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        품행장애 청소년을 위한 외래집단정신치료 치료요인

        이후경,김선재,차정화,봉수연,안현주 대한신경정신의학회 2000 신경정신의학 Vol.39 No.2

        연구목적: 집단정신치료는 또래집단을 중요시하는 품행장애 청소년의 치료로서 매우 효과적인 것으로 알려져 있으나 한국에서는 아직 활성화되지 못하고 있다. 이에 따라 저자들은 품행장애 청소년에게 효과적으로 적용될 수 있는 폐쇄형, 동질적인, 시간제한(10회), 외래집단정신치료를 주 1회 실시하였다. 본 연구의 목적은 ①품행장애 청소년을 대상으로 집단정신치료를 시행하여 효과성을 평가하고, ②치료요인을 조사하여, ③ 집단정신치료를 품행장애 청소년에게 효과적이면서 효율적으로 적용될 수 있는 치료방법으로 정착시키는 데 있다. 대상 및방법: 본 연구는 1998년 10월붜 12월까지, 1999년 4월부터 6월까지 두차례에 걸쳐 실시하였다. 대상군은 품행장애 범주에 해당하는 H고교 2학년 여학생 총 18명(4명 도중 탈락), 대조군은 같은 범주에 해당하는 H고교 2학년 여학생 중 치료에 참여하지 않은 총 18명(4명 도중 탈락)이었다. 평가도구로는 프로그램 실시 전후에 자기보고식 비행척도, 공격성척도, 충동성척도을 시행하였고, 매 회기가 끝난 직후 Yalom의 13가지 치료요인척도, 집단치료 만족도 설문지를 시행하였으며, 종결모임시 총평가 설문지를 시행하였다. 결과: 치료요인의 변화를 집단발단단계에 따라 전후반기로 나누어 비교하였을 때, 전반기(1∼5회)에 상위를 차지한 치료요인은 순서대로 실존적인자, 보편성, 카타르시스, 리더와의 동일시, 구성원과의 동일시이었으며, 후반기(6∼10회)에 상위를 차지한 치료요인은 카타르시스, 실존적인자, 리더와의 동일시, 구성원과의 동일시, 구성원의 조언이었다. 전반기에 비해 후반기에 상대적으로 카타르시스, 구성원의 조언이 상승하였고 보편성은 하락하였다. 이타주의와 일차가족집단의 교정적 반복발달은 전후반기 모두 최하위를 기록하였다. 집단치료 만족도 설문에서 전반기는 45.7%, 후반기에는 83.3%가 도움받는 것으로 나타났고, 총평가 설문에서 85.7%가 기회가 있다면 다음에도 참여하고 싶다고 보고하였다. 결론: 시간제한 외래집단정신치료가 품행장애 청소년 에게 적용할 때 매우 효과적이면서도 만족도가 높은 것으로 나타났다. 청소년을 대상으로 외래집단정신치료를 시행하는 것은 구성상의 어려움, 동기부족, 기금부족 등, 여러 제반 문제가 있으나 확대 시행되어야 할 것으로 생각된다. Objectives: Group psychotherapy is known to be an dffective treatment program for adolescents who attach importance to peer relationship, but it is not activated in Korea. Therefore, researchers performed weekly the closed, homogeneous, time-limited(10 sessions), outpatient group psychotherapy for adolescents with conduct disorder. Objectives of this study were as follows ; first, we practiced the group psychotherapy for adolescents with conduct disorder and evaluated its effectiveness ; second, we examined the therapeutic factors which were used by participants ; third, we intended to settlee down the group psychotherapy for adolescents with CD as an effective and efficient treatment modality. Methods: This study was performed two times from October to December in 1998 and from April to June in 1999. It was sponsored by Youth Counselling Center in H city. The case group were composed of 15 female students who were second grade in H high school, and 4 students were dropped out. The control group were composed of 18 female students who were same grade in H high school and 3 students were dropped out. Before and after this program, self-report delinquency scale, aggression scale and impulsivity scale were asked to them. And just after each session, Yalom 13 therapeutic factors scale and satisfaction questionnaire for group psychotherapy were asked to them. And at last meeting, total assessment questionnaire was asked to them. Results: We compared the change of therapeutic factors between the former half sessions (1-5) and the later half session(6-10), and the results were as follows ; in the former half, the upper ranks of therapeutic factors were existential factor, universality, catharsis, identi- fication with leader, and identification with members in order. And in the later half, the upper ranks of therapeutic factors were catharsis, existential factor, identification with leader, identi - fication with members, and guidance of members in order. The rank of catharsis and guidance of members went upward and the rank of universality went downward when we compared the ranks in the former half to those in the later half. Altruism and family enactment were the lowest ranked in both half. The satisfaction questionnair for group psychotherapy showed to be helped by participants at the rate of 45.7% in former half, 83.3% in later half. The total assessment questionnaire showed the willingness of re-participation at the rate of 85.7% if future opportunity of group psychotherapy is given for them. Conclusions: The time-limited group psychotherapy for adolescents diagnosed by conduct disorder was very effectively practiced and the participants reported high level of the satisfaction. The outpatient group psychotherapy for adolescents would be expanded and practiced though there are several accompanied problems including the difficulty of structuring, the deficit of motivation, and financial problem.

      • KCI등재

        만성정신질환자를 위한 장기외래집단정신치료 치료요인

        이후경,이선영,윤성철,안현주 大韓神經精神醫學會 2000 신경정신의학 Vol.39 No.3

        연구목적 : 만성정신질환자의 집단정신치료는 약물치료를 유지하면서 동시에 증상을 조절하고, 정서적인 갈등을 해결하며, 부적응적인 대인관계 문제를 향상시켜주는데 효과적이면서 접근이 용이한 치료방법이다. 이에 따라 저자들은 만성정신질환자에 효과적으로 적용될 수 있는 반개방형, 이질적인, 장기(시간무제한) 외래집단정신치료를 주 1회 실시하였다. 본 논문의 연구목적은 ① 만성정신질환자의 임상상황에 적용되는 집단정신치료의 치료원칙 및 운영방법을 간단히 소개하고, ② 참여자들이 도움 받은 것으로 보고한 치료요인을 집단발달단계에 따라 조사하고, 시행과정에 나타나는 특징을 분석하며, ③ 본 집단정신치료의 적절성과 타당성을 검증하여, 현재 한국 의료상황에 맞는 저비용, 고효율적인 모델로서 정착시켜 만성정신질환자의 장기외래치료를 보다 효과적으로 할 수 있는 기반을 마련하는데 있다. 대상 및 방법 : 본 연구는 1998년 1월부터 1996년 6월까지, 하남시 정신보건센터 주간보호에 출석하는 만성정신질환자들을 대상으로 하였다. 총 18개월 동안 참가자는 27명이었으나, 본 연구가 장기외래집단이기 때문에 최소한 참여기준기간을 6개월로 정하고, 최종적으로 6개월 미만 참여한 7명은 연구대상에서 제외시켜 총 20명(남자12명, 여자 8명)을 연구대상자로 선정하였다. 평가도구로는 대상자들에게 집단정신치료가 끝난 직후 13가지 치료요인척도를 작성하도록 하였고, 집단정신치료를 종결하는 환자나 본 연구를 종결짓는 시점에서 참여한 환자들을 대상으로 자기보고식 프로그램 총평가 설문지를 실시하였다. 결 과 : 13가지 치료요인척도의 순위는 형성기에 상위를 차지한 치료요인은 순서대로 실존적 인자, 치료자의 조언, 희망의 고취, 이타심, 카타르시스였고 갈등기에 상위를 차지한 치료요인은 순서대로 실존적 인자, 희망의 고취, 치료자의 조언, 카타르시스, 집단응집력이었다. 그리고 안정기에 상위를 차지한 치료요인은 순서대로 실존적 인자, 이타심, 일차가족집단의 교정적 반복발달, 대인관계학습, 카타르시스였다. 프로그램 총평가 설문 결과를 살펴보면, 집단정신치료에 대한 총평가에서 참여자의 90%가 도움을 받았다고 하였고, 80%가 집단정신치료를 다른 사람에게 적극적으로 권유하겠다고 하였으며, 75%가 재참여 의사를 보고하였다. 그리고 집단정신치료의 구성과 치료자에 관한 태도에서 매우 긍정적인 평가가 나왔다. 결 론 ; 장기외래집단정신치료는 저비용, 고효율적인 치료방법으로 만성정신질환자의 치료와 재활에 효과적으로 적용될 것으로 생각된다. 또한 치료자가 집단발달단계에 따라 다르게 나타나는 치료요인을 잘 알고 집단정신치료를 실시할 때 더 효과적일 수 있다. Objectives : The long-term outpatient group psychotherapy with the chronically ill is an effective, expedient therapeutic modality that makes patients maintain medication and improve their symptoms, help patients resolve emotional conflict, and corrects their maladaptive interpersonal relationship. Therefore, we performed weekly the semi-opened, heterogeneous, long-term(open-ended). Outpatient group psychotherapy to be applicable effectively for the chronically ill. The objectives of this study are as follows ; first, we introduce therapeutic principles and management methods of the group psychotherapy to be applicable in the clinical environment with the chronically ill ; second, we examine the therapeutic factors in each group development stage which are helped by participants, and analyze the characteristics showed in the process of study ; third, we verify the appropriateness and the validity of this group psychotherapy and then establish the base of the effective long-term outpatient therapy for the chronically ill that will be settled down as a applicable treatment modality economically and efficiently in the present medical environment of Korea. Methods : This study was performed in the subject of the chronically ill who attended at the day care program of Community Mental Health Center in Hanam city from January 1998 to June 1999. The participants were 27 patients, but we dropped 7 patients who attended under 6 months because of long-term group. So the last subjects were 20 patients(12 males and 8 females) who attended for 18 months. The 13 therapeutic factors scale was filled out by participants just after each session and the self-report total assessment questionnaire was performed at the time of study-termination and patient-termiation. Results : The ranks of 13 therapeutic factors scale are as follows : in the forming stage, the upper ranks of therapeutic factors were existential factor, guidance of therapists, instillation of hope, altruism, and catharsis in order. And in the storming stage, the upper ranks of therapeutic factors were existential factor, instillation of hope, guidance of therapists, catharsis, and group cohesiveness in order. Lastly in the norming stage, the upper ranks of therapeutic factors were existential factor, altruism, corrective recapitulation, interpersonal learning, and catharsis in order. According to the total assessment questionnaire about group psychotherapy reported by the participants 90% of them were helped, 80% of them had an idea to recommend this program to other patients actively, and 75% of them had an opinion to attend again this program if given for them. And they evaluated positively about the structure of this program and the therapist. Conclusions : The long-term outpatient group psychotherapy would be applicable effectively to the chronically ill as a economic, efficient therapeutic modality for rehabilitation. It is much more effective for therapist to perceive in detail the therapeutic factors in each group development stage when he perfoms the group psychotherapy.

      • 한 중소도시의 청소년 약물사용 실태조사

        이후경,김선재,윤성철,봉수연,안현주,박선영 대한신경정신의학회 2001 신경정신의학 Vol.40 No.1

        -초록- 연구목적: 약물사용의 가능성이 가장 높은 시기는 십대 후반에서 이십대 초반의 청소년기로 알려져 있다. 또한 청소년기의 약뮬사용은 빠른 의존의 가능성, 심각한 약물남용으로 진행할 가능성, 약물로 인한 공격성의 증가 등으로 심각한 사회문제가 될 여지가 많다. 그러므로 저자들은 중소도시에서 청소년 약물사용의 예방 및 치료를 위한 정책을 마련하는데 기초가 될 수 있는 청소년 약물사용 실태를 조사하는 것을 목적으로혹시청소년상담실의 기금을 받아 본 연구를 시행하였다. 저자들이 세운 연구가 설은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 나이, 성(性)과 같은 개인적 요인에 따라 청소년의 약물사용에 차이가 있을 것이다. 둘째, 가정, 또래집단과 같은 환경적 요인에 따라 청소년의 약물사용에 차이가 있을 것이다. 셋째, 음주, 흡연, 비행과 약물사용과는 상화관련이 있을 것이다. 방법: ㅎ시 4개 중학교 학생 833명(51.6%), 3개 고등학교 학생 780명(48.4%), 성별은 남자(49.5%), 여자(50.5%), 총 1613명을 대상으로 하여 1999년 7월 12일부터 14일까지 3일간 설문조사를 실시하였다. 결과: 1) 술(59.4%), 담배(34.4%)의 경험이 가장 높았고, 의약품 중에는 진통제(33.1%), 흡입제(inhalants)중에는 본드(0.7%), 마약류 중에서는 히로뽕(0.4%)의 사용이 가장 많았다. 2) 술, 담배, 수면제, 각성제, 신경안정제의 사용경험이 중학생 보다 고등학생이 거의 두 배 이상 높았다. 3) 약물을 사용하지 않는 학생의 부모 화목도 점수가 약물을 사용하는 학생의 부모 화목도 점수보다 의미 있게 높은 것으로 나타났다. 4) 흡연 및 음주경험이 있는 학생의 친구들이 그렇지 않은 학생의 친구들에 비해 술, 의약품, 흡입제를더 많이 사용하였다. 5) 술, 담배, 약물을 사용하는 학생들이 비행 가능성이 높았다. 6) 술을 사용하게 되는 가장 많은 이유는 '친구들과 어울리기 위하여'(55.0%), 담배를 사용하게 되는가장 많은 이유는 '심심해서'(50.9%)이었다. 7) 술, 담배, 약물을 사용하면 다른 것을 사용할 가능성이 높은 것으로 나타났다. 결론: 한국의 청소년 약물사용경험은 이제까지의 연구와 본 연구를 종합하여 볼 때 지속적으로 증가하고 있다. 향후 약물사용을 줄이기 위해서는 국가적인 차원에서 약물사용 실태조사가 선행되어야 하고, 그 결과에 따른 적절한 대책의 수립과 정신과 의사들의 적극적인 참여가 필요하다. Objectives : The purpose of this research is to help solve adolescent issues involving substance uses, which may become begin to undergo many changes(i.e.practising various roles, thereby leading to independent life styles). More often than not, adolescent drug problems develop into social problems, chiefly behavioral imitations and heavy dependence on medicine. The authors conducted a survey of adolescent substance uses to develop preventive measures against the drug habit prevalent among young people, thereby formulating a policy to deal with problematic community. Funded by a Yuth Counselling Center in the city of H. the research was conducted on the following assumptions that there will be : Firstly, a comparison of drug uses by sex and age ; Secondly, variance of substance users by family background and peer group ; Thirdly, a combination of heavy drinking, smoking and delinquency resulting in the drug habit. Methods : the survey included a total of 1613 students during 3 days, 12 through 14, July, 1999. The subjects were 833 pupils(51.6$) from 4 middle schools and 780 students(48.4%) from 3 high schools in the city of H with a ratio of 49.5%(males) and 50.5%(females). Results : 1) Experience of substance use is most referable to drinking(59.4%) and smoking(34.4%) while given to analgesics(33.1%) among medicines, glue(0.7%) among inhalants and philophone(0.4%) among narcotics. 2) High school students found more than double the amount of smoking and drinking as well as uses of hypnotics, stimulants and sedatives by junior high school students. 3) Our resalt showed was significantly noted that non-users had a better relationship with their parents than most users. 4) Smoking and drinking problean could be more easily developing into adolescent substance uses. 5) Alcohol, cigarette, and drug users showed more misconducts than other adolescents. 6) Most adolescents believe theat drinking is necessary for making friends(55.0%), while smo-king is just for killing time(50.9%) 7) Drinking, smoking, and other substance users were found to develop into more proble-matic habits. Conclusion : The present survey and several others show that adolescent substance uses in Korea are on the rise. Therefore, extensive counter-measures will be necessary followed by nationwide epidemiological survey of the pending issue, with the psychiatrists participating in the campaign.

      • 방사선 치료를 받는 암 환자들의 사회적 지지와 삶의 질과의 관계

        정주희,류소연,윤혜은,남택근,오윤경,안현옥,박계남,이영선 朝鮮大學校 附設 醫學硏究所 2002 The Medical Journal of Chosun University Vol.27 No.2

        Objective : This study was performed to investigate the relationship between social support and quality of life among cancer patients receiving radiation therapy. Matehals and Methods : The data were collected from 98 patients, who were receiving radiation therapy at two university hospitals located in GwangUJu, used by structured questionnaire. For statistical analyses of the association between quality of life and various characteristics, data were analyzed using t-test, ANOVA, Pearson 's correlation, and multiple regression analysis. Results: 1. There were 56(57.1%) males and 42(42.9%) females. Age ranged from 21 to 82 years. The primary sites of cancer were gastrointestinal tract (24.5%), lung (23.5%), breast (21.4%), and head and neck (11.2%) in order. 2. The mean scores of social, family, and medical support were 4.30 0.58, 4.49 0.78, 4.11 0.65, respectively. The score of quality of life was 5.83 1.63 (range: 1.95 ~ 9.05). 3. An analysis of the association between several factors of patients and quality of life showed that the statistically significant factors were age, the presence of distant metastasis, family support, medical support and social support. 4. As a result of the multiple regression analysis, only social support was significant (β=0.932, P=0.02) with quality of life, but age and presence of distant metastasis were not significant. Conclusion : This suggests that quality of life in cancer patients could be improved by strengthening the social support which consists of family and medical support. Further study would be necessary to evaluate separately several aspects of quality of life among cancer patients.

      • KCI등재

        The Structural and Electrical Properties of Bismuth-based Pyrochlore Thin Films for embedded Capacitor Applications

        Kyeong-Chan Ahn,Jong-Hyun Park,Jun-Ku Ahn,윤순길 한국전기전자재료학회 2007 Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Material Vol.8 No.2

        Bi1.5Zn1.0Nb1.5O7 (BZN), Bi2Mg2/3Nb4/3O7 (BMN), and Bi2Cu2/3Nb4/3O7 (BCN) pyrochlore thin films were prepared on Cu/Ti/SiO2/Si substrates by pulsed laser deposition and the micro-structural and electrical properties were characterized for embedded capacitor applications. The BZN, BMN, and BCN films deposited at 25 oC and 150 oC, respectively show smooth surface morphologies and dielectric constants of about 39 ~ 58. The high dielectric loss of the films deposited at 150 oC compared with films deposited at 25 oC was attributed to the defects existing at interface between the films and copper electrode by an oxidation of copper bottom electrode. The leakage current densities and breakdown voltages in 200 nm thick-BMN and BZN films deposited at 150 oC are approximately 2.5 x 10-8 A/cm2 at 3 V and above 10 V, respectively. Both BZN and BMN films are considered to be suitable materials for embedded capacitor applications.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        The Structural and Electrical Properties of Bismuth-based Pyrochlore Thin Films for embedded Capacitor Applications

        Ahn, Kyeong-Chan,Park, Jong-Hyun,Ahn, Jun-Ku,Yoon, Soon-Gil The Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic 2007 Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Material Vol.8 No.2

        [ $Bi_{1.5}Zn_{1.0}Nb_{1.5}O_7$ ] (BZN), $Bi_2Mg_{2/3}Nb_{4/3}O_7$ (BMN), and $Bi_2Cu_{2/3}Nb_{4/3}O_7$ (BCN) pyrochlore thin films were prepared on $Cu/Ti/SiO_2/Si$ substrates by pulsed laser deposition and the micro-structural and electrical properties were characterized for embedded capacitor applications. The BZN, BMN, and BCN films deposited at $25\;^{\circ}C$ and $150\;^{\circ}C$, respectively show smooth surface morphologies and dielectric constants of about $39\;{\sim}\;58$. The high dielectric loss of the films deposited at $150\;^{\circ}C$ compared with films deposited at $25\;^{\circ}C$ was attributed to the defects existing at interface between the films and copper electrode by an oxidation of copper bottom electrode. The leakage current densities and breakdown voltages in 200 nm thick-BMN and BZN films deposited at $150\;^{\circ}C$ are approximately $2.5\;{\times}\;10^{-8}\;A/cm^2$ at 3 V and above 10 V, respectively. Both BZN and BMN films are considered to be suitable materials for embedded capacitor applications.

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