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        흰 쥐 모델에서 지연재식 시 dexamethasone과 OP-1의 표면처리가 치주조직 재생 및 항흡수 작용에 미치는 효과

        권오택,금기연,이승종 대한치과보존학회 2001 Restorative Dentistry & Endodontics Vol.26 No.4

        본 연구를 종합하면 통계학적인 유의차는 없었으나 OP-1에 비해서는 DEX로 처치한 군에서 더 많은 골유합이 나타났으며 고농도의 OP-1으로 처치한 군에서는 골유합 없이 치주재생이 일어나는 부위가 많이 관찰되었다. 그러나 차후에는 DEX나 OP-1이 치주조직 내의 어느 세포에 어떠한 기전으로 작용하는지 분자생물학적인 방법을 통하여 규명하고 이를 토대로 치주인대의 손상 후 야기되는 골성 유합을 줄이는 효과적인 치료약제나 방법을 개발하는 연구가 계속적으로 이루어져야 할 것으로 사료되며 6주 이상의 재식기간 후 각 약제의 조직학적 반응을 평가하기 위한 실험도 추가되어야 할 것으로 사료된다. 태생 40일 된 Spray-Dolwey계 흰 쥐의 상악 제1대구치를 발거하고 30분간 자연건조시킨 뒤 MB치근을 Caviton으로 근관충전하고 MB 치근표면에 DEX와 OP-1을 농도를 달리하여 도포한 후 재식하고 3주후 골 및 백악질의 재형성과 치주재생 및 치근 흡수 방지효과를 관찰한 결과 고농도의 OP-1이 조직학적인 관찰에서 치근흡수, 골성 유합 및 염증 정도에서 가장 우수한 결과를 보여주었고 치주 재생능력 면에서도 가장 뛰어난 것으로 나타났으나 추후에는 6주 이상의 장기관찰 후 각 약제의 조직학적 반응도를 평가하기 위한 실험이 추가되어야 할 것으로 사료된다.

      • 흉막삼출의 유무에 따른 쯔쯔가무시증 환자간의 비교

        권세훈,김형호,강지인,하재하,한경택,이재록,김동민,권용은,윤성호,이승일 朝鮮大學校 附設 醫學硏究所 2007 The Medical Journal of Chosun University Vol.32 No.1

        Scrub typhus is a potentially fatal infectious disease caused by the organism Orientia tsutsugamushi. Clinical manifestations are fever, skin rash, eschar and varying degree of respiratory distress. The pleural effusion in scrub typhus is rare and secondary to the destruction of vascular endothelium. Because the respiratory symptoms are generally mild and the pleural effusion in scmb typhus is rare than in interstitial pneumonia, there are few comments about the characteristics of scmb typhus with pleural effusion. So we made the comparative study of scmb typhus patients between with pleural effusion and without pleural effusion. 연구배경 치명적일 수 있는 감염질환 중 하나인 쯔쯔가무시중(Scrub typhus)에서 드문 흉막삼출을 동반한 환자에 대한 고찰은 다른 문헌에서도 자주 언급되지 않았다. 따라서 본 저자들은 흉막삼출이 있는 경우와 없는 경우에 따른 쯔쯔가무시중 환자들을 비교하고자 하였다. 방법 2003년에서 2006년까지 조선대학교 병원 내과에 입원중인 환자 중 쯔쯔가무시중 진단을 받은 총 109명의 환자를 대상으로 하여 흉부 X선 검사 및 혈청학적 검사(CPK, LDH, ESR, CRP, AST, ALT, ADA), 혈액학적 검사(WBC, PLT) 및 백분율 검사등을 실시하였다. 결과 흉막삼출이 있는 환자들의 경우 흉막 삼출이 없는 환자들에 비해 ESR 수치가 통계학적으로 의의있게 높았다(p-vaule < 0.05). 결론 흉막삼출 유무에 따른 쯔쯔가무시중 환자간의 비교에 있어 ESR 수치가 통계학적인 의의를 가졌다.

      • Capsaicin 사전 투여에 의한 흰쥐의 공격성 감소 및 자율적 체온조절의 결손

        박순권,홍승길,나흥식,김현택 한국심리학회 한국심리학회지 생물 및 생리 Vol.7 No.1

        capsaicin 사전 처치가 흰쥐의 공격성과 체온조절에 미치는 영향을 알아보았다. 생후 6주경에 capsaicin을 피하주사하였고, 완전히 성숙한 후에 공격성 및 체온조절 기능을 검사하였다. 실험 1의 공격성 검사 결과 capsaicin 처치동물들의 공격성은 통제동물보다 낮았는데, 이것은 선행 연구의 결과와 상반된다. 체온조절 기능을 알아본 실험 2에서는 capsaicin 처치동물들이 37℃ 및 40℃ 조건에서 과체온과 빠른 체온증가를 보여주었다. 이것은 출생 직후 또는 성숙한 후에 약물을 투여한 선행연구들과 일치되는 결과이다. 따라서 capsaicin이 체온조절에 미치는 영향은 투여 시기와 무관한 것 같다. 논의에서는 본 연구의 두 가지 결과를 시상하부와 관련시켜 해석하였다. The present study was designed to examine effects of capsaicin administration on aggressive behaviors and autonomic thermoregulation in rats. In six-week-old rat, capsaicin was injected subcutaneously on 4 consecutive days in increasing doses(20㎎/㎏, 30㎎/㎏, 30㎎/㎏, 50㎎/㎏) to total of 150㎎/㎏ of the drug. The controls were treated in the same way with vehicle alone. Two experments began six or eight weeks after the treatment. In experiment 1, isolation-induced agressive behaviors, scored a 10-min session in the dyadic situation, were significantly decreased by capsaicin pretreatment. This result was not in accord with the previous findings. In experiment 2, body temperature of the capsaicin-treated rats increased more than the control's at two amibient temperatures studied(37℃ and 40℃). Our result concerning thermoregulation supports the preceding studies that applied to the capsaicin-treated animals as neonate or adult. Thus, it is likely that the effect of capsaicin treatment on thermoregulation has nothing to do with the age of capsaicin injection. The capsaicin effects from this study were compared with hypothalamic lesion effects in the discussion part.

      • 폐흡충에 의한 무균성 노흉에 대한 돼지꼬리형 도관(pig-tail catheter)을 이용한 치료의 효과

        한경택,권세훈,김형호,하재화,선길홍,권용은,윤성호,이승일 朝鮮大學校 附設 醫學硏究所 2006 The Medical Journal of Chosun University Vol.31 No.3

        Background: Pulmonary paragonimiasis is caused by consumption of raw or improperlycooked crustacea infected with the laval stage (metacercaria) of Paragonimus westermani. The most characteristic symptoms were rust-colored sputum and cough. Paragonimiasis causes pleural thickening or effusion in 48% of the patients. Pleuro-pulmonary paragonimiasis can be easily overlooked by physicians who do not suspect this disease in the differential diagnosis. Method: We compared the outcomes of 11 patients with paragonimus empyema managed either through thoracotomy or pig-tail catheter drain. These patients were confirmed by food history, clinical and radiological findings, and laboratory data. Results: The male and female ratio was 1.75 : 1, and mean age was 40.0 ± 13.5 years. AII patients had pulmonary symptoms such as cough or chest pain. Serum-ELISA for paragonimiasis were all positive (mean titer was 0.57). AII patients had pleural effusion in radiological findings( 2 patients had bilateral pleural effusion). All patients received praziquantel (75 ㎎/㎏/day for 3days). Two patients were treated with thoracotomy and nine patients were treated with pig-tail drain. Hospital stay were 14.5 days in thoracotomy group and 5.6 days in pig-tail group respectively, Conclusion: Compared to the conventional thoracotomy grouP, the patients with paragonimus empyema who received pig-tail catheters had a significantly-decreased period of drain in situ, were clinically improved earlier, and were discharged earlier.

      • Capsaicin이 성숙한 흰쥐의 통각반응과 open-field 행동에 미치는 영향

        박순권,김현택,나흥식,홍승길 한국심리학회 한국심리학회지 생물 및 생리 Vol.7 No.1

        성숙한 흰쥐에게 전신계로 투여한 capsaicin(150㎎/㎏)이 개방장(open-field)행동과 통각반응의 역치 및 반응잠재기에 미치는 효과를 알아보았다. 첫째, open-field행동에는 capsaicin의 효과가 관찰되지 않았는데 이것은 capsaicin이 흰쥐의 정서반응성과 운동기능에는 영향을 미치지 않음을 의미하는 것이다. 둘째, capsaicin 투여에 의해 열자극에 대한 앞발 및 뒷발핥기의 역치는 변화되지 않았으나, 뛰어오르기의 역치는 증가되었다. 또한 역치 이상의 열자극에 대한 뒷발핥기 반응의 잠재기도 capsaicin 투여에 의해 증가되었다. 이 결과는 비교적 약한 열자극에 대한 적응반응에는 capsaicin이 영향을 미치지 않으나 강한 열자극에 대한 대처반응에는 영향을 미치는 것으로 해석된다. We investigated the effects of capsaicin(s.c. 150㎎/㎏) on the open-field behaviors and the thresholds and latency of nociceptive responses in adult rats. Results are as follows. 1) Capsaicin did not affect open-field behaviors. It hints that capsaicin did not alter the emotionality and motor function of rats. 2) Whereas the threshold of jumping was elevated, those of fore and hind paw licking were not in animals treated with capsaicin. Capsaicin also enhanced hind paw licking latency to thermal stimulus over thershold in hot plate test. These results suggest that capsaicin affects the coping reaction to strong thermal stimulus, but not adaptive reaction to mild stimulus, in adult rats.

      • 수용성 Polymer-metal Complex의 형성과 중합 개시제로서의 활용성에 관한 연구(Ⅰ)

        맹기석,송해영,권오승,황명천,황택성 충남대학교 공업교육연구소 1983 論文集 Vol.6 No.2(B)

        The formation of Water-Soluble Poly(Methacrylic acid) (PMA) and poly (acrylamide) (PAAm)-Cu(II) complexes was achieved at various PH. The structures and the optimum conditions for the formation of complexes have been determined through UV, IR and viscosity measurements. In addition, it was found that they can be used as an initiator for vinyl type monomers. Formed polymer-metal complexes are the most stable at around PH=7 and therefore give rise to maximum absorbance in UV spectrum. As PH is increased the conformation of polymer-metal complexes has become more compact. This can be explained in terms of decreasing viscosity with increasing PH. It was also observed that the function as an initiator of the polymer-metal complexes is very active at around PH=7 and the complexes can polymerize vinyl type monomers up to 10% Conversion. These results can explain the fact that the stable complexes were formed at around PH=7 and the formed complexes can be used as good initiators.

      • 자발성 뇌교출혈 환자의 예후에 관한 임상 분석

        조재영,석종식,민병국,권정택,최덕영,황성남,김영백,박승원 중앙대학교 의과대학 의과학연구소 2002 中央醫大誌 Vol.27 No.1

        Patients with spontaneous pontine hemorrhage very often develop setvere disturbances of consciousness,pupilary abnormalities, respiratory and motor. They have high mortality rate. Therefore, I analyzed the correlation between the Glasgow outcome scale(GOS)and clincial manifestations or computed tomographic(CT)findings in 48 patients with spontaneous pontine hemorrhage to clarify factors predicting the prognosis. I examined 48 Patients with spontaneous pontine hemorrhage; 33 males and 15 females, age 54.6±8.99(mean±S.D.;range 39 to 68)brought to our hospital between January 1995 and December 1999, retrospectively. Correlations between the clinical manifestations, CT findings and the GOS was assessed with multivariate regression analysis. The results were as follow: 1) Patients with the pontine hemorrhage were of 8.8% in those with intracerebral hemorrhage. The ratio of male and female was 33 to 15. The incidence of age is eqial to 40,50 and 60. Total mortality was 41.6%. 2) The poor prognostic factor were that; Glasgow coma scale(GCS)3∼8, irregular respiration. pupilary abnormality, quadriplegia, Brain CT typeⅠ(massive), hydrocephalus, extrapontine extension, Intraventricular hemorrhage(IVH). These clinical analysis should be useful in determining the level of care and future resuscitative efforts.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Acute Pulmonary Toxicity and Body Distribution of Inhaled Metallic Silver Nanoparticles

        Kwon, Jung-Taek,Minai-Tehrani, Arash,Hwang, Soon-Kyung,Kim, Ji-Eun,Shin, Ji-Young,Yu, Kyeong-Nam,Chang, Seung-Hee,Kim, Dae-Seong,Kwon, Yong-Taek,Choi, In-Ja,Cheong, Yun-Hee,Kim, Jun-Sung,Cho, Myung-Ha Korean Society of ToxicologyKorea Environmental Mu 2012 Toxicological Research Vol.28 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to determine the acute pulmonary toxicity of metallic silver nanoparticles (MSNPs, 20.30 nm in diameter). Acute pulmonary toxicity and body distribution of inhaled MSNPs in mice were evaluated using a nose-only exposure chamber (NOEC) system. Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid analysis, Western blotting, histopathological changes, and silver burdens in various organs were determined in mice. Mice were exposed to MSNPs for 6 hrs. The mean concentration, total surface area, volume and mass concentrations in the NOEC were maintained at $1.93{\times}10^7$ particles/$cm^3$, $1.09{\times}10^{10}\;nm^2/cm^3$, $2.72{\times}10^{11}\;nm^3/cm^3$, and 2854.62 ${\mu}g/m^3$, respectively. Inhalation of MSPNs caused mild pulmonary toxicity with distribution of silver in various organs but the silver burdens decreased rapidly at 24-hrs post-exposure in the lung. Furthermore, inhaled MSNPs induced activation of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling in the lung. In summary, single inhaled MSNPs caused mild pulmonary toxicity, which was associated with activated MAPK signaling. Taken together, our results suggest that the inhalation toxicity of MSNPs should be carefully considered at the molecular level.

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