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      • KCI등재

        동대문 기반 패션 브랜드의 멀티채널 속성이 고객자산에 미치는 영향 연구

        고전미 ( Jeonmi Ko ),고은주 ( Eunju Ko ) 한국의류산업학회 2016 한국의류산업학회지 Vol.18 No.6

        This study aims to extract the multi-channel attributes of Dongdaemun-based fashion brands and consider the effects of these attributes on customer equity, customer satisfaction and re-purchase intention. In total, 493 samples of those who have purchased Dongdaemun-based fashion brand products using multi-channels were collected for the final data analysis, which was performed using SPSS 21.0 and AMOS 18.0. The findings of study are as follows. Among the multi-channel attributes of Dongdaemun-based fashion brands, entertainment and informativeness had a significant effect on all customer equity drivers. In terms of the effects of customer equity drivers on customer satisfaction and re-purchase intention, all customer equity drivers significantly influenced customer satisfaction, while brand equity significantly influenced re-purchase intention. Also, customer satisfaction significantly affected re-purchase intention. In the effective relationship between customer equity drivers and CLV, brand equity causes a significant influence on CLV amongst the customer equity drivers. There were significant differences among groups following the multi-channel shopping orientation of consumers. This study is significant for its scientific focus on the distribution channels of Dongdaemun, and in terms of the practical aspect of identifying the multi-channel attributes considered to be important to consumers. Measuring customer equity will suggest implications about the long-term direction of the development of Dongdaemun-based fashion brands.

      • KCI등재

        연구논문 : 패션 브랜드 이미지 기반 SNS가 플로우, 브랜드 태도에 미치는 영향 : 즐거움 감정의 매개변수를 중심으로

        고전미 ( Jeon Mi Ko ),신지예 ( Ji Ye Shin ),고은주 ( Eun Ju Ko ),채희주 ( Hee Ju Chae ) 한국의류산업학회 2014 한국의류산업학회지 Vol.16 No.6

        As social networking service (SNS) users’ needs and wants have become more diverse, SNS is designed to provide various services and functions. As a result, an image content based SNS with the purpose of sharing various interests has emerged. More and more fashion companies are using image based SNS to use it as a medium to better communicate with their customers. This study investigates the effect of usage motivation of image based SNS with the emotion of pleasure as the mediator and its impact towards flow and brand attitude. In order to verify the research model and to test the proposed hypotheses, we conducted a pilot test on 8 image based SNS heavy users, and followed through with 215 questionnaires which were collected via online survey. The results of this study are as follows. Each usage motivation of image based SNS had significant effect on each pleasure. The visual impact had a positive effect on sensory pleasure and the common interest significantly influenced the user’s affective preference. Curating, simplicity and interconnecting had a positive effect on cognitive pleasure. Affective and cognitive pleasures except sensory pleasure positively impacted the user on flow. The cognitive pleasure had a positive effect on the brand attitude. Lastly, flow had a positive effect on the brand attitude. This study is the foundation of the image based SNS academically in the new media research. Furthermore, it suggests managerial implications of a company to provide effective marketing strategy to make the best use of image based SNS.

      • KCI등재

        소비자의 경험적 가치가 브랜드 자산에 미치는 영향 연구

        채희주(Hee Ju Chae),고전미(Jeon Mi Ko),고은주(Eun Ju Ko) 한국복식학회 2016 服飾 Vol.66 No.2

        As a method to satisfy needs and emotions of consumers who pursue diversity, the use of Kitsch in the fashion industry has been increased. Previous studies on Kitsch fashion have focused on qualitative research on the characteristics of Kitsch product, and little empirical researches have been conducted on consumer attitude such as consumer response to Kitsch products and brand equity. Therefore, the purpose of this study are 1) to investigate comparisons of experiential values (i.e., Aesthetic, Amusing, Cultural) with Kitsch product moderated by consumers`` characteristics (i.e., consumer uniqueness, fashion involvement), and 2) to explore the relationship between experiential values and brand equity. Factor analysis, reliability analysis, ANOVA, and structural equation model using SPSS 18.0 and AMOS 18.0 were used for the data analysis. 210 questionnaires were analyzed for this study. The results of this study were as follows. First, significant difference in aesthetic values of Kitsch products were shown. Kitsch Product with nostalgic characteristics has higher aesthetic values than others. Specifically differences in experiential values with Kitsch product were partially moderated by consumers`` characteristics (i.e., consumer uniqueness, fashion involvement), Second, cultural value had a positive influence on brand awareness, while amusing and cultural values had a positive influence on brand image. Also aesthetic and amusing values had a positive influence on brand loyalty. Academic and business implications were discussed from this study.

      • KCI등재

        일본의 지방교육행정법 개정(2015)에 대한 평가와 시사점

        고전(Ko Jeon, 高鐫) 한국일본교육학회 2019 한국일본교육학연구 Vol.24 No.2

        이 연구의 목적은 일본의 교육위원회 개혁을 담은 지방교육행정법의 개정의 주요 내용에 대하여 평가하고 한국에의 시사점을 도출하는데 있다. 연구의 계기는 한국의 교육자치-지방자치 통합론자들이 일본의 사례를 선례로 소개하여 오해를 낳고 있는 현실이다. 2015년 4월부터 시행된 개정 지방교육행정법은 2000년대 교육위원회 제도 개혁 논의를 일단락 지은 것이다. 취지는 교육의 정치적 중립성과 계속성․안정성을 확보하면서, 지방교육행정에 있어서 책임을 명확하게 하고, 신속한 관리체제를 구축하며, 지방공공단체장(首長)과의 연계를 강화하고, 지방에 대한 국가 관여를 재검토한다는 데 방점을 두었다. 핵심 내용은 교육장의 위상을 교육위원회 대표자․사무집행 책임자․수장 보조기관으로 재설정하며, 교육위원회는 독립된 행정위원회 겸 의결․심의기관으로 설정했다. 수장은 교육진흥기본계획 및 종합교육회의를 통하여 포괄적 정책적 관여를 확대하였고, 교육위원회에게는 사무 위임 금지사항을 통해 책임을 명료하게 하였으며, 대신(大臣)은 교육위원회에 대하여 지도․조언․원조, 시정요구, 지시, 통지, 조사, 자료 및 보고 권한을 유지했다. 이 법 실시 이후 이행 실태로 교육장의 주요 경력, 교육위원회 및 종합교육회의 개최 상황, 교육위원회 위원 구성 상황, 사무위임․보조집행 상황, 운영성과 등을 살펴보았다. 법 개정에 대한 평가 및 시사점은 일곱 측면에서 검토하였는바, 법 개정 주체 측면, 소요된 기간 측면, 중앙과 지방의 관계 원칙, 수장과 교육위원회 관계 원칙, 교육진흥기본계획 및 종합교육회의에 대한 평가 측면, 그리고 일본 사례 해석 시 유의점 측면 등이다. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the Organization and Operation of Local Educational Administration Act(hereinafter referred to as LEA) which revised 2015 in Japan, and suggest the instructions to Korean law related with legal educational autonomy. This article composed of five chapters; implication and problem situation, the significance and characteristics of the Board of education system, characteristics of revised LEA, results of an investigation into the implementation of the revised law, and evaluation or implications. As the conclusion of this study, the assessment and implications of the LEA were presented in seven aspects. The leading group of the LEA revision, the period of discussion, the relationship between central and provincial governments, the relationship between the provincial head and the Board of education, the assessment of the Basic Plan for the Promotion of Education and General Education Conference, and the interpretation of the Japanese case study.

      • KCI등재

        논문(論文) : 일본의 교육법학 연구 동향 분석

        고전 ( Jeon Ko ) 대한교육법학회 2012 敎育 法學 硏究 Vol.24 No.1

        이 논문은 일본에서의 교육법 연구동향을 일본교육법학회의 결성과 연구성과를 중심으로 그 특징 및 최근의 동향을 분석한 것이다. 이를 위해 일본교육법학회의 학회지인 일본교육법학회연보에 게재된 정기총회 주제, 1980년대의 강좌교육법 시리즈와 2000년대의 현대교육법 시리즈, 그리고 대표 학자 및 주요 저술을 분석하였다. 일본의 교육법이론은 교육법이론의 기초적 논의 시기(1960년 중반~1970년), 교육재판의 전개와 교육법학의 발전기(1970년대), 국민교육권론에 대한 비판기(1980년대), 어린이 인권론·참가론·자치론의 전개(1990년대), 교육개혁과 교육기본법의 논의(2000년대)로 이어져 왔다. 일본 교육법 연구의 특징은 입법, 재판, 행정에 걸친 사회 현실의 시정(是正)과 방향제시의 역할에 초점을 맞추고 있다. 동시에 교육법에 대한 본업(本業)적 연구 환경 조성과 교육학과 법학간의 학문적 연대 및 연구방법론의 심화, 국제교류 활성화가 필요하다. The purpose of this study is to review the tendency and characteristics of research about Educational Law in Japan through the analysis of Japan Education Law Association and it`s products. The primary analysis target was the ``EDUCATION LAW REVIEW``(No.1~40), EDUCATION LAW LECTURE SERIES(1980s,2000s), and the representative scholar`s books(Kaneko Masasi`s ``Education Law``[new ed.] etc.) Japan Educational Law Association was established as a member of professors, teachers, lawyers, educational administrators, and parents in 1970. The Association offered the theoretical basis in the education trial. They emphasized citizen`s right to education instead of Nation`s right, and embodied the concept of the right to education as a children`s right to learn. According to the Basic Act on Education(§16), Education shall not be subject to improper control and shall be carried out in accordance with this and other acts; education administration shall be carried out in a fair and proper manner through appropriate role sharing and cooperation between the national and local governments. Academic debate has been centered on the interpretation of this provision. At the chapter Ⅱ, this article analyzed the academic identity and characteristics of Educational Law in Japan through the subject and method and achievements of research. At the chapter Ⅲ, this article discussed the tendency of the Japan Educational Law Association. The chapter Ⅳ contained the developing process of education law theory. The history of the research about Educational Law can be divided into the four period of preliminary discussions(1960s), the movement of educational litigation and developing of Educational Law(1970s), children`s human right and participation and school`s autonomy(1990s), educational reform and the Basic Act on Education(2000s). As a conclusion, It is a most characteristic tendency to take part in the resolution of educational issues. and there is some tasks of inter or multi-disciplinary approach of Education and Law, and academic international exchange.

      • KCI등재

        한국 교육대학의 법적 책무성에 관한 연구

        고전 ( Jeon Ko ) 한국초등교육학회 2011 초등교육연구 Vol.24 No.4

        이 연구는 최근 초등교원 양성체제 최적화 문제와 결부되어 논의되고 있는 교육대학 등의 책무성 문제를 논의한 것이다. 책무성은 설립주체와 설립목적, 학생선발과 교수충원, 교육과정 편성 및 운영, 자격검정 및 학위수여, 대학운영(조직과 재무) 측면에서 논의될 수 있다. 교육대학 책무성에의 영향 요인으로는 대학의 자율성 보장 수준과 구성원의 권리의식, 정부의 교원수급 및 인력관리 정책, 교육감의 공립학교 교원신규채용 공고, 대학에 대한 학교현장과 사회의 요구 등이다. 책무성의 점검기제는 대학의 자체평가와 정보공시를 통한 내재적 점검기제가 있고, 외부평가 및 지도감독을 통한 외재적 점검기제가 있다. 결론을 통해서는 교원양성기관의 현황을 법적 책무성이행 수준을 중심으로 진단하고 제언하였다. 동시에 병행되어야할 영향요인의 개선에 대하여 언급하였고, 대학의 자율성의 회복 및 선장에 대하여 제언을 하였다. The purpose of this study is to investigate the problems and suggest the tasks derived from analyzing of the legal accountability of institutes for the primary school teacher education(hereinafter referred to as 1FT). 1FT`s accountability means the condition and level of the all 1FT parties (students, professor, president and officer, parents, graduates, and superintendent etc.) about all process of the 1FT. The process of 1FT consist of ``selecting new students``, ``recruiting the professor``, ``operating the curriculums and academic affairs``, and ``certification of teacher and diploma``. And the legal accountability contains the process of reporting and explaining and elucidation about their performance of duties according to the Higher Education Law and it`s enforced ordinances. This article is consisted of four chapter, preface, the structure of discussing the 1FT`s accountability, current state and issues in 1FT`s accountability, and conclusion and some suggestions. Among the viewpoints of accountability(legal . professiona I . internal . external), this article focus on the legal accountability. The autonomy of institutions of higher learning are guaranteed under the conditions as prescribed by law (Constitution §31@). But the guarantee of it`s autonomy is now legal incomplete situation, especially 1FT is strongly controlled by the Higher Education Law and MEST(Ministry of Education, Science and Technology). As a conclusion, this study pointed out five tasks, all over the process of ``the new students selecting system for the suitable talent to be a teacher``, ``reasonable recruit system for the excellent professor``, ``more practical curriculums and academic affairs``, and ``strictly appling the certification of teacher and diploma``, and ``recovery and extension of 1FT`s autonomy``.

      • KCI등재

        제주특별자치도법상 교육 관련 쟁점 분석

        고전 ( Jeon Ko ) 大韓敎育法學會 2009 敎育 法學 硏究 Vol.21 No.1

        이 논문은 2006년 제정된 제주특별자치도법상 교육자치 및 국제화 교육환경의 조성에 관한 법적인 쟁점을 분석하여 그 대안을 모색하고, 2010년 통합형 교육위원회로 출범하는 15개 시·도에 있어서 입법 정책적 시사점을 제시하고자 시도되었다. 이를 위해 제주특별자치도법상의 특징을 지방교육자치에 관한 법률에 근거하는 15개 시도와의 차이점 관점에서 분석하였고, 특례 입법조치의 실현 상황을 검토하였다. 쟁점으로는 종전 교육위원회 배제 하에서 의회 위원회 조례 제정 문제, 지방의원으로서 교육의원의 지위 및 처우 보장 문제, 지방의회 내 교육위원회의 위상 문제, 특별자치도 감사위원회와 교육감간의 감사권 갈등 문제, 영어교육도시 내 국제학교 설립과 관련한 법적 문제 등을 다루었다. 이를 위해 도의회의 대정부 질의서 및 정부 답변서와 도의회의 조례 및 회의록 등을 기초 자료로 분석하였다. 결론으로 교육자치 특례 정신의 실현을 위하여 자치입법의 한계를 극복하여야할 과제와 주요 쟁점에 대한 입장, 그리고 15개 시·도에 대한 시사점을 제시하였다. The purpose of this study is to suggest the tasks in the legislation of the Local Education Autonomy Act through the analyzing of the issues at `the Special Act on the Establishment of Jeju Special Self-Governing Province and the Development of Free International Cities`(hereinafter referred to as SAJ). The legal base of the educational autonomy system in Jeju is the SAJ and it`s Decree. The purpose of SAJ(2006.2.21) is to secure self-governing power. The board of education members and the Superintendent shall be elected by the residents. The SAJ(§182~189) refer to special exception for establishment and management of foreign educational institutions or universities, management of school, financial support for education, and City for English Education. The chapterⅡ described the significance of SAJ, including the contents, characteristics, and it`s legislative results and limitation comparing with the Local Education Autonomy Act. At the chapter Ⅲ, I analyzed the five issues; problem of regulation of provincial ordinance by only the Provincial Council members, the status of the board of education among the Provincial Council, conflicts between the Inspection Committee and the Superintendent, foundation of international school at the English Education City. As a conclusion, This article suggested the three tasks about the SAJ. That is the realization of legal object of SAJ related with educational autonomy, alternative proposals to solve the issues, and the instructions to 15 City & Province from the experience of the Jeju Special Self-Governing Province.

      • KCI등재

        일본의 연구윤리 활동 및 관리의 특징과 시사점

        고전(Ko, Jeon) 한국비교교육학회 2015 比較敎育硏究 Vol.25 No.6

        The purpose of this study is to introduce characteristics in research ethics activities or management in Japan and suggest the instructions to Korea. This article composed of five chapters; Implication and problem situation, Guidelines and basis management system for research integrity, Current status on research ethics and actuality of management system, Characteristics of the Japan case, and suggestions for Korea. The Concept of dishonesty in research ethics is composed of fabrication, falsification, plagiarism(FFP ; typical American style), and questionable research practices(QRP ; defined by individual research institution). The japanese research management system is categorized as a Type 3 which basically controlled by autogestion. The legal basis is the “Guidelines for responding against misconduct in research activities” determined by the Secretary of MEXT. The Japan Science and Technology Agency(JST) roles as a basic support system on national level research management. The mission of JST is the promoting education in research ethics in order to prevent misconduct. Now JST operating the website “Research Integrity” (http://www.jst.go.jp/researchintegrity/index.html). As a conclusion, this article suggested the some lessons through the japanese case study. that is the legal reconception of research ethics, emphasis in the role of governmental guidelines, restructuring the role of research agency as like JST, and upgrading the researcher’s ethics consciousness. 이 연구의 목적은 일본에서 논의되고 있는 연구윤리 개념과 법제, 그리고 연구윤리 관리시스템 및 현황에 대한 특징을 규명하고, 이를 기초로 한국에의 시사점을 도출하는 것이다. 이를 위해 연구윤리와 관련된 문부과학성 및 과학기술진흥기구(JST)의 관련 문건과 대학 및 연구기관의 보고서를 분석하였다. 최근 ‘연구윤리교육프로그램 학술포럼’과 ‘연구활동 부정행위 대응 가이드라인’은 일본의 연구윤리 동향을 보여주는 대표적인 사례이다. 일본은 연구부정(FFP)과 부적절 연구행위(QRP)를 중핵 개념으로 사용하며, 문부성의 가이드라인과 연구기관의 자주적 관리시스템을 채택하고 있는데 독립된 연구공정 감독 조직과 준법감시 기능은 없는 이른바 제3유형(Type3)에 속한다. 본문에서는 일본의 연구윤리 활동을 법적 근거 및 지침, 연구관리시스템, 대학·학계·연구기관 자율 관리체제 등을 중심으로 살펴보았고, 연구관리 현황은 최근 문부과학성 정부조사 보고를 분석했다. 결론으로 개념적·정책적·제도적 시사점 및 현황상의 시사점을 제시했다.

      • KCI등재

        초등교사 교육을 위한 「교직실무」 프로그램 개발 연구

        고전 ( Jeon Ko ),강은주 ( Eun Ju Kang ),김민지 ( Min Ji Kim ) 제주대학교 탐라문화연구소 2012 탐라문화 Vol.0 No.41

        이 연구는 교사의 실무능력 향상을 위하여 교직소양 교과로서 개설된 「교직실무」교과를 진행하는 교육프로그램을 개발하는 것을 목적으로 수행되었다. 교육과학기술부가 제정한 교사자격 세부기준에 따르면 이 교과는 교사로서의 학습지도 능력 이외의 직무수행에 필요한 영역을 주제별로 운영토록 되어있으며, 대표적으로 ``교직윤리``, ``사회변화와 교육``, ``학생문화``, ``학급관리와 학생지도`` 등 을 예시하고 있다. 이를 위해 현직교사와의 공동연구를 통하여 「교직실무」강좌의 목표 및 내용, 강의 전략, 평가방법 등 교과 운영 프로그램을 개발하였다. 기초분석을 위하여 최근 간행된 「교직실무」관련 교재를 세부기준에 제시된 주제영역별로 나누어 분석하여 그 특징과 시사점을 도출하였다. 이어서 전국의 주요 교육대학 및 초등교원 양성기관에서 개설되어 운영되고 있는 강의계획서 사례를 분석하여 시사점을 도출하였다. 개발된 16주 동안의 교육프로그램은 교사론, 학급운영, 인사·학사라는 세 주제영역으로 구성하였고, 학교 현장에 대한 이해와 분석력 함양을 위하여 쟁점토론을 포함시켰으며, 특히 4학년 실무실습 시기와 연동한 강의계획이 되도록 하였다. 현장에 착근된 교직실무 프로그램 적용을 위한 후속연구와 관련된 과제를 제언했다. The purpose of this study is to develop a program that expands elementary school teachers` skills through the Practical Affairs of Teaching Profession program. Recently, the required teaching profession course has opened in order to develop practical preparation skills of teachers. The key goals of this course areto make course objectives from Practical Affairs of Teaching Profession, to configure the contents of the course in 16 weeks, and to develop teaching strategies and assessment methods. The course was created according to The Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology`s (hereinafter referred to as ``MEST``) public notice regarding the criteria for a teacher`s license. According to the MEST Criteria, this course has four parts: Ethics of Teaching Profession, Social Change and Education, Student Culture, and Classroom Management and Guidance. This study investigated previous studies, analyzed the relationship between Practical Affairs of Teaching Profession and literature, examined teacher collaboration, and received expert opinions during a meeting discussing the development of the Practical Affairs of Teaching Profession program. In Chapter 3, the article analyzed the fundamentals of Practical Affairs of Teaching Profession. To do this, we separated the contents of a recently published textbook about Practical Affairs of Teaching Profession according to the MEST`s criteria and analyzed the cha- racteristics. We also analyzed the College of Education`s lecture syllabus regarding Practical Affairs of Teaching Profession. The key categories that were analyzed were the lecture content, textbook, lecture method, and examination method including characteristic descriptions. In Chapter 4, the article created a syllabus draft for Practical Affairs of Teaching Profession. This education program included the past subjects of Theory of Education and Classroom and School Management. These subjects consisted of various programs that were similar to the subjects of Education Administration and Management and Student Life Guidance and Counseling. This syllabus included movie and broadcast materials as well as practice teaching. Movie materials were used by previous teachers to demonstrate their philosophy and ethics of teaching. Broadcasting materials were used for changes of the teachers` society. The practice teaching portion of the syllabus consisted of preparing lesson plans for a 4th grade classroom. The article proposed that a follow-up study and policy regarding the Practical Affairs of Teaching Profession program as a fundamental element of a field-based teaching arena is needed.

      • KCI등재

        제주특별자치도 설치에 따른 교육자치제 변화 연구

        고전(Ko Jeon) 한국교육행정학회 2007 敎育行政學硏究 Vol.25 No.3

        이 연구는 제주특별자치도 도입(07.7.1)에 따른 교육자치 영역에 있어서의 변화 및 쟁점을 분석하기 위하여 시도되었다. 주된 변화는 ‘교육의원 및 교육감 주민직선제 도입’과 ‘교육위원회의 지방의회 상임위원회로의 통합운영’을 포함한다. 제주특별자치도 교육자치제 판단 준거로서 교육자치의 헌법 정신 및 기본 원리에 대한 기존의 논의를 재검토하였고, 지난 1년간 주요 변화의 특징과 문제점을 분석하였다. 주민직선제로 실시(06.5.31)된 교육의원 선거를 분석하였고, 최근 개정(06.12.20)된 지방교육자치에 관한 법률과의 차이점, 그리고 통합형 교육위원회제 도입과 관련한 헌법소원 등을 다루었다. 제도 운영상의 성과로는 간접선거의 문제점, 이중심의 및 이중감사에 따른 행?재정적 낭비해소 측면을, 문제점으로서 교육위원회 위상 및 조례의 불비 등을 살펴보았다. 끝으로 교육자치에서 현장의 체감도의 중요성을 지적하였다. The purpose of this study is to analyze the change of educational autonomy system after the establishment of Jeju Special Self-governing Province. A special self-governing province is one in which a high level of self-governing authority is endowed and adopted and where decentralization is promoted. The educational autonomy system is a main part of self-governing section. The contents of main changing is summarized as a 'Introducing of direct Ballot by the citizen to elect the Superintendent and Local council member of Education' and 'Unification of the board of education to the Jeju special self-governing provincial council as one of the it's committees. At the chapterⅡ, I reviewed the ideology and principal of educational autonomy. I redefined the meaning of the spirits of the Constitution(§31④,117,118), and the relation of the Local Autonomy Act and the Act on Local Educational Autonomy. At the chapterⅢ, The Case of Jeju was compared to the other 15 Provincials. As a result of direct Ballot by the citizen, the validity and representation of residents became higher than indirect selection method by the School Management Committee. But the citizen's low interest was one of the weakness. As a result of unification style, the process of duplicated discussion is to be simple. In the other hands, the lower political power and influence of Local council member of Education is appeared as a new problem. At the chapter Ⅳ, I analyzed the three cases of the Constitutional court related with the Act on Local Educational Autonomy(06.12.20). As a conclusion, suggestions which I can get from this study are as follows. Even though, reformed educational autonomy system is not enough to guarantee the spirits of the Constitution, this didn't run counter to that. And I suggested the The Educational committee which is consisted of all Education member of in Local council. Finally, I emphasized the importance of practical autonomy which we feel.

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