14 No.-

        This study was designed to synthesize quantitatively the master`s theses and doctoral dissertations focusing on effects of academic achieverments in socio-psychological variable group. This task was accomplished by utilizing the meta-analysis technique of research integration as defined by Glass(l982). Basically, meta-analysis is a statistical analysis of the summary findings of many empirical studies. Its purpose is to draw reliable and general conclusions from a large and complex body of literature on a common topic. Thus, the primary purpose of this study was to conduct a quantitative synthesis of 44 master`s these and doctoral disisertations focusing on the effects academic achievements in social-psychological variable group. The socio-psychological variable categorized three independent variables in this study. These three independent variables are home environment. learning chimate, and teacher trait. This study also assessed thee relationship between moderator variables and effect size. The moderater variables investigated included grade, curriculum area, experimental period, number of subject, source of studies, sex, geographic area, and school type. This study set the following questions to be answered. Problem 1: How large are the effect sizes of the three independent variables selected in this study? problem 2: How large are the effect sizes of the interaction effect between three independent variables and eight moderator variabes? The standard procedures analogous to those performed during primarey research was used in this meta-analysis: locating studies (data collection), coding the characteristics and outcomes of the studies (evaluation of data points) and using statistical procedures of metaanalysis in order to describe the overall and subs ample effects (data analysis and interpretation). The result of this study may be summarized as follws. 1. The grand average degree of effects of the academic achievement factors proposed in this study turned out to be .66. This means that if the average size effects of the academic achievement factors of the controlled group is 50 percentile in the normal distribution, that of the experimental group becomes 74.54 percentile. As it were, the latter surpasses the former by 24. 54 percentile. 2. Among the three independent variables of academic achievemet proposed in this study, teacher trait variable showed the highest effect size, its effect size being. 861. The second highest one is home environment variable whose effect size is .615. On the other hand, learning climate variable was proved to have the lowest effect size in this study. 3. The teacher trait variable had the most effect on academic achievements regardless of male or female, grades (ages) and subjects.

      • 先行 硏究結果의 統合을 위한 META 分析의 統計的 方法

        吳聖三 建國大學校 附設 農業資源開發硏究所 1991 農資源開發論集 Vol.16 No.-

        In many areas of research, conflicting results are often more common than are consistencies. Single experiments or studies in the social and behavioral sciences provide definitive answers to research questions. Rather, if science in the social and behavioral domains is to progress, it must be through the discovery of underlying trends and principles developed from the accumulation and refinement of a large body of studies. Thus, literature reviews of empirical research play an important role in summarizing and clarifying the state of science at a given point in time. This paper described the meta-analytic techniques for integrating previous research results with illustrating some empirical data. Meta-analysis is the application of statistical procedures to collections of empirical findings from individual studies for the purpose of integrating, synthesizing, and making sense of them. This method can be appropriately applied in numerous areas within all the social, behavioral, and biomedical sciences. Generally meta-analysis process, analogous to those of primary research are : (1) identifying relevant concepts and operationally defining the variables (problem formation) : (2) locating studies (data collection) ; (3) Coding the characteristics and outcomes of the procedures to describe the over all and subsample effect (data analysis and interpretation) ; and (5) reporting the review (presentation of results). Primary focus of this paper was given to statistical techniques of meta-analysis and recommanding some other features of integrating methods.

      • 한국ㆍ이스라엘 아동의 학교 및 가정생활 비교

        오성삼 건국대학교 교육연구소 2000 論文集 Vol.24 No.-

        Jewish education began in the biblical period. Its purpose was to shape a "kingdom of priests and a holy nation" through the study the study of the history of Israel and the worship of God. Education took place within the family as the father taught his children the biblical laws, religious ceremony, and precepts, in addition to providing training in a craft or agriculture. Education was incidental, as the father explained when necessary how to act in daily life according to religious values. The girls were taught domestic duties by their mothers. In view of the diminishing influence of the family and the synagogue the Jewish school could fulfill an increasingly vital function as a framework in which patterns of Jewish life are formulated and created within a changing society. That function could best be carried out in comprehensive Jewish day schools based on modern pedagogical principles in which Jewish and general subjects are totally integrated curricularly and extra- curricularly, from nursery school to secondary school, with classes provided for parents as well. Schools of this type would be able to evolve a life-style appealing to youngster because it copes with the problems of how to live as Jews within a non-Jewish society. Such a change in the structure and practices of Jewish schools will naturally involved a need for research on education and for a national clarification of its means and end. The purpose of this study is to introduce Israeli ways of education to Korean society especially for the elementary school level. By reviewing Jewish education in historical perspective : ancient times, middle ages, the Renaissance, the twentieth century, and Jewish education in the United States, and Jewish education at present, similarities in the ways of child rearing at home and student teaching at school between two nations can be compared. Based in these similarities a survey questionnaire was developed to administer to the elementary student groups in the largest city of two countries, Seoul and Tel Aviv to memorate Korean children's day which is May 5 in 1999. The subject of this study was 510(children in 4th, 5th , and 6th grades in elementary school from Seoul and Tel-Aviv area in both countries. The questionnaire on children's daily life at school and at home was developed by the researcher. Important result obtained through this study is that Jewish way of education heavily focus on diversion thinking and mutual cooperation is one of the emphasizing factors while the Korean children are emphasizing competition with peers and achievement in many ways are big emphasized at the family and school. is based on the Jewish identity and culture originated from their ancestor. Clearly, the changing nature of family roles is having a powerful effect on the socialization patterns for moral development of youth in Korea and Israel. But this phenomenon is only part of the problem. School structure and policy are viewed by this research as having an even more profound effect on the changing moral climate children experience. Specifically, the examination system, overemphasis on educational credentials, cramming of factual information for tests, excessive standardization of curricula and school regulations, and the poor quality of higher education have been identified by critics as having a damaging effect on the development of ethical sensibility. In addition, there is widespread public agreement that the primary goals of the school and the family as social institutions are the connection of these values to high levels of academic achievement for a large percentage of youth and to Korean's battle for global economic supremacy. In summary, Israel has been a tightly group-oriented society throughout its history as reflected in its culture, way of life, and today in its school management system. Overall, the school management system in Israel operates very effectively in encouraging cooperation and team work and harmonious development of individual students. Indeed, there could be some very important lessons for Korea's highly individualized and departmentalized school system which has been subject to so much criticism in national reports over few years.

      • 高學歷 農業人力需給과 卒業生의 進路方向에 關한 硏究

        오성삼,강승희 건국대학교 1995 學術誌 Vol.39 No.1

        There has been a large influx of Korean society to the agricultural since the last three decades from 1963 to 1993. According to the statistic, Korean population has increased from 27,262,000 to 44,056,000 which means there has been a 106% increase during the years. Like many industrialized countries there has also been a change in the ratio of urban population. It has increased 28.0% in 1960 to 41.1% in 1970, 57.3% 1980, and 74.4% in 1990. There were trends shifting from rural areas to urban areas to seek job markets and better schools. According to the report from the Ministry of Agriculture and fishery, in December, 1994 the population 54.1 million in 1993 is expected to be droped to 31.2 million in the year 2004 which means the rural population ratio of the whole Korean population would decreased from 7.1% to 3.6%. Besides the labor dements in the area SOC and Service industry is also expected to have a very high increase in the near future. This study has set an analytical model Input problems for the college students sellection, Process problem for curriculum contents, Output problems for college garduate supplying, and Context problems like intra and extra social and policy change. This study has pointed out a few facing problems in Korean agricultural colleges in relation to the analytical model. First Agricultural colleges would face a serious shortage of applicants in the near future related from the input problem. As a measure to counter the decrease of applicants for agriculture studies, and to single out qualified students in the educational goals of agricultural studies, special screens for admitioning is needed to develop a seperate admition system for agricultural high school graduates to seek out those who fit the goals of agricultural corteges. Second, the quality of the education must be focused on to come forward in competitive agricultural graduates, instead of the quantity of graduates. Third broader general education in recommended rather than narrowly specialized education for under graduate curriculum. Fourth, to seek high-tech agricultural areas such as agricultural environment studies or life science in relation to agricultural fields, integrating current similar majors or departments in agricultural colleges is needed. Last, it is important to advertize to high school graduates, parents, and high school counselors on what life science is and how it will be high-lighted as a science in the future with easily understandabable explanations.

      • 大學 Communicator의 公信力과 學生의 精報習得, 態度變化와의 相關關係硏究 : 建國大學校 學生들의 反應分析을 中心으로 Based on the case study of Kon Kuk University students

        金貞圭,吳聖三 建國大學校 敎育硏究所 1977 論文集 Vol.2 No.-

        This study was aimed to find out the effects of credibility toward university administrative staff upon the efficiency of communication to the students. Recently, one of the most remarkable problems in organization has been problem of communication. Organization is created to get the job done efficiently. Communication has an important role in the achievement of that goal. Communication is made up of individual's work with other individuals, groups, and the organization as a whole. And it can serve a variety of functions which may persuade, change attitude and inform, etc. The assurance of effectiveness and efficiency in the university communication is a vital factor in initiating and maintaining a quality of Education. So this study focuses attention on the factors for the communication effects in university organization. To find out the factors for the effects of communication, the study was conducted using bibliographical survey. Through this survey related theories, models and the related studies were drawn out. As the result of bibliographical survey, investigator had several questions such as the following: (1) Is there any correlation between the credibility administrative staff and the communication effects on students? (2) Are there any differential effects of credibility by the intermediating of sex difference and educational age of students? And to solve Questions, investigator established two main hypotheses and four sup-porting hypotheses: Ⅰ. There is some correlation between the credibility of university administrative staff and the communication effects on students. Ⅰ-a There is some correlation between the credibility and the information gain of student as a communication effect. Ⅰ-b There is some correlation between the credibility and the attitude change of student as a communication effect. Ⅱ. But there will be some differential effects in relationship to sex difference and education age. Ⅱ-a Female student would be more influenced by the credibility than male student. Ⅱ-b The higher division student would be less influenced by the credibility than those of lower division. To these hypotheses, the study employed the filed survey. It was done by giving four kinds of questionnaire to Kon Kuk University Students (50 freshmen, 50 sophomore, 100 junior, 50 senior) in the first semester of 1977. The reason why investigator selected 100 junior was to compare sex differences within the same grade level. The procedures were as follows: Firstly, the credibility of university administrative staff was measured by the "Semantic Differential Scales" (15-bipolar adjectives- 5 safety, 5 qualification, 3 dynamism, 1 sociability) which were previously used by Berlo and Lemert. Secondly, investigator measured the information gain score and the attitude change score of students by giving questionnaire to high credibility group and low credibility group. Lastly, investigator calculated each measurements according to each hypotheses as follows: Hypothesis [Ⅰ-a] was calculated by the correlation co-efficient between the credibility score of university administrative staff and the information gain of student. And [Ⅰ-b] was calculated by the correlation coefficient between the credibility score and attitude change score of students using the method of "Pearson". Hypothesis [Ⅱ-a] was calculated by the Chi-Square (χ^2) between the credibility score of university administrative staff and the information gain score of student. Hypothesis [Ⅱ-b] was calculated by the Chi-Square (χ^2) between the credibility score and the attitude change score. And next the hypotheses[Ⅱ-a], [Ⅱ-b] was calculated again by employing the 2x2 factorial analysis of Variance (F-test), such as high and low credibility x female and male students, high and low credibility x higher and lower division students. As the results of the above, initial hypotheses of this study was reexamined: (1) The hypothesis [Ⅱ-a] was not supported in this study, because investigator did not find out the significant correlation coefficient the level is p> .05 (2) The hypothesis [Ⅱ-b] was supported by mean score to the degree of the level of 0.01 So, the credibility of university administrative staff could influence the change of atti-tude of student as a communication effect. (3) The hypothesis [Ⅱ-a] that female would be more influenced by the credibility than male student was supported. F=.26 ??=1 p> .05 (4) The hypothesis [Ⅱ-b] that higher division student would be less influenced by the credibility than those of lower division student was supported. The mean was significant at the 0.01 level. F=5.05 ??=3 p> .01 Based on the above results, it was concluded that credibility of university administrative staff influences the attitude change of student in university communication, but does not influence information gain of student. Also, the credibility of university administrative staff could have less influence on higher division student than of those of lower division, But, there is no sex differences in influence of credibility.

      • 學級風土 진단척도 (MCI) 한국어 번역판 妥當度 檢證에 관한 연구

        吳聖三,具炳斗 建國大學校附設農業資源開發硏究所 1988 農資源開發論集 Vol.13 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to clarify the item validity, that is, the drgree to which the items, which constitute MCI questionaire-actually measure what they purport to measure. For the purpose, a theoretical foundation is established throught relevant literature and the following two problems of study are selected to examine the construct validity and the correlations between the sub-variables of MCI scale. Problem 1. Do the items which constitute MCI questionaire measure the variables which they purport to measure as intended originally? Problem 2. What kind of correlations do the variables of MCI scale have each other? To examine the above problems, MCI questionaire was translated into Korean and distributed to the random-sampled 20 fifth grades of Elementary School in Seoul. Thus pilot-studied MCI questionaire was given out to 1,875 pupils in fourth, fifth and sixth grades of Elementary School in Seoul Kyoung-Ki Do. And among them, 1,856 were withdrawn and with the 78 in sufficient excepted, 1,778 were finally accepted as the object of this study. Factor analysis and Pearson's productmoment correlation coefficient were applied to verify the above problems of the results are as follows. 1. Among the five factors of MCI, the three of competition, friction and cohesiveness, except the two of satisfaction and difficulty, proved be inappropriate because of low validity. It is, however, noteworthy that more than half items (20 items, 41. 90% predictability are connected with the satisfaction factor and became the main factor of MCI scale. 2. The correlations between the five variables turned out to be negative the correlation between satisfaction and fricrion was -.47 satisfaction and competition -.03, satisfaction and difficulty -.47 difficulty and competition -.07, and lastly, difficulty and cohesiveness -.34. The correlations except that between satisfaction and cohesiveness proved to be highly significant.

      • Validation Study of Korean My Class Inventory(MCI)

        Oh, Sung Sam 건국대학교 1988 새마을연구논문집 Vol.7 No.-

        행동과학의 발달과 더불어 학교 조직체 내에서의 학급풍토를 연구하는 관심이 고조되어 가고 있다. 즉, 학급에서 함께 생활하고 있는 학생들 상호간의 갈등의 문제라든가, 집단 응집력, 과제 수행의 용이성, 만족도, 경쟁심 등의 심리적 변인들이 학생의 학업성취에 어떠한 영향을 미치고 있는 가를 알아 보기 위한 수많은 연구 논문들이 발표되고 있다. 본 연구는 이 같은 연구들에 많이 쓰이고 있는 학급분위기 측정도구의 하나인 "My Class Inventory(MCI)"의 구인 타당도를 검증하기 위해 시도된 것이다. 다시 말해서 MCI 질문지를 구성하고 있는 각 문항들이 정말로 측정하고자 하는 심리적 변인들을 본래의 의도대로 타당성있게 측정을 하고 있는가의 여부를 가려내기 위한 시도인 것이다. 본 연구를 위해 경기도 지역의 국민학교 5학년 학생 1,500명을 대상으로 MCI 질문지의 타당성을 검증해 보았다. 본 연구의 자료는 퍼스널 컴퓨터용 SPSS(Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) 프로그램을 사용한 요인분석이 시도되었으며, 연구의 결과는 대부분의 문항들이 소속된 인자에 높은 적재치를 보임으로써 타당성이 증명되었으나, 몇몇 문항은 수정이 불가피한 것으로 밝혀졌다.

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