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        日本 初中高 학교의 漢字·漢文 敎育의 특징에 관하여

        韓睿嫄 한국한문교육학회 2003 한문교육논집 Vol.21 No.-

        일본의 국어생활은 원칙적으로는 '和漢混用'이다. 소고는 일본의 현행 초·중·고의 국어교육에서 한자·한문이 어떻게 교육되고 있는가를 살펴보고,우리 교육과의 상대적인 면을 생각해본다. 2002년도부터 실시된 현행의 학습지도요령에서 제시하고 있는 초 · 중등학교의 한자 · 한문교육은 1006자의 학습용 한자와 그것을 포함한 1945자의 상응한자의 학습을 중심으로 구성되어 있다. 적어도 고등학교를 마치게 되면1945자의 상용한자는 자유롭게 읽고 사용할 수 있어야 한다는 것이 한자 · 한문교육의 최종목표가 된다. 여기에 생활의 필요에서 익히세 되는 인명용 한자284자를 포함하면 2229자를 일본어 생활의 기본 베이스로 삼게된다. 일본 초등학교의 한자교육은 국어의 어휘력 신장에 맞추어서 구성되어있고, 언어의 원활한 의사소통의 목적에 기여할 것을 의도하고 있다. 1006자의한자를 학년별 한자배당표로 학년별로 배당하여 놓고 있다. 중학교의 한자교육은 초등학교 과정처럼 독립되어 있지 않고, 국어교과서안에서 학습하게 되어있다. 중학교과정에서는 한자어 어휘의 확대에 최대의 목표를 두면서도 거기에 필요한 한자어의 이론 및 일본·중국 고전과의 만남을 준비하고 있다. 고등학교의 한문교육은 역시 독립교과로 운영되지 않고 국어과의 한 과목으로 되어있다. 고전 교육의 특징은 음독, 낭독, 암송이 있다는 것이다. 고문과 한문의 분위기(리듬)을 익히기 위함이다. 그리고 또 한가지는 한문 교육을 통하여 중국 등 외국 문화와의 관계에 대해 이해의 깊이를 더해 가는데 도움이 되게 하려는 것이다. 그런데 실제로 교과서에 인용된 내용은 중국한문이 대부분이고 일본 한문은 극히 적은 양이 인용된다. 일본의 고등학교 한문교육은 대학입시와 밀접한 관계를 갖고 실시된다. 이유는 대학입시국어과 시험의 25%를 차지하는 위치에 있다. 실제 대학입시를 준비하는 고등학교 한문학습은 한문의 중요어휘의 암기와 한문의 基本句形의 학습에 힘을 기울이고 있다. 이러한 일본 고등학교의 한문학습은 입시준비를 위한 수업형태라고 말하여도 과언이 아니다. 실제로 수업시간에는 교과서가 아닌 입시 문제집을 주요 교재로 사용한다는 것에서도 여실하게 나타난다. 이상에서 일본의 한자 · 한문교육을 살펴보았다. 우리가 일본의 한문교육에서 참조할 것은 한자 · 한문의 기초교육을 통하여 질적으로 높은 국어생활을 영위하고, 전통유산으로 남겨준 고전의 세계에 친숙할 수 있는 계기를 마련하는 점이다. 한글과 한문교육은 한쪽의 쇠퇴가 한쪽의 영광이 될 수 없음이 자명한 사실이다. 서로의 도움으로 국어생활은 보다 내실감있게 꾸려가야 한다고 생각된다. Japanese language adheres to the principle that Chinese characters are adjusted to harmony with Japanese. This study examined how Chinese characters and writing are educated in Japanese language in the current Japanese elementary, middle and high schools to identify difference between Japanese education and Korean. The Chinese characters and writing education in elementary, middle and high schools suggested by the current teaching and learning guide since 2002 requires learning 1006 Chinese characters and 1945 Chinese characters for common use. The final goal of the education is that students are able to freely read and use 1945 Chinese characters for common use, if students complete at least the courses in high schools. And if students learn additional 284 characters that are used for names, they are well prepared for Japanese language learning. Chinese characters education in Japanese elementary schools is constructed in accordance with the expansion of Japanese vocabulary, and intends to contribute to achievement of the purpose of fluent verbal communication. 1006 Chinese characters are presented grade by grade in the Chinese character table. As Chinese characters education in middle schools is not independently seperated as in elementary schools, students learn Chinese characters through Japanese education. The primary goal of middle school curriculum is the expansion of the Chinese vocabulary, and to achieve the goal, students are to learn the theories of Chinese characters, Japanese and Chinese classics. High school Chinese writing education is also not independently separated and belongs to one division of Japanese language courses. The classics education consists of reading Chinese characters phonetically, reading aloud and recitation. The courses intends to help students to be familar with the mood and rhythm of Chineses classics and writing. And Chinese writing education intends to help students understand relations with foreign cultures including Chinese culture. However, most of the contents in textbooks are composed of original Chinese characters but, little sino-Japanese characters is found. Chinese characters learning in Japanese high schools has a close relation with university entrance. It is because it occupies 25% of the Japanese language examination. High school students who are preparing for university entrance examination focus on learning major vocabulary and basic compositions of Chinese writing. It can be said that such learning is designed to be prepared only for entrance examination. In actual lessons, learing is given through exercise books for entrance examination, not through textbooks. This study examined Chinese characters and writing education in Japan as above. Through the results, it was understood that the basic education of Chinese characters promotes the improvement of Korean language, and provides opportunities to be familar with the inherited classics. Korean characters and Chinese characters will coexist and help each other in various ways. It was thought that through the mutual help, Korean language should be improved.

      • 성인 엉덩관절을 이루는 구조에 대한 형태학적 연구

        원예연,장준섭,정인혁,한대용,한창동,서진석 아주대학교 의과학연구소 1999 아주의학 Vol.4 No.1

        With 77 hip joints of Korean adults available, anatomical study was carried out to clarify morphological variations of the acetabular labrum, the acetabular articular cartilage, the penetrating sites, the purchasing lengths of transacetabular screws including dangerous neurovascular structures, and the theoretical safe space of the acetabular fossa. The results were as follows; 1. The posterior superior region of the acetabulum through which the screw could be inserted more than 50 ㎜ in length was the safest region. However, depending on the insertion angle, the screw could penetrate the psoas muscle with an average 30 ㎜ of intervening space. 2. The average purchasing length of the screws penetrating the mid point (B) of the articular surface which was located on the inferior portion of the line (AB) connecting the anterior superior iliac spine and the center of the acetabulum: the mid points (C and D) of the articular surface which was located on the anterior and posterior portion of the line (CD) perpendicular to the line AB; and the mid point (G) of the articular surface which was located on the posterior inferior portion of the acetabular articular surface, was more than 20 ㎜. The screws penetrating the point "C" had a risk to damage the bladder and the screws penetrating the points "D" and "G" had a risk to endanger gluteal neurovascular bundles. 3. The screw placed in the anterior superior region of the acetabulum could be directed toward the external iliac vessels. The perpendicular bony thickness of this region averaged 13 ㎜. The topographical relationship of the external iliac artery and vein was variable and classified into 6 types. 4. At the center of the acetabulum, the most vulnerable structure was the obturator neurovascular bundle and the average thickness of bone at this point was measured as 6.5 ㎜. 5. The thickness of the compact bone became wider from the inner side to the outer side of the lunate surface. 6. The posterior inferior portion of the acetabular fossa would be a danger area when we used the screws for infernal fixation of the acetabular fracture through the acetabular fossa. 7. The morphological variations of the acetabular labrum which were measured differently at different locations should be considered during reading magnetic resonance images. 8. The anterior, anterosuperior and posterosuperior portion of the acetabular labrum might be easily torn because the labrum was attached to the bone-like "seating on a flat bony surface." 9. The shape of the articular cartilage was classified into 5 types according to the position of both ends. The above data in this study revealed new findings which should be considered at the times of diagnosis and operation of the hip joint together with morphological characteristics of Korean adult hips.

      • KCI등재후보

        16세기 사화기에 있어서 호남학문의 형성과 전개양상

        韓睿嫄 한국고시가문학회 2004 한국시가문화연구 Vol.0 No.14

        Under the assumption that 'Honam Saryu' has a distinctive nature, which differs from that of Yeongnam Sarim(groups of Confucian scholars) or Kiho Sarim in their formation and development, this study aims to demonstrate validity of the independence of Honam Sarim from Kiho Sarim. First, noticing that the academic vein led by Kim Gweng-Pil and Jo Gwang-Jo played an important role in formation of the Sarim(groups of Confucian scholars), this study examines their academic characteristics and academic relations between Youngnam Sarim and Honam Sarim. Kim Gweng-Pil inherited moral philosophy to the Honam Saryu in Suncheon, his exiled place. Choi San-du and Yu Gye-rin who had been educated by Kim Gweng Pil educated Kim In-who and Yu Hee-chun, main members of Honam Sarim, and then Ki Dae-Seung followed them. Though the scholars of Honam Sarim were suffered in the Sahwa(massacre of scholars) period, they actively participated in the reformative politics led by Jo Gwang-Jo, which resulted in their exile or retirement. However, they participated in enlightenment of country people actively, proposing realization of principles presented in Sohak. And they made a great contribution to improvement in the Confucianism through hard study of the Confucian theories. Therefore, this study suggests their practice of village education and serious consideration of Sohak as characteristics of Honam study.

      • KCI등재
      • ‘숙명역사관’뮤지엄 아이덴티티 개선을 위한 마케팅, 디자인 전략 수립 -특별 기획전, 홍보, 기프트 샵을 중심으로-

        박민지,박한빛,서예원,이진민,장미정,이성애 숙명여자대학교 산업디자인연구소 2017 숙명디자인학 연구 Vol.24 No.-

        본 연구는 디자인과 마케팅이 이분법적으로 나누어질 수 없음을 인식하고, 디자인과 마케팅을 융합하여 스페이스 디자인 마케팅을 통한 뮤지엄아이덴티티를 구축하는 일련의 프로세스를 제안하는데 목적이 있다. 본 연구는 2017년 3월~6월 총 15주간 숙명여자대학교 환경디자인과 ‘브랜드·스페이스·마케팅’수업에 서 진행된 결과물로서 작업물을 정리하였다. 본 연구의 범위는 4개(物, 事, 人, 場)의 주제 중, 장소(場)를 중심으로 ‘숙명역사관’의 그래픽, 제품, 공간을 개발하는 브랜드 매뉴얼과 연관하여 한정한다. 이에 본 연구는 ‘숙명역사관’이 가지고 있는 역사적 컨텐츠와 가치를 통해 현재 상황과 문제점을 분석하였다. 그 결과 ‘숙명역사관’의 다양한 마케팅 전략을 제시하고 이에 따른 디자인 전략과 해결 방안을 통해 디자인과 마케팅의 융합을 꾀하였다. 아울러 SWOT 분석을 통해 로고, 명함부터 새로 기획하는 숙명역사관 기프트샵, 인테리어디자인, 디스플레이, 공간연출과 그 안의 제품디자인에 이르기까지 일관성과 통일성을 추구했다. 끝으로 본 연구는 뮤지엄아이덴티티 구축을 위한 창의적 디자인 프로세스를 고찰하며, 이를 바탕으로 개발 매뉴얼을 총체적으로 정리함에 있어서 뮤지엄 브랜딩의 기초 자료로 활용될 것으로 기대된다.

      • 신라대학교 주변 백양산의 동물상

        노치권(외 6명) 신라대학교 자연과학연구소 2012 自然科學論文集 Vol.22 No.-

        To study fauna of Silla University located in Mt. Baek-yang, we conducted six surveys from 29 May 2011 to 28 April 2012. We found five phyla 41 orders 197 species of animals inhabiting in this area: four phyla 27 orders 163 species of invertebrates and in vertebrates one order six species of fishes, three orders nine species of amphibians and reptiles, six orders 14 species of aves, and four orders five species of mammals. Of these species, some Korean endemic species were included: a fish of Rhodeus uyekii in a pond near main gate of this university, a frog of Rana coreana in a creek near a dormitory, and a rabbit of Lepus coreanus and a water deer of Hydropotes inermis in a grass region near a main stadium. A kind of hawk, Falco tinnunculus as a natural monument (animal) of no. 323-8, was observed on a building of medical and life science. A blue frog of Hyla japonica as a variation was found near a spring resort. Therefore, this area is considered an ecologically important area having a high animal diversity.

      • 사무직 근로자의 수면의 질 및 직무스트레스와 우울과의 관련성

        강미나,강수영,권수정,김현주,배재원,이보연,이예진,임의롬,정다영,조한솔 이화여자대학교 간호과학대학 2013 이화간호학회지 Vol.- No.47

        Purpose: The purpose of this study was to understand the degree of depression, sleep quality, job stress and their association among office workers. Method: A self-administered questionnaire was distributed to 147 workers employed in 5 big enterprises, and 5 small and medium enterprises from October 21 to November 21, 2012. The questionnaires included socio-demographic and health-related characteristics, job-related characteristics, sleep quality, job stress (KOSS) and depression (CES-D). Result: Among all subjects, 23.1% was in the depression group (21 points and over in the CES-D score). Depressive level was positively correlated with job stress and quality of sleep. The adjusted odd ratio for the effects of sleep quality and job stress on depression significantly increased in the depression group compared to that of the normal group. Multiple regression analysis revealed that the following factors of influence had combined explanatory powers on depression: BMI, life satisfaction, quality of sleep, and job stress. Conclusion: The study revealed that complicated influences were exerted on the level of depression by variable factors, as well as socio-demographic characteristics, health-related characteristics, quality of sleep, and job stress. Specifically, the level of depression was influenced by the quality of sleep and job stress.


        Orginal Articles : Clinical Study of Porokeratosis Associated with Immunosuppressive Therapy in Renal Transplant Recipients

        ( Ye Won Han ),( Yeon Jeong Kim ),( Hyung Ok Kim ),( Young Min Park ) 대한피부과학회 2008 Annals of Dermatology Vol.20 No.4

        Background: The etiology of porokeratosis (PK) remains unknown, but immunosuppression is known to be a factor in the pathogenesis of PK and it may also exacerbate PK. Objective: The aim of this study was to examine the clinical characteristics of PK associated with immunosuppressive therapy in renal transplant recipients. Methods: A total of 9 renal transplant patients diagnosed with biopsy-proven PK from January 2001 to December 2006 were enrolled. The authors analyzed the patient and medication histories, clinical characteristics, and associated diseases. Results: The ages of the 9 patients ranged from 38 to 67 years (mean 52 years). All received multi-drug regimens comprised of two or three immunosuppressive agents (steroids, cyclosporine, mycophenolate mofetil, azathioprine and/or tacrolimus). Times between transplantation and the onset of PK ranged from 2 to 9 years (mean 4.1 years). No family history of PK or a history of intense sun-exposure was elicited. The number of the lesions was less than ten in 8 of the 9. Lesions were mainly located in the extremities, though some affected the trunk or neck (3). Three patients had disseminated superficial actinic PK (DSAP), PK Mibelli, or both types. Associated diseases included verruca (4), recurrent herpes simplex (1), actinic keratosis (1), and cutaneous B cell lymphoma (1). Conclusion: The three clinical patterns of PK occurred equally in our patients, namely, coexistent PK Mibelli and DSAP, or the DSAP and Mibelli types as independent forms. Our findings support the notion that the different variants of PK be viewed as parts of a heterogeneous clinical spectrum. Further studies are needed in order to establish the clinical patterns of PK in immunosuppressed patients. (Ann Dermatol (Seoul) 20(4) 167∼171, 2008)


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