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      • KCI등재

        해송자 오일의 피부 항노화 및 주름 개선 효과

        김형묵,김태준,임동빈,하순봉,김이화,차병선,허효진,소피아브리토,이용문,빈범호,곽병문,Kim, Hyung-Mook,Kim, Tae-Jun,Im, Dong-bin,Ha, Sun-Bong,Kim, Ee-Hwa,Cha, Byung-Sun,Heo, Hyo-Jin,Brito, Sofia,Lee, Yong-Moon,Bin, Bum-Ho,Kwak, Byeong-Mun 대한한방안이비인후피부과학회 2021 한방안이비인후피부과학회지 Vol.34 No.4

        Objectives : The aim of this study was to investigated the anti-aging and anti-wrinkles effects of the pinus koreaiensis seed(PKS) oil. Methods : The anti-oxidant effect was performed by beta-carotene bleaching assay and the intracellular proteome was analyzed expression of each 15 proteins by 2-D electrophoresis. And fatty acid was analysed by gas chromatography. Anti-wrinkle effect was analyzing human skin by the PRIMOS system. Results : Fatty acid analysis of PKS oil has shown oleic acid was 49.7% and linoleic acid was 34.1%. And the antioxidant effect was about 125% compared with alpha-tocoperol(0.1%) by beta carotene bleaching assay. In 2D PAGE analysis, fifteen protein changes in five mechanisms which was collagen synthesis pathway, MMPs, ECM-cell interaction, cytokine, antioxidant enzymes were analyzed. In case of anti-wrinkle effect was proved in vivo by analyzing human skin by the PRIMOS system. The analysis results of eye wrinkles for 4 weeks showed an improvement effect of over 6%. Conclusions : In this study, the amount of protein change in the five mechanism through the cell experiment and the skin anti wrinkle efficacy by the human in vivo test were investigated. As a result pinus koreaiensis seed oil by supercritical extraction could be used as a anti-aging and anti-wrinkle substance for the skin.

      • KCI등재

        고조선 단공십계(丹功十戒)의 체조교육 프로그램 개발

        김형묵(Kim, Hyung-Mook) 한국체육교육학회 2015 한국체육교육학회지 Vol.19 No.4

        이 연구는 구전으로 전해지는 단공십계 체조에 내포된 교육사상이 삼신사상, 천지인사상, 선교사상, 홍익인간사상 등을 함축하였다는 것을 이론적으로 정리하여 고조선 시대의 심신일원적인 체조임을 확인하였다. 그리고 현대에 시행된 체조의 시대적 배경과 교육적인 역할을 규명하였다. 전수되어 온 단공십계 체조의 원형은 시간적으로 길고 단조로운 단점을 보완하여 현대 체조에 부합하도록 수정 보완하였다. 그리고 단공십계체조 교육프로그램은 체육활동 시간 등에 준비운동과 정리운동으로 대체할 것을 제시하였다. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify by age and educational background of the role of modern gymnastics Korea, to complement the shortcomings of Dangun-Chosun dynasty in Dan-Gong-Sip-Gye(丹功十戒) were complemented by a modern gym. Methods: Educational thought in Dan-Gong-Sip-Gye of Dangun-Chosun was developed with modern gymnastics program thought the literature. Results: Dan-Gong-Sip-Gye was indicated that Dangun-Chosun Matsu(三神), Tenchijin(天地人), Hongik(弘益人間), and a religion that training the body and mind(仙敎). Conclusion: Dan-Gong-Sip-Gye gymnastics program was proposed a gymnastics school education program instead of warm and clean up exercise in gym class. History will, if used in the wrong mental gymnastics one won the Sports Chosun education will encounter the correct history education and a gym filled with traditional philosophy youth gymnastics easily through a single hole Decalogue contains a profound philosophy and history Dangun-Chosun"s right.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        교육방법에 따른 비만 여대생들의 에어로빅운동이 혈액지질과 신체구성의 효과에 관한 비교

        김형묵(Hyung Mook Kim) 한국체육교육학회 2013 한국체육교육학회지 Vol.18 No.1

        비만 여대생(평균나이 21.5세)들을 대상으로 실험 전에 100분간의 교육을 20분씩 2주에 한번씩 5회로 나누어 실시한 A집단 (15명)과 한번에 100분간 교육을 하는 B집단(14명)에게 에어로빅운동을 1일 약60분간, 1주에 3일, 10주 동안 실시하여 분석 한 결과 혈중지질의 TC는 5주 후에는 B집단이, 10주후에는 동일하게 감소하였다. TG는 5주후 두 집단이 동일한 감소와 10 주후에는 A집단이 나은 효과가 나타났다. HDL-C는 5주후 A집단이, 10주 후에는 동일한 증가를 보였고, LDL-C는 교육방법 의 차이 없이 감소하였다. 신체조성에서 체중은 5주후 두 집단이 차이 없이 감소하였고, 10주후에는 A집단이 나은 효과가 나타났다. 체지방율의 감소 는 5주후에는 동일하였고, 10주 후 A집단이 보다 효과적이었다. 체지방량은 두 집단이 5주, 10주에 동일하게 감소하였다. 근 육량은 10주후에 두 집단이 동일하게 증가하여 교육방법의 차이가 없는 것으로 나타났다. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effects of aerobic exercise on serum lipids profiles and body composition in obese female college students by teaching methods. The subjects were 29 obese female college students composed of the teaching methods for 20 min, 5 times per every 2-week (n=15, A group) and 100 min at one time (n=14, B group) which trained for 10-week aerobic exercise (60 min/day, 3 times/week). The results of this study are as follows: B group showed a significant decrease in TC after 5 weeks, and decrease in both groups after 10-week. A group had significantly lower TG and higher HDL-C than B group after 10-week. No significant difference in LDL-C, but decrease in both groups. A group had significantly lower body weight and % of body fat than did the B group after 10-week; however, muscle mass was slightly higher in both groups, and the difference was not statistically significant by teaching methods.

      • KCI등재후보

        단공십계(丹功十戒)에 나타난 고조선의 신체활동 교육사상

        김형묵(Hyung Mook Kim) 한국체육교육학회 2011 한국체육교육학회지 Vol.16 No.2

        단공십계는 고조선 왕가의 체조에서 일반화된 체조로 구전되고 있다. 전해지는 동작은 10가지이며, 그 특징은 천천히 동작을 하면서 기(氣)를 느끼게 하며, 동작 이름을 단전이 울리도록 크게 외치면서 동작을 행한다. 체조를 하면서 마음을 집중하고, 체조동작에 담긴 철학적 교육내용을 되새기면서 하는 건강을 위한 체조인 것이다. 그 명칭과 교육내용은 부라부라-천지 기운의 오르내림을 깨우치는 것, 시공시공-조상과 어른을 공경하는 것, 도리도리-천지만물의 도리와 이치를 깨우치는 것, 곤지곤지-농사의 이치를 깨우치는 것, 잼잼-하늘의 이치를 받아 깨우치라는 것, 서마서마-독립적인 생존 능력을 키우는 것, 에비에비-매사 조심하라는 것, 아함아함-천지와 나는 하나가 된다, 짝짝꿍짝짝꿍-음양화합의 원리를 터득하여 자손을 번창시키라는 것, 질라라비훨훨의-모든 것을 깨달았으니 도인이 된 기쁜 마음으로기의 움직임에 따라 춤을 추며 행복하게 살라는 것이다. 단공십계의 교육내용은 고조선의 종교와 문화 그리고 천부경(天符經.)의 내용과 상당부분 일치하며, 육체적 가치는 물론 정신적, 건강 가치를 중시하는 체조로서 체육교육은 물론 종합적인 교육내용을 담고 있는 것이다. 정신과 육체의 가치를 중시하는 심신일원적인 단공십계 체조를 현재의 체육교육 현장에서 대중체조로 활용한다면 보다 교육적 가치가 높은 체육교육이 될 것이다. 이것을 통하여 바른 역사교육, 자긍심 높은 교육, 육체와 정신의 가치를 동시에 강조하는 심신일원적인 체육교육으로 현장에서 많이 활용될 것으로 기대된다. Dan-Gong-Sip-Gye (丹功十戒, 단공십계) is passed down orally the gymnastics which composed with 10 forms for adult in Dangun-Chosun dynasty. It is doing with feeling energy slowly and hawling the name of form in Dan-Jeon (hypogastrium). Also, It is doing with mediate the philosophy of Dan-Gong-Sip-Gye to be concentrate with one`s mind. The contents of education are for healthy, as well as each form contains some special meanings, as below. There are knowing energy of the sky and the earth, respect ancestors and elders, understanding the way and the reason of the sky and the earth, knowing the way of farming, developing viability independent, being careful in every matters, being consistency of speech and action, Knowing the way of the male and female principles and leaving great progeny, well-being with reaching the state of ascetic. The contents of Dan-Gong-Sip-Gye is consistency with culture, religion, and Cheon-Bu-Gyong(天符 經, 천부경).

      • KCI등재후보

        노인의 저항운동이 근력, 혈중지질과 남성호르몬수준에 미치는 영향

        김형묵(Kim Hyung-Mook) 한국체육과학회 2005 한국체육과학회지 Vol.14 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of resistance training on muscle strength, blood lipid and testosterone concentration in old men. Eight healthy old male subjects (age range 65-75yr) participated in a 12week resistance training program (12-15 RM/set: 3sets/day; 3day/wk, 9 exercises). Subjects were evaluated before the program and after 12 weeks of training. The results of the study were as follows: 1. Muscle strength increased after weight training program (31-40%, p<0.005). 2. HDL-C concentration increased (43.1±3.5 vs 50.8±6.9㎎/㎗, p<0.005) and ratio of TC/HDL-C decreased (4.5±0.5 vs 3.9±0.6, p<0.05) but there was no changes in TC, LDL-C and TG. 3. There was no changes in Testosterone. These results indicate that older men can safely participate in total body resistance training program with positive outcome in muscle strength, blood lipids. These changes would be helpful in retarding aging process in the elderly people. And also there is no changes in testosterone level in this training old male subjects.

      • KCI등재

        약손 마사지 교육 프로그램 개발

        김형묵(Kim, Hyung-Mook) 한국체육교육학회 2015 한국체육교육학회지 Vol.20 No.2

        이 연구는 약손마사지교육 프로그램을 개발하여 대학에서 마사지교육의 선택 폭을 넓히는데 연구의 목적이 있다. 약손 마사지는 고대 한국인에 의하여 최초 돌침의 개발과 높은 의학 수준에서 출발하였음을 확인하였다. 서양의 마사지는 황제내경의 안마, 수기요법을 번역하여 스포츠마사지로 발전하였는데 황제가 고대 한국인이므로 스포츠 마사지는 고대 한국인의 영향을 받은 것을 확인하였다. 고대 한국인이 고대의학에 지대한 공헌을 하여 한의학과 동양의학의 근간을 이루었고, 이러한 학문적인 배경으로 약손마사지 발달하였음을 확인하였다. 약손마사지를 대학교육 프로그램으로 개발하여 교육한 결과 교육의 질적 향상이 입증되었다. 약손마사지교육은 기존 마사지보다 질 높은 교육은 물론 고대 한국인의 의학과 과학발전에 기여한 역사를 대학생들에게 올바르게 교육하는 기회가 될 것으로 확신한다. Purpose: The study looked at education programs at the university by developing a Yak Shon Massage to broaden the research with the goal of the purpose of education. Methods: The development history was traced and compared between the Sports Massage and the Yak Shon Massage through literature review. Result: As a result, it was found that the Yak Shon Massage was originated from a higher level of medical skills and had a longer medical history compared to the Sports Massage. Conclusion: Verify that ancient roots in Asian medical literature of the East is a comforting hand massage. Develop and education to improve the quality of education as a result of a comforting hand massage education is verified, and also ancient Korean medical development, contributing to the identified.

      • KCI등재후보

        고조선의 사상들과 관련된 체육활동

        김형묵(Hyung Mook Kim) 한국체육교육학회 2009 한국체육교육학회지 Vol.14 No.1

        In this thesis, we have tried to prove that one of the central concepts of the ancient thoughts is how to keep the public heathy. There are lots of thoughts in the Dangun-Chosun period such as Thoughts of Heaven, Earth and Man, Thoughts of Hongikingan (devotion to the welfare of mankind), Thoughts of three gods (the three gods governs child birth), Thoughts of the Zen (sects of Buddhism), and Spirits of Shamanism. We can find out the living philosophy of keeping health of the public in each these Thoughts. Among such Thoughts, it is supposed that when Thoughts of Heaven, Earth and Man could be united into one, then they are influential enough to the public to live in a healthy life with their spiritual principles and their guidances of physical exercise like yoga. Gymnastics such as Dangong ten commandments and Dandong ten principles was employed to propagate the Thoughts of Hongikingan which was the ideology of Dangun-Chosun. And this principle played the spiritual role as a means of integration of its inhabitants and immigrants. It is estimated that as the first forefather of Dangun Chosun and also the gods, Naban left the culture of deciding the winner by three games such as Gawee-bawee-Bo, Yootnolee, Gooslchikee, Ssireom, Throwing javelin. And these gods left the culture of medical care, such as calling the mother of three gods to treat the abdominal pain by rubbing the belly. On the other hand, Thoughts of Zen which was the religion of Dangun-Chosun period influenced to develop the gymnastics, such as Dangun ten commandments and Dangun ten principles. Thoughts of Shamanism was employed to deal with the magic words or spirits to heal the people`s illness. Leaders of the day govern their people by way of shamanism which enable them to get power to rule people. In short, On the basis of Thoughts various folk remedies was developed, such as treatment of stone acupuncture, and dietic treatment of mugwort and garlic in Dangun-Chosun period. And various kinds of methods of physical exercise like yoga was also developed in this period.

      • KCI등재

        교육부의 대학평가와 체육계열학과의 취업교육 방향

        김형묵(Kim, Hyung Mook) 한국체육교육학회 2014 한국체육교육학회지 Vol.19 No.3

        이 논문은 2011.7월부터 2013.12.31일까지 교과부 대학구조개혁위원회의 대학평가정책에 따른 체육계열학과 취업교육의 방향을 연구하였다. 교육부가 대학을 평가하여 입학정원을 10년간 16만명을 감축한다는 계획에 따라 대학들은 입학정원감축, 학과통폐합, 폐과 등을 단행하였다. 대학평가항목 중에 취업률은 2번째로 높은 평가항목인데, 이것이 대학구조조정 뿐만 아니라 입학생의 학과지원의 판단기준이 되어 체육계열학과의 정원수에 결정적인 조건으로 부상하였다. 이러한 정책에 대한 대응하기 위한 연구를 목적으로 체육계열학과의 취업교육방향을 다음과 같이 제시하였다. 1. 교수들은 학생들의 취업교육을 적극적으로 해야 한다. 2. 학생들의 적성과 능력을 파악하여 지도하는 것이 필요하다. 3. 취업 현장실습상황을 습득하게 하는 교육이 필요하다. 4. 매일 취업교육이 필요하다. 5 교수와 학생들의 상담이 필요하다. 6. 인터넷을 활용하여 취업 자료를 발표하도록 하여 교수의 공개적인 조언이 필요하다. 7. 급변하는 사회의 변화와 함께 변하는 취업시험 대응 교육이 필요하다. 8. 취업교육에 적합한 교육과정이 필요하다. 12/31/2013 University from May until 2011.7 Reform Commission Ministry of Education of the University to assess the policy direction of the department of physical education and employment will be studied. University of employment are evaluated by the Department of Education to reduce the garden"s conversion brought the university administration indicators. This is also affecting the survival of the University College of the Physical Education Department as well as personnel from other departments also reductions, the Department of consolidation, were shuffled and pyegwa. Employment rate of university entrants, as well as the restructuring of the Department supported the criterion of the department of physical condition became critical to the garden tree. In response to these changes, the purpose of the research for the employment department of physical education has been proposed as follows direction. 1. Professor employment training center focusing on the major direction change is needed. 2. Aptitude and ability of the students it is necessary to identify and map. 3. Acquire employment situation in the education field experience is required. 4. Employment training is required every day. 5. of professors and students need to consult a map. 6. Employment data released by taking advantage of the Internet to the professor of public need advice. 7. Rapidly changing society cope with the change in Exam-changing career training is necessary. 8. Suitable employment training course is required.

      • KCI등재

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