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        혈액투석을 받고있는 환자에서 자발성 뇌출혈

        박재석,문재곤,김창현,이호국,황도윤,Park, Jae Suk,Moon, Jae Gon,Kim, Chang Hyun,Lee, Ho Kook,Hwang, Do Yun 대한신경외과학회 2001 Journal of Korean neurosurgical society Vol.30 No.1

        Objective : The cause and clinical outcome of cerebral hemorrhage in patients on maintenance hemodialysis have been poorly studied in korea. The purpose of this paper is to clarify the clincal features and the outcome of cerebral hemorrhage in patients on maintenance hemodialysis. Method : We analyzed clincal features and the outcome of cerebral hemorrhage in 14 patients on maintenance hemodialysis. Hematomas were reviewed and evaluated for location, size, and intraventricular extension by the one of the authors without any prior informations. The axial slice of CT film that the hematoma was appeared in maximal dimension was chosen for evaluations. Result : Hypertension was found in 71.4%(10 cases) and motality rate was 78.5%(11 cases). Basal ganglia hemorrhage was found in 50%(7 cases), subcortex in 28.5%(4 cases), pons in 14.2%(2 cases). Size of hematoma in patients on maintenance hemodialysis was significantly larger than that of hypertensive cerebral hemorrhage patients(p=0.0061). The 4 cases of basal ganglia hemorrhage without intraventricular hemorrhage and subarachnoid hemorrhage were good mental state at the onset of stroke because of small mass effect relative to the size of hematoma. The duration of hemodialysis treatment prior to strokes ranged from 1 to 107 months. Strokes developed within 6 hours of the previous hemodialysis are 5 cases. Average serum albumin concentration was 3.4g/dl. The use of heparin is less responsible for the development of cerebral hemorrhage in patients on maintenance hemodialysis Conclusion : Cerebral hemorrhage in patients on maintenance hemodialysis is more severe in terms of hematoma size and clinical outcome. Therefore, the prevention and treatment of cerebral hemorrhage in patients on maintenance hemodialysis should be more aggressive.

      • KCI등재

        이광수의 「무명(無明)」에 나타난 ‘조선어’의 문제 연구

        박재석(Park Jae-suk) 한국근대문학회 2011 한국근대문학연구 Vol.12 No.1

        이 글은 이광수 말년의 단편소설 「무명(無明)」(1939)에서 조선어의 인식이 어떻게 나타나는가에 주목한 것이다. 작가 자신의 감옥 체험과 불교적 관점에 바탕한 이 단편은 고평과 비판의 양 극단을 모두 보여준 작품인데, 친일 전향의 내적 논리가 되는 국어/조선어 인식과 관련해 최근에 재론되기도 했다. 이 글에서는 텍스트 자체에 보다 밀착해서 감옥의 규칙과 도덕을 내면화한 관찰의 시선과 합리적 언어에 완전히 전유되지 않는 피식민 죄수들의 타자화된 목소리를 다시 듣고자 했다. 이것은 제도적인 위계와 차별이 이중으로 더해진 식민지 감옥이라는 언어 환경에서 조선어 화자가 처한 운명과 그 잠재력을 복합적으로 발견하는 방향을 취했다. 「무명」의 죄수들은 온전히 소통하지 못하는 제도적 관계 속에서 뒤틀리거나 어긋난 목소리를 내면서 그들의 타자적 위치를 드러낸다. 그것은 제도 속의 법과 도덕을 옹호하고 내면화한 관찰자의 시선에 도덕적인 모멸과 연민의 대상이 된다. 그러한 한편 그것은 제국의 언어로 구축되는 식민지 제도의 법적 도덕적 테두리가 견고하고 합리적인 것은 아님을 드러내 준다. 미결수로 병감에 들어온 죄수들의 처지는 사법 제도 내의 불투명한 소통과 관련된 징후를 곳곳에서 드러낸다. 그것은 식민지의 규율 제도가 피식민자의 소통을 원천적으로 왜곡하거나 차단하고 있는 것과도 상관된다. 이러한 제도에서는 조선어가 전근대와 미계몽의 위치로 하층화되는 언어적 위계질서가 나타나고 있다. 여기서 상향으로 소통하기 어려운 조선어 화자의 굴절되고 왜곡된 목소리는 제도 내의 언어적 불균등 상태를 심화한다. 그리고 그것은 식민지 제도에서 생존권을 보장받지 못하는 피식민자의 운명과도 직결되어 있다. 그런데 「무명」의 감방에서 피식민 죄수의 언어는 개선과 개조의 이념에 바탕한 위생도덕의 규율을 내면화하면서 타자에 대한 도덕적 권위를 참칭하게 된다. 이것은 죄수들 간에 타자를 배제하는 자기중심적이면서 자기은폐적인 도덕주의를 빚어내게 된다. 여기에 더해 불교적 관점을 취한 관찰자는 규율의 제도적 관계를 넘어선 도덕적 균등성의 지평에서 타자를 내성하고 전유하는 방식을 보여준다. 하지만 그것은 제도 속에서 타자화된 목소리의 이질성을 말소하면서 소통의 윤리를 또 다시 폐기하는 결과가 될 수 있다. 그것은 조선어의 내부적인 왜곡과 위기 상황을 또 다른 형태로 보여주는 것이다. This writing is about the Lee Gwang-Soo's last period short story Moo-Myung(無明) focusing on the Korean language consciousness in colonial period. Here, through the close reading, I rehear the alienated voices of colonized prisoner. This is a reconsideration of Korean speaker's fate and potentiality in colonial prison. The prisoner character in Moo-Myung reveals the alienated position by twisting or misaligned voice in institutional relation. They are morally despised and sympathized. On the other hand, they reveal the vulnerability and irrationality of the legal and moral boundary in colonial institution. They reveal the ambiguousness of regal communication, interconnected with distorting and interrupting the colonized people's communication by colonial regulation. Under this regulation, Korean language is situated in the pre-modern and uncivilized place by the verbal hierarchy. The inflected and distorted voice of Korena speaker deepen the verbal unevenness in colonial institution. That is connected with the colonized people's fate unassured the security in colonial institution. In the prison of Moo-Myung, the language of the colonized prisoner pretend to have an moral authority over the other internalizing the discipline of senitary morality based on the ideology of improvement and remodeling. This causes egocentric and self-concealed moralism. Moreover, the Buddhist observer introspects and appropriate the other in the level of moral equality overcoming the disciplinary institutional relation. But that's cause an effect to erase an difference of an alienated voice and discard again an ethics of communication. This shows an inner distort and crisis situation of Korean language in late colonial period.

      • KCI등재

        핑크색 절화용 거베라 신품종 ‘연화’ 육성

        박재석(Jae Suk Park),장성원(Sung Won Jang),김현순(Hyun Sun Kim),강희훈(Hyu Hyun Kang),김창길(Chang Kil Kim),정재동(Jae Dong Chung) 한국원예학회 2007 원예과학기술지 Vol.25 No.4

        경북영주시 농업기술센터에서 ‘Beauty’를 모본, 흰색의 중형인 ‘Ansofie’를 부본으로 하여 2001년부터 2003년까지 교배 및 계통선발을 하였다. 2003년부터 2005년까지 3회의 특성검정을 거쳐서 거베라 신품종 ‘Yeunhwa’를 개발하였다. ‘Yeunhwa’는 화색이 선명하고 핑크색의 절화용으로 화형이 안정된 반겹꽃의 중륜화 품종이다. 3개년 평균 절화수량은 본당 70.0본/년으로 대비품종인 ‘로잘린’(51.5본/년)에 비해 35.9% 증수되었다. 그리고 절화수명은 7.5일로 나타났다. 특히 겨울철 저온에 강한 특성을 지니고 있어 월동 후 생존율이 대비품종인 ‘로잘린’에 비해 높았다. A new bright pink gerbera (Gerbera hybrida Hort.) ‘Yeunhwa’ was developed by crossed ‘Beauty’ and ‘Ansofie’ at Yoengju Agricultural Technology Extention Center. One breeding line, 2001-20, was selected in 2000 based on flower color and productivity on the first selection. A backcrossed line, 2002-202, was selected by crossing ‘2001-20’ and ‘Ansofie’ on Daegu, Suwon and Yoengju Agricultural Technology Extention Center in 2001. Characteristics trials were conducted three times from 2003 to 2005. Bred cultivar ‘Yeunhwa’ showed pink color (RP 62-A), green center, semi-double type and middle size flower with stable flower shape. The average productivity for three years was 70.0 stems per plant and increased 35.9% compared to that of cultivar ‘Rozalin’ which showed 51.5 stems. The vase life was 7.5 days. After winter season, the survival rate of cultivar ‘Yeunhwa’ was higher than that of cultivar ‘Rozalin’.

      • 순천향대학교 천안병원에 내원한 알레르기 환자의 특성

        박재석 ( Jae Suk Park ),이태영 ( Tae Young Lee ),최승혜 ( Seoung Hey Choi ),김휘준 ( Hwi Jun Kim ),최영진 ( Young Jin Choi ) 대한임상검사과학회 2007 대한임상검사과학회지(KJCLS) Vol.39 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to evaluate the general features of allergic patients in northwestern Chungcheongnamdo who visited Soonchunhyang University Cheonan Hospital. The subjects in this study were 1692 suspected allergic patients. After their allergic symptoms were checked and a MAST-CLA test was conducted, the following results were obtained: 1. The mean age of the subjects was 23.1 years old. The male patients represented 56.2% and the female patients accounted for 43.8%. 1387 (82.0%) patients of those investigated suffered from allergic disease. 2. Among the 1387 patients, 1022 (73.7%) patients showed an increased total IgE level. The positive rate of those who were in their 40s (87.0%) was the highest, but their age made no difference to their positive rate of total IgE. 3. Concerning the positive rate for allergen specific antibody by age, those who were in their teens (73.5%) topped the list and similar in all age group except in their 40s. By gender, the positive rate of the male and female were 56.3% and 43.9% respectively. Regarding the positive rates by allergic disease, those who suffered from allergic rhinitis (60.4%) were most vulnerable, followed by the patients with allergic dermatitis (47.4%), with bronchial asthma (47.2%) and with urticaria (39.4%). 4. As for seasonal positive rates, they were most susceptible in April (77.2%) and May (71.1%). We discovered a significant difference according to seasons; Spring (60.1%), Winter (45.4%) and Summer (39.2%). 5. In case of Korean inhalent panel, the most dominant allergen-specific antibodies were “Cockroach mix” (31.1%), followed by “D. pteronyssius” (23.8%) and “Dog” (14.3%). In the event of food panel, the most popular allergen-specific antibodies were “D. farinae” (25.0%), followed by “D. pteronyssinus” (19.8%) and “Hose dust” (12.0%). 6. The residential type made no difference to the positive rates of “House dust”, “Cockroach mix” and “Dog” as major antigen but compared with others, positive rates for “Tick” were somewhat higher in apartment buildings.

      • KCI등재

        황색 절화용 다수성 거베라 신품종 ‘선묘’ 육성

        박재석(Jae Suk Park),정미영(Mi-Young Chung),김창길(Chang Kil Kim) 한국원예학회 2011 원예과학기술지 Vol.29 No.2

        절화용 거베라 ‘Sunmyo’는 적색의 ‘Beauty’를 모본, 황색의 중형인 ‘Tamara’를 부본으로 하여 2001년에 교배하여 선발한 계통으로부터 육성하였다. 2007년부터 3년간 특성검정을 실시하였는데, ‘Sunmyo’는 화색이 밝고 선명한 황색의 절화용으로 화형이 안정된 반겹꽃의 중륜화 품종이다. 절화 수량은 본당 70.0본/년으로 대비품종인 ‘비로’(51.0본/년)에 비해 37.0% 증수 되었으며 절화 수명은 7.5일로 나타났다. 월동 후 생존율은 85.0%이었으며 개화 소요일수는 95일이었다. A new bright yellow gerbera (Gerbera hybrida Hort.), ‘Sunmyo’ was bred from a cross between red medium-gerbera ‘Beauty’ and yellow gerbera ‘Tamara’ in 2001. Characteristics trials were conducted three times from 2004 to 2006. Bred cultivar ‘Sunmyo’ showed bright yellow color (YG12B), black center, semi-double type, and middle size flower with stable flower shape. The average yield of ‘Sunmyo’ increased up to 37% (70.0 stems per year) as compared to control cultivar ‘Biro’ (51.0 stems per year). The vase life is 7.5 days. The survival rate is 85.0%, and days to first flowering are 95 in the plastic house passing the winter season.

      • [생산기술부문] 관재의 하이드로 포밍 기술에 대한 실험적 연구

        박재석(Jae-Suk Park),박춘달(Chun-Dal Park),김영석(Young-Suk Kim) 한국자동차공학회 1999 한국자동차공학회 춘 추계 학술대회 논문집 Vol.- No.-

        The hydroforming technology has gained in importance over the last few years, because of its potential for substantial weight savings costs reduction and quality improvement such as collision property, shape fixability and rigidity of white body. However, in comparison with the traditional sheet forming process, the hydro forming is much younger and the main development efforts were made in the last 15 years. The new technology, high pressure tublar hydro forming in particular, involves many process parameters to be optimized.<br/> This paper covers a brief overview of the hydro forming simulator as well as design of die and tools. The effects of typical parameters such as internal pressure and axial compression stroke are presented. Moreover, the conditions of forming failure occurrences such as fracture and wrinkle are examinated.

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