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      • KCI등재

        정치의식의 소설화와 뉴저널리즘 -이병주의 『관부연락선』 연구

        노현주 ( Ju Rho Hyun ) 우리어문학회 2012 우리어문연구 Vol.42 No.-

        This thesis is purposed to identify the creation principle of the work and creation objective of Byung Ju Lee with the subject of 『Kwan-Bu Ferry』 and to consider the aspect of the political criticism through the media of the experience of the student soldier generation, delicate internal world and history. Byung Ju Lee has been evaluated as an author who represents the literature formation of historical consciousness. However, the abstract expression of historical consciousness did not represent the concreteness, practical intention and objective exactly. The modern historical and personal experience of the author in the text of Byung Ju Lee is composed of the data such as the note, testimony and historical record together and these data exist to verify that the truth of the individual can be true and more objective than that of the official argument. The creation pattern of Byung Ju Lee who spreads the his personal modern historical experience and even the political argument based on its reality without hesitation can be said that it is a creation pattern of New Journalism literature. By the same token, the New Journalism tried to find the real history and political justice from the personal experience and truth which existed at the behind of the official history, Byung Ju Lee tried to display the delicate truth and the reasonable aspect of the decision on the political situation which was imbued to the irony internal world of the student soldier 정치의식의 소설화와 뉴저널리즘|노현주 359 generation in 『Kwan-Bu Ferry』. The generation of Byung Ju Lee who grew in the times of serious colonial governing and managed the studying in the abroad when the Japanese imperialism reached to its climax, created the mental world under the Japanese culturism education and Japanese intellectuals` influence. Those who were familiarized with the reasonable modernism and international sense due to the culturism education and the reality of Korea were in discord. These generation has the external denotation of the objectiveness and rationality and the internal implication of the excuse for the Japanese style self. This irony was expressed with the value orientation of humanism by combining with the ideology of the people`s front line which replaced the place of extinct Marxism. The author identified the modern rationalism and the separation of the people as the biggest confronting issue in the viewpoint of humanism and he unfolded the political discourse towards the realistic politics with the media of the historical event for the problem of trusteeship, establishment of single government and historical event to the political leader. The criticism on the mistake obtained in the strategy of the leftist in the midst of the political discourse, the political sense to utilize the public interest and curiosity politically and the appointing the public admiration force and Marchiavellism as a virtue to be equipped for the political leaders are the parts to see the sense for the realistic politics of Byung Ju Lee. The meaning of the ``Destiny`` of Byung Ju Lee drew intention in the context of the rationalism and the reality directivity and the ``Destiny`` of Byung Ju Lee was interpreted to indicate the changes in the society and the turbulence itself in relation to Gobayashi Hideo. The political oriented characteristics of Byung Ju Lee as a journalist and the public oriented characteristics are formulated in consistent narrative through the personal experience and history and this attracted the identification and empathy of the public and satisfied the desire of the political interpretation.

      • KCI등재

        정치 부재의 시대와 정치적 개인 -이병주 단편소설에 나타난 정치서사의 양상

        노현주 ( Hyun Ju Rho ) 현대문학이론학회 2012 現代文學理論硏究 Vol.0 No.49

        본고는 유신 시대에 문학을 정치담론의 장(場)으로 개척한 작가로서 이병주를 주목하였다. 이병주의 문학에서 개인의 정치체험과 고백이 표출되고 있다고 보았고, 그것은 작가가 보여준 소설형식의 새로움과도 관련이 된다. 일제말기 최상위 엘리트로서 가졌던 정치에 대한 지향성이 소설을 통한 정치담론의 발화로 나타났다. 이때 이병주 개인의 삶과 시대적 격동이 일치하는 특수성에서 개인의 고백이 정치적서사가 되는 과정이 생겨났다. 이병주의 소설적 특성은 사소설을 전유한 결과이며 정치적 개인의 체험에 대한 고백이 뉴저널리즘 문학의 특성과 결합되어 정치비평적 텍스트를 생산하였다. 구체적인 정치비평의 양상들은 전체주의와 분단 정치에 대한비판, 책임 정치에 대한 주장, 간디즘과 고대 정치철학의 주요 내용과 참여 정치에 대한 의지 등으로 나타났고, 전쟁을 정치원리로 악용하는 것을 종식하기 위하여 통일을 우선해야 한다는 정치지향을 확인하였다. 정치담론의 선진성에도 불구하고 허무주의적, 순응적으로 나타나는 인물의 언행은 감시 받는 자의 자기 검열에서 발생하는 것이나, 근본적으로는 개인과 국가의 관계에 대한 철학적 바탕에서 기인하는 것이다. 그것은 국가를 부정하지 않기 위한 철학적 인식 위에서 나타나는 아이러니라고 할 수 있다. 그러나 작가가 지향하는 고대 법치공화국의 정치철학이 근현대 정치의 현실에 부딪혔을 때 노정하게 되는 한계점이 작가의 오마주인 주요인물의 의식과 행동의 불일치로 나타나고 있으며 이것은 정치의식의 한계점이라 할 수 있다. 그러나 정치의식의 한계와는 별개로 이병주가 보여주고 있는 정치서사의 양상은 정치소설의 부재로만 여겼던 유신시대의 문학사를 다시 돌아보게 한다는 점에서, 그리고 사소설의 전유와 뉴저널리즘 문학 등의 다변화된 양식의 소설쓰기를 통해 개인의 정치적 고백의 서사를 보여주고 있다는 점에서 이병주의 문학을 재고할 필요성을 제기한다. This article focused at Lee Byung-joo who was an author of exploring the literature of Yushin (Revitalizing Reform) times as a field of political disclosure. It was regarded that the personal political experiences and confession had been expressed in the literature of Lee Byung-joo and it relates to the freshness of the novel style shown by the author. The directivity towards the politics possessed by the highest elite at the end of Japanese imperialism had been appeared as a cross fire on the political argument by means novel. At that time, the course of becoming his personal confession to the political description was made from the speciality of coincidence of this personal life and timely disturbances. The novelistic features of Lee Byung-joo are the results of appropriation of I-novel and political criticism text was produced with combination of the confession on the experience of political individual and the features of New journalism literature. The specific aspects of political criticism had been appeared by means of the criticism on the totalism and divisional politics, assertion on the responsible politics, main contents of Gandhiism and ancient political philosophy and the willing for the participating politics and the political directivity of putting the unification into the first place to terminate the taking exploit the war as a political principle. In spite of the advancement of the political disclosure, the words and behaviors of the characters which appear in nihilism and adaptation could be a self censorial description, but it is originated from the philosophical basis on the relation of private person and nation fundamentally. It can be told as an irony appeared on the philosophical notion not to neglect the nation. However, the limitation exposed from the conflict of the political philosophy of ancient constitutional republic with the reality of modern politics has been appeared as an inconsistency of the mind and behavior of the main characters of author`s homage and it can be said as a limit of the political notion. However, the necessity of considering the literature of Lee Byung-joo is suggested in the viewpoints that the aspects of the political description shown by Lee Byung-joo independently with the limitation of political mind make to look back upon the literal history in Yushin times which was recognized as the absence of the political novels, and it shows the description on the personal and political confession through the writing the novels in diversified patterns such as the appropriation of I-novel and New journalism literature.

      • KCI등재

        인문학적 상상력과 서사전략 글쓰기의 기원과 소설가의 존재론 -배수아론-

        노현주 ( Hyun Ju Rho ) 한국현대문예비평학회 2011 한국문예비평연구 Vol.- No.36

        This study is purposed to explore the origin of the creation activity based on the creation of the work, change and characteristics of describing strategy of Su A Bae. When the characteristics shown at the works of Su A Bae were surveyed, first, it was regarded that the creation walk of Su A Bae has the characteristics of the nature of ``family romance`` between the literature tradition of Korea and the author. The desire of pursuing the freedom of the novel writing out of the traditional stress of literature which is realistic and reflectional was expanded to the desire to find the new origin of the writing with neglecting the Korean literature tradition. Second, it was considered that the neglection on the tradition by Su A Bae and the desire for the new writing brought forth the motive of termination and isolation in the novel and created the entity of narcissism for the speakers in the novel by the libido forwarding to the isolated ego from outside. The characteristics of these entities gave birth the characteristics of constituting in the resistance for the novel of Su A Bae not to show the meaning action in the imaginary world as a symbol in the symbolic world not following the universal grammar of the novel. Third, the entities of the newly born novels showed the Lacan like insight for the language and it directs to own language, namely a writing which can not be returned to the other genre or method of re-realization to overcome the distortion of the delivery of the meaning from the language gap of the symbolic world. Fourth, the method of realizing the writing which is not re-realized was specified by performing the multi natured and splitting description strategy. The skills of essay like writing, fragmentary description, vagueness and mixture of the time and the space, the overlapping and splitting of the character prohibit the meaning of wholeness and reduction and made the multi layered semantic system by postponing endlessly. The work of Su A Bae will be produced through various exploration and experiment based on the powerful self consciousness for the novel. The endless exploration and carrying out the format and contents of novel will set forth the effect of widening and varying the horizon of the modern novel in the reality of the Korean novel. However, positioning of the writing of Su A Bae as an exception is clearly meaningful in the modern novel, but it shall be cautious for the own language and the writing in Su A Bae style to curb the writer with a new frame of self satisfactory fence. Because the dreaming language of impossible interpretation and the language of imaginary world will have difficulties to betray the fundamental attribute of communication of the novel always.

      • KCI등재

        5.16을 대하는 정치적 서사의 두 가지 경우- 「소설ㆍ알렉산드리아」와 「구운몽」

        노현주(Rho, Hyun-ju) 한국문화융합학회 2017 문화와 융합 Vol.39 No.2

        최인훈과 이병주는 정치적 탄압 하에서 존재할 수 있는 정치소설의 유형을 보여주고 있다. 이병주는 「소설ㆍ알렉산드리아」에서 법을 악용하는 군사정권의 불법성을 비판한다. 불의한 정치권력과 대비되는 개인의 정의를 부각시키고, 법과 권력은 인간의 가치를 수호하는 것이어야 한다는 메시지를 전한다. 5.16 쿠데타로 인해 사상범이 된 수감자가 자신의 재판에 대해 긍정하는 것은 알렉산드리아의 서사에서 급진적인 정치비판을 하기위한 서사적 장치이다. 검열을 의식한 구성을 통해 정치권력에 대해서 비판한다. 그러나 궁극적으로 법에 의해 통치되는 국가를 부정하지는 않는다. 5.16쿠데타는 4.19를 혁명이 아니라 미완의 비극으로 만들었다. 최인훈은 「구운몽」에서 이에 대한 충격을 드러낸다. ‘광장’의 이미지는 그러한 좌절감을 상징적으로 보여준다. 주인공의 계속되는 도주는 이데올로기의 호명에 의한 주체되기, 통합되기를 거부하는 것으로 해석된다. 주체되기의 거부, 사회로 통합되는 것에 대한 거부가 초래한 것은 처형-혹은 자기파멸이었다. 독고민의 이러한 서사는 국가(권력)에 대한 극도의 부정을 시사한다. 두 작가의 정치의식의 미묘한 차이는 일종의 세대적 차이에서 발생한다고 할 수 있다. 이병주는 일명 학병세대로서 국가 건설에 대한 책임감을 가졌던 세대였다. 최인훈은 4.19세대로서 국가가 사명감의 대상이 아니라 민주적 가치가 사명감의 대상이 되는 세대였다. 이러한 차이는 역사와 정치현실에 대한 비평을 중심으로 하는 소설텍스트로, 실험적이고 전위적인 형식실험 속에서 정치의식을 철학적으로 전개하는 텍스트로 각각 그 영역을 넓히는 시초가 되었다. Choi and Lee show a particular type of political novel under political persecution. In 「FictionㆍAlexandria」, Lee gives a criticism on illegality of military government which had abused law. He highlights individual justice contrasting against unjust political power, and describes law and government power must protect the value of human. It is used as a narrative device for radical criticisms in 「Fictionㆍ Alexandria」 that the prisoner who became to be a political offender through 5.16 military coup conceded the trial result. He criticizes political power thru the composition under being aware of censorship, But doesn t deny the ultimate constitutional nation 5.16 military coup has made April 19th to incomplete tragedy but not to revolution. Choi shows the shock about this history in 「Koo Woon Mong」. The imagery of Plaza tells this kind of frustration figuratively. It is translated the denial of being unified or being subject under ideology’s demand that the main character ran away unceasingly. The denial gave rise to execution or self-deceptiveness. The narrative of Dok Go Min, the main character in 「Koo Woon Mong」, implies the ultimate negation of national power. The delicate difference between the political consciousness of these two novelists comes from a generation gap. Lee belonged to‘Student Soldier generation’which had a sense of responsibility to national construction. In the other hand, Choi was in‘4.19 generation’which had a sense of duty to value of democracy. This difference was to be the different start of novel text respectively, the one criticized history and political reality and the other developed political consciousness philosophically in experimental and radical formality.

      • KCI등재

        ‘연안’으로 간 학병들 ; 학병세대와 코뮤니즘

        노현주(Rho, Hyun-ju) 원광대학교 인문학연구소 2016 열린정신 인문학연구 Vol.17 No.2

        본고는 학병세대의 서사 중에서 일본군 병영에서 중국 공산군 지역으로 탈출했던 수기들을 고찰하였다. 중국 공산군 점령구로 탈출한 학병들은 조선의용군으로 편입되었다. 의용군이 된 학병들은 한국광복군이 된 학병들의 숫자와 비교하여 적지 않았고 44년부터 46년에 걸쳐 항일무장투쟁 전선에서 활동하였다. 이 과정에서 학병세대의 자유주의적 근대성과 의용군의 공산주의 노선이 갈등을 일으켰다. 학병들은 합리적 공론장을 원했고 조선의용군은 공산주의의 국제노선을 따르길 요구했다. 양측은 정치공동체가 통일성 있는 정체성을 구성하기위한 공동의 서사를 공유할 수 없었다. 이로 인해 고국을 향한 두 번째 탈출이 이어진다. 학병세대의 항일무장투쟁의 공로에도 불구하고 북한으로 귀국한 학병세대에게 감시와 투옥이 이어지자 월남을 선택하게 된다. 일제말기 조선의 최고 지식인집단에게 공산주의는 지식이었다. 지식으로서의 코뮤니즘이 현실화 될 때 나타나는 변수가 합리적 근대성을 거스를 때 내 · 외적 갈등이 일어났다. ‘연안’으로 갔던 학병들이 북한에서의 감시와 적대를 피해 월남한 후 남한 사회의 중추적 역할을 해나갈 때, 그들에게 주어진 공론장에서 정치적 자유주의를 주장함으로써 정치적 공동체의 공동의 서사를 구성하는데 기여하였다. This is a study for narratives of Student Soldier Generation especially of the student soldiers who escaped from Japanese troops to the territory of Chinese people’s army. The escaped student soldiers was incorporated to Korean Volunteer Army and the number of those soldiers was not smaller than the number of the Independence Army of Korea. They had fought the front of anti-Japanese armed struggle from 1944 to 1946. During these struggles, conflicts emerged between the liberal modernity of student soldier and the communism of Korean volunteer army. The student soldiers wanted to make a rational ‘Public Sphere’, but Korean volunteer army aimed to follow the international policy of communism. Both could not share the narratives to a political community. Therefore, the student soldiers carried out the second escape toward their homeland. Although the student soldier’s contribution on anti-Japanese armed struggle, they were confronted surveillance and imprisonment in North Korea and decided to defect from it. In the last period of Japanese imperialism, communism was the knowledge for Korean intellectuals. But the actualization of communism as a knowledge went against a rational modernity, it made a psychological conflict. After defecting from North Korea out of surveillance and hostility, The student soldiers of ‘Yun-An district’ performed the pivotal roles in South Korea. Also they contributed to build the united narratives of political community by asserting the political liberty at ‘Public Sphere’.

      • KCI등재

        Force/Justice로서의 법, ‘법 앞에서’ 분열하는 서사

        노현주(Rho, Hyun Ju) 한국현대문학회 2014 한국현대문학연구 Vol.0 No.43

        Byung Joo Lee was a novelist who criticized the realistic politics which took advantage of the irresponsible politics, political maneuvering and separation ideology. In addition, he asserted the political idea to pursue the freedom of ideology and expression and politics by the laws with exclusion of politics by the violence and terror. But his novels expressed both advancement of legal and political consciousness and conformism. This study focused on the legal consciousness of the text and the narration of dissociation that preceded denying the law without justice by presuming the justice with the law itself. This dissociation of narration was based on ideology of "good people" containing the "virtue of vocation" in the novelist"s generation and aggressive application of law by the military regime that insisted on usual emergency situation. Lee"s novels showed the political irony between criticism of violence of regime and affirmation of the law (nation) with ethical desire that had an honor to die for a belief. Also, this study considered the legal consciousness and the view of state of Byung Joo Lee"s generation for the ambivalence. The legal consciousness and the view of state in Lee"s novels showed the national-building complex of the 1960"s intelligent people who had belonged to culturalism-generation or student soldier generation for late Japanese imperialism. Furthermore, the narration of dissociation in Lee"s novels was assumed to be due to the phenomenon that the intrinsic consciousness and the view of state of the intelligent people combined the extreme developmentalism driven by the military regime in 60"s to exclude a autonomy of civil society.

      • RTP 와 JMF 기반의 원격진료 화상회의 시스템 설계 및 구현

        이광빈(Kwang-Bin Lee),이배호(Bae-Ho Lee),노현주(Hyun-Ju Rho),정태웅(Tae-Woong Chung) 한국정보과학회 2002 한국정보과학회 학술발표논문집 Vol.29 No.2Ⅲ

        본 연구에서는 인터넷 상 원격진료(Telemedicine)에서 가장 중요한 실시간 데이터공유를 원활히 하기 위해 과도한 지연을 방지할 수 있는 실시간 전송 프로토콜 RTP(Real-time Transport Protocol)를 사용하였다. 또한 자바 애플릿(Applet) 프로그램 구현을 통해 강력한 확장성과 멀티 플랫폼(multi-platform)을 갖으며, JMF를 사용하여 RTP 지원과 멀티미디어 데이터를 보다 쉽고 효율적으로 처리하였다. 이러한 방법을 통해 기존 TCP/IP 기반의 응용 프로그램에서 거의 불가능하였던 네트워크 트래픽 제어(Network Traffic control)를 효율적으로 개선하였으며, 영상압축 데이터는 RTP로 전송함으로써 자바가 가지는 확장성을 손상시키지 않으면서 최적화 문제를 해결하였다. 또한, 웹 서버 측 데몬(demon)을 제외한 모든 프로그램을 애플릿으로 구현함으로써 기존의 응용 프로그램 원격진료 시스템 설치 및 제거의 어려움을 없애 누구나 쉽고 빠르게 시스템을 이용할 수 있다. 마지막으로 모든 플랫폼에 걸쳐 15frames/sec 이상의 원활한 데이터 전송과 2초 이내의 지연방지가 가능하도록 개선하였다.

      • 혈액투석환자의 스트레스와 자기간호와의 관계연구

        김인숙,노현주 朝鮮大學校 附設 醫學硏究所 1991 The Medical Journal of Chosun University Vol.15 No.1

        The subjects in this study were 72 patients hemodialysis of three general hospitals located in Kwang-ju y and the data were collected from january 15th to April 15th, 1988. This study was designed to identify the correlation between the stress and the inteUectual abilities self-care and the practice of self-care of the patients on hemodialysis for the purpose of providing ta base for effective Nursing intervention for them. The instruments used for this study were "The stress scale" designed by Chun and "The scale of actice of self care in patients on hemodialysis" designed by Kim. The data were analysed by t-test, ANOVA, Pearson Correlation Coefficient. The results of analysis were as follows. Hypothesis 1) "There would be some correlations between the level of intellectual abilities of self-care and the level of perceived stress", was not supported. Hypothesis 2) "The higher the level of stress in patients on hemodialysis, the higher the level of their practice of self-care", was supported (r=0.7860, P<0.05). Hypothesis 3) "The higher the level of intellectual abilities of self-care, the higher the level of accomplishment abilities of self-care", was supported (r=0.7489, P<0.05).

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