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      • 보육교사의 정서지능 및 직무만족도가 이직의도에 미치는 영향

        김화순(Hwa Soon Kim),문혁준(Hyuk Jun Moon) 가톨릭대학교 생활과학연구소 2016 생활과학연구논집 Vol.35 No.1

        This study looks at the turnover intention of child-care teachers, emotional intelligence in the child care teachers, job satisfaction, and investigate the impact on turnover intention. The results of this study were as follows. First, emotional Intelligence of child care teachers in accordance with the socio-demographic variables were significantly in age, education and experience. Second, job satisfaction of child care teachers in accordance with the socio-demographic variables were significantly in age, education and pay, experience, establishment types full. Third, turnover intention of child care teacher in accordance with the socio-demographic variables were significantly in education, pay, establishment types. Fourth, emotional intelligence and overall job satisfaction are correlated. Fifth, look at the relative influence of socio-demographic background(education, pay, establishment types), job satisfaction, emotional intelligence on turnover intention, Child care teachers support facilities(national and public, work/corporate) is also a lower turnover intention than the unsupported facilities(private, homes).

      • KCI등재

        공인중개사의 감정노동과 직무만족 및 이직의도와의 관계

        김화순(Kim, Hwa Soon),정재호(Chung, Jae Ho) 한국부동산학회 2014 不動産學報 Vol.57 No.-

        본 연구는 공인중개사들과 중개보조원들을 대상으로 감정노동이 직무만족과 이직의도에 미치는 영향을 분석하는데 목적이 있다. 세종특별자치시에 위치하여 부동산 중개업을 영위하고 있는 공인중개사들과 중개보조원들을 대상으로 설문조사를 시행하였다. 회귀분석결과, 첫째 감정표현 주의정도 요인은 직무자체만족에 양(+)의 영향력을 미치는 반면 감정의 부조화 요인은 음(-)의 영향력을 미치는 것으로 나타나 감정의 부조화가 직무만족에 부정적인 영향을 주는 것으로 볼 수 있다. 동료관계에 대한 영향력 검증에서는 감정표현 주의정도 요인이 유의한 영향을 주며. 소득/삶의 질 요인에게 영향을 주는 감정의 부조화 요인은 소득과 삶의 질 향상의 부정적인 요인으로 나타났다. 둘째, 감정의 부조화 요인이 부동산중개업자들의 이직의도를 높이는 가장 중요한 요인으로 분석되었다. 즉 감정의 부조화로 부동산중개업무의 스트레스가 높은 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 직무자체만족과 소득/삶의 질 만족 요인이 이직의도에 음(-)의 영향력을 미쳐 부동산 중개업무에서 스트레스를 받지만, 직무만족과 중개업무를 통해 얻는 수입으로 이직의도를 낮게 하는 효과를 얻는 것으로 해석된다. 1. CONTENTS (1) RESEARCH OBJECTIVES The object of this paper is to examine the influence of emotional labor on job satisfaction and turnover intention for real estate agents and real estate assistants (2) RESEARCH METHOD For the purpose of this study real estate agents and real estate assistants of 99 agencies of Hansol-dong and 71 agencies of Yeon-gi geumnam-myeon yongpo-ri of the special autonomic city Sejong were surveyed. Also, statistical methodologies such as frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, reliability tests utilizing Cronbach's alpha coefficients and multiple regression analysis were performed. (3) RESEARCH FINDINGS First, emotional self expression had a positive impact(+) on job self-satisfaction, while emotional dissonance had a negative impact(-) on job self-satisfaction. Second, the influence of emotional labor on turnover intention was that emotional dissonance had the most significant impact on real estate agents. Third, job self satisfaction and income/quality of life factor had a negative impact(-) on real estate agents. 2. RESULTS The result of the difference analysis about emotional labor, job satisfaction and turnover intention depending on brokerage objects showed that only the frequency of the emotional labor variable and the job satisfaction variable of income/quality of life had a statistically significant difference.

      • KCI등재

        치매주간보호센터 이용 노인의 인지·신체기능, 문제행동 및 이용중단 이유

        김화순(Kim, Hwasoon),이영휘(Lee, Young Whee) 기본간호학회 2016 기본간호학회지 Vol.23 No.1

        Purpose: Purpose of this retrospective study was to investigate cognitive function, physical function, and problematic behaviors of elders who attended dementia daycare centers, and to identify reasons why they stopped using the center. Methods: Participants were 176 elders, 60 years or over, attending one of four dementia daycare centers in Incheon. Data were collected from center documents. Results: Mean age was 80.5 years. When admitted to the centers mean scores for the mini-mental status examination, activity of daily living, and instrumental activity of daily living (IADL) were 12.31, 9.53, and 25.09 respectively. Participants received day care service for an average of 17.98 months. The reasons for leaving the center were worsening dementia and health (40.2%), and problematic behaviors (20.1%). Conclusion: Results show that elders began to use day care services when their cognitive function and IADL had declined considerably. As the ultimate goal of dementia daycare service is to delay the worsening of cognitive capability and decreases in activities daily living, the effect of the service can be maximized when the service is provided as early as possible in the course of progressively severe dementia. Active promotion should be exerted in the community to encourage early use of this service.

      • KCI등재

        탈북인의 신민적 정치참여

        김화순 ( Kim Wha-soon ),전태국 ( Jeon Tae-kook ) 서울대학교 통일평화연구원 2018 통일과 평화 Vol.10 No.1

        이 연구는 지난 정부에서 수년간 탈북인들이 돈으로 매수되어 친정부 시위와 국정원의 비밀댓글 공작에 동원되었던 사건들에서 보인 탈북인의 독특한 신민적 정치참여 행태를 이론적으로 탐구하는 것을 목적으로 하였다. 국가권력의 동원과정에서 드러난 탈북인의 신민적 정치참여는 ‘탈북’이라는 경험을 공유한 집단에 고유한 정치지향성의 분출로 보아야 할 것인가? 아니면, 북한에서 초기 정치사회화의 효과로 북한주민의 특성이라고 일반화할 수 있는가? 한국 상황에서 탈북인이 생존하기 위한 합리적 선택의 결과라고 보아야 할 것인가? 분단체제에서 남북한 주민 양자에게 배태되어진 분단인 고유의 정치지향성이 표출된 것인가? 이러한 질문들은 오늘날 평화체제 이행과정의 문 앞에 서있는 남북 주민 사회통합에서 중요한 함의를 지닌다. 본 연구에서는 칼 마르크스(Karl Marx)의 캐릭터가면과 그것의 응용으로서 문화가면의 개념에 근거하여 탈북인과 남한인을 비교함으로서 남북한 주민 양자에게 배태된 정치지향성을 살펴보았고, 이주자 정치사회화이론에 비추어 탈북인 정치참여 행위를 해석하였다. 저항이론, 노출이론, 전이이론의 설명력을 비교하였다. This study aims to theoretically explore the subject political participation behavior of North Korean defectors for many years in the previous government, which could have been observed in their paid extreme right-wing political activities mobilized for hyper pro-governmental demonstrations and illegal clandestine operation of ‘troll farm’ by NIS as part of a part-time job. Should we account such subject political behaviors of North Korean defectors revealed in the process of mobilization of state power to be an eruption of the political orientations specific to the groups sharing an experience of ‘escaping from North Korea’? Or is it correct to generalize such subject political attitudes as a national trait of North Koreans influenced by early political socialization in North Korea? Is it proper to regard this subject political participation as the result of their rational choice to survive in the South Korean situation? Or an expression of the unique political orientation of both Koreans due to the divided system? These questions have important implications for social integration of the residents of North and South Korea standing at the door of the transition process to peace system. In this study, based on the Marx's concept of ‘character masks’ and cultural masks as its application, we compared the political orientation of North Korean defectors and South Koreans. We interpreted the political participation behavior of the North Korean defectors in the light of the immigrant political socialization theories. We compared explanatory power of resistance theory, exposure theory, and trasferability theory.

      • KCI등재후보

        취약계층 고용서비스 전달체계의 새로운 방향

        김화순(Wha Soon Kim) 한국사회정책학회 2006 한국사회정책 Vol.13 No.1

        본 연구의 목적은 취약계층 친화적 고용서비스정책의 새로운 방향을 제시하는 데에 있다. 연구자는 수급자집단, 차상위계층, 비빈곤 취업취약계층이라는 세 집단에 속한 10명의 연구참가자를 선택적으로 표집한 후, 면접법을 통해 외환위기 이후의 직업생애, 구직활동 양상, 고용서비스 이용실태에 관한 정보를 수집하였다. 질적분석을 행한 결과, 연구참가자들이 외환위기이후에도 지속적으로 강제적인 직업전환을 경험하고 있다는 점, 한 개인이 다중의 취약요인을 보유한다는 점, 빈곤가구와 취업취약요인이 서로 강화하고 있다는 점을 비롯하여, 비공식노동시장내에 위치한다는 점 및 그들의 구직활동양상과 공공고용서비스이용실태 등을 밝혀냈다. 또한 공공고용안전망이 이 세 집단의 연구참가자들 모두에게 효과적으로 작동되지 못하고 있으며, 그 결과 연구참가자들은 신뢰할 수 없는 지역정보지에 주로 의존하여 구직활동을 벌이고 있다는 점이 드러났다. 이는 공식노동시장중심의 공공고용안전망이 비공식노동시장에 위치한 이들에게 적합한 고용서비스를 전달하지 못하고 있음을 의미한다. 결론으로 이들 각각의 집단을 겨냥한 민·관·지자체합동의 새로운 고용서비스 전달체계 거버넌스를 제안하였다. This study`s objective is to present a new direction of the employment service policy that is friendly towards the disadvantaged class. The researcher selectively sampled 10 participants from the three groups classified based on the poverty line: NBLSS (National Basic Livelihood Security System) recipient poor group, near poor group, and non-poor but disadvantaged in employment group. Through interview method, information on career, job search activities, and employment service utilization condition after the foreign exchange crisis was collected. As a result, the following were recognized: participants continuously experienced compulsory change of jobs even after the foreign exchange crisis, an individual possesses multiple disadvantages, poor household and employment disadvantages are mutually reinforcing, and the disadvantaged class is situated within unofficial labor market. Job search activity patterns and public employment service utilization condition of the disadvantaged class were also identified. In addition, the study discovered that the public employment safety net had not functioned effectively for any of the three groups, and that the job search activities of the disadvantaged class were largely dependent on unreliable local newsletters. This means that the official labor market focused public employment safety net is not able deliver adequate employment service those situated within unofficial labor market. In conclusion, new employment service delivery system governance run by the association of people, government and local authorities was proposed for each of the groups.

      • KCI등재

        항혈전스타킹과 간헐적공기압박기 적용이 중환자의 심부정맥혈전 발생 예방에 미치는 효과

        김화순(Kim, Hwasoon),조옥민(Cho, Ok Min),지선(Kim, Ji Sun),장해옥(Jang, Hai Ok),여경(Kim, Yeo Kyeong),설희(Kim, Seol Hee),민효남(Min, Hyo Nam),곽경선(Kwak, Kyung Sun),홍기천(Hong, Kee Chun),장용(Kim, Jang Yong),정준호(Chung, 기본간호학회 2015 기본간호학회지 Vol.22 No.3

        Purpose: The purpose of this pilot study was to investigate the effects of mechanical interventions for deep vein thrombosis (DVT) prophylaxis in surgical intensive care unit (SICU) patients. Methods: The participants were assigned to the intermittent pneumatic compression (IPC) and graduated compression stocking (GCS) intervention. Patients who met the criteria were selected for comparison from our previous study. Data for 140 patients were included in the final analysis. Results: The mean age was 57.5 (±15.7) and 61.4 % were men. About forty-seven percent of the participants were 61 years or over. In the second duplex scan, 3, 2 and 1 critically ill patients developed deep vein thrombosis in the control, GCS, and IPC groups, respectively. Incidences of DVT were 6.0%, 5.0%, and 2.0% for the control, GCS, and IPC groups, respectively. This difference was not significant. Relative risks of no intervention were 3.0 and 1.2 compared with IPC and GCS application. There were no significantly different variables among the three groups before the intervention except for diagnosis on admission. Conclusion: Although it may difficult to conclude that mechanical prophylaxis effectively prevents DVT among SICU patients because there was no statistical significance in this study, but incidence rates among the three groups differed greatly. The findings reveal that further study should be conducted with larger samples and randomized controlled trial for SICU patients.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        중환자의 체중변화와 섭취량과 배설량 균형과의 관계

        김화순(Kim, Hwasoon),이영휘(Lee, Young Whee),이지수(Lee, Ji Soo),이진영(Lee, Jin Young),추상순(Choo, Sang Soon),이보경(Lee, Bo Gyeong) 기본간호학회 2011 기본간호학회지 Vol.18 No.2

        Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify differences between intake and output balance and body weight changes and to identify factors related to differences in critically ill patients. Methods: The participants for this descriptive correlational study were 65 medical surgical ICU patients. The data were collected from patient medical records. Results: Mean age of the patients was 63.80 years (±15.21). Body weight changes for 48 hours averaged 281.54g (±2210.48). I&O balance for 48 hours corrected for insensible loss averaged 398.1ml. Differences ranged from 45mL to 7,535mL. In the distribution of absolute difference between body weight change and intake and output balance, only 40% of the patients were within less than 1,000 mL. Factors relating to accurate measure of intake and output were ventilation methods, respiration patterns, and edema status. Conclusion: Although mean values of weight change and I&O balance for all patients were very close, the range of differences was very wide indicating that, for many patients, intake and output is not an appropriate indicator of body fluid balance. Therefore, because of the frequency fever and/or hyperventilation, nurses need to use caution when using intake and output balance only to estimate current body fluid status for critically ill patients.

      • KCI등재

        생존의 정치 : 북한의 `공장사회`와 노동자

        김화순(Wha-soon Kim) 고려대학교 평화와민주주의연구소 2018 평화연구 Vol.26 No.1

        이 연구는 고난의 행군시기 배급체제가 와해된 이후 20년 동안이나 “북한 공장에서 노동자들의 무보상 노동이 어떻게 지속될 수 있었는가?” 하는 의문에서 출발하며, 본 연구는 노동 행위주체들의 사회적 조직화에 주목하며, ‘기업책임의 배급제도’가 무보상 공장체제의 근간이 되었음을 논의하였다. 즉 7.1조치이후 배급의 책임이 국가에서 기업으로 이전된 것을 계기로 하여 중앙직할/지방산업간 및 간부/노동자간, 기업소간에 차별적인 식량공급이 제도화되었다. 이와같은 차별정책에 기반하여 상대적으로 수혜를 받는 공장 간부들은 위계적 공장구조 속에서 자신들이 누리는 우월적 지위를 유지하기 위해 일반 노동자의 무상노동을 끊임없이 조직하고 지배하면서 소속 공장의 수명연장을 위해 진력한다. 결론적으로, 무보상 공장체제가 지속될 수 있었던 이유는 이 시기 공장기업소 간부들이 핵심노동자층 중 신충성노동자들과 담합하며 주도했던 생존투쟁에 있었다. 2000년 이후 2009년 화폐개혁 이전의 북한 공장사회는 ‘사회주의 지키기를 명분삼아’ 자신보다 하층에 있는 노동자를 딛고 서는 ‘생존의 정치’의 장이자 동시에 ‘정치사회적 생명을 공유하는 생활공동체’가 터한 이원적 공간으로 북한체제 유지의 거점이었다. The study starts with the question “How could workers" noncompensation work in the North Korean factory be sustained for 20 years after the breakdown of the distribution system in the Arduous March period?” The scope of the study ranged from in 2000 to the 2009 currency reform. However, this study focuses on the social organization of labor actors and discusses that the ‘corporate responsibility distribution system’ is at the core of the non‐compensation factory system. In other words, since the responsibility of distribution was transferred from the state to the enterprise after the 7.1 measures, discriminated food supply has been institutionalized between the central and local industries, between the cadre/workers and between the enterprises. Based on this discrimination policy, factory officials who have benefited from such a scheme will continue to organize and control the free work of ordinary workers in order to maintain their superior status in the hierarchical factory structure, and strive to extend the life of their belonging factories. In conclusion, the reason why the non‐compensation factory was able to continue was that the factory‐enterprise cadres during this period were in the struggle for survival that led and colluded with new loyal workers among the core workers. From in 2000 and before the currency reform in 2009, the North Korean factory society was to ‘preserve socialism’ as the stage of ‘survival politics’ of surviving each individual, and as a dual space facing the ‘living community that shares political and social life’ at the same time, and was the base of maintaining the North Korean regime.

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