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      • 2009년에 부동산 시장을 정상화 하려면 - 지금은 부동산 규제를 풀 때다

        박환용,Park, Hwan-Yong 한국주택협회 2008 주택과 사람들 Vol.224 No.-

        2009년 새해가 밝았다. 지난해 하반기부터 불거진 세계적인 경제 불황의 한파는 가뜩이나 얼어붙었던 건설 부동산 시장에 찬물을 끼얹었다. 정부가 각종 규제 완화 정책을 내놓고 있지만, 얼어붙은 시장은 좀처럼 풀리지 않고 있다. 내부적으로 경제 회복을 위한 노력과 함께 미국의 경제 회복이 절실한 가운데, 2009년 부동산 시장을 전만해봤다.

      • KCI등재

        주택시장의 주거수준 격차 분석

        박환용 ( Hwan Yong Park ),문진아 ( Jin A Mun ) 한국지역개발학회 2004 韓國地域開發學會誌 Vol.16 No.2

        The regional difference in housing conditions is mentioned in many housing researches, but it is not empirically tested and revealed in the Korean housing market. In 2000-2002, housing price had skyrocketed in Seoul and other satellite cities, especially in some Gangnam areas of Seoul. The event clearly showed that there was the regional disparity in the housing market of the Seoul Metropolitan Region as well as other cities. In order to prepare housing measures for the improvement of deteriorated areas with low residential levels, it is necessary to find out what spatial disparity patterns in the Seoul housing market exist. This paper attempts to figure out what factors create the regional disparity of housing conditions and to analyze how housing market characteristics are different at borough and district levels. It enables us to indicate that the regional disparity of housing conditions is quite different by housing condition type. The empirical analysis shows that the regional housing conditions are grouped into three aspects: housing overcrowding, residential deficiencies, and housing welfare. It also provides that each borough has different types of housing condition deprivation and why Gangnam areas enjoyed high percentages of the housing price rise. We believe that classification of housing market disparity can be utilized in implementing urban housing polices to improve housing conditions, residential environment and living status in declined and deteriorated areas.

      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI등재

        주거공간의 원격모니터링 건강관리 바우처사업 도입환경 분석

        박환용(Park, Hwan-Yong),이상호(Lee, Sang-Ho) 한국주거환경학회 2012 주거환경(한국주거환경학회논문집) Vol.10 No.3

        Health concerns are on the verge of incredible increase in personal consumption as the age is getting old. Medical companies noticed the consumption patterns rapidly increased and they merged IT technology and the medical demand into remote monitering health care for the residential use. In order to provide that kind of health service for the low income households, the government introduced in 2010 the health care voucher program for the model case in spite of the dispute whether the health care service conflicts with the medical service in terms of the legal base. The voucher program is now running very well with governmental monetary assistance of 90%. This study is to figure out what circumstances is necessary for institutionalization of the remote monitering health care system in residential areas, not for the introduction of model case but for the permanent operation in the field. For the purpose of this, we review the concept of health service vs. medical service and thoroughly investigate proposed Health Care Service Act. We also find out how the health care voucher program is running in the field. Based on the research outcomes, we enable to suggest the future directions for the remote monitering health care service system in terms of integrated remote monitering service system, operation body and procedure, and service delivery system. The suggestions of ours is not possible without legalization of the Health Care Service Act, which should be enacted in the near future. With the Act, we can proceed to the future of personal health care system and healthy life in the decent living environment.

      • KCI등재

        재건축ㆍ재개발 사업의 갈등해소 및 사업투명화 연구

        박환용(Hwan-Yong Park),김호권(Ho-Kwon Kim) 한국주택학회 2007 주택연구 Vol.15 No.1

          주택재건축 및 주택사업이 사업추진과정에서의 불투명한 업무처리, 사업주체간의 갈등으로 인해 본래의 사업의도가 왜곡되고 사업기간의 장기화, 사업비용 증가 등 문제가 발생하고 있다. 본 연구는 이러한 측면에 초점을 맞추어 갈등과 부패를 최소화하고 사업을 투명화게 진행할 수 있는 방안을 모색하였다.<BR>  본 연구에서는 재건축ㆍ재개발 사업추진과정을 언론보도 및 판례 등 총 216건을 조사하여 사업단계별 사업주체간의 갈등 및 부패의 발생현황을 분석하였다. 이를 통해서, 사업단계별 갈등 및 부패의 발생원인을 유형화하여 현행의 당면과제로 ‘업체선정기준의 불명확’, ‘사업주체의 전문성 부재’, ‘조합ㆍ자금운영의 불투명’, ‘관리처분 및 인허가 절차 불명확’ 등 크게 4가지 과제를 도출하였다. 이를 바탕으로, 갈등 및 부패를 예방하거나 근원적으로 차단할 수 있는 개선방안을 다음과 같이 제안하고자 한다.<BR>  첫째, 초기비용조달 방안을 제도적으로 모색하여 시공사 또는 관련정비업체 의존으로 인한 문제점을 최소화하고 조합의 참여를 독자적으로 확보하는 방안을 개발하여야 한다. 둘째, 조합운영 및 자금운영의 투명성 확보를 위해서는 조합임원의 책임성을 강화를 위한 규정 신설, 조합운영 관련 자료공개제도의 강화가 필요하고 임의분양의 경우 분양대상자, 분양가격 등에 대한 정보공개 의무화가 필요하다. 셋째, 협력업체 및 시공사 선정 절차 및 기준을 개선하기 위해서는 입찰공고를 의무화, 공동사업시행자와 도급자(시공사)의 명확한 구분, 업체선정절차를 명확히 해야 한다. 넷째, 정비사업전문관리업체의 전문성을 확보할 수 있는 인력확보 및 유지관리체계를 지자체차원에서 제도적으로 확인하는 점검시스템을 갖추도록 유도하여야 한다. 다섯째, 사업주체 전문성 강화 및 업무지원을 위해서는 전문인력 양성을 위한 교육의무 규정 신설, 주거환경정비사의 국가공인 자격화, 정비사업전문관리업체의 등록기준 강화 등이 필요하다.<BR>  본 연구에서 현황과제별로 제안한 개선방안을 통해서 재건축ㆍ재개발사업 사업주체들이 역량을 강화하고 사업추진과정에서 발생하는 다양한 문제를 효율적이고 투명하게 처리할 수 있는 환경개선을 기대한다.   Reconstruction and redevelopment processes induced decision-making more complicated and made management works more vague, suspending project accomplishment and increasing costs for residents. Upon this unfulfilled aspect, this study investigates current issues of conflict and corruption in the projects. Four major issues are derived from the research such as ambiguous management of association funds, uncertain selection process of related companies, lack of speciality of participants, and poor cost management. Policy improvements are as follows: First, it is urgent to develop fund raising strategies for the initial stage of the project in order to take off independent preparation of the project. Second, it is necessary for their representatives to upgrade their commitment to the project and being knowledgable, which saves project costs and lessens conflicts among members of the association. Third, it makes sure that consulting companies should be operated professionally, keeping their abilities superior to residents and housing builders. Fourth, public announcement of the decision-making should be delivered very clearly. It is also important to use proper process and criteria for the selection of housing builders and other parties. Fifth, it is necessary to educate persons of associations on the regular basis, which enables them to have their own judgement for the project. If possible, providing national licensing to them is another answer for lessening project corruption. Finally, clear accounting system should be adopted to avoid embezzlement of association funds.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        The Optimum Density Analysis by Residential Satisfaction in Multi-family Housing Development

        Park Hwan-Yong(박환용),Kim Tae-Jin(김태진) 한국주거환경학회 2005 주거환경(한국주거환경학회논문집) Vol.3 No.1

          Residential satisfaction becomes more important thing in the housing arena than before, since human needs for housing is one of the underlying power for the life and current built environment asks for urban growth management. Residential satisfaction can be accomplished within the framework of physical development of urban areas and especially development density for residential areas. This paper seeks to make a contribution of connecting residential satisfaction and development density. Hence, the purpose of this paper is to figure out the influence of residential density on residential satisfaction. It also attempts to find out the optimum development density that residents would best be satisfied. In order to accomplish the objectives. this paper will focus on a variable of the floor area ratio for the optimum density. It is believed that the floor area ratio affect residential satisfaction more significantly than any other variables.<BR>  Empirical results are as follows. First, the site environment satisfaction responds more sensitive to the change of the floor area ratio. compared to the inner environment satisfaction. Second, satisfaction of outer environment and convenience of site facilities tends to be increased as the floor area ratio gets small. On the other hand, satisfaction of floor plan and layout gets high as the floor area ratio increases. Third, the optimum density for the best satisfaction is 159%, ranging 155-162%.

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