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        Legal implications of missile test moratorium by the North Korea

        신홍균,Shin, Hong-Kyun Korea Society of Air Space Law and Policy 2007 한국항공우주정책·법학회지 Vol.2007 No.special

        북한의 유예조치가 자신들의 우주활동으로서의 자유를 포기한 것인지, 또는 그러한 발사 행위는 우주활동의 영역에 속하는 것이 아니기 때문에 국제법 규범에 어긋나는 것이고 따라서 유예조치를 하여야만 했던 것이지에 대해서 본 논문은 살펴 보고자 한다. 북한이 대포동 1호를 실험발사하자 이에 대한 주변국들의 이의제기가 이어졌고, 수년간의 협상 후에 북한은 미사일발사실험을 중단한다는 유예선언을 한 바 있다. 북한은 자신들의 발사체가 미사일이 아니라 인공위성을 궤도에 올리기 위한 운반체로서 우주활동의 자유로서 자신들이 발사할 권리가 있다고 주장하였다. 그러나, 그 발사체의 성격이 무엇인가에 대해서 논란이 계속되면서, 관련 국가들은 우주활동의 자유가 아니라 동북아시아 지역에서의 안정을 위해서 발사의 중단을 요구하였고, 북한이 유예선언을 하였다. 1967년 우주조약 및 관련 국제법 규범들은 무엇이 우주활동에 해당하는 것이고, 어느 공간에서의 비행은 우주비행의 자유를 향유할 수 있는 것인지에 대해서 규정하고 있지 않다. 그 결과, 대포동 1호의 비행이 우주비행의 자유로서의 권리에 기초하는 것인지를 판단하고, 규범을 적용하는 것이 적절하지 않다. 반면에 우주공간에서도 주권 국가들의 주권과 관할권은 완전히 배제되는 것은 아니며, 이는 자신들의 안보를 위해서 우주공간에서의 활동을 제어할 수 있음을 의미한다고 보는 학설도 있다. 그러한 맥락에서 북한의 발사실험 유예조치는 우주활동의 자유가 주권 국가들의 요구에 의해서 유보되는 특별한 관습법 형성의 과정을 의미할 수도 있다. The launching of the Taepo-dong 1 on 31 August 1998 by the North Korea was the first case where the diplomatic protests was made against the flight, the purpose of which, the launching State claimed, consisted in space exploration and use. It is the principle regarding the freedom of space exploration and use, as included in the international treaty, that is relevant in applying the various rules and in defining the legal status of the flight. Its legal status, however, was not actually taken into account, as political negotiations leading to the test moratorium has been successful until present day in freezing the political crisis. This implies that the rules of the law lack the validity and logic sufficient in dictating the conduct of the States. This case shows that, in effect, it is not the rule but the politics that is to govern the status of the flight.

      • KCI등재

        우주 상업활동 규율에 있어서의 우주법의 발전적 위상

        신홍균 ( Hong Kyun Shin ) 한국항공우주정책·법학회 1991 한국항공우주정책·법학회지 Vol.3 No.-

        This paper examines current developing status of space law as defined in terms of its unique principle that $quot;the utilization of outer space for all mankind`s interest$quot;. As commercialization of space activities has brought about heated debate on its legitimacy with respect to that principle, space law has come to witness a dual situation. One is the realization of that principle in establishing commercial space activities system where all mankind`s interest is respected through the non-discriminatory distribution mode of space benefit. In satellite telecommunication system, the INTELSAT Organization assures its public service policy while protecting itself against a competition from separate systems. For remote sensing, commercialization of LANDSAT Systems promoted since 1984 seems not to affect present non-discriminatory distribution of data and information obtained. On the other hand, active participation of private entity aiming at commercial profit enables national government to manage more effective control and supervision of those activities with a view to promoting national interests. Also, newly developed private rules and regulations are emerging in business relations about commercial space activities. Extended capacity of national government assuring its national interest in production and distribution of international resources that is outer space, and regulation of space activities by newly developed rules and customs provoke a concern about a identity problem of space law. The best way to summarize this perspective might consist in saying that non space law regulations, which are not assumed as aiming at the promotion of all mankind`s interest, are confirming their role about space related activities. For those reasous, we are now facing a developing status of space law as developments of commercial space activities continues.

      • KCI등재

        항공기 및 항공사의 국적 다원화와 시카고 조약 제7조의 해석 문제

        신홍균 ( Hong Kyun Shin ) 한국항공우주정책·법학회 1995 한국항공우주정책·법학회지 Vol.7 No.-

        In recent years, questions have arisen under several forms with respect to the need for adapting present legal order established under the Chicago Convention and relevant customary rules into newly developed environment surrounding the international air transport industry. Major feature of such trends included in opinions for modification of the present legal order might be defined as more liberalistic approach to this industry. In this respect, many scholars and lawyers in this field agree with a view that a theoretical tie between an aircraft/air liners and a register -State lies in political and strategical concern of the State so that each aircraft/air liners has been attributed a single nationality. In the context of such concern, each aircraft/air liners has been related with each register-State in the form of $quot;genuine connection$quot;. However, present and near future development of air transport industry and its world-wide market requires some modification of such single nationality regime. Taking into account such circumstances, States as creator of present legal order are in the process of establishing new legal order where air liners with multi-nationality are capable of satisfying to such needs. As adopting a series of liberalization package for air transport industry in european continent, European Union adopts a concept of $quot;community air carrier$quot;, by which an air space of each member State is open to each other, especially through the grant of cabotage right. A serious concern may arise in such grant because the Article 7 of the Chicago Convention prohibits such grant on an exclusive basis. While many theoretical opinions have been put forward concerning the interpretation of that article, a case of European Union shall be a good test of the range of its application. It is anticipated that future development around this issue shall furnish us a major feature of the liberalization of international air transportation and an adaptation process of present legal order.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        우주법,정책 : 우주전파재난과 우주법상의 사전주의 원칙에 관한 연구

        신홍균 ( Hong Kyun Shin ) 한국항공우주법학회 2011 한국항공우주정책·법학회지 Vol.26 No.1

        우주공간의 물리적 변화는 지구를 둘러싼 우주전자파에 영향을 주어서 방송, 통신, 위치측정 및 자원탐사 등을 위한 인공위성에 장애를 일으킨다. 이러한 우주전파재난은 언제, 어느 정도의 규모로 일어날지가 불확실하다는 특성을 갖고 있다. 최근 국제연합을 비롯한 논의의 장에서 전문가들은 지속가능한 우주환경보호의 차원에서 그러한 재난에 대해서 주목하기 시작했다. 특히 국제연합의 우주의 평화적 이용위원회(Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, COPUOS)는 모든 국가가 우주기술을 이용할 수 있는 지속가능한 우주환경의 조성에 유해한 영향을 미칠 수 있는 재난의 하나로서 우주전파재난에 주목하기 시작하였다. 불확실성을 특징으로 하는 재난에 대해서 각국의 국내법 및 환경관련 국제 규범은 이른바 사전주의 원칙에 기초한 제도를 운용하고 있다. 사전주의 원칙은 현대형 위험관리 이론으로서, 종래의 전통적인 경찰법제에 의해 관리될 수 없는 위험인 과학적으로 불확실하고, 중대하고 회복할 수 없는 손해를 발생시킬 수 있는 위험을 관리하여야 한다는 사전주의(사전배려)의무의 도덕적, 법적 근거로 파악된다. 일련의 보고서와 전문가들의 의견은 1967년 우주조약을 비롯한 각종 우주법 관련 규범에서 그와 같은 불확실한 재난에 대비하기 위해서 원용될 수 있는 우주법 차원의 법 원리를 조심스럽게 주장하고 있다. 우주법의 기본 원칙은 우주공간의 자유로운 항행과 전 국가를 위한 이용을 규정하고 있다. 지속가능한 우주환경은 그러한 항행과 이용을 위해 필요한 것이라는 점에서 의의를 갖는다. 따라서 우주환경의 지속가능성을 저해하는 우주전파재난에 대한 법제도는 우주법의 기본 원칙에 기초한다. 아울러 우주전파재난의 불확실성이 고려될 때에, 현 시점에서 강구될 수 있는 법제도가 사전주의 원칙이라면, 그 원칙도 우주법의 기본 원칙에 기초한다. Solar flare and storm may give an adverse effect upon electromagnetic environment around the Earth, so that various kinds of satellite cease to normally function. This kind of space storm disaster is characterized by the uncertainty about when and what size. Recently the UN has been paying attention to this plausible disaster. Particularly the COPUOS has taken the view that this disaster would threaten the sustainable space environment. The precautionary principle, rooted and excercised in the environment protection filed, has been adopted in the case of disaster with uncertainty. The reports and opinions given by the expert and representatives of the member States have stated that the precautionary principle should be adopted for the purpose of dealing with this disaster. On the other hand, it is advanced that the principle has been already included in the space law principle enshrined in the 1967 Space Treaty. The Treaty has adopted the freedom of navigation and use of the outer space for the interest of all States as the basic principles. Sustainable environment is necessary for implementing the principle. Therefore, the rules for the protection of sustainable space environment should be based upon the space law principle.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        북한미사일 실험의 국제법상 위법성에 관한 연구

        신홍균 ( Hong Kyun Shin ) 한국항공우주정책·법학회 2009 한국항공우주정책·법학회지 Vol.24 No.2

        North Korea conducted the launcher test, which, as North Korea claimed, belonged to the sovereign rights for the purpose of peaceful utilization and exploration of the outer space. The launching was allegedly done for the sole purpose of putting the satellite into earth orbit, while international community stressed the fact that the orbiting of satellite was not confirmed and that the technology used was not distinct from the purpose of building intercontinental ballistic missile. UN Security Council adopted the resolutions which took the effect that the launching was deemed as the missile launching, not the mere launcher test. North Korea declared the moratorium of suspending its test activity. Controversial issues have been raised regarding whether the launcher itself has the legal status of enjoying the freedom of space flight based upon the 1967 Outer Space Treaty. The resolutions, however, has put forward a binding instrument forbidding the launching. UN Security Council resolutions, however, should be read not as defining the missile test illegal, in that the language of resolutions, such as `demand`, should be considered as not formulating a sort of obligatory act or inact. On the other hand, the resolutions should be read as having binding force with respect to any activity relating to the weapons of mass destruction. The resolution 1718 is written in more specific language such as `decides that the DPRK shall suspend all activities related to its ballistic missile programme and in this context re-establish its pre-existing commitments to a moratorium on missile launching`. Therefore, the lauching activity of the North Korea is banned by the UN Security Council resolution. It should be noted that the resolution does not include any specific provisions defining the space of activity of the North Korea as illegal. But, the legal effect of the moratorium is not denied as to its launching itself, which is corresponding to the missile test clearisibanned in accordance with the resolutions.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

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