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        2020 한국인 영양소 섭취기준 제·개정: 교훈과 도전

        권오란(Oran Kwon),김혜숙(Hyesook Kim),김정선(Jeongseon Kim),황지윤(Ji-Yun Hwang),이정희(Jounghee Lee),윤미옥(Mi Ock Yoon) 한국영양학회 2021 Journal of Nutrition and Health Vol.54 No.5

        The discovery of the relationship between nutrients and deficiency diseases during the 100 years from the mid-1800s to the mid-1900s was a breakthrough that led to advances in the study of nutrition. The Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) were created as a quantitative standard for avoiding diseases caused by nutrient deficiency. In addition, a reductionism paradigm has become generally accepted among nutrition scholars in health and disease, which focused on the properties of individual nutrients, content in foods, cellular levels, and mechanisms of action. The reductionist paradigm worked very well for the prevention and treatment of malnutrition diseases. However, as the incidence of nutrient deficiencies decreased and that of chronic diseases increased, the nutrition goals have been changed to secure safe and adequate nutrient intake and to reduce chronic disease risks. Accordingly, Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs), a set of nutrient-based reference values, were designed to replace the RDA. The revised Korean DRIs were published for 40 nutrients in 2020. However, there is still room for improvement in the reference intake levels targeted at reducing the risk of chronic disease. The reductionist approach can no longer be practical because chronic diseases are related to the interactions between multi-components in the foods and multi-targets in the body. Therefore, a second innovative leap is needed following the nutrition development breakthrough made over 100 years ago. To this end, the nutrition paradigm must evolve from reductionism to a holism approach. Cutting-edge scientific technologies, such as metabolomics, transcriptomics, microbiomics, and bioinformatics, should also be acceptable in nutrition science based on the knowledge gained from basic nutrition studies.

      • KCI등재

        기능성 정보 전달 방법 및 소비자 태도에 따른 건강기능식품 광고 효과 분석

        이연경,김지연,권오란,황인경,Lee, Yeonkyung,Kim, Ji Yeon,Kwon, Oran,Hwang, In-Kyeong 한국식품영양학회 2016 韓國食品營養學會誌 Vol.29 No.6

        본 연구에서는 소비자 중심적인 건강기능식품 기능성 전달방법을 도출하기 위하여 이미지, 원료 및 기능성에 대한 설명, 기능성을 설명하는 도표, 특허 정보, 권위자의 설명 등 다양한 전달 방법들이 소비자의 광고 평가에 미치는 영향을 분석하였다. 또한 소비자들이 이미 가지고 있었던 건강기능식품에 대한 인식들이 광고 평가에 미치는 영향에 대하여 살펴 보았다. 이미 수행된 정성조사(Focus group interview)에서는 실제 사용되던 건강기능식품 광고 50여건을 소비자에게 제시하고, 기능성과 관련하여 소비자의 광고 인식에 미치는 방법들을 찾아내었다. 이렇게 찾은 방법들에 대하여 보다 넓은 범위에서 검증하기 위하여, 이를 바탕으로 6가지의 광고안들을 개발하여 정량 조사를 수행하였다. 6가지 광고안은 각각 정인지 이미지+원료에 대한 설명+기능성을 설명하는 도표, 정인지 이미지+원료에 대한 설명, 정인지 이미지, 오인지 이미지, 오인지 이미지+특허 정보, 오인지 이미지+권위자의 설명을 반영하여 제작되었다. 정량 조사의 대상은 서울 및 수도권 거주자 30~60대 총 300명이었으며, 대인면접법으로 한 사람당 4가지 광고안을 평가하도록 하여 광고안 당 200개의 평가 결과가 나올 수 있도록 하였다. 광고에 대한 평가는 광고 위계 효과 모형에서 제시되는 인지-감정-행동 세 가지 요소가 모두 반영될 수 있도록 '광고가 시선을 끄는가', '광고가 얼마나 이해하기 쉽다고 생각하는가', '제품 기능에 대한 정보가 충분한가', '광고의 메시지에 공감이 가는가', '광고를 통해 제품의 효능/효과를 얼마나 신뢰하는가', '광고를 본 후 구입하고 싶은 생각이 드는가'의 6가지 항목을 질문하였다. 또한 광고에 대한 평가와 함께 소비자들이 건강기능식품에 대하여 가지고 있는 태도를 '건강하기 위해서는 건강기능식품을 꼭 섭취해야 한다고 생각한다', '건강기능식품의 효능/효과에 대해 신뢰한다', '건강기능식품을 구입하기 전에 많은 정보를 수집한 후 구입한다', '평소 건강기능식품 광고들을 관심있게 본다', '건강기능식품 광고에서 전달하는 효능/효과에 대해 신뢰한다' 이렇게 5가지 문항을 통하여 조사하였다. 건강기능식품에 대한 소비자의 태도를 t-검정 및 일원분산분석을 이용하여 분석한 결과, 성별에 따른 차이로서 '광고관심도'에 대해서는 유의적인 차이를 보이지 않았으나, '섭취필수도', '효과신뢰도', '구입 전 정보수집도' 및 '광고내용신뢰도'에 대해서는 여성이 남성보다 유의하게 긍정적인 태도를 취하고 있는 것으로 나타났으며, 연령에 따른 분석 결과로서는 모든 항목에 대하여 40대와 50대 연령층이 30대와 비교하여 보다 긍정적인 태도를 취하고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 제시된 6가지 광고에 대하여 광고 효과를 분산분석한 결과, 단순히 이미지만을 제시한 광고안들에 비하여 원료와 기능성에 대한 정보가 함께 제시된 광고안들의 효과가 유의적으로 높게 평가되어 즉, 원료 및 기능성에 대한 설명, 그래프 형태의 시험 결과 제시, 특허, 권위자의 설명은 인지, 정서, 행동 모든 측면에서 광고 효과를 높일 수 있는 것으로 확인되었다. 하지만 소비자들은 오인지 이미지에 대하여 인지하지 못하여 이에 따른 광고 평가의 영향은 없는 것으로 나타났다. 다른 변수들과의 상호작용을 살펴보기 위하여 이원분산분석을 수행한 결과, 이러한 경향은 성별, 연령과 서로 상호작용을 가지지 않았으며, 성별과 연령 The purpose of this study was to find efficient and customized tools for delivering the benefit of health functional foods (HFFs). Delivery tools which could influence the impact of advertising were images, explanations of ingredients, diagrams of health benefit, patents, and comments from authority. Six advertisements were developed using these tools: "A": relevant image + explanation of ingredients + scientific diagram of efficacy; "B": relevant image + explanation of ingredients; "C": relevant image; "D": irrelevant image; "E": irrelevant image + explanation of ingredient + patent; "F": irrelevant image + explanation of ingredient + comments from authority. To analyze the consumer perceptions on HFFs and advertisement effects, 300 respondents were requested to answer a questionnaire comprising of the following questions: 5 questions of attitudes (necessity of HFFs, trust in HFFs, gathering information, watching advertisements and trust in advertisement claims) and 6 questions on the 6 developed advertisements (attention, understanding, sufficiency of information, sympathy, trust, and purchase). Scoring was done as per the 5 Likert scale. There was a higher proportion of females and the elderly, as compared to males and youngsters. The overall consumer attitudes were positive. Explanation of ingredients, scientific diagram of health benefit, patents and expert comments were helpful factors in increasing the advertisement evaluation by consumer, but the images were not. Advertisement evaluation of consumer did not differ with gender and age. However, differences were observed between some of the consumer attitudes (necessity of HFFs, trust in HFFs, gathering information and trust in advertisements claim) and advertisement evaluations (attention, understanding, sympathy and purchase). Our results indicate that for consumers utilizing the HFFs, advertisements with concrete tools such as diagrams, patent, and expert comments are more helpful. However, for consumers who do not have interest in HFFs, the scientific information was irrelevant. We believe that to maximize the effect of health information in advertisements, consumers should be segmented, and customized tools for each segment needs to be developed.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Deoxycholic Acid 유도 장세포 염증성 손상에 대한 어린감과 성숙감 추출물들의 보호 효과 비교

        김이선(Leeseon Kim),권오란(Oran Kwon),김지연(Ji Yeon Kim) 한국식품영양과학회 2015 한국식품영양과학회지 Vol.44 No.10

        본 연구에서는 어린감과 성숙감의 탄닌 함량 및 담즙산과의 결합능력을 비교 조사하였다. 또한 사람의 장내 세포인 Caco-2 cell에 어린감과 성숙감 추출물을 처리한 후 고농도의 DCA로 자극시켜 생성되는 NO의 수준과 TEER의 차이를 확인하였다. 탄닌 함량과 담즙산의 결합능력은 성숙감에 비해 어린감에서 유의적으로 높은 것으로 나타났으며 어린 감 산성 에탄올 추출물에서 유의적으로 가장 높은 탄닌 함량 및 담즙산 결합능력을 보였다. NO 생성 억제능으로 확인한 염증반응에서도 어린감 산성 에탄올 추출물이 유의적으로 가장 높은 효과를 보였으며 DCA에 의해 유도된 장세포 간극의 느슨함을 유의하게 막아줄 수 있음이 확인되었다. 본 연구 결과를 토대로 어린감의 산성 에탄올 추출물은 고지방 식사를 통해 고농도로 축적되는 담즙산에 의해 형성된 유해한 장내 환경을 건강하게 유지시켜줄 수 있는 기능성 소재로 개발할 가능성이 있음이 확인되었다. Bile acids are endogenous metabolites that aid in the digestion and absorption of ingested fat and fat-soluble vitamins. However, high concentrations of deoxycholic acid (DCA) in the colon are associated with high incidence of colorectal cancer. In the present study, the binding of persimmon extracts to DCA in order to decrease inflammatory stress induced by DCA in a small intestinal epithelial cell line, Caco-2, was investigated. Young and ripened persimmons were extracted with distilled water (DW), ethanol, and acidic ethanol. Further, DW extract residue was re-extracted with acidic ethanol. Of the obtained extracts, acidic ethanol extract of young persimmon showed the highest bile-acid binding capacity. Moreover, acidic ethanol extract of young persimmon significantly inhibited nitric oxide production in Caco-2 cells stimulated with DCA and prevented significant reduction of trans-epithelial electric resistance. Based on these results, acidic ethanol extract of young persimmon can be used as a functional ingredient to enhance gastrointestinal health.

      • KCI등재

        건강기능식품의 기능성을 중심으로 한 코엔자임Q10의 항산화 기능성에 대한 체계적 고찰

        김지연,정세원,백주은,김주희,곽진숙,이윤정,강태석,권오란,Kim, Ji Yeon,Jeong, Sewon,Paek, Ju Eun,Kim, Joohee,Kwak, Jin Sook,Lee, Yoon Jung,Kang, Tae Seok,Kwon, Oran 한국영양학회 2013 Journal of Nutrition and Health Vol.46 No.3

        Although the functional ingredient has been evaluated by the Korea Food and Drug Administration (KFDA) based on scientific evidence, the levels of scientific evidence and consistency of the results might vary according to emerging data. Therefore, periodic re-evaluation may be needed for some functional ingredients. In this study, we re-evaluated scientific evidence for the antioxidant activity of coenzyme Q10 as a functional ingredient in health functional food. Literature searches were conducted using the Medline and Cochrane, KISS, and IBIDS databases for the years 1955-2010 with the search term of coenzyme Q10 in combination with antioxidant. The search was limited to human studies published in Korean, English, and Japanese. Using the KFDA's evidence based evaluation system for scientific evaluation of health claims, 33 human studies were identified and reviewed in order to evaluate the strength of the evidence supporting a relation between coenzyme Q10 and antioxidant activity. Among 33 studies, significant effects for antioxidant activities were reported in 22 studies and their daily intake amount was 60 to 300 mg. Based on this systematic review, we concluded that there was possible evidence to support a relation between coenzyme Q10 intake and antioxidant activities. However, because inconsistent results have recently been reported, future studies should be monitored.

      • KCI등재

        도시와 농촌노인의 식행동, 식품섭취 및 식생활만족도 비교 연구

        김유리(Kim Yuri),서선희(Seo Sunhee),권오란(Kwon Oran),조미숙(Cho Mi Sook) 韓國營養學會 2012 Journal of Nutrition and Health Vol.45 No.3

        The present study was performed to evaluate dietary behavior, food intake, and satisfaction with food-related life regarding the elderly residing in different regions of Korea. The survey was conducted on 631 individuals over 55 years old in either urban or rural areas. The survey was carried out using a questionnaire including dietary behavior, mini dietary assessment, and a food frequency questionnaire. The average age of the rural elderly was higher than that of the urban elderly whereas, education level and economic status were higher in the urban elderly compared to the rural elderly. The intake of dairy products, meats, instant foods, snacks, and the use of nutrient supplementation were significantly higher in the urban elderly than those of the rural elderly (p = 0.000). The intake of vegetables was significantly higher in the rural elderly (p = 0000). Furthermore, the rural elderly were more satisfied with food-related life and had better balanced diets than those of the urban elderly. Taken together, the results of this study revealed that customized nutritional management and education for adequate meals in different regions should be developed and provided in order to improve the quality of healthy living for the elderly.

      • KCI등재

        건강기능식품의 기능성을 중심으로 한 오메가-3 지방산 함유유지의혈행개선 효과에 대한 체계적 고찰

        정세원,김지연,백주은,김주희,곽진숙,권오란,Jeong, Sewon,Kim, Ji Yeon,Paek, Ju Eun,Kim, Joohee,Kwak, Jin Sook,Kwon, Oran 한국영양학회 2013 Journal of Nutrition and Health Vol.46 No.3

        Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids are essential fatty acids because humans cannot synthesize them de novo and must obtain them in their diet. Fish and fish oil are rich sources of omega-3 fatty acids, including eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Significant evidence of the beneficial role of dietary intake of omega-3 fatty acids in blood flow has been reported and putative mechanisms for improvement of blood flow include anti-thrombotic effects, lowered blood pressure, improved endothelial function, and anti-atherogenic effects. Edible oils containing omega-3 fatty acids were registered as functional ingredients in the Korea Health Functional Food Code. Although omega-3 fatty acids have been evaluated by the Korea Food and Drug Administration (KFDA) based on scientific evidence, periodic re-evaluation may be needed because emerging data related to omega-3 fatty acids have accumulated. Therefore, in this study, we re-evaluated scientific evidence for the effect of omega-3 fatty acids as a functional ingredient in health functional food on improvement of blood flow. A comprehensive literature search was conducted for collection of relevant human studies using the Medline and Cochrane, KISS, and IBIDS databases for the years 1955-2012. Search keywords were used by combination of terms related to omega-3 fatty acids and blood flow. The search was limited to human studies published in Korean, English, and Japanese. Using the KFDA's evidence based evaluation system for scientific evaluation of health claims, 112 human studies were identified and reviewed in order to evaluate the strength of the evidence supporting a relation between omega-3 fatty acids and blood flow. Among 112 studies, significant effects on improvement of blood flow were reported in 84 studies and the daily intake amount was ranged from 0.1 to 15 g. According to this methodology of systematic review, we concluded that there was possible evidence to support a relation between omega-3 fatty acid intake and blood flow. However, because inconsistent results have recently been reported, future studies should be monitored.

      • KCI등재

        난소 절제 쥐의 골격근에서 갈근 및 지황 섭취와 운동이 후성 유전적 변화에 미치는 영향

        정현지(Hyun Ji Jung),김혜진(Hye Jin Kim),권오란(Oran Kwon),이원준(Won Jun Lee) 한국생명과학회 2015 생명과학회지 Vol.25 No.11

        본 연구는 난소 제거 수술을 시행하여 폐경기를 유도시킨 뒤 고지방 식이를 섭취한 쥐에게서 나타난 신체 변화에 있어 운동과 갈근/지황 섭취에 의한 개선 효과를 관찰하고, 그러한 효과가 골격근에서의 후성 유전적 발현변화에 의한 것임을 규명하고자 하였다. 8주령의 쥐(rat, n=60)의 난소를 제거한 뒤 고지방 식이를 유도하면서 트레드밀 운동(exercise)을 실시하는 그룹과 비운동(sedentary) 그룹으로 나누었다. 두 그룹을 각각 estradiol, 갈근과 지황의 3:1 복합물(HT051), 그리고 물 섭취 군으로 다시 나누어 총 8주간 경구 투여를 함께 실시하였다. 그 결과 운동 그룹과 갈근/지황 섭취 그룹에서 체중이 유의하게 감소하였고, 가자미근과 족저근의 근질량 또한 운동 그룹과 갈근/지황 섭취 그룹에서 유의하게 증가하였다. 한편, 가자미근에서 물을 섭취하며 운동하지 않은 그룹의 H3K9 아세틸화가 억제 되었고 H3K9의 메틸화에는 변화가 없었다. 족저근의 경우 운동 그룹에서 H3K9 아세틸화가 현저하게 눈에 띄었고, 반대로 메틸화는 줄어든 것이 관찰되었다. 나아가 H3K9의 아세틸화와 메틸화를 조절하는 대표적인 효소 중 HDAC4, HDAC5, G9a 유전자의 mRNA 발현양을 정량한 결과, 가자미근에서는 모두 유의한 차이가 없었고 족저근에서 운동 한 그룹의 HDAC5와 G9a 유전자의 mRNA 발현양이 유의하게 감소하였지만 HDAC4의 mRNA는 차이가 없었다. 또한 운동과 갈근/지황의 상호작용 효과는 나타나지 않았다. 본 연구를 통하여 운동과 갈근/지황 섭취가 체중 감소, 근질량 증가에 영향을 미치고, 이러한 현상은 히스톤 H3K9 부분의 아세틸화와 메틸화에 의한 유전자 발현 조절이 그 기전으로 작용한다는 것을 알 수 있었다. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Pueraria lobate-root based combination supplementation containing Rehmannia glutinosa and exercise on histone modification in ovariectomized rat hindlimb skeletal muscle. Sixty rats were fed with high fat diet and randomly assigned into the following groups for 8 weeks: 1)HSV; High fat+Sedentary+Vehicle, 2)HSP; High fat Sedentary+PR, 3)HSH; High fat+Sedentary+Estradiol, 4)HEV; High fat+Ex+Vehicle, 5)HEP; High fat+Ex+PR, 6)HEH; High fat+Ex+Estradiol. Exercise consisted of low intensity treadmill exercise(1-4th wk:15 m/min for 30 min, 5-8th wk: 18 m/min for 40 min, 5 times/week). The result of this study showed that exercise and Pueraria and Rehmannia glutinosa intake suppressed weight gain. Furthermore, exercise and Pueraria and Rehmannia glutinosa intake increased muscle mass. This study observed H3K9 acetylation and demethylation in plantaris muscle in exercised group, but no difference in soleus muscle. To test whether the decrease in HDAC4, HDAC5 and G9a mRNA levels after exercise and Pueraria/Rehmannia glutinosa intake, HDAC4, HDAC5 and G9a mRNA levels were determined by real-time PCR. Only exercise induced HDAC5 and G9a mRNA reduction in plantaris muscle, but not in soleus muscle. In conclusion, these data demonstrates that exercise and Pueraria/Rehmannia glutinosa intake effect on body compositions. These changes are regulated by epigenetic modifications, such as histone acetylation and methylation. Future studies should focus on gene-specific epigenetics and other epigenetic mechanism for Pueraria/Rehmannia glutinosa intake.

      • KCI등재

        인체에서 식품의 기능성 확인을 위한 최신의 분석 방법

        김지연(Ji Yeon Kim),김민서(Min Seo Kim),정세원(Sewon Jeong),권오란(Oran Kwon) 한국식품과학회 2018 식품과학과 산업 Vol.51 No.1

        Functional food research has been struggling to demonstrate their beneficial effects in human, however, the physiological changes in humans who are in the target for functional food are very subtle and long term. In addition, it is difficult to obtain significant beneficial effect because of the necessity of using relatively healthy subjects. Relatively healthy subjects are homeostatic, and most of the biomarkers maintain a certain level under the “normal” or “resting” state. Moreover, due to wide inter-individual variation, it is difficult to detect significant changes. To address this problem, research has been actively conducted to identify the efficacy of natural products using ‘omics’ and ‘bioinformatics’ technology. In this review, we would like to introduce the human intervention studies applied homeostatic challenge model.

      • KCI등재

        기능성식품 인체적용시험 제도 비교

        김주희(Kim Joohee),김지연(Kim Ji Yeon),원혜숙(Won Hye Suk),권혜진(Kwon Hye Jin),권혜영(Kwon Hye Young),정혜인(Jeong Hye In),권오란(Kwon Oran) 韓國營養學會 2010 Journal of Nutrition and Health Vol.43 No.6

        Along with the steady growth of health functional food (HFF) markets, research evaluating the human effects of HFF has been expanding. In this study, we investigated the regulatory and management system of human study on HFF in the USA, Japan and UK, and the Korean domestic regulations on HHF, medicines, medical devices, cosmetics and biotechnology in order to improve the domestic management system. In these four countries, institutional review board (IRB) or research ethics committee (REC) approvals are required for on human study of HHF, but regulatory and management systems differ from country to country. In the USA, human studies on HFF for structure/function claims do not require the FDA’s prior approval but clinical trials of the disease treatment effects of HHF require prior approval from the FDA. In the USA, IRBs are managed by the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) rather than the FDA, and IRBs in those institutions which would execute the clinical trials requiring prior approval from the FDA or human studies funded by the USA federal government are required to be registered on the DHHS. In the UK, although the government does not require prior approval of human study, authorized RECs managed by the National Research Ethics Service (NRES) and other independent RECs review the human study. In Japan, human study for HFF must conform with “Ethical guidelines for epidemiological research” and IRB registration has not been required. In Korean domestic regulations, the responsibilities, compositions, functions and operations of IRBs on medicines, medical devices and biotechnology are legally specified, but not those of IRB on HHF. These foreign statuses for the management of human study on HFF and comparisons with Korean regulations are expected to be used as basic data to improve the domestic legal system.

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