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        일반논문 : 고금도(古今島) 관왕묘(關王廟) 연구

        유성웅 ( Sung Woung Yu ),장경희 ( Kyung Hee Jang ) 한서대학교 동양고전연구소 2015 동방학 Vol.32 No.-

        고금도(古今島) 관왕묘(關王廟)는 정유재란을 기억하는 역사적 상징이다. 본고는 1598년 창건된 이후 한·중·일 삼국의 역사적 관계에 따라 끊임없이 변화되어 오늘에 이른 고금도 관왕묘를 연구 대상으로 하여 다음과 같은 역사적 사실을 밝혀냈다 첫째, 고금도 관왕묘는 정유재란 당시 조선에 파병된 진린(陳璘) 도독과 명나라 수군(水軍)에 의해 1598년 창건되어, 군신(軍神)인 관우(關羽)와 해신(海神)인 마조(마祖) 등을 함께 배향하였다. 둘째, 고금도 관왕묘는 조선 후기에 묘사(廟祠) 건물의 구조와 향사 대상이 변화된 것이 특징이다. 1598년 정전(正殿)에 관왕과 마조를 모시고 명 수군들의 제향을 받았다. 1666년 정전과 동·서무(東西楙)를 갖춘 品자형 구조였다. 정전에는 관우를 모셨으며 동무에는 진린 도독과 이순신 장군을 함께 배치하여 조선 수군들의 제향을 받았다. 1791년 고금도 관왕묘에 ``탄보묘(誕報廟)``라는 사액(賜額)을 내려 묘격(廟格)이 승격되었고, 노량대첩 당시 전사한 명 등자룡(鄧子龍) 장군이 합사되었다. 이에 따라 동무에는 진린 도독과 등자룡 장군이, 서무에는 이순신 장군이 배치되었다. 하지만 일제 강점기인 1940년 고금도 관왕묘는 훼철되었고, 해방 이후에는 이충무공 유적으로 바뀌었다. 따라서 16세기 한·중 문화 교류를 실질적으로 증명하는 문화유산인 고금도 관왕묘가 향후 원형대로 복원되길 기대한다. Founded In 1598, when the Japanese invaded Korea for the 2nd time, Gogeumdo Gwanwangmyo is a historical symbol to remember the Japanese invasion of Korea. Since the foundation, Gogeumdo Gwanwangmyo has gone through continuous transformations as responses to changing relationships among Korea, China and Japan. The paper aims to bring to light important historical facts and argue for the necessity to restore Gogeumdo Gwanwangmyo to its original form. First, Gogeumdo Gwanwangmyo was founded in 1598, by the Admiral Chen Lin (陳璘) from the Ming Dynasty. The shrine housed the war god (軍神), King Guan Yu (關羽) and the god of the sea (海神), Majo (?祖). In their hometown, Guangdung (廣東) in China, these military leaders followed the tradition of dedicating memorial service to both King Guan Yu and Majo. In founding Gogeumdo Gwanwangmyo, they applied the same concept. Particularly in 1583, Chen Lin had previously erected a Matang Gwanjemyo (馬塘關帝廟) in Guangdong. This experience offered him the motivation to build Gwanwangmyo in Korea. Secondly, the late Joseon dynasty witnessed shifts in commemorative service tradition, which centered on the architectural structure of shrine, and the target of commemorative service. In 1598, the main shrine housed the King Guan Yu and the Majo. In 1666, the entire structure of shrines changed to have the 品 shape, having the East shrine and the West shrine under the main shrine. The main shrine was dedicated to King Guan Yu. The East shrine was dedicated to the Admiral Chen Lin and the Admiral Lee Sun-shin. In addition to the East and the West rituals buildinges, the year 1713 saw an addition of a small temple(玉泉寺) whose role is today``s equivalent of the guard office. The same year saw the elevation of national status of the commemorative service for King Guan Yu (關羽), the Admiral Chen and the admiral Lee. In 1791, the King Jongjo granted Gogeumdo Gwanwangmyo a signature board that reads ``Tanbomyo (誕報廟)``, which also contributed to raising the shrine``s status. That year also saw the expansion of the scope of the memorial service to dedicate to one more soul, the general Deng Zi Long (鄧子龍), who died during the Battle of Noryang. Accordingly, the structure is re-arranged to have the East shrine dedicated to the admiral Chen and the general Deng, and the West shrine to the admiral Lee. In the post Battle of Noryang era, Gogeumdo Gwanwangmyo became an internationally renowned shrine housing souls of national heroes of the Joseon and the Ming dynasties. But, under the Japanese colonial rule, Gogeumdo Gwanwangmyo was destroyed. After liberation, in light of the shrine``s value as a relic of the admiral Lee, the Korean government designated Gogeumdo Gwanwangmyo as Historic Site No. 114. Currently, the main shrine is used to hold a national memorial service for the Admiral Lee, with the general Lee Young-nam. In particular, this latter represents important historical heritage to prove the cultural exchange that existed between China and Korea.

      • KCI등재후보

        The Effect of Communication of Service Employee on Customer Satisfaction, and Reuse Intention

        Yu-Lim SUNG1,Hye-Yoon PARK 국제융합경영학회 2021 융합경영연구 Vol.9 No.2

        Purpose: This study aims to provide marketing implications for training and face-to-face service employee communication by analyzing how communication by Korean crews at foreign airlines affects passengers perception and how this perception relates to airline service quality and customer satisfaction. Research design, data: The collection of questionnaires for the demonstration in this study has collected 300 questionnaires for about a month for Korean passengers who are aware of the presence of Korean crew on board aircraft. Results: The study analyzed the relationship between the communication ability, customer satisfaction, and reuse intention of foreign airlines. An empirical analysis of the relationship between quality of airline service, customer satisfaction, and intention of re-use can suggest the following implications based on the language and non-verbal communication capabilities of the Korean crew working for foreign airlines. Conclusions: We studied the impact of communication between Korean crews working for foreign airlines on the quality of airline service, customer satisfaction and reuse intention. The Korean crew should also work for overseas airlines and consider communication as important and expand their overall foreign language education and communication skills to have a positive impact on not only Korean passengers but also their own citizens.

      • KCI등재후보

        매개적 인물의 형상화와 관조적 리얼리즘의 구현 : 염상섭의 『삼대』론

        유철상 현대문학이론학회 2004 現代文學理論硏究 Vol.0 No.21

        Character is one of the most important components in a novel. Novel is different from drama in that it bring out the totality of objects while drama the totality of movement. Despite the importance of characters in novel, the actual description of characters, compared with drama, is usually subsidiary and peripheral. We can find in Yeom Sang-seop's Three Generations one of the representing examples that illustrate this characteristic of novel. Cho Deok-ki, the main character in Three Generations, is well known for his irresolute character. There is a reason why he is described as an irresolute person. It is due to his in-between position between Cho Ui-gwan who represents the old conservative generation and Kim Byeong-hwa, the new radical generation. If it tis true that a novel is intended to bring out the whole aspect of reality and the process of its transformation, it will be legitimate to say that irresolute Cho Deok-ki, who symbolizes the diverging point between the old and new generations, is a typical character in the genre of novel. In conclusion, the peculiarity of novel lies in the fact that the typical characteristics are to be presented not just in a character but also in the environment. Considering the title of the work, Three Generations, we might say that Cho Sang-hun, who is not introduced at the beginning and turns out to be a degenerated and incompetent person, plays little role in the novel. In the light ot this fact, it is problematic the fact that Part 2 of the novel, where Cho Sang-hun becomes the focus of events, is disintegrated in structure. It is a structural breakdown due to the loss of the central axis. The absence of Cho Doek-ki's character affects the whole structure of the novel. We can also relate the protagonist Cho Doek-ki's character to the author Yeom Sang-seop's middle-class conservatism. The middle-class conservatism that refuses the change or reform of reality and supports maintaining the status quo contributes to stabilizing the whole structure of the work. When we read closely Three Generations in terms of the interaction among characters, we find os much conflic and trickery but no real villain. This is confirmed in the fact that Cho Doek-ki never shows any kind of affection or hatred for any other character in the novel. In the midst of conflict and fight for inheritance, all Cho Deok-ki does is to observe composedly from a distance, understanding the truth of our life. This is what stabilizes the structure of the novel and makes Three Generations to be a masterpiece of the realism.

      • KCI등재

        이상화 문학에 나타난 시적 상상력의 근원 연구

        유신지 ( Yu Shin-ji ),여상임 ( Yeo Sang-im ) 한국문학언어학회(구 경북어문학회) 2017 어문론총 Vol.74 No.-

        이상화문학에 대한 논의는 이상화 당대는 물론, 1960년대부터 지금까지 상당히 구체적으로 진행되었다. 주로 상징주의나 낭만주의와 같은 문예사조적인 경향이나 저항시인이라는 민족주의적인 관점에서 연구가 많이 진행되었다. 그러나 이러한 관점에서는 이상화 문학 전반에서 드러나는 동양적이고 전통적인 사유를 다 해명하는 데는 한계가 있었다. 이상화문학과 그의 사상의 근저에는 동학이나 천도교적인 사상의 근간을 이루는 내재적 초월의 사유가 자리하고 있다. 내재적 초월의 사유는 이상화 문학의 곳곳에서 다양한 모습으로 드러나고 있다. 본고에서는 이상화의 시적 상상력의 근원이 이러한 내재적 초월의 사유로 파악될 수 있다고 보고, 전통시학의 관점, 특히 기층철학을 토대로 이상화의 문학 텍스트를 분석해보고자 했다. 특히 이상화의 전기적 사실들을 살펴보면, 그의 사상과 사유가 형성되는 중요한 시기인 십대와 이십대 전반에 걸쳐서 천도교적인 색채가 짙은 인물들과 깊은 교류를 맺었고 그와 관련된 활동들을 했다는 것을 알 수 있다. 또한 그가 제시하는 문학론이나 시작품들에서도 그러한 사유들이 드러나는 것을 볼 수 있다. 이상화의 문학평론이나 시에서는 우리 고유의 민속 신앙인 샤머니즘과 이를 계승한 동학사상의 색채가 드러난다. 그의 시작품들에서도 특징적인 것이 ‘하늘’,‘신령’, ‘검’, ‘동굴’ 등과 같은 시어들이 빈번히 쓰이고 있는데, 이러한 시어들은 이상화 텍스트 전반에서 관찰되는 ‘내재적 초월’의 사유들을 드러내는 것으로 쓰이고 있는 것을 볼 수 있다. 이러한 양상은 기존의 논의에서 채 규명되지 못한 부분들로, 동양적이고 전통적인 사유의 지평 안에서만 비로소 설명이 되는 부분이기도 하다. 이러한 논의는 이상화가 1920년대 시단의 다양한 흐름 속에서도 그 시류에 휩쓸리지 않고, 우리의 자생적인 사상이라 할 수 있는 전통철학의 토대 위에 그 나름의 시세계를 구축하였음을 확인할 수 있게 해주며, 나아가 이상화 문학을 바라보는 새로운 해석의 지평을 넓혀볼 수 있다는 점에서 의의가 있다. Untill now, the study on Lee Sang-hwa’s literature has been done very widely. Most rearchess have been done in the point of view of symbolism, romanticism, or nationalism. But, through these views, we couldn't find the basic thoughts of his Literature. There are immanent transcendence in the origin of his Literature and his own ideas. Therefor, at this thesis, we found that the origin of poetic imagination in Lee Sang-hwa’s literature is based on the oriental and traditional thoughts. Especially, when we searched Lee Sang-hwa’s biography, we found that he was related to the people who had Chondo-kyo belief. Such thoughts appeared his literary theory or in his prototypes. His literary criticism and poetry reveal the color of Korean folk faith, Shamanism and Donghak's succession. In his poetry text, the words such as 'heaven', 'spirit', 'sword' and 'cave' are frequently used. And these words are used to reveal the aspects of 'Immanent transcendence' observed wholy. This aspect can not be clarified in the existing discourse and is only explained within the horizon of the traditional thoughts. This study enables us to confirm that Lee-Sanghwa has built his own poetry system on the basis of traditional philosophy which is not influenced by the currents in the various ideal flows of the 1920s. In addition, it has a significance in that it can broaden the horizon of the new interpretation in reading the Lee-Sanghwa’s literature.

      • 녹동균 세포외막 단백질 백신 CFC-1-101의 안정성 및 면역원성 검토 : 임상 제 Ⅰ/Ⅱa상 시험

        장인진,김익상,유경상,임동석,김형기,신상구,장우현,박완제,이나경,정상보,안동호,조양제,안보영,이윤하,김영지,남성우,김현수 대한감염학회 1998 감염 Vol.30 No.3

        목적 : 제일제당에서는 녹농균의 세포외막 단밸질을 유효성분으로 하는 백신인 CFC-101을 개발하였으며, 동물시험에서 이 백신의 안전성과 유효성을 입증하였다. 본 연구에서는 이 녹농균 백신의 인체에 대한 안전성과 면역원성을 평가하는 동시에 인체 접종시의 최적 투여 용량을 결정하기 위하여 제 I/Ⅱa상 임상시험을 수행하였다. 방법 : 건강한 성인 남자를 피험자로 선별하여 각 용량군에 백신투여자 6명, 위약투여자 2명을 배정하였다. 백신 투여군은 0.25mg, 0.5mg 또는 1.0mg 용량의 녹농균 백신을 7일 간격으로 3회에 걸쳐 근육주사 하였으며, 위약 투여군에게는 세포외막 단백질을 제외한 동일한 성분을 투여하였다. 백신접종 후 국소적 또는 전신적인 반응의 발생여부를 관찰하고, 혈액시료를 체취하여 백신의 역가와 유효성을 검정하였다. 결과 : 녹농균 백신 CFC-101은 모든 접종자에서 양호한 내약성을 보였다. 또한 0.5mg 과 1.0mg 백신 투여군에서는 100%의 항체양전율을 나타내었다. 생성된 항체는 녹농균 세포외막단백질에 특이성을 보였고, 녹농균 감염에 대해 방어효능이 있었다. 결론 : 이와같은 결과로부터 이 녹농균 백신은 인체에 안전하게 투여할 수 있으며, 높은 항체 생성능으로 감염방어 효능을 보이고 0.5mg과 1.0mg이 최적용량인 것으로 판단되었다. Background : We developed a Pseudomonas aeruginosa outer membrane protein(OMP) vaccine CFC-101, and the prophylactic efficacy of which has been demonstrated in animal models. In order to evaluate the safety and immunogenicity of the P. aeruginosa vaccine, we carried out a phase I/Ⅱa clinical trial in healthy male volunteers. Methods : Groups of eight volunteers, including two placebo subjects, were vaccinated intramuscularly with three doses of 0.25, 0.5 or 1.0 mg of the vaccine at one week intervals. Sings of systemic and local reactions observed after vaccination were recorded for each vaccinee for 5 days. Physical examinations were performed on days 0, 1, 7, 8, 14, 15, 21, and 42, and clinical laboratory tests were done on days 0, 3, and 21. Blood samples for assay of serum antibody levels were obtained up to 42 days after the first vaccination. Results : The vaccine was generally well tolerated by all vaccinees, showing no significant side effects. In the three dosage groups, all vaccinees, except one receiving the 0.25 mg dose, showed significant elevation in serum IgG antibody titers against the vaccine proteins, indicating 100% seroconversion in 0.5 and 1.0 mg groups. The human antibodies induced by the vaccine were specific for P. aeruginosa OMPs, as confirmed by western blot analysis and immunoprecipitation assays. The capacity of the human antisera to enhance opsonophagocytic killing activity by polymorphonuclear leukocytes and to confer protection against P. aeruginosa infections indicates that the antibodies elicited by the vaccine have protective efficacy. Conclusion : We conclude that the P. aeruginosa OMP vaccine is safe and effective for human use and its optimal dose to be 0.5 or 1.0 mg.

      • 신라화랑도의 신체사상과 신체운동에 관한 연구

        유영철,한승환 부천대학 2002 論文集 Vol.23 No.-

        화랑도의 신체사상과 신체운동을 고찰한 바 그것을 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 『삼국사기』 의 윈화제도, 검군조 『삼국유사』 의 미륵선화조에서 살펴본 바와 같이 신라의 화랑도들은 아름다운 신체미를 추구하고 아울러 절의, 결백, 정직 등의 덕목을 실천하려고 하였다. 화랑도의 신체사상은 아름다운 신체와 아름다운 마음의 조화를 추구하는 신심불분리론적 신체사상을 나타내고 있다. 2. 화랑도의 신체운동에는 가무, 편력, 무술, 수렵등이 있으며 이를 통하여 강하고도 아름다운 신심을 형성하려고 하였다. 화랑도들은 신체운동을 통하여 신심을 단련하여 국가유사시에는 청년전사가 되었으며 전장에 있어서는 언제나 선두에 서서 싸워 신라가 삼국을 통일하는데 크나큰 원동력이 되었다. A Study on the Physical Thought and Activity of Hwarang in Silla The purpose of this study is to investigate the philosophy of the body and physical activities in silla. Conclusions are summarized as follow; 1. The Hwarang in Silla pursues the realifation of the integrity, the purity and the honesty. Physical thought for the Hwarang manifests the unity of the body and the mind. 2. The physical activity of Hwarang relies on singing, dancing, pilgrimage, milgritary arts and hunting for the formulation of a strong and beautiful unity of the body and mind. For the emergence time, the Hwarang accomplished the military acts consisting the young-warrior, and gave the motivating force to the unification of the Silla.

      • 고분자 전해질에 의한 濁度除去에 관한 연구

        劉成桓 관동대학교 1986 關大論文集 Vol.14 No.2

        上水道의 水源으로 利用되는 自然水를 凝集시키기 위하여, 電解物質인 Polmer를 Alum과 함께 凝集補助劑로 使用할 때의 最適量과 處理效率을 比較하였다. 實驗을 위하여 自然水에 진흙(Clay) 입자를 함께 섞어서 사용하였고, 凝集補助劑로는 美國 Calgon회사의 Polymer를 使用하였다. 實驗結果 Polymer는 自然水의 凝集을 위하여 Alum과 함께 使用할 경유, 濁度除去率의 향상과 沈澱時間의 단축에 매우 效果的인 反面, Polymer自體만으로 凝集劑로 使用은 Alum만으로의 結果보다 效果的이 아님을 보였다. 本 實驗에 使用된 自然水에 對한 最大의 除去는 Alum 20㎎/ℓ에 Cationic Polymer 10∼15㎎/ℓ를 投入한 때로 나타났다. The polyelectrolytes were used as a coagulant or coagulant aids with Alum in order to evaluate various polymers for the clarification of natural water including the turbid suspension such as clay on rainy season and to determine the optimum dosage of a given polyelectrolyte. For experiment, a natural water was collected and suspensions of clay were mixed. In addition, the commercial powder polymers, manufactured by Calgon Company, were used as flocculant aids. The results of the experiment showed that polymer, as a flocculant aids, was very effective with Alum, that is, high-efficience and reduction of settling time, whereas it without Alum was not more effective than Alum only at natural water. The optimum dosages on natural water were determined in the range of 10-15mg/1 Cationic polymer with 20mg/1 of Alum.

      • 자재소요계획용 유연정보시스템 개발사례에 관한 연구

        유대훈,이양우,조성훈,고창성 경성대학교 생산기술연구소 1997 생산기술연구지 Vol.4 No.-

        This study suggests a procedure for construction flexible information systems for material requirement planning(MRP) under the circumstances of small and medium enterprises. To this end, a methodology in algorithmic expression is presented, in which learning curve is applied for calculating the practical lead-time, and real-time calculation of inventory for parts is performed condering all possible situations occurred in manufacturing as well as procurement sites. Finally, a case study is carried out for a small and medium enterprise producing several type of valves for ships in order to demonstrate the procedure proposed.

      • 入力電流의 高調波 低減을 위한 새로운 다이리스터 整流回路의 개발

        柳喆魯,金聖中,李公熙,李星龍,高榮浩 全北大學校 1987 論文集 Vol.29 No.-

        The harmonics involved in input AC line currents of thyristor rectifier apparatus have recently been a serious problem in the cause of burning power condenser, mis-action of UFR(protective relay), and trouble of the automatic voltage controller, etc, in the sending or distribution electric power system. As an effective counter-measure for this, the method of having switching taps on the conventional interphase reactor and its artificial utilization have been adapted, as we know. The conventional 3 tap method, however, is not achieved an effect of reducing harmonics under firing angle 15˚. In this paper, a new method of reducing harmonics involved in input AC line currents or output DC voltage of rectifier circuit is presented, which is due mainly to the equipment of the 2-3 switching taps on interphase reactor. Thereofre, main contents of this study are the following three items; 1) optimal number of taps 2) optimal turn ratio of interphase reactor 3) optimal control angle of interphase reactor.

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