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      • KCI등재

        공동주택 건립에 따른 학생수용계획 예측 정확성 증대방안

        김진찬(Kim Jin-Chan),류기덕(Ryu Ki-Duk) 계명대학교 사회과학연구소 2008 한국사회과학연구 Vol.27 No.1

        There may be limitation to the current performing plan for presumption of numbers of new student in an area, especially an apartment village, without considering some factors having influence on the increase of numbers of new student. That is to say, a problem of the current model may be owing to dependence on a simple numerical statement of sample area without taking into account of consequential factors, such as local peculiarity, preference of educational consumer, movement of people with a school age, redevelopment of residential area, and so on. Estimating of expected number of students in an area without considering population movement according to enlargement of living space, change of preference of school, improvement of living environment, etc. may not lead to an optimal number of students in a class. As a result, it may be able to be the result of an overcrowded or shortage class. Therefore, it should be considered what problem is for the existing method which is only concerned with incidence rate of students per household in the sample area (apartment). Then, a suitable research method for highly feasible adoptability against the problem should be deliberated. Therefore, this research set up a new model which includes additional important factors, such as year, size of house, location, and preference, etc. comparing to the existing method which put only one factor for the presumption of number of new students in an area.

      • KCI등재

        평가지표분석을 통한 지역일자리 공시제 발전방안 연구

        김진찬(Jin Chan Kim),김영철(Young-Chul Kim) 계명대학교 사회과학연구소 2014 한국사회과학연구 Vol.33 No.1

        The policy of public announcement of local governments on job creation was introduced to maintain the consistency of job related policies by local governments and to use the results to evaluate the performance of local governors in their tenure periods. But the original aim of the policy has proven to go amiss as the central government strongly resists to delegate its authority on labor market policies to local governments, which makes local governments to feel helpless and to act irresponsible. This paper argues that local governments should be given full authority to pursue independent local labor market policies in a responsible way to make the policy of public announcement of local governments on job creation successful. Along with it, it proposes the necessity to develop a new evaluation index which looks to all the procedures of the policy from a planning stage to a final stage.

      • KCI등재

        마을기업 사업 방향성에 관한 연구

        김진찬(Kim, Jin Chan) 한국지역사회학회 2020 지역사회연구 Vol.28 No.2

        장기간의 경기침체와 저출산·고령화 등 여러 가지 사회문제가 발생하면서 해결방안으로 사회적 경제가 주목을 받게 되었다. 대표적 사회적 경제로 현재 우리나라에서는 사회적기업, 마을기업 협동조합 등이 운영되고 있다. 이들 사회적 경제 중 행정안전부에서는 지역자원을 활용하여 지역문제를 지역 스스로 해결하기 위해 마을기업 사업을 2011년부터 시행하고 있다. 그러나 사업을 시행한지 10년 정도의 시간이 지났지만 정확한 방향성을 설정하지 못하여 사업수행에 많은 문제점을 가지고 있다. 본 연구에서는 전국과 경상북도, 그리고 상주시의 마을기업 운영 결과 자료를 바탕으로 마을기업의 요건인 기업성, 공동체성, 공공성, 지역성의 효과를 분석한다. 그 결과를 바탕으로 마을기업 요건들 중에서 무엇을 중심으로 마을기업을 운영하는 것이 최선인가의 방향성과 정책 지원 방향을 제시한다. 동시에 마을기업 법안 마련의 기초를 제공하려고 한다. The social economy has drawn attention as a solution to the long-term economic recession, low birth rate, and aging population. As a representative of the social economy, social enterprises and community enterprise cooperatives are operated. Among these social economies, the Ministry of Public Administration and Security has implemented community enterprise projects since 2011 to solve regional problems by themselves by utilizing local resources. However, although it has been in effect for nearly 10 years, it has had many problems in carrying out the project because it has failed to set the exact direction. Based on the results of community enterprise operation in the whole country, Gyeongsangbuk-do and Sangju city, this study analyzes the effect of the community enterprise requirements, enterprise, community, publicness and locality. Based on the results, we present the direction of the best way to operate the community enterprise based on the requirements of the community enterprise. At the same time, it seeks to provide the basis for drawing up a bill for community enterprises.

      • KCI등재

        지역일자리 목표 공시제사업의 현황과 개선방안

        김진찬(Kim, Jin chan) 한국지역사회학회 2018 지역사회연구 Vol.26 No.3

        2008년 경제위기 이후 특히 일자리의 유무가 행복을 결정하는 가장 중요한 요인 중의 하나로 인식되면서 중앙정부뿐만 아니라 각 지방정부, 또는 중앙정부와 지방정부가 연계하여 일자리 창출과 고용유지를 위한 여러 가지 정책을 실시하고 있다. 그리고 지역일자리 사업의 완성판이라는 평가를 받으면서 2010년부터 지역일자리 목표 공시제사업이 대표적 지역일자리 사업으로 시행되고 있다. 그러나 기대와 달리 여전히 각 지역의 지역적 특성과 산업구조의 차이, 산업인프라의 차이 등을 반영하지 못한 사업의 실시로 지역일자리 공시제사업이 지역일자리 창출에 많은 한계를 가지고 있다. 본 연구에서는 각 자치단체에서 실시하고 있는 지역일자리 목표 공시제 세부사업들을 분석하여 지역에 적합한 일자리를 창출하고 있는가, 사업이 지역의 일자리 문제와 관련이 있는가, 지역의 다양한 고용주체들을 유기적으로 연결하고 있는가 등의 현황을 알아본다. 이를 바탕으로 지역일자리 목표 공시제사업이 지역일자리 창출과 고용률 증가에 기여하지 못하는 이유를 밝히고 앞으로 어떤 사업을 중심으로 지역일자리 공시제사업을 추진할 것인가의 개선방안을 제시한다. Because decent jobs are the best welfare, each governments initiated several hiring policies, and disclosing system of regional job creation which is considered as complete version of several local hiring policy was initiated since 2010. Disclosing system of regional job creation was started with the establishment of settlement stage. However, due to the implementation of policies that failed to take into account regional characteristics and differences in industrial infrastructure, there are still many restrictions on creating local jobs. In this study, we analyzed the particular businesses of disclosing system of regional job creation which each local governments are implementing whether the project is creating jobs suitable for the region, relevant to local job problems, and the links between various regional employers. Based on this, we will give the reason why regional job creation projects could not contribute to creating local jobs and increasing employment rates, and propose improvement plans about what business to be focused for the future disclosing system of job creation.

      • 구두 발표 : 구두발표(OC) - 농업화학 및 생태,식품분야 ; 미나리 중 Difenoconazole과 Pymetrozine의 잔류특성 및 안전성평가

        노현호 ( Hyun Ho Noh ),이재윤 ( Jae Yun Lee ),김진찬 ( Jin Chan Kim ),정오석 ( Oh Seok Jeong ),김혜성 ( Hye Sung Kim ),진미지 ( Me Jee Jin ),김서홍 ( Seo Hong Kim ),윤상순 ( Sang Soon Yun ),진충우 ( Chung Woo Jin ),경기성 ( Kee Su 한국환경농학회 2013 한국환경농학회 학술대회집 Vol.2013 No.-

        이 연구는 미나리 중 difenoconazole과 pymetrozine의 잔류특성을 구명하고 안전성을 평가하기 위하여 수행하였다. 시험농약은 각각 2,000배와 3,000배 희석하고 살포횟수와 수확전 약제 살포일을 달리하여 수확 3일전까지 1회 및 2회 살포한 후 잔류농약을 분석하였다. 미나리 중 difenoconazole 과 pymetrozine의 검출한계(limits of detection, LOD)는 각각 0.004와 0.02 mg/kg이었으며, 정량 한계(limits of qauntitation, LOQ)는 각각 0.01과 0.07 mg/kg이었다. 분석법의 회수율은 각각 85.37∼91.96%와 93.41∼98.09%로 적합한 수준이었다. 미나리 중 difenoconazole과 pymetrozine 의 최대 잔류량은 각각 2.489와 1.84 mg/kg으로 수확시기에 근접하고 살포횟수가 많은 처리구의 잔류량이 가장 높았다. 미나리 중 시험농약의 잔류량을 바탕으로 산출한 일일섭취추정량(estimated daily intake, EDI) 대비 일일섭취허용량(acceptable daily intake, ADI)은 모두 0.7%미만이었다.

      • 지역밀착형 사회적 일자리 창출을 위한 정책

        김영철(Kim, Young-Chul),김진찬(Kim, Jin-Chan) 계명대학교 산학연구소 2007 經營經濟 Vol.40 No.1

        A social job is a job to provide people with social services which are seldom supplied in the market. The government injects a lot of budgets to create social jobs especially for the poor. However, this government policy faces criticism as it is a simple repetition of previous policies under different names. This paper argues that social jobs should be guided by local needs and under control of social enterprises. The authority to direct the policies for social jobs should be relegated to local societies while social enterprises should play a main role in creating and managing social jobs. In addition, social jobs should be created in ‘new’ social service sectors. The market economy supplies social services only when they guarantee economic gains. Social jobs should fill the discrepancy between the socially needed jobs and the market-creating jobs. The local society is the most efficient unit to locate where the discrepancy exits and to know how social jobs are distributed among conflicting groups in balance.

      • KCI등재

        대구의 경제적 위상 하락과 산업 구조 변화

        김영철(Kim, Young-Chul),김진찬(Kim, Jin-Chan) 계명대학교 사회과학연구소 2013 한국사회과학연구 Vol.32 No.2

        Since the 1970s, Daegu’s economy has shown a declining trend, mainly due to the collapse of textile industry without nurturing any substitute for it. In particular, after the financial crisis in 1997, Daegu started the Milan Project, set up a economic free zone, built a innovative city, and a national industrial zone to boost the economy, but most of them proved not to result in what they aimed at. At the moment, the biggest concern is that the youngsters who are educated in the city keep migrate out of the city to search decent jobs elsewhere. It raises the need that the focus of the economic policy of Daegu should be put on human resource management than attracting external capital into the city. In other words, the old industrial policy based on manufacturing should be rejected and a new industrial policy toward building a knowledge based economy with the initiative mainly taken by the young and creative class should be adopted.

      • 대구경북 전략산업에 대한 고찰

        김영철(Young-Chul Kim),김진찬(Jin-Chan Kim) 계명대학교 산학연구소 2008 經營經濟 Vol.41 No.1

        Daegu and Gyungpook need to integrate industrial and manpower policies to maintain sustainability of local development plans and secure decent jobs for young people. The integration of industrial and manpower policies aims at overcoming the problems of the current industrial policy which has been planned and ordered by the central government and made the local government fully subject to the central government. Moreover, local policies in the world has been moving toward putting an emphasis on enhancing manpower in the region. As Daegu and Gyungpook were designated a free economic zone of knowledge, an emphasis of the local policy on manpower becomes inevitable. In the new economic environment, Daegu and Gyungpook should change the strategic industrial policy more oriented to development of human resources for the industries. Also, more freedom should be given to the local government to control the strategic industrial policy. The governance system initiated by various types of partners in local economies should involve to carry out the strategic industrial policy.

      • KCI등재

        대구경북지역 자동차부품산업의 지역간 산업연관효과 분석

        이춘근(Lee Choon Keun),김진찬(Kim Jin Chan) 한국경제통상학회 2017 경제연구 Vol.35 No.4

        본 연구는 한국은행에서 최근 발표한 2013년 지역간 산업연관표를 이용하여 대구와 경북지역 자동차부품산업의 지역간, 산업간 연관효과를 분석한 연구이다. 분석을 위해 16개 권역을 대구와 경북, 수도권, 동남권, 기타권 등 5개 권역으로 재분류하고 산업은 자동차부품산업을 별도로 구분하기 위해 161개 산업소분류에서 운송장비부문인 92부문에서 98부문을 도출하고, 30개 산업대분류와 통합하여 전체 산업을 35개 산업으로 분류한 후 재추정 분석하였다. 분석결과 대구와 경북지역 철강산업은 타 지역에 비하여 중간투입과 중간수요의 비율이 낮고, 여러가지 산업연관효과도 비교적 낮았다. 다만 부가가치유발계수는 상대적으로 다소 높았다. 대구와 경북지역 자동차부품산업을 외생화하여 타 지역에 미치는 생산유발효과를 계산하면, 지역별로는 수도권과 기타권, 동남권 등에 높은 영향을 미쳤지만, 대구와 경북지역 간에는 효과가 상당히 낮았다. 산업별로는 두 지역 모두 1차 금속제품에 가장 높은 영향을 미쳤고, 그 다음 화학제품, 자동차부품, 금속제품, 도·소매서비스업 등에 높은 영향을 미쳐 자동차부품산업이 발전하기 위해서는 이들 산업의 발전도 필요한 것으로 분석되었다. 대구와 경북지역은 타 지역보다 크게 낮은 중간수요 비중을 높이고, 전방으로의 가치사슬체계를 강화하여 전방연관효과가 제고될 수 있도록 노력해야 한다. 지역적으로는 대구과 경북지역간 보다는 수도권과 동남권, 기타권 등과의 연관효과가 높으므로 이들 지역과의 산업협력관계를 보다 체계적으로 구축해야 할 것이다. This study is to analyze the inter-industrial linkage effects among regions and industries in automobile parts industry in Daegu and Gyeongbuk region, using the regional input-output table in 2013. For the analysis, 16 regions were recategorized into 5 regions consisting of Daegu, Gyeongbuk, Capital Metropolitan Region, East-south region and other regions, and for the industries, in order to classify automobile parts industries, sections between 92 and 98 standing for transportation device parts among 161 small categories for the industries were derived, and they were integrated with 30 large categories for the industries. And then, the entire industries were reclassified into 35 industries. As a result of the analysis, the automobile parts industry in Daegu and Gyeongbuk were lower in intermediate input and intermediate demand, than other regions. In addition, they were lower in various input-output effects. However, value added inducement coefficients were relatively higher. When calculating the production inducement effects on other regions by using input-output analysis on automobile parts industries in Daegu and Gyeongbuk regions, it had higher effects on the Capital Metropolitan region, other regions, and East-South region while the effects between Daegu and Gyeongbuk region were considerably low. By industry, both the regions showed the highest effects on the primary metal products, and then chemical products, automobile parts, metal products, and wholesale and retail service industries followed in order. When the final demand of automobile parts industry in Daegu region is increased by 10 units, the production inducement effects over the entire Korea were 28.1527 units and the production inducement effects in Gyeongbuk region were 29.0928 units. Therefore, Daegu and Gyeongbuk regions should make an effort to raise forward linkage effects by raising the share of their intermediate demands which is far lower than other regions, and strengthening forward value-chain system. For region, the inter-industrial linkage effects with Capital Metropolitan region, East-south region, and other regions are higher than that between Daegu and Gyeongbuk region, and so the industrial collaborative relations with these regions should be more systematically established.

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