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      • KCI등재

        Gini 계수와 Lorenz 곡선에 의한 지역별 병상분포 양상 분석

        안병기 ( Byeung Ki An ),박재용 ( Key Hoon Kim ),김기훈 ( Jae Yong Park ) 한국병원경영학회 2011 병원경영학회지 Vol.16 No.3

        In this study, population census(2005 & 2008) from Statistics Korea and the statistical data of the number of hospital beds by healthcare facilities classification from Ministry of Health and Welfare were used. For analyzing distribution of hospital beds, hospital beds were classified as acute care beds, long-term care beds and all hospital beds, which is including acute and long-term care beds. Regional areas, which are city(si), county(goon) for the study and district(gu) were reclassified as metropolitan city, city(si) and county(goon). Because there were 165 regional areas in 2005 and 2008, 84 and 81 areas were classified as metropolitan city and/or city and county, respectively. Gini index were calculated for hospital beds from each year, and Lorenz curves were drawn. The following summary presents the findings of this study. Compared to the year 2005 and 2008, the Gini index was 0.24472, and hospital bed numbers increased slightly by 0.80% than in 2005. In case of acute care beds, the Gini index was 0.23797(0.13%), and there was no big difference; however, the Gini index for long-term care beds was 0.41091, and there was a 30.25% decrease, which shows improvement to reduce disparities. It might result from an increase in long-term care beds up to 476.2%. For geographical equality of hospital beds, the Gini index and Lorenz curve, which can be compared the degree of inequality in the distribution of hospital beds reasonably and possibly show statistical data, should be used. Through this study, the distribution policy of hospital beds should be established.

      • KCI등재

        상급병실 의료이용 결정요인

        안병기 ( Byeung Ki An ),박재용 ( Jae Yong Park ) 한국보건경제정책학회(구 한국보건경제학회) 2011 보건경제와 정책연구 Vol.17 No.4

        우리나라 국민건강보험의 보장성을 약화시키는 중요한 항목으로는 의료이용 상 상급병실 이용에 따른 상급병실 차액이 있는데, 본 연구는 상급병실 차액을 부담시키는 의료이용 결정요인을 파악하기 위해 수행되었으며, Dutton(1986)의 의료이용 모형을 적용하여 상급병실 이용 결정요인에 대해 한국의료패널자료를 이용하여 분석하였다. 본 연구 결과, 상급병실 의료이용을 많이 한 대상은 환자특성요인에서는 출산한 환자들이었으며, 의료공급체계의 특성요인에서는 수술환자들이었다. 독일과 벨기에의 경우, 의료적인 측면과 병실부족 등에 의해 상급병실을 사용하였을 경우, 보험급여 혜택을 환자들에게 주고 있으며, 국내에서는 산업재해보상보험 적용환자 및 자동차보험 적용환자들이 환자 치료와 일반병실이 부족할 경우, 7일의 범위내에서 상급병실 차액을 지급해주고 있음으로, 출산 및 수술환자 대상으로 상급병실 이용 결정요인들에 대한 추후 연구를 통해 환자 치료와 일반병실이 부족하다고 증명되어진 환자들이 상급병실 이용시, 일정한 기간동안 보험자 부담수준을 고려하여 100대 60, 100대 50 등 단계를 구분하여 건강보험급여 혜택이 제공될 수 있도록 건강보험 정책상 제안하고자 한다. This research was performed to investigate the determination factors of medical service to cover the difference in upper grade ward use in that difference in upper grade use is one of the most important causes of debilitating national health insurance protection in Korea,. Data was from Korea Health Panel Data and analyzed by Dutton (1986)``s medical service model which was an extended Anderson Model and has been widely used in the researches on determination factors of medical service, The results were as follows; In terms of user characteristics in patients characteristics factors, childbirth patients used upper grade ward more often than other patients. In supplier characteristics in medical care system, surgical patients used upper grade ward more often than nonsurgical patients. Workmen``s accident compensation insurance pays the excess of upper grade ward use by medical care expenses standard, and car insurance covers it by general conditions of the car insurance, while health insurance patients pay the total of the excess. Nevertheless, health insurance patients are excluded by the standard of medical care expenses in health insurance and by financial problems in insurance pay policy, Excess in upper grade ward use is economically demanding and a debilitating cause of national health insurance protection, and it is hard to be understood by the people to exclude the excess from insurance pay policy, It is suggested, considering medical care and the lack of rooms, that preferentially childbirth and surgical patients receive health insurance for a certain period of time in upper grade ward use except VIP rooms in setting health insurance policy.

      • KCI등재

        환자 및 가족에 의한 입원이용 결정의 양상

        안병기 ( Byeung-ki An ) 한국보건경제정책학회(구 한국보건경제학회) 2017 보건경제와 정책연구 Vol.23 No.3

        한국은 OECD와 비교하여 1인당 국민소득 증가율 대비 1인당 연간진료비 증가율, 평균재원일, 1,000명당 병상수가 각각 1.9배, 1.9배, 2.4배 높은데, 이에 기인하여 부적절한 입원이 다소 있을 수 있다. 미국을 비롯한 선진국은 부적절한 입원이용을 감소시키고자, 입원 의료이용에 대한 적절성 판단 도구인 AEP(적절성 평가지침)와 Delay Tool(이유목록)를 이용하고 있으나, 우리나라는 입원이용에 대한 객관적 기준이 마련되어 있지 않다. 우리나라에서는 입원이 의사가 아닌 환자나 가족들에 의해 다소 결정(부적절한 입원)되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 2014년 한국의료패널자료를 이용하여 부적절한 입원 결정 양상을 파악하고자, Dutton(1986)의 의료이용 모형을 적용하였다. 연구결과, 총 2,396명의 입원환자 중 15.4%인 369명이 의사가 아닌 환자나 가족의 결정에 의해 입원하였다. 의사가 아닌 환자 및 가족 등에 의하여 입원한 환자들은 15세 이하의 환자보다 31-45세 환자와 46-60세 환자가 각각 2.314배, 2.192배 많았고, 건강보험환자보다 건강보험차상위 계층에 속한 환자, 의료급여 1종 환자, 국가유공자 및 가족 특례 지원 환자가 각각 2.209배, 1.870배, 2.447배 많았으며, 상급종합병원에 입원한 환자보다 병원 및 의원과 노인 및 요양병원에 입원한 환자가 각각 2.155배, 34.175배 많았고, 재원기간에서 1주간 재원한 환자보다 5주 이상 재원한 환자가 1.952배 많았다. 본 연구 결과를 바탕으로 정책입안자들은 환자 및 의료기관대상으로 부적절하게 입원이용을 하고 있는 환자들을 찾아, 의료이용이 적절하게 되도록 방안을 강구해야겠다. Korea is more likely to use the inpatient services than the OECD countries. Higher average hospital length of stays and number of hospital beds per capita in Korea compared to OECD countries support this aspect. Generally, the hospital admissions decided by medical doctors, however, a large number of admissions in Korea are decided by patients or their families. We used the 2014 Korea Health Panel Data. Of the total 2,396 cases of admission, 369 cases(15.4%) of admissions are made by the decision of patients or their families. The multiple logistic regression analysis shows that the admission decision by patients or their families(ADPF) is higher in the 31-45 years age group(OR:2.314) and 46-60 years of age group(OR:2.192) compared with the under 15 years age group. The ADPF rate is higher in the quasi-poor class`s group(OR:2.209), medicaid type 1 recipient`s group(OR:1.870) and national merit reward beneficiaries and their family`s group(OR:2.447) compared with the public health insurance`s group. In addition, the ADPF rate is higher in the patients admitted in hospital or clinics(2.155) and geriatric hospital or convalescent hospital(OR:34.175) than that of admitted in superior general hospitals. the ADPF rate is higher in the patients admitted more than 5 weeks(OR:1.952) than that of admitted one week. Our study demonstrates that the policy makers should devise measures to reduce patients who are using inappropriate admission in accordance with the types of medical institutions. These alternatives must lower the soaring length of stay in hospitals and healthcare cost in Korea.

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