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        [논문] 제정형사소송법의 성립경위

        신동운(Shin Dong-Woon) 한국형사법학회 2004 刑事法硏究 Vol.22 No.-

        This article is written to review the establishment process of Korean Criminal Procedure Act in commemoration of its 50th anniversary. The establishment movement of Korean Criminal Procedure Act started during the occupation by U.S. forces and continued until the end of Korean War. Since many of relevant historical records are destroyed during the Korean War, this article was written based on the materials still preserved by Congress and relevant records on 1940-50's which were re-discovered by the author. The whole establishment process of Korean Criminal Procedure Act is narrated in chronological order. The contents of this article consist of following four parts: (1) The first draft of Korean Criminal Procedure Act by the Code Establishment Committee (2) Revision process by Committee for Legislation and Judicial Matters of Congress (3) Public hearing by Congress (4) Veto by Government and Re-affirmation Process by Congress (5) Promulgation of Korean Criminal Procedure Act and its Effectuation. It has been proven that Korean Criminal Procedure Act, which was established 50 years ago, was an exemplary legislation protecting Democracy and Human Rights. The author emphasizes that the founding spirit of Korean Criminal Procedure Act should be succeeded to the current reforming process of Korean Criminal Procedure Act.

      • KCI등재

        법, 관습, 전통 ; 형법 제20조 사회상규 규정의 성립경위

        신동운 ( Dong Woon Shin ) 서울대학교 법학연구소 2006 서울대학교 法學 Vol.47 No.2

        One of the grounds that allows the exemption of criminal liability in the Korean Criminal Act is the Article 20 (Justifiable Act). Article 20 specifically states that `an act which is conducted in accordance with Acts and subordinate statues, or in pursuance of accepted business practices, or other action which does not violate the social rules shall not be punishable`. Among the three justifiable acts, the exemption based on the `normal social rules` is considered one of the most unique features of Korean Criminal Act. Unlike other laws, it does not originate from the German Criminal Act or Japanese Criminal Act. There has not been much research on how the `Normal Social Rules` had been established in the past. Since it was unclear where the `Normal Social Rules` originated benchmarked from, many issues have been raised regarding the interpretation of the provisions. Recently, the author found important documents which illustrate the legislative process of The `Normal Social Rules`. Byungro Kim played a significant role in writing the draft of general provisions of Korean Criminal Law. In his article, Discussion on Unlawfulness as a Requisite for Criminal Liability, which was published in 1915, he used the concept of `Normal Social Rules` based on the concept of material unlawfulness. The author examined the establishment process of `Normal Social Rules` in the following chronological order: (1) Byungro Kim` idea in his 1915`s article, (2) Reform of Criminal Act in Japan in 1930s, (3) Draft of Korean Criminal Act in 1949, (4) National Assembly and Establishment of Korean Criminal Act in 1953, (5) Korean Supreme Court decisions. The author`s goal is to reconstruct the purpose of the legislation of `Normal Social Rules`. The author proposes a hypothesis that the `Normal Social Rules` was introduced into the Korean Criminal Act as a buffer, which mitigated the conflicts between the Western Rule of Law and Korean or Eastern Society.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        형법상 외환의 죄에 관한 연혁적 고찰

        신동운 ( Dong Woon Shin ) 서울대학교 법학연구소 2015 서울대학교 法學 Vol.56 No.4

        한국 형법은 1945년 해방과 6·25전쟁을 겪으면서 1953년에 제정되었다. 대한민국의 건국 초기에 신속하게 형법전을 제정하는 방편으로 1940년에 발표되었던 일본의 개정형법가안이 입법 모델로 채택되었다. 그러나 개정형법가안은 조문만 공표되었을 뿐 이유서나 회의록 등 입법자료가 공개되지 않았다. 이 때문에 한국 형법의 해석론과 입법론에 여러 가지 어려움이 있었다. 일본의 개정형법가안은 기초위원회가 작성한 초안을 토대로 본위원회에서 심의·의결한 결과물이다. 필자는 근래 기초위원회의 의사일지와 본위원회의 의사속기록을 발견하고 이를 분석·연구하고 있다. 본고는 그 일환으로 한국 형법 각칙 제2장 「외환의 죄」를 소재로 삼아 일본 개정형법가안이 한국 형법에 끼친 영향을 연구한 것이다. 이를 위해 필자는 일본 개정형법가안의 「외환에 관한 죄」의 성립경위와 입법취지를 분석하고, 입법이유나 입법자료 없이 개정형법가안의 조문이 한국 형법에 수용되는 과정에서 대두되는 문제점들, 예컨대 외환유치죄와 여적죄의 관계, 모병이적죄의 원래 입법취지 등을 입법론 및 해석론적 관점에서 지적하였다. Korean Criminal Act (hereinafter “KCA”) was legislated in 1953, right after the time of great tumult in Korean history, in which period Korea went through the Liberation in 1945 and the Korean War in 1950-1953. Due to the urgent need of its own criminal code, the legislature adopted the model of the revision draft of Japanese Criminal Code, released in 1940. However, the legislative materials, such as the statement of reasons and legislative minutes, associated with this revision draft was not released to the public, its articles being the only material available. As such, the discussion on the interpretation and further revision of KCA has been a difficult task. The plenary committee of Japanese judicial department had reviewed the draft proposed by the drafting committee, then confirmed the revision draft. I have studied and analyzed the records of the drafting committee proceedings and the stenographic records of the plenary committee proceedings which I found a few years ago. This article deals with the effect of the aforementioned Japanese draft on KCA, focusing on Chapter II (crimes concerning foreign aggression), Part II (individual provisions) of KCA. First part of this paper analyzes how the crimes concerning foreign aggression were established in the Japanese draft, and what legislative intent the Japanese drafting committee had. The latter part focuses on the problems arising from the adoption of the Japanese provisions in KCA without any consideration on legislative intent or legislative materials, such as the relationship between inducement of foreign aggression (Article 92) and taking side with enemy (Article 93), and the original intent of benefiting enemy by levying soldiers (Article 94), in the light of interpretation and further revision of KCA.

      • KCI등재

        일본 개정형법가안과 문서위조죄

        신동운 ( Shin Dong Woon ) 서울대학교 법학연구소 2017 서울대학교 法學 Vol.58 No.2

        한국 형법은 전전의 일본 개정형법가안의 영향을 강하게 받고 있다. 한국 형법의 제정 당시 가안은 조문만 공개되었을 뿐 구체적인 입법자료는 알려지지 않았다. 이 때문에 가안에서 독자적으로 유래한 조문들에 대해서는 해석의 지침을 구하기가 쉽지 않았다. 필자는 2009년 1년간 일본에 체재하면서 가안의 성안과정을 밝혀줄 수 있는 입법자료들을 발견하였다. 본고는 이 자료를 토대로 개정형법가안 가운데 문서위조죄의 성립경위를 분석한 것이다. 본고의 구성은 크게 보아 (가) 가안의 논의가 시작될 당시 일본 형법상 문서위조죄의 논쟁점 확인, (나) 가안 기초위원회의 조문 성안과정 분석, (다) 가안 본위원회의 조문 심의과정 분석의 세 단계로 이루어져 있다. 입법자료를 검토하여 확인할 수 있었던 점을 요약하면 다음과 같다. (가) 1922년 일본 대심원은 회사의 임원이 개인적인 용도로 약속어음을 발행한 사안에 대해 문서위조죄의 성립을 부정하였다. (나) 가안의 입안자들은 이러한 사안에 대한 형사처벌을 가능하게 하는 조문을 성안하였다. (다) 이를 위해 신설된 조문이 각종 자격남용 문서작성죄이다. (라) 자격남용 문서작성죄는 자격모용 문서작성죄와 한쌍을 이루어 조문이 편성되었다. (마) 논의과정에서 자격남용 문서작성죄가 배임죄와 조화를 이루어야 한다는 주장이 제기되었다. (바) 논의 결과 자격남용 문서작성죄는 가안의 최종안에서 유보되었고, 자격모용 문서작성죄만 남게 되었다. (사) 자격남용 문서작성죄를 유보하는 대신에 배임죄 조문에 “재산상의 이익을 취득하거나 제삼자로 하여금 이를 취득하게 하여”라는 표지가 추가되었다. 이상에서 확인된 연구성과는 한국 형법의 문서위조죄 해석에 새로운 시사점을 제공할 것이다. The Korean Criminal Act is strongly influenced by the Revision Draft of Japanese Criminal Code (hereinafter “the Revision Draft”). At the time of the enactment of the Korean Criminal Act, legislative materials associated with the Revision Draft were not released to the public, its articles being the only material available. For this reason, it was not easy to find instructions for interpretations of the clauses that originated in the Revision Draft. I have found the records of the drafting committee proceedings during my one year stay in Japan in 2009. These materials provided me with rich information on how the Revision Draft came into being. This article deals with the creation procedure of specific clauses concerning forgery of documents based on the legislative materials of the Revision Draft. This article consists of three parts that: (a) identify the points of disputes concerning the forgery of document at the time when the work for the Revision Draft started; (b) analyze the work process in the drafting committee; (c) analyze the discussion process in the plenary committee. A summary of the analysis is as follows. (a) In 1922, the Supreme Court in prewar Japan denied punishment of a defendant who issued a promissory note for private purposes as a director of a corporation and indicted for forgery of a document. (b) The working members in the drafting committee for the Revision Draft made clauses that enable the punishment of such defendant. (c) The new clauses were about the crime of drafting of document by abusing capacity. (d) The clauses of drafting of document by abusing capacity were made along with the clause of drafting of document by assuming false capacity as a set. (e) During the discussion an argument was made that the clause of drafting of document by abusing capacity should be in harmony with the clause of breach of trust. (f) As a result of the discussion the clause of drafting of document by abusing capacity was deferred and only the clause of drafting of document by assuming false capacity remained in the final draft. (g) While deferring the clause of drafting of document by abusing capacity, the expression “obtains pecuniary advantage or causes a third person to do so” was inserted into the clause of breach of trust. Above mentioned finding can be useful as for the interpretation of clauses on the forgery of document in the Korean Criminal Act.

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