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      • 동,서양화의 일곱 가지 감정칠정(七情)표현 비교분석 및 임상미술치료에의 활용가능성 검토

        류은정 ( Eun Jung Ryu ) 대한임상미술치료학회 2013 임상미술치료학연구 Vol.8 No.2

        본 연구는 그림에서 사용되는 색상 및 선호색상을 통하여 향후 컬러테라피, 미술치료 등, 색채의 활용 지침에 반영하기 위해 진행된 기초 연구로서, 선호색 사용에 대한 성격유형을 파악하고자 진행되었다. 특정적인 한 색채를 많이 이용하여 그림을 그렸다 하여도 그 색을 배제한 주요색과 배색이 난색 계열을 이루고 있을시 외향적 성향(Extraversion)에 활동적인 시기였으며 한색 계열의 색채를 이루고 있을 시에는 내향적 성향(Introversion)이며 섬세하고 우울한 심리 상태였음을 알 수 있었다. 8가지 심리적 기능에 따른 선호색을 분석한 결과 감각형(S)이 선호하는 색상은 노랑이며 감정형(F)이 선호하는 색상은 노란주황과 파랑, 사고형(T)은 노랑과 남색, 직관형(N)은 노랑과 파랑을 선호했다. 감각형(S)을 제외한 모든 심리적 기능에 따른 선호색이 내향성과 외성향이 각각 한색계열과 난색계열로 나눠진다. 이를 바탕으로 향후 미술치료 분야에서는, 선호색 진단으로 환자의 유형에 맞는 심리적 접근이 용의하며 성격유형과 반대되는 색상을 적용하여 환자가 가지고 있는 3차 기능 및 열등기능을 해소해 줄 수 있을 것이다. 또한 환자의 그림에서 사용되는 색과 사용량에 대한 정량을 수치화 할 수 있고 그림에 전, 후를 측량하고 DB를 구축하여 보다 과학적이고 정확한 기록을 남길 수 있으며 개인에 심리상태와 성격유형을 진단하여 미술치료 및 색채치료에 많은 도움을 줄것이다.(임상미술치료학연구 2013;8(2):19-26) The purpose of this study is to understand Oriental thoughts and Oriental art properly, and to compare and analyze the existing Oriental and Occidental paintings based on the seven emotions of Oriental philosophy and to examine how the methods of expressing emotions are represented, and to consider whether the utilization of oriental paintings is useful in the clinical art therapy. This study conducted a comparative analysis on the differences in the methods of expressing emotions that are represented in the existing Oriental and Occidental paintings, focusing on the seven emotions of Anger(怒), Joy(喜), Thought(思), Sorrow(悲), Anxiety(憂), Fear(恐) and Fright(驚) assigned to the Five Elements. As the research objects, the total of 108 Oriental and Occidental painting works consisting of 54 Oriental paintings and 54 Occidental paintings from the 1300s to the 1900s were selected by referring to literatures and research studies entirely. The results of this research are as follows. Firstly, the views of nature and the thoughts of the East and the West were refl ected in the different views of art. Secondly, as a result of conducting the comparative analysis on the methods of expressing emotions in the existing Oriental and Occidental paintings, signifi cant results were proved. Thirdly, it was found that the methods of expressing and displaying emotions in Oriental paintings and Occidental paintings differed according to different thoughts, cultures, ways of thinking, and expression materials of the East and the West. Accordingly, the spirit and thoughts of Oriental people are contained in Oriental paintings, so they are useful for the clinical art therapy. It is expected that the results of this research will be helpful for developing the oriental clinical art therapy program.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        산업혁명의 변화에 따른 기독교교육 : 산업혁명과 주일학교운동의 관계를 중심으로

        류은정 ( Eun Jeong Ryu ) 기독교학문연구회 2018 신앙과 학문 Vol.23 No.2

        본 연구는 산업혁명시대에 자리한 주일학교운동을 고찰하고 한국의 주일학교운동의 시작과 관련된 일련의 움직임들을 정리하며 오늘 4차 산업혁명을 마주하는 교회학교, 주일학교현장에 필요한 교육의 방법과 내용을 전망하고자 한다. 이를 위하여 기독교교육의 역사를 정리한 문헌들 속에 나타나고 있는 주일학교운동의 움직임을 18세기 산업혁명과 관련하여 살펴보고, 4차 산업혁명과 관련하여 오늘 교회교육현장이 당면하고 있는 제 문제들을 정리한다. 그리고 1차 산업혁명의 결과로 나타난 사회적 부조리 현상들을 개혁하기 위해 자리한 주일학교운동처럼 오늘 4차 산업혁명의 결과로 나타나야하는 교회교육의 개혁을 정의하며, 다음 세대들을 위한 기독교교육의 모판을 세우고자 한다. 역사적 고찰을 통하여 18세기 영국의 주일학교 운동이 사회개혁의 의미를 담고 있듯이 한국교회의 대표적인 기독교교육기관인 주일학교운동도 사회운동의 성격을 가지고 있음을 정리한다. 그리고 오늘 시대적 정황에서 주일학교, 교회학교가 기독교 교육의 현장으로서 이루어가야 하는 교육적 사명과 과제를 새롭게 전망하고 그 방향을 모색한다. 주일학교운동이 기독교교육의 역사 안에 객관적 지식으로 처리되는 것이 아니라 현재의 기독교교육생태계로 등장하여 교육의 미래를 향하여 의미와 동기를 부여하는 것이 진정한 기독교교육의 역사가 될 것이다. 본 연구는 이를 위하여 하나의 단초를 제시하고자 한다. This study is to view the Sunday School Movement that has been affected by the First Industrial Revolution, and the beginning of the Sunday School Movement in Korea, and the context and method of the education that is in need in the field of the Sunday School of these days, where we are facing the fourth Industrial Revolution. The study starts with looking into the books of Christian Education history, where it tells about the Sunday School movement that is related to the First Industrial Revolution, and then the issues that the fields of Sunday Schools are having in this era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. As the Sunday School Movement was to reform the phenomenon of absurdity that the First Industrial Revolution had as a result, this study will define the needs of reformations which the Sunday School is having from the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and will put up a foundation for the Christian Education of the next generation.Through the historical consideration, the Sunday School Movement of England in the 18th century had a meaning of social reform, and the Sunday School in the Korean church, which is the representative institute of Christian Education, should also have a meaning of social movement. So, this study will focus on viewing and groping the mission and tasks of the Sunday Schools, as a field of Christian Education in this kind of context. The Sunday School Movement will not remain just as an objective knowledge through the history, but it will assign meanings and motives to the future of the Christian Education by being reflected in the modern time contextual system and become a true history. This study will bring up a clue for it.

      • KCI등재

        마을교육공동체를 위한 지역교회의 역할

        류은정(Eun Jeong Ryu) 장로회신학대학교 세계선교연구원 2018 선교와 신학 Vol.44 No.-

        한국교회는 자타가 공인하는 눈부신 열매, 부흥성장에 집중하는 동안 자신이 자리하는 지역사회로부터 고립되고 분리되는 서글픈 현실에 갇히게 되었다. 뿐만 아니라 심화되어 가는 인구절벽으로 인한 주일학교의 감소가 단지 교회안의 문제가 아니라 교회 밖 지역사회의 외면으로 인하여 더욱더 가속화 되어가는 시점에 놓여있게 되었다. 이런 모습을 극복하기 위해서 교회의 본질적인 모습을 성찰하고, 지역사회 속의 교회를 선교론적인 입장에서 정리하며 지역사회를 마을 공동체로 세우고 나아가 교육공동체로 자리매김하도록 하는 지역교회의 역할을 정리하는 것이 본 연구의 목적이다. 이를 위하여 과거의 전통과 현재의 기회와 미래의 가능성을 연결하여 지역교회의 교육목적과 교육방법들을 이론적으로 정립하고, 그리고 마을사람들과 삶을 나누는 마당, 플랫폼으로써의 교회의 모습을 세운다. 18세기 산업혁명당시 지역교회는 마을공동체에서 교육을 책임지는 중요한 역할을 상실하게 되었고 이에 대한 하나의 대안으로 ‘주일학교운동(Sunday School Movement)’이 일어나게 되었다. 이러한 기독교 교육의 역사적 장면을 성찰하며, 오늘날 교회 안으로 밀려오고 있는 거대한 물결, 4차 산업혁명에 대하여 마을교육공동체로서 교회의 역할을 수행하기 위해서 하나님나라 운동으로서의 마을목회를 성찰하며 교회가 자리하고 있는 지역사회를 마을 교육공동체로 가꾸기 위하여 이루어야 할 교육목회와 교육사역들을 제안하고자 한다. While the Protestant churches in Korea have reached amazing heights of quantitative growth and therefore enjoyed recognition around the world for their developments, the irony is that most of the Korean churches have become isolated and irrelevant in their local communities. The decline of Sunday school program in Korea is further escalated by the local community’s neglect toward its local churches. This study, therefore, seeks to reflect church’s missiological role - nurturing a local community and empowering the community’s formation as an educational community - in order to overcome the current schism between the church and the community. Connecting the past traditions, present opportunities, and future possibilities together, this article will theoretically formulate purpose and method for the educational role of a local church in Korea. Ecclesiastically, a vision of the church as Madang - a shared space and platform in which people may come together - will be explored. In the 18th century, Sunday school movement was conceived as an alternative answer to the church’s role in providing education to the local community. The aforementioned historical scene would be further scrutinized to bring an insight to the present in which the Fourth Industrial Revolution is flooding into the contemporary society, including the Christian church. To fulfill the ecclesiastical role of the church as a locus of educational community, this article will investigate local ministries as the Kingdom of God movement and attempt to provide a timely manual for educational ministry and program.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • 유방 자가 검진 참여 교육 프로그램이 유방 자가 검진 이행과 건강 증진 행위에 미치는 영향*

        박은하(Park Eun Hwa),류은정(Ryu Eun Jung),최경숙(Choi Kyung Sook) 대한종양간호학회 2003 Asian Oncology Nursing Vol.3 No.2

        This study is carrying out a before and after experiment design for the non-equal comparative group to identify the effects of the breast self-examination education on breast self-examination participant education compliance and health promotion in women. The subject of this study was 58 women residing in Chungju. Their age ranged from 20 to 40. These women were not pregnant or did not breast feed, as well as they did not have any breast disease, at the time of survey. They were available for the response to the questionnaires, and understood the purpose of this study. They also agreed to participate in the study, and responded to the 3rd time questionnaires to the end. Thus, brochures and lectures were provided side by side to a group of 19 of those women, and only<br/> brochures were provided to another group of 39 of those women.<br/> With regard to education, a brochure and a program using a breast model were applied. Then, the frequency of the breast self<br/> examination compliance, breast self examination capability and the relations between the breast self examination and activities to promote health were measured, before the education, after 4 weeks of education and after 12 weeks of education. Before education and after 4 weeks of education, I collected the questionnaires myself visiting them, and after 12 weeks of education, the questionnaires were collected by mail.<br/> In relation to the study tool, the breast self examination activity was measured by two measuring tools: breast self examination<br/> activity frequency and breast self examination compliance capability. As for the frequency, the number of self examination for the period of 3 months, before the questionnaire survey, was<br/> measured in the form of self report. In relation to the tool to measure the breast self examination capability, the BSEPRI tool, which was developed by Wood in 1994, was used. Here, as the score was higher, the capability was indicated to be higher. The anslated and revised version of Health Promoting Lifestyle Profile Ⅱ (Walker, Sechrist & Pender, 2002) was used as a tool for health promotion. As the measured score was higher, the health promoting activity was indicated to be higher.<br/> The results of this study were as follows;<br/> 1. As a result of checking the breast self examination compliance frequency between the experiment group that received the breast self examination participant education and the comparative group that did not receive the education, there was a significant difference in interaction between groups by time, as time passed by.<br/> 2. As a result of checking the breast self examination compliance capability between the experiment group and the comparative<br/> group, there was a significant difference in interaction between groups by time, as time passed by.<br/> 3. As a result of carrying out a repetitive measurement analysis, between the experiment group that received the breast self examination education and the comparative group that did not receive the education, which was carried out to validate<br/> the hypothesis that the former would have higher health promoting activities than the latter, there was no significant difference<br/> after the breast self examination education was conducted.

      • KCI등재후보

        Post-traumatic Stress and Post-Traumatic Growth in Undergraduate Students Who Indirectly Experienced Trauma

        송송희(Songhee Song),류은정(Eunjung Ryu) 다문화건강학회 2023 다문화건강학회지 Vol.13 No.2

        Purpose: This study was undertaken to identify factors affecting post-traumatic growth in Korean undergraduate students who had experienced traumatic events during childhood. Methods: A cross-sectional survey design was employed. The participants were 685 undergraduate students who had been directly or indirectly exposed to traumatic events during childhood. Participants completed measures of the Impact of Event Scale, the Post Traumatic Growth Inventory, the Self-Efficacy tool, Ego Resilience 89, the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale-10, and the Social Support tool. Factors associated with post-traumatic growth were analyzed by hierarchical multiple regression. Results: The traumatic event with the highest post-traumatic stress score was “childhood abuse”, with a score of 45.93, and the second most traumatic event was “sexual harassment and sexual abuse”, with a score of 39.96. The analysis showed that type of trauma significantly influenced post-traumatic stress, PTS increased self-efficacy, resilience, and social support, and depression in undergraduate students indirectly exposed to trauma in childhood reduced post-traumatic growth. Conclusion: College students who experienced in-direct childhood trauma were found to have higher levels of post-traumatic stress, resilience, self-efficacy, and social support. In addition, higher levels of post-traumatic growth were associated with lower levels of depression. Intervention programs tailored to the specific types and circumstances of traumatic events and the characteristics of participants are necessary to assist individuals with traumatic experiences to manage post-traumatic stress and achieve post-traumatic growth.

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