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        어도설치를 위한 댐하류 수리특성 분석

        맹승진,이배성,Maeng, Seung-Jin,Lee, Bae-Seong 한국농공학회 2007 한국농공학회논문집 Vol.49 No.5

        In this study, we reviewed the optimal space for the fishway and fish storage establishment in the section between the downstream of the Hwacheon dam and the confluence of the Pungsan river. The hydraulic stability of these facilities was also examined. In the section between the downstream of Hwacheon dam and the confluence of Pungsan river, the release flow of Hwacheon dam was set at $5,495m^3/s,\;6,110m^3/s$ and $7,537m^3/s$, and numerical simulations were executed for each instance using the HEC-RAS model and RMA-2. In the analysis of the flow velocity distributions in the subject section by release flows of Hwacheon dam, it was shown that there was over 5.0m/s of high flow velocity at Sta. $#1{\sim}Sta.$ #3, Sta. $#4{\sim}Sta.$ #6, and Sta. $#12{\sim}Sta.$ #13 of the sections analyzed in this study. The Sta. $#0{\sim}Sta.$ #1 was considered appropriate for the fishway and fish storage establishment. As seen in the results of the numerical stability review by release flow conditions of Hwacheon dam subject to the selected available areas fur fishway and fish storage, the topographically available section for the establishment of fishway and fish storage exists at Sta. $#1{\sim}Sta.$ #3 when the release flow of Hwacheon dam is $5,495m^3/s$, whereas Sta. $#0{\sim}Sta.$ #1 should be reviewed for the subject section for the establishment of fishway at release flows of $6,110m^3/s$ and $7,537m^3/s$, in addition to the figures gathered at the $5,495m^3/s$ release flow. Finally, the available section for the establishment of fishway and fish storage was determined to be Sta. $#0{\sim}Sta.$ #3. Further, if fishway and fish storage are established in the outer bank within this section, the high flow velocity section should be avoided. An alternative would be to establish for the fishway in the inner band on the section of Sta. #1 or Sta. #3.

      • 임진강 유역의 홍수기 강우-유출모형 적용 및 레이더강우 자료의 활용방안

        김성준,박노혁,맹승진,Kim Seong-joon,Park Roh-hyuk,Maeng Sung-jin 한국관개배수위원회 1998 한국관개배수논문집 Vol.5 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to evaluate storm runoff models of Imjin river basin(8,117.5$km^2$) for the provision of radar rainfall situation. Two lumped models, Storage Function Model(SFM) and HEC-1 model which are now in use broadly and prov

      • 영산강 담수호 물관리 효율화를 위한 시스템 구축 방안에 대한 고찰

        박지성 ( Ji-sung Park ),맹승진 ( Seong-jin Maeng ),강민구 ( Min-gu Kang ),김진택 ( Jintaek Kim ) 한국농공학회 2015 한국농공학회 학술대회초록집 Vol.2015 No.-

        1982년 준공된 영산강하구둣은 설계 당시 영산강 하구호 구간이 대부분 미개수 상태였으나 현재 일부를 제외한 전구간에 걸쳐 제방이 축조되어 제내지로 편입이 되고, 상류부 토사유입으로 인한 영산호 내용적 감소, 평균해면 상승, 기상요인의 여건 변화로 배수갑문 확장에 따른 효율적 물관리 필요성이 대두되었다. 경제사회의 급격한 발전과 주변 환경의 많은 변화가 있었고, 이에 따라 당초계획을 검토하면 개발면적과 몽리면적의 내용별 증감, 용수의 다양화 및 추가 수요 등이 크게 대두되었다. 또한 당초 계획 때 보다 확률강우량이 증대되고, 담수호가 축조된 지 장기간이 경과함에 따라 퇴적으로 인한 내용적 감소현상이 나타나는 등 수문조건이 변화하였다. 또한 2008년부터 시작된 4대강 살리기 사업의 일환으로 영산강 본류에 건설된 승촌보와 죽산보로 인해 보 건설 전의 영산강 하류의 유황 변경 및 영산강 구조개선사업에 따른 기존에 운영하던 영산호, 영암호 및 금호호의 새로운 배수문과 제수문 조작 방법을 제시해야하는 상황이 도래하였다. 따라서 수자원의 다양한 활용을 위해서는 최근 수문조건과 하천구조물의 신설 등을 고려한 전반적인 수문해석과 수리계산 재검토가 필요하며, 물수지 결과에 따라 수자원의 최대 활용방안을 강구함과 동시에 수위관리 등 이상적인 담수호 운영 방안에 대한 검토가 요구되는 실정이다. 국토교통부, 지속가능발전회 등에서 배수갑문 확장 및 연락수로 확장에 따른 하구둣 관리 개선 방안에 대한 필요성을 제기하고 있는 실정이다.

      • L-모멘트법에 의한 가뭄우량의 지역빈도분석

        이순혁 ( Lee Soon-hyuk ),윤성수 ( Yoon Seong-soo ),맹승진 ( Maeng Sung-jin ),류경식 ( Ryoo Kyong-sik ),주호길 ( Joo Ho-kil ) 한국농공학회 2003 한국농공학회 학술대회초록집 Vol.2003 No.-

        This study was mainly conducted to derive the design drought rainfall by the consecutive duration using probability weighted moments with rainfall in the regional drought frequency analysis. Selecting the drought rainfall series by the consecutive durations of drought observed for the long period all over the regions in Korea, optimal regionalization of the drought rainfall was classified by the climatologically and geographically homogeneous regions. Using the L-moment ratio and Kolmogorov-Smimov test, resonable frequency distribution for the drought rainfall was selected by the regions and consecutive periods of drought. Design drought rainfalls by the regions and consecutive durations were derived and compared by at-site and regional drought frequency analysis using the method of L-moments.

      • KCI우수등재

        L 및 LH-모멘트법과 지역빈도분석에 의한 가뭄우량의 추정 (II)- LH-모멘트법을 중심으로 -

        이순혁 ( Lee Soon-hyuk ),윤성수 ( Yoon Seong-soo ),맹승진 ( Maeng Sung-jin ),류경식 ( Ryoo Kyong-sik ),주호길 ( Joo Ho-kil ),박진선 ( Park Jin-seon ) 한국농공학회 2004 한국농공학회논문집 Vol.46 No.5

        In the first part of this study, five homogeneous regions in view of topographical and geographically homogeneous aspects except Jeju and Ulreung islands in Korea were accomplished by K-means clustering method. A total of 57 rain gauges were used for the regional frequency analysis with minimum rainfall series for the consecutive durations. Generalized Extreme Value distribution was confirmed as an optimal one among applied distributions. Drought rainfalls following the return periods were estimated by at-site and regional frequency analysis using L-moments method. It was confirmed that the design drought rainfalls estimated by the regional frequency analysis were shown to be more appropriate than those by the at-site frequency analysis. In the second part of this study, LH-moment ratio diagram and the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test on the Gumbel (GUM), Generalized Extreme Value (GEV), Generalized Logistic (GLO) and Generalized Pareto (GPA) distributions were accomplished to get optimal probability distribution. Design drought rainfalls were estimated by both at-site and regional frequency analysis using LH-moments and GEV distribution, which was confirmed as an optimal one among applied distributions. Design rainfalls were estimated by at-site and regional frequency analysis using LH-moments, the observed and simulated data resulted from Monte Carlotechniques. Design drought rainfalls derived by regional frequency analysis using L1, L2, L3 and L4-moments (LH-moments) method have shown higher reliability than those of at-site frequency analysis in view of RRMSE (Relative Root-Mean-Square Error), RBIAS (Relative Bias) and RR (Relative Reduction) for the estimated design drought rainfalls. Relative efficiency were calculated for the judgment of relative merits and demerits for the design drought rainfalls derived by regional frequency analysis using L-moments and L1, L2, L3 and L4-moments applied in the first report and second report of this study, respectively. Consequently, design drought rainfalls derived by regional frequency analysis using L-moments were shown as more reliable than those using LH-moments. Finally, design drought rainfalls for the classified five homogeneous regions following the various consecutive durations were derived by regional frequency analysis using L-moments, which was confirmed as a more reliable method through this study. Maps for the design drought rainfalls for the classified five homogeneous regions following the various consecutive durations were accomplished by the method of inverse distance weight and Arc-View, which is one of GIS techniques.

      • LH-모멘트법과 지역빈도분석에 의한 가뭄우량의 추정

        이순혁 ( Lee Soon Hyuk ),윤성수 ( Yoon Seong Soo ),맹승진 ( Maeng Sung Jin ),류경식 ( Ryoo Kyong Sik ),주호길 ( Joo Ho Kil ),박진선 ( Park Jin Seon ) 한국농공학회 2004 한국농공학회 학술대회초록집 Vol.2004 No.-

        본 연구에서는 확률가중모멘트의 차수를 증가시킨 고차확률가중모멘트인 L1, L2, L3 및 L4-모멘트법(일명 LH-모멘트법)에 의한 지점 및 지역빈도분석과 Arc-View에 의한 빈도별 가뭄우량의 추정에 관한 연구로서 Lee et al(2003)에 적용한 것과 동일한 4가지 확률분포형을 사용하였다. 그리고 적용된 확률분포형들의 실측가뭄우량자료에 대한 LH-모멘트비를 산정하고 LH-모멘트비도와 K-S 검정에 의한 적정한 확률분포형을 선정하였다. 이어서 강우관측지점별 지속기간별 가뭄우량의 지점 및 지역빈도분석에 의한 빈도별 가뭄우량을 유도하고 Monte Carlo 기법에 의해 모의발생된 강우관측지점별 지속기간별 실측가뭄우량의 지점 및 지역빈도분석에 의한 빈도별 가뭄우량을 유도하였다. 또한, 실측가뭄우량과 모의발생된 가뭄우량의 지점 및 지역빈도분석에 의한 빈도별 가뭄우량의 비교분석을 실시하였다. 본 연구에서는 Lee et al(2003)에서 결과된 빈도별 적정 가뭄우량과 본 연구에서 결과된 빈도별 적정 가뭄우량과의 비교분석에 의해 최종적으로 지역별 지속기간별로 신빙성 높은 빈도별 가뭄우량을 제시하고 또한, 이를 Arc-View를 이용하여 전국을 망라한 지속기간별 빈도별 가뭄우량도를 작성하였다. LH-moment ratio diagram and the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test on the Gumbel (GUM), Generalized Extreme Value (GEV), Generalized Logistic (GLO) and Generalized Pareto (GPA) distributions were accomplished to get optimal probability distribution. Design drought rainfalls were estimated by both at-site and regional frequency analysis using LH-moments and GEV distribution, which was confirmed as an optimal one among applied distributions. Design rainfalls were estimated by at-site and regional frequency analysis using LH-moments, the observed and simulated data resulted from Monte Carlo techniques. Design drought rainfalls derived by regional frequency analysis using LI, L2, L3 and L4-moments (LH-moments) method have shown higher reliability than those of at-site frequency analysis in view of RRMSE (Relative Root-Mean-Square Error), RBIAS (Relative Bias) and RR (Relative Reduction) for the estimated design drought rainfalls. Relative efficiency were calculated for the judgment of relative merits and demerits for the design drought rainfalls derived by regional frequency analysis using L-moments and IA, L2, L3 and L4-moments. Design drought rainfalls derived by regional frequency analysis using L-moments were shown as more reliable than those using LH-moments. Design drought rainfalls for the classified five homogeneous regions following the various consecutive durations were derived by regional frequency analysis using L-moments, which was confirmed as a more reliable method through this study.

      • KCI우수등재

        농촌체험관광의 관계지속성에 미치는 요인들의 영향분석 - 남성과 여성의 비교를 중심으로 -

        정상숙 ( Jeong Sang Sook ),윤성수 ( Yoon Seong Soo ),송창섭 ( Song Chang Seob ),맹승진 ( Maeng Seung Jin ) 한국농공학회 2021 한국농공학회논문집 Vol.63 No.4

        The purpose of this study is to analyze the factor influencing in order to increase the intention to revisit rural experience tourism. 181 men and women who had experienced rural experience tourism were surveyed in a Self-Assessment Questionnaire. Some farming experience, life experience, cultural experience, and leisure experience were set as independent variables as representative programs of rural experience tourism, satisfaction and trust as mediated variables, and relationships as dependent variables. Here, the relationship is regarded as a variable representing the intention to revisit. When performing multi-group path analysis by separating men and women, both men and women had a statistically significant positive (+) effect in the Leisure experience→Satisfaction path and the Trust→Relation path. In addition, the paths that were statistically significant for women were not statistically significant, but were statistically significant only for men were Farm experience→Satisfaction path, Farm experience→Relation path, and Leisure experience→Relation path. In addition, the paths that were not statistically significant for men, but statistically significant for women were Culture experience→Satisfaction and Trust→Satisfaction. According to this study, in order to increase the intention to revisit, both men and women should consider leisure experience. And men should emphasize farming experience, while women should emphasize cultural experience. It is considered that there is a need to further subdivide leisure experience, farming experience and cultural experience for the region. This study has a limitation of only 181 people. More large-scale research will be possible in the future.

      • L 및 LH-모멘트법과 지역빈도분석에 의한 가뭄우량의 추정(I) - L-모멘트법을 중심으로 -

        이순혁 ( Lee Soon Hyuk ),윤성수 ( Yoon Seong Soo ),맹승진 ( Maeng Sung Jin ),류경식 ( Ryoo Kyong Sik ),주호길 ( Joo Ho Kil ) 한국농공학회 2003 韓國農工學會誌 : 전원과 자원 Vol.45 No.5

        This study is mainly conducted to derive the design drought rainfall by the consecutive duration using probability weighted moments with rainfall in the regional drought frequency analysis. It is anticipated to suggest optimal design drought rainfall of hydraulic structures for the water requirement and drought frequency of occurrence for the safety of water utilization through this study. Preferentially, this study was conducted to derive the optimal regionalization of the precipitation data that can be classified by the climatologically and geographically homogeneous regions all over the regions except Cheju and Ulreung islands in Korea. Five homogeneous regions in view of topographical and climatological aspects were accomplished by K-means clustering method. Using the L-moment ratio diagram and Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, generalized extreme value distribution was confirmed as the best fitting one among applied distributions. At-site and regional parameters of the generalized extreme value distribution were estimated by the method of L-moments. Design drought rainfalls using L-moments following the consecutive duration were derived by the at-site and regional analysis using the observed and simulated data resulted from Monte Carlo techniques. Relative root-mean-square error (RRMSE), relative bias (RBIAS) and relative reduction (RR) in RRMSE for the design drought rainfall derived by at-site and regional analysis in the observed an simulated data were computed and compared. In has shown that the regional frequency analysis procedure can substantially more reduce the RRMSE. RBIAS and RR in RRMSE than those of at-site analysis in the prediction of design drought rainfall. Consequently, optimal design drought rainfalls following the regions and consecutive durations were derived by the regional frequency analysis.

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