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        이청준 소설의 ‘정동’ 연구 : <당신들의 천국>을 중심으로

        정미숙(Mi-suk Jeong) 한국비평이론학회 2022 비평과이론 Vol.27 No.1

        이 글은 이청준 소설의 대표작인 <당신들의 천국>을 대상으로 ‘정동’(affect) 연구를 목표로 한다. <당신들의 천국>은 ‘문둥이’라고 불리는 한센인을 주요 작중인물로 삼아 소록도에서의 그들의 삶을 다루고 있다. <당신들의 천국>의 고유한 특성과 치열한 주제 의식은 ‘문둥이들’의 몸에서 비롯한 ‘정동’에 있다. ‘정동’은 몸을 가진 자들 사이에서 발생하고 그들과 관계 맺는 세계와 영향을 주고받으면서 심화, 확장되는 감정이자 총체적 행동 양식인 까닭이다. 정동의 발생과 전이, 생성과 소멸 과정을 추적하면서 <당신들의 천국>이 담보한 정동 정치와 소설 미학적 의미를 새롭게 발견할 수 있을 것이다. ‘소록도’를 지배하는 정동은 ‘문둥이’라는 아픈 몸에서 발생한다. ‘문둥이’라고 불리는 기괴한(uncanny) 몸은 소외와 핍박의 삶을 살아갈 수밖에 없는 원인이자 결과이다. ‘문둥이’라는 몸이 발현하는 절망적 공포의 정동은 외부의 자극적 시선과 착취에 노출되면서 ‘잔혹’으로 변형된다. 잔혹이란 공격적 정동은 성기 도려냄, 단종수술, 강간으로 표출된다. 탈출/자살과도 연계된다. 잔혹한 정동 서사는 소록도를 지배하는 비극적 정동이다. 조원장은 ‘축구’ 시합 참여와 ‘소록도를 탈출하자’는 도발적인 제안으로 원생들에게 자신감과 욕망이란 정동을 불어넣고자 한다. 원생들은 축구를 통해 몸을 증명하고 자신감으로 활력을 되찾는 듯 하였으나 바다 간척이라는 난제 앞에 좌절한다. 무리한 노동 과정에서 잇따르는 사고와 죽음은 문둥이 주제에 욕심을 내었다는 수치심과 원한으로 깊어진다. 뜨겁게 함께 맹세한 동지 의식은 부정되고 문둥이와 건강인으로 몸은 다시 구분된다. 몸에 갇힌 그들의 꿈은 미완의 정동 정치에 그친다. 조백헌이 사라진 소록도는 젊은이들이 주축이 되어 한 변화를 일궈낸다. ‘서미연’은 소록도 변화를 표상한다. 그녀는 수세적인 정념 너머 자유와 욕망이란 열린 정동 자세를 취하고 실천한다. 서미연은 허구의 장벽(문둥이 혐오)을 허구의 전략으로 넘어서고자 한다. 온 마을 사람들의 동경의 시선을 기꺼이 감내하며 ‘혼인 잔치’를 축제의 마당으로 바꾸는데 주연(主演)을 자처한다. 소록도의 신화는 이곳에 사는 원생들과 서미연으로 대표되는 지성과 용기를 겸비한 젊은이들, 그리고 손님처럼 스며든 조백헌을 비롯한 타자들이 모여 일구어 나가고 있다. This study aimed to research ‘affect’ in Lee Cheong-jun’s novel, Your Heaven. Here, the affect indicates an emotion in connection with the bodies of lepers. It underlies the unique characteristics and strong theme of the novel. Tracking the generation and transition of that emotion would help determine the politics of affect as an outlet to communication and reconciliation, clarify aesthetics of Lee Cheong-jun’s novels, and find out a new contemporary meaning of those writings. Set in Sorokdo, the novel depicts that patriarch Hwang is a typical figure who reveals what the most dominant affect of the island is really like. Inmates in the island are people who were living under alienation and suppression. By the way, they even faced fear as their bodies got caught in an uncanny situation, that is, Hansen’s disease. That fear is then essentially changed to cruelty which is the very affect that is a divine punishment forced by leprosy and an emotion that dominates Sorokdo. Hard to adapt himself to such unique emotion, Cho Baek-hyeon starts so-called affect politics in order to revitalize Sorokdo. Under a provocative motto ‘Escape Soroko’, he urges his inmates to participate in football games, seeking to imbue a different affect in them who are bodily abnormal. For the inmates, the biggest motive for playing football is their aspiration to demonstrate how still well their bodies are functional, which also has something to do with the future of their offspring. The aspiration ends up in being half successful. Playing football makes the patients restore trust in themselves. But it fails to encourage them to cross the ocean. Moreover, natural disasters become another barrier. In despair, the inmates are getting to feel more resentment and hatred. Consequently, affect politics finishes unaccomplished. Cho Baek-hyeon comes back to Sorokdo, and finds that gradual progress is being made there despite prejudice and conflicts still remain. He discovers that the island is not like a kingdom ruled by chief of the hospital any more, but becoming a place of harmony with dreams of new order. Marriage between Yun Hae-won and Seo Mi-yeon is the most representative and compelling incident of how Sorokdo is changing. Seo Mi-yeon is planning a wedding party at her own will and following her own desire. Based on the plans, she is active and confident in transforming Sorokdo into a whole large village of new communal identity without dividing parts of the island depending on whether they are for patients or non-patients. Now, Sorokodo is writing new myths of its own thanks to joint efforts from the inmates, intellectual and courageous young persons including Seo Mi-yeon, Cho Baek-hyeon who came in like a guest, but got involved, and ourselves.

      • KCI등재후보

        오정희 소설과 노년 표상의 시점시학

        정미숙(Jeong, Mi-suk) 부경대학교 인문사회과학연구소 2013 인문사회과학연구 Vol.14 No.2

        오정희는 노년의 다양한 층위를 표상하기 위해 시점 전략을 구사한다. 오정희의 대표적인 노년소설은 ‘남성노인’이 시점의 주체가 되어 노년의 무력한 삶을 고백하면서 시작된다. 노인이 시점 주체인 고백적 화자는 노년의 고독과 소외를 내밀하고 정치하게 들려준다. 노인의 불편한 몸과 정서적 소외가 부각되고 독거노인에 대한 사회적 관심을 야기한다. 여성노인의 경우는 노인과 혈연으로 얽힌 화지(‘손녀’)에 의해 그려지는데, 가족 내에서 의 그녀의 위치와 젠더수행을 중심으로 표상된다. 젠더공간인 가정에서 할머니는 자신의 역할을 헌신적으로 수행한다. 할머니는 실질적인 모성인 ‘씨앗 주머니’로 손녀의 성장과 정체성에 지대한 영향을 미친다. 가족의 구도에서 벗어나 노인을 객관적으로 조명하는 화자에 의해 ‘노인’의 의미가 새롭게 정립된다. ‘노인’은 무력한 몸적 존재가 아닌 예지와 경험을 갖춘 정신력의 소유자로 자리매김한다. 노인은 통행하는 화자에게 진정한 삶의 자세를 성찰하는 계기를 마련한다. The purpose of this study is to use the poetics of viewpoint to completely supplement a stratum of old age that is represented in Oh, Jeong-Hee's Novel. For this study, tills researcher focused on an old man who is one of others appeared in that novel. Oh, Jeong-Hee took a viewpoint strategy to represent different stratums of old age. A representative novel that she wrote about the old generation, starts from 'an old man' who confesses how much his old days are powerless as he leads the viewpoint of that novel. He as the speaker has kinship with an old woman as another character. That woman is represented based on her position and roles in her family. The speaker views the woman objectively and sympathize with her beyond the frame of the family, providing reflection on the roles and meaning of old age and her and the attitudes of true life. Leading the viewpoint of the novel, the revealing speaker say privately but clearly about the loneliness and alienation of old years. This has the bodily inability and emotional alienation of old people come into the spotlight. It also make lots of social attention paid to aged persons living in solitude. Meanwhile, the old woman is so different. She plays lots of different roles at home as a gender space. Throu호out the novel, the old woman is accompanied and objectively viewed by the speaker who is not bloodily related with her, in which she reveals her own unique foresight that is in turn noticed and sympathized with by others. This gets us to be aware of 'an old person' existing inside us and have the time to accept that person with 'hospitality'.

      • KCI등재

        시점시학으로 본 여성소설의 특징

        정미숙(Mi Suk Jeong) 한국현대소설학회 2000 현대소설연구 Vol.- No.13

        This paper intends to study of narrative point of view in Korean modern women´s novel. The direct and important motive for this research is due to the difference of discourse between women and men. The former research for the point of view couldn´t concentrate on the particularity in women´s novel. Because they regard ´the point of view´ as the partly factor or inclusive form in text. But ´the point of view´is not partly factor or inclusive form but moving action and strategy. It can link the writer, reader and discourse and contains the entireness of discourse. In this standpoint, point of view has personality, and appears the difference type in each text. In addition to this, the self who speaks point of view in text is the most important problem as the self of discourse. In women´s novel, ´Gender´is important content in analysis of ´point of view´. So I analyzed the novel of Kyang Keong-ea(강경애), Park Kyeong-li(박경리), Park Woan-sea(박완서), Youn Jeong-mo(윤정모), O Jeong-hee(오정희) by point of view, the same method, Moreover I established the characteristic on women´s novel by put together these analysis. Finally I can find out character of modern Korean women´s novel. Those are abstracted three pieces articles. 'The Point of View in Fundamental Structure'. 'The Point of View in The Situation and Reading Women´s ldentity'.

      • KCI등재

        성별화된 빈곤과 사회적 배제 : 저소득 여성가구주의 빈곤대응 방식을 중심으로

        정미숙 이화여자대학교 한국여성연구원 2008 여성학논집 Vol.25 No.2

        이 논문은 저소득 여성가구주의 빈곤대응 방식을 중심으로 이들이 경험하는 빈곤의 성별적 특성과 배제의 다차원적 차원을 분석하고자 하였다. 이를 위하여 저소득 여성가구주 10명을 심층면접한 자료를 분석하였다. 여성가구주들은 저임금과 고용불안정 그리고 장기간의 실업에 의해 노동시장으로부터 배제를 경험하고 있다. 그러나 빈곤층이 되기 이전의 삶의 경험에 따라서 빈곤에 대응하는 방식에서 차이를 나타내고 있다. 어린시절부터 가난했으며 성인이 된 이후에도 빈곤한 여성들은 고된 노동의 반복과 심리적인 고통으로 생존의 유일한 수단인 건강을 잃을 가능성이 높은 반면, 빈곤층으로 유입된 여성들은 달라진 자신의 사회적 지위를 수용해야 하는 과정에서 상당한 정체성 갈등을 겪고 있다. 이와 함께 배우자의 양육비 지급 불이행, 보육 서비스 지원이 미약한 조건에서 자녀양육에 대한 책임을 여성가구주 혼자 떠맡게 되면서 빈곤에 더욱 취약하게 되었다. 자녀양육 책임에 의한 배제는 직종선택 제약, 자녀들의 교육기회 박탈로 연결되면서 빈곤의 세습화 가능성이 나타났다. 또한 가족 내에서 배제되어 왔던 경험은 가족 신화에 의한 배제와 맞물리면서 사회적 고립과 자아배제로 나타났다. 지지집단의 부재는 이들이 성차별적인 노동시장 구조에 맞서 싸울 힘을 갖기 어렵게 하는 또 하나의 차별로 나타났다. 이러한 연구결과는 여성들이 경험하는 빈곤은 단지 소득결핍이라는 물적 차원의 문제로만 환원될 수 없으며, 다차원적인 사회적 배제의 결과라는 점에서 정치적 임파워먼트를 포괄하는 통합적인 접근이 요구되어야 한다는 사실을 보여주고 있다. This article starts by questioning the existing view that poverty of the woman head of the household is caused by 'family disintegration'. So far the poverty of the woman head of the household has been approached as a social problem arising from desertion of the male breadwinner. The general conception that the poverty of the woman head of the household is the outcome of 'family disintegration' has made invisible the problem of gendered poverty. Therefore this article focuses on the problem of gendered poverty in terms of coping with poverty of the low-income woman head of the household. This study analyses the traits of gendered poverty through the life stories of ten women who are now heads of a household. The different exclusion experiences this study's participants had before they became part of the low-income class led to different interpretations of their situations and different responses toward them. For the women who had been poor since their childhood and are still poor in their adulthood, poverty was not the result of divorce, but divorce made visible what had been invisible. Poverty for them was something that had been accumulated through the years of their marriage, but not fully recognized until divorce. In the new members of the low-income class group women, poverty was a process that accompanied escape from the husband's control and authority, but it was also a process through which they experienced conflict in their identity. The work experience they ad before they became part of the low-income class plus the sexual discrimination of the labor market, the responsibility of raising the children and the myth of the family threatened the work right of the woman head of the household and aggravated their social isolation, thereby frustrating their efforts to come out of poverty. So far the social policy and social work programs regarding the woman head of the household have been centered around material and economic support. These women were approached in terms of defect, problem and deficiency. This study has its significance in that it calls for a change of perspective in order for the social support for the woman head of the household to be effective in helping her achieve independence.

      • KCI등재후보

        요양보호사 1급 교육생의 노인에 대한 지식과 태도와의 관계

        정미현,권선숙 노인간호학회 2009 노인간호학회지 Vol.11 No.1

        Purpose: This study was done to identify the knowledge and attitudes of certified caregiver trainees toward elders. Method: This study used a descriptive correlational research design. The participants were 304 certified caregiver trainees in North Jeolla Province. The instrument for this study was a scale on knowledge and attitudes toward elders. The collected data were analysed using SPSS WIN 12.0. Results: The average knowledge level for the participants was 9.87±2.53, and there were three areas regarding knowledge toward elders. The social area was scored at only 32.3%, which indicates that caregivers was not familiar with elders' social lives. The average attitudes level of participants was 40.88±4.22. Among general characteristic of the participants, level of knowledge was statistically significant for age, educational level, present living conditions and subjective attitudes toward elders. Attitudes were statistically significant for educational level and subjective knowledge toward elders. Knowledge and attitudes were positively correlated. Conclusion: It is necessary to increase knowledge and positive attitudes, to provide continuing education and apply various program for certified caregiver trainees.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • 생애주기비용과 계층적분석과정 기반의 최적 교량대안 선정

        장미숙,정근채 충북대학교 건설기술연구소 2004 建設技術論文集 Vol.23 No.1

        The value of a structural system is dependent on the performance and the cost. To increase the value of a structural system, we should increase the performance and decrease the cost at the same time. When selecting an adequate alternative among various candidates, we should consider criteria both in performance and cost. In this paper, we propose an Analytic Hierarchy Process based methodology for selecting the optimal bridge alternative among various candidate bridges, which consider multiple evaluation criteria simultaneously. The proposed selection methodology can give the optimal alternative by using not only general qualitative criteria such as sociality, shape and constructibility, but also quantitative criteria such as life cycle cost, structural stability, usability, and environment. However, the proposed methodology is difficult to use manually since it requires much information and complex analysis models. To overcome the lack of practical usability, we also propose a framework for a decision support system which can help the decision maker by using information technology. We expect that the proposed selection method and the decision support system framework can be used as a useful tool for initial planning of structural systems, especially bridges.

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