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      • KCI등재

        건강한 한국인 성인 남성에서 레보설피리드 제제의 생체이용률

        이정민,최성업,김희규,윤미경,김세희,염정록,최영욱 한국약제학회 2003 Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation Vol.33 No.3

        Pharmacokinetics and oral bioavailability of levosulpiride was determined in Korean healthy male volunteers. Thirty subjects received a single oral dose (25 ㎎) of a tablet in randomized 2×2 cross-over design. The plasma concentratons of levosulpiride were measured by HPLC and compared with those reported in the literature. Pharacokinetic parameters for Isomeric^(??) tablet (levosulpiride 25 ㎎) were revealed as follows: AUC _(inf) 737.1±176.9 ng·hr/ml, C_(max) 56.4±20.1 ng/ml, T_(max) 4.2±1.6hr, K_(a) 1.00±1.09 hr^(-1), K_(el) 0.08±0.02 hr^(-1), and t_(1/2) 8.8±1.9 hr. The rate constant of the absorption phase was obtained based on the first-order kinetics. In the aspect of bioavailability, Isomeric^(??) tablet was bioequivalent to the other product (Levopride^(?)tablet) available in the Korean market. Intersubject variations and race differences were shown in comparison with the published date in the literature, even though there ws a linear relationship between dose and extent of bioavailability.

      • KCI등재

        통합여수시 지역주민의 삶의 질 변화와 도시발전의 과제

        이정록,이상석,추명희 한국경제지리학회 1999 한국경제지리학회지 Vol.2 No.1-2

        본 연구는 통합여수시를 사례로 도시생활환경의 측정 및 삶의 질 변화에 대한 도시민의 인식·평가의 변화를 설문조사를 통해 살펴보았고, 이를 바탕으로 지역주민의 삶의 질을 향상시킬 수 있는 정책적 대안을 제시하였다. 통합여수시의 삶의 질은 5년 전에 비해서 전체적으로 삶의 질은 향상된 것으로 분석되었다. 그러나 삶의 질에 관한 9개 지표 중에서 주거생활, 도시행정 및 편의서비스 등은 5년전보다 상대적으로 향상된 반면, 자연환경, 문화 및 여가생활, 교통환경 등은 나빠진 것으로 평가하였다. 그리고 여수시민들은 통합여수시의 지속적인 발전을 도모하기 위해서는 교통문제, 문화 및 여가시설의 확충 등이 주요한 과제라고 인식하였고, 21세기의 통합여수시가 해양관광도시, 교육문화도시로 발전하기를 선호하였다. 따라서 여수대도시권을 구축을 위한 주요 과제로는 경제기반시설의 확충, 워터프런트의 개발 및 보전, 관광산업의 활성화, 시민중심의 도시경관 조성, 지역문화운동의 전개 등이 필요한 것으로 밝혀졌다. This paper examines the change of quality of life in the Integrated Yosu City and suggests the directions of urban development. Research into the quality of life in local and region scale is interesting both from the point of view of theory and practice, and has attracted much attention in the social sciences since the 1960s. This study is an attempt to examine the change of the quality of life in the Integrated Yosu City. In the overall assessment o the level of satisfaction about the quality of life during the past five yeas, most of the respondents have positive evaluation of the changes of quality of urban life. In particular, the quality of living facilities, urban administration and convenience services has relatively improved during the past five years. On the other hand, the quality of physical environment, art and cultural opportunities, transportation options has been backward during the past five years. Therefore, the directions of urban development of the Integrated Yosu City may be summarized as follows; the establishment of a wide transportation network system., waterfront development, the activation of tourism industry and harbor works, the preparation of and urban landscape, the citizens' campaign for a community culture.

      • KCI등재

        항파상풍 톡소이드 주사후 항파상풍 항체 역가

        이한식,하영록,구홍두,장석준,심호식,김승환,이정운 대한응급의학회 1996 대한응급의학회지 Vol.7 No.2

        Objective : Tetanus decreased in prevalence since the systemic vaccination began in 1940s. Despite of the improvement in treatment like critical care with ventilatior or antibiotics, the mortality rate resides around 45%. Currently the tetanus prevention protocol recommends immunization in infancy and boosters every tenth years. Thereafter the immunization with toxoid only or toxoid plus immunoglobulin injections is recommended according to the type of injury. In most of ED in Korea, only tetanus immunoglobulin is given without any basis. Previously we proved the effect that passive immunization with the immunoglubulin 250 IU last long for only a month. At this time we measured the effect of the active immunization with toxoid and its effect was compared to the effect of the tetanus immunoglobulin to find out the logical tetanus prevention after an injury. Method: 20 healthy adult volunteers were injected with tetanus toxoid and their anti-tetanus antibody titers measured before the injection, 1 week and 4 weeks after the inection. No volunteers have taken any medication for chronic illness(e.g. hepatits, tuberculosis) or had an tetanus immunization or booster in the last 6 months. Antibody titers were measured by IMMUNOZYM??-TETANUS and t-test was performed on the results, Results: 1. Total 20 volunteers(12 males and 8 females) were participated. 2. Subjects` ages were 21 to 44 years old and there were no relevance to the antibody titer. 3. The antibody titers of before the anti-tetanus toxoid injection and 1 week, 4 weeks after the injection revealed significant difference and the antibody titers of the first and the forth week after the injection also showed a significant difference. Conclusion: Currently in Korea, the tetenus immunoglobulin 250 IU given alone as tetanus prevention was injected, but it did not elevate the anti-tetanus antibody titer for 4 weeks where as tetanus toxoid injected intramuscularly did significantly. Therefore, tetanus toxoid should be given on the dirty injuries with additional tetanus immunoglobulin injection to accomplish the correct method of tetanus, tetanus toxoid prevention.

      • 제1분과 : 국립공원 ; 오대산국립공원 열목어의 미소서식처 비교

        이승록 ( Seung Rok Lee1 ),김명철 ( Myung Cheol Kim ),정주학 ( Ju Hak Jeong ),박종남 ( Jong Nam Park ),김진재 ( Jin Jae Kim ) 한국환경생태학회 2013 한국환경생태학회 학술대회지 Vol.2013 No.2

        연어목 연어과에 속하는 열목어 Brachymystax lenok tsinlingensis는 냉수성 담수어류로 시베리아, 연해주, 흑룡강, 한국 등의 동북아시아 지역에 분포한다. 최근 들어 인위적인 서식지 파괴와 남획으로 개체수가 감소 추세에 있고 2012년 환경부 멸종위기 야생동식물Ⅱ급으로 지정되었다. 열목어의 서식처는 안정적인 집단유지의 중요한 요인으로 작용한다. 본 연구는 오대산국립공원내 열목어의 집단서 식지인 강원도 홍천군 내면 명개리계곡(명개리집단)과 강원도 평창군 진부면 월정사계곡(월정사집단)의 미소서식처를 비교하여 종 보존 및 서식처 복원에 필요한 기초자료를 확보하는데 목적이 있다. 조사는 2013년 5월, 8월, 10월에 시행하였고 서식처 특성을 파악하기 위해 하상구조, 수온, 수심, 유폭, 유속, 서식처길이, 동소종, 열목어 개체수, 저서무척추동물상을 파악하였다. 명개리집단 미소서식처의 하상구조는 암석(40%), 큰돌(10%), 작은돌(10%), 자갈(20%) 모래(20%)로 구성된 Aa type이었다. 하천의 최상류지역으로 여울과 소가 1회 이상반복적으로 확인되었다. 수온은 6.0~20.3℃이었고 수심은 0.9±0.5(0.4~2)m, 유폭은 6~11.3m, 유속은 4.6±3.9 (0.2~15.6)m/sec이었다. 서식처 길이는 41.8±10.8(32~56)m 이었다. 동소종은 미유기, 금강모치 2종이었다. 열목어는 조사시기마다 20개체 이상씩 확인되었고 수심이 깊고 유속이 빠른 폭포와 여울지점에 집중적으로 분포하였다. 저서무척추동물은 수서곤충이 92%로 대부분이었고, 하루살이목 13종(30%), 날도래목이 10종(23%)을 차지하였다. 월정사집단 미소서식처의 하상구조는 암석(50%), 큰돌(10%), 작은돌(20%), 자갈(10%) 모래(10%)로 구성된 Aa type으로 전형적인 하천의 최상류지역이었다. 수온은 5.1~21.3℃이었고 수심은 1.1±1.0(0.2~3)m, 유폭은 약5~20m, 유속은 6.9±5.2(0.7~14.6)m/sec이었다. 서식처 길이는 46.3±6.2(40~55)m이었다. 동소종은 미유기, 퉁가리, 산천어, 무지개송어, 꺽지, 둑중개, 쉬리, 새미, 가는돌고기, 돌고기, 금강모치, 대륙종개, 새코미꾸리의 13종이었다. 열목어는 5월에 3개체, 8월에 16개체, 10월에 8개체가 확인되 었고 수심이 깊고 유속이 빠른 지점에서 집중적으로 분포하였다. 저서무척추동물은 수서곤충이 94%로 대부분이었고 하루살이목 17종(30%), 강도래목과 파리목이 12종(21%)을 차지하였다. 두 지역을 비교해 보면 수온, 수심, 유폭, 유속, 서식처길이, 하상구조는 유사하였다. 열목어 개체군의 크기는 명개리집단이 높았고 열목어가 집중적으로 서식하는 지점의 하상구조는 명개리집단의 경우 자갈과 모래의 비율이 높은 반면에 월정사집단은 암반과 큰돌의 비율이 높았다. 또한 열목어의 난·자치어를 포식할 것으로 추정되는 동소 경쟁종도 월정사집단에서 많았다. 이러한 결과로 볼 때, 열목어개체군 크기는 서식처의 하상구조와 동소 경쟁어종의 영향을 받는 것으로 추정된다.

      • KCI등재

        LC-ESI-MS/MS를 이용한 생체시료 중 브롬화피나베리움의 고감도 분석 및 이를 이용한 생체이용률 평가 : Applicability to Oral Bioavailability Determination

        박석,이예리,김호현,이희주,김윤균,염정록,한상범 한국약제학회 2004 Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation Vol.34 No.6

        A sensitive method for quantification of pinaverium bromide in human plasma was established using liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometrv(LC-ESI-MS/MS). Glimepiride was used as internal standard. Pinaverium bromide and internal standard in plasma sample were extracted using tert-but}lmethvlether(TBME). A centrifuged upper laver was then evaporated and reconstituted with mobile phase of acetonitrile-5 m1VI ammonium formate (8020. pH 3.0). The reconstituted samples were injected into a C_(18) reversed-phase column. Using MS/MS with multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) mode. pinaverium and glimepirde were detected without severe interference from human plasma matrix. Pinaverium produced a protonated precursor ion ([M+H]^(+)) at m/z 510.3 and a corresponding product ion at m/z 228.9. Internal standard produced a protonated precursor ion ([M+H] ^(+)) at m/z 491.5 and a corresponding product ion at m/z 352.0. Detection of pinaverium bromide in human plasma was accurate and precise. with limit of quantitation at 0.5 ng/ml. The method has been successfully applied to bioavailability study of pinaverium bromide tablet in Korean healthy male volunteers. Pharmacokinetic parameters such as AUCr. C_(max) T_(max). K_(el) and t_(l/2) were calculated.

      • 자가골 이식과 골유착상 임프란트를 이용한 하악골 개선

        전주홍,박기광,조경엽,이상대,송정록 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1995 충남의대잡지 Vol.22 No.1

        Bony defects of mandible caused by trauma, infection, or tumor resection have been reconstructed by autologous bone graftings. These reconstruction can restore facial contour and integrity of the oral cavity. However, it is often necessary to reduce the bulk of bone to allow soft tissue coverage of the graft. Therefore, the construction of removable dentures in this situation is fraught with frustation. The use of osseointegrated implants is a method to allow improved anchorage and support for the successful fabrication of dental protheses. We report two cases of the use of osseointegrated implants of the Branemark type(3i), in conjunction with bone grafting to the lower jaw.

      • 분만 후 심한 저혈당이 동반된 림프구성 뇌하수체염 1예의 경과 관찰

        손장명,고승현,안유배,주강,이정록,양성은,송기호,손호영,전정수 대한내분비학회 2003 Endocrinology and metabolism Vol.18 No.3

        저자들은 출산 후 발생한 심한 저혈당을 주소로 내원한 31세 여자 환자에서 뇌 자기공명영상검사에서 뇌하수체종괴가 관찰되고 복합 뇌하수체 기능검사 결과전반적인 뇌하수체 기능저하증의 소견을 보여 림프구성 뇌하수체염을 진단하고, 호르몬 보충요법만으로 경과를 관찰하여 호전된 예를 경험하였기에 문헌 고찰과 함께 보고하는 바이다. Lymphocytic hypophysitis, an inflammatory disease of the pituitary gland that is often associated with pregnancy, is caused by autoimmune destruction of the pituitary gland evidenced by diffuse inflammatory cell infiltration of the pituitary gland and some kinds of detectable autoantibodies. We report a case of lymphocytic hypophysitis in a 31-year-old woman presenting with severe hypoglycemia and hyponatremia after delivery. Hormonal study revealed panhypopituitarism and magnetic resonance imaging with enhancement showed the bulging contour of the right side pituitary gland with an ill-defined mass-like lesion and nodular thickening of the stalk The patient's symptoms and biochemical data improved greatly with replacement of L-thyroxine and glucocorticoid. Partial recovery of panhypopituitarism was also seen. The follow-up tests revealed dramatic resolution of the pituitary lesion (J Kor SOC Endocrinol 1 8 : 3 25 -33 1, 2003).

      • Clinical Factors Associated with Response or Survival after Chemotherapy in Patients with Waldenström Macroglobulinemia in Korea

        Lee, Ho Sup,Kim, Kihyun,Yoon, Dok Hyun,Kim, Jin Seok,Bang, Soo-Mee,Lee, Jeong-Ok,Eom, Hyeon Seok,Lee, Hyewon,Kim, Inho,Lee, Won Sik,Bae, Sung Hwa,Kim, Se Hyung,Lee, Mark Hong,Do, Young Rok,Lee, Jae Ho Hindawi Publishing Corporation 2014 BioMed research international Vol.2014 No.-

        <P>Waldenström's macroglobulinemia (WM) is a B-cell proliferative malignancy characterized by immunoglobulin M monoclonal gammopathy and bone marrow infiltration by lymphoplasmacytic cells. Clinical features and cytogenetics of WM in Asia including Republic of Korea remain unclear. Moreover, no study has reported treatment outcomes in patients with WM treated with novel agent combined with conventional chemotherapy. This study investigated clinical features and assessed treatment outcomes with novel agent and conventional chemotherapy in Republic of Korea. Data from all (<I>n</I> = 71) patients with newly diagnosed WM at 17 hospitals who received chemotherapy between January 2005 and December 2012 were collected retrospectively. The median age of patients was 66 years (range: 37–92 years) and male to female ratio was 5 : 1. Patients treated with novel agent combined chemotherapy displayed higher overall response rate (ORR) compared to conventional chemotherapy alone (92.9% versus 52.6%, <I>P</I> = 0.006). The 5-year overall survival rate was 62.6% (95% confidence interval: 34.73–111.07). Use of novel agents produced higher ORR but survival benefit was not apparent due to the small number of patients and short follow-up duration. Further studies are needed to confirm the efficacy of novel agents in patients with WM.</P>

      • KCI등재

        《교과내용학》 : 다산 정약용의 『목민심서』에 나타난 자(慈)의 원리와 한국 HIV,AIDS 감염인의 인권을 위한 의료인의 역할

        정창록 ( Chang Rok Jeong ),이일학 ( Lee Il Hak ) 한국윤리교육학회 2014 윤리교육연구 Vol.0 No.34

        본 논문의 목적은 에이즈 환자가 갖는 인권에 관해 정리하고 현재 한국의 에이즈 환자 인권 현황에 관해 살펴본 후에 그 대안을 제시하는 것이다· 연구자는 에이즈 환자의 인권 보장을 위해 가장 필요한 것은 에이즈에 관한 편견을 바로 잡는 것이라고 본다· 병에 대한 편견의 역사는 인류보편의 역사라 할 수 있다· 우리는 과거에 결핵 환자를 두려워하고 격리시켰으나 현재는 그렇게 하지 않는다· 결핵은 약으로서 얼마든지 다스릴 수 있다고 생각하기 때문이다· 보건의료를 위시한 사회의 적극적인 대처로 인하여 HIV·AIDS는 관리 가능한 질병이 되었다· 그러나 그 기전은 감염인을 국가적으로 관리 감독하는 방식이다· 감염인은 다른 질병과 달리 격리되고, 동시에 사회적으로 고립되는 경우가 허다하다· 가족들에게도 버림받고 취직도 할 수 없는 이들은 어디에도 의탁할 곳이 없는 궁(窮)한 처지에 있다· 연구자가 볼 때 에이즈 환자를 돕기에 가장 적합한 대상은 의료인이다· 의사들은 의료 목민관으로서 이들의 오해를 풀어주고, 이들이 인간으로서의 최소한의 권리인 인권을 지켜나갈 수 있도록 도울 수 있다· 본 논문에서 연구자들은 다산(茶山) 정약용(丁若鏞)이 공자(公子)를 계승하며 강조한 인(仁)의 덕목을 맹자(孟子)의 삼덕(三德)인 효제자(孝悌慈)로 설명한 것에 근거하여 자신의 저서 『목민심서(牧民心書)』에서 특히 자(慈)의 원리를 강조했다고 보았다· 이것에 관해서는 선행논문에서 다산이 『목민심서』에서 강조했다고 연구자들이 생각하는 자(慈)의 원리가 어떻게 의료인의 윤리로 설명될 수 있는가를 밝혔다고 여기고, 본 논문에서는 그 원리를 구체적인 한국적 의료 문제 상황 중에서 특히 에이즈 환자의 인권 보장을 위한 의료인의 책무를 부각시키는 것에 적용해 보려 한다. HIV·AIDS Patients` Human rights have been abused by strong prejudice in South Korea. This paper is based on the Dasan(茶山) Jeong Yakyong`s Mokminsimseo(牧民心書) which may lay ground work for medical professionals that provide health care to these patients. Firstly, the authors tried to show current status of human rights among HIV·AIDS patients in Korea. Nextly, this paper emphasizes the moral role of Korean medical professionals based on Dasan(茶山) Jeong Yakyong`s Mokminsimseo(牧民心書) in medical practice. We believe that Jeong Yakyong`s concept of Mercy(慈) can be the principle of caring for the patients that are in desperate needs(窮). And we developed the theoretical framework for medical professionals to apply, that they can protect HIV·AIDS` Human rights.

      • KCI등재

        X선에 노출된 보리의 생장과 엽록소 측정

        이원정(Won-Jeong Lee),이모권(Mo-Kwon Lee),이중록(Lee Jung Rok),김하늘(Kim Ha Neul),유세종(Se-Jong Yoo),이배원(Bae-Won Lee),정순철(Sun-Cheol Jeong) 대한방사선과학회(구 대한방사선기술학회) 2021 방사선기술과학 Vol.44 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to measure of growth and chlorophyl in barley exposed by X-ray. Barley seed was soaked 24h duration in water, then was classified into two group; pre-seed germination group (Pre-G) or post-seed germination group (Post-G). Also, divided as control subgroup and experimental subgroup(10Gy, 20Gy, 30Gy) in each group. Experimental subgroups were exposed by X-ray using linear accelerator (Clinac IS, VERIAN, USA). Expose condition was 6 MV X-ray, SSD 100 cm, 18×10 cm, 600 MU/min. Length was measured every day for 10 days and 10th day for weight. Chlorophyl was analyzed using spectrophotometer(uv-1800, shimadzu, japan) in l0th day. Data analysis was performed using SPSS ver 22.0(Chicago, IL, USA), ANOVA test (Dunnett_T3) between control subgroup and experimental subgroup in group and Independent T-test between Pre-G and Post-G in subgroup. In Pre-G, length of barley was significantly difference between control and 30Gy in 4th day (4.3 vs. 1.5, p= 0.011). Length of 30Gy was statistical difference with control(10th day; 14.4 vs. 6.3, p < 0.01), and was not in 10Gy or 20Gy in all day. In experimental subgroup, length was shorter as increasing radiation dose. In Post-G, length of barley was not difference statistically between control and experimental subgroup in first day, but more difference between two subgroup with increasing duration after exposing. Length of experimental subgroup was shorter significantly compared with control in 10th day, and no significant difference between experimental subgroup. Density of chlorophyl was increasing with increasing radiation dose in Pre-G and Post-G. Chlorophyl density of control was lower than 30Gy; 0.26ppm in Pre-G, 0.29ppm in Post-G). Growth and chlorophyl of barley was effected by X-ray. It is expected to be used as basic data for future radiobiological research.

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