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        18세기 영국의 노예제에 대한 존 웨슬리의 비판과 그 영향

        이성덕 한국교회사학회 2009 韓國敎會史學會誌 Vol.24 No.-

        This article aims to explore John Wesley’s position upon the slave trade and slavery in England of the 18th century and his influences on the campaign for ending the slave trade and slavery. John Wesley, as a leader of awakening movement, was concerned with the personal conversion and the revival of faith and church. Regarding his social and political position, he as a Tory was royal to the english monarch and was against American Independence. Accordingly, he has been seen as conservative in terms of social perspective. It has sometimes caused the speculation that John Wesley was not interested in ending the salve trade and slavery, which is one of the greatest atrocities of civilization at his times. That is the case with the founder of North American Liberation theology and a leading Methodist theologian, James Cone. It is really ironic that he wrote, “The Wesley that has come to us seems very white and quite British, and that ain’t no good for black people who know that the Englishmen are the scoundrels who perfected the slave trade,” and indicated, “one does not get the impression that slavery was one of the burning issues on Wesley’ mind.” Actually, the early mission to Georgia in America brought John Wesley into direct contact with black slaves there. Since then, his concern about the slave trade and slavery had not disappeared in his mind, even though he more concentrated himself on the revival movement ignited by his own conversion. We can find out his criticism upon the slave trade and slavery in his Journals and Diaries, letters, and his Writings. Especially, his tract “Thought upon Slavery,” which partly drew on some writings by Anthony Benezet and Granville Sharp, had a great influence upon the methodists and mass. In his small book, he harshly criticized the slave trade and slavery itself as sum of all inhumane evils. His criticism was based not only on the Bible, but also on the general natural law and justice. Besides, he encouraged some leader of antislavery campaign to continue to do his action. Among these was included William Wilberforce, who spent a lifetime passing the bill for abolishing the slave trade and slavery through Parliament. After death of John Wesley, his follower and methodists still supported William Wilberforce to achieve his goal.

      • KCI등재

        남북한 통일 시 조약 승계 문제 처리 試論

        이성덕 중앙대학교 법학연구원 2017 法學論文集 Vol.41 No.3

        In case of the Korean Unification, we may encounter many international legal issues. This paper reviews one of the significant international legal issues, the succession of treaties concluded by ROK and DPRK (North Korea) by the Unified Korea. The issue of succession of treaties in international law is very problematic, although in 1978 the Convention on Succession of States in respect of Treaties (1978 Convention) was adopted under the auspices of the UN. Even before the Convention was adopted, States have shown different positions regarding the succession of States in respect of treaties. Many African newly independent States took an unilateral stance regarding succession of treaties concluded by the colonial powers. The typical examples are the Tanganyika and Zambia cases. And also, even after the conclusion of the 1978 Convention, the States do not give full support to the Convention. Thus, it is not easy to give definite answer to the issue of succession of treaties in case of the Korean Unification. In general, the types of State succession influence the result of succession of treaties. For example, the State succession may occur in cases of Newly Independent States, succession of part of a State territory, uniting of States and division of a States, in each case, the succession of treaties may differ. Thus, in case of Korean Unification, the scope of succession of treaties certainly depends on the type of Unification. If, after the Unification, a new State appears, then, the types of succession will be ‘uniting of States’. In this case, the issue of succession of treaties concluded by ROK and DPRK may arise equally. However, if the Unification takes the form of absorption or incorporation of DPRK into ROK, the issue of succession of treaties concluded by DPRK may arise. In this case, the German example may be a good guidance to Korean Unification. As for the treaties which were concluded by ROK may extended to the area which has been governed by DPRK based on the principle of moving treaty frontier. And as for the treaties which were concluded by DPRK, it would be the best way for DPRK to arrange them whether to succeed or not with the other parties before the Korean Unification is effected.

      • KCI등재

        간헐적인 패널 1차 자기회귀과정들의 동질성 검정과 적용

        이성덕,김선우,조나래,Lee, Sung Duck,Kim, Sun Woo,Jo, Na Rae 한국통계학회 2014 응용통계연구 Vol.27 No.7

        간헐적인 패널 시계열 자료의 개념과 구조를 소개하고, 간헐적인 패널 시계열 자료의 모형으로 간헐적인 패널 1차 자기회귀 모형을 고려하였다. 간헐적인 패널 1차 자기회귀 모형의 동질성 검정을 위하여 Wald 검정통계량을 제안하고, 그 극한분포를 제시하였다. 또한 동질성이 만족되는 경우 시점 별 평균을 이용하여 종합한 자료로 모형을 적합하였다. 이 모형의 동질성 검정 통계량의 극한분포가 $^x2$분포에 잘 따르는지를 알아보기 위해 모의실험을 실시하고, 실제 자료 분석으로 지역별 월별 Mumps 자료에 간헐적인 패널 1차 자기회귀 모형을 적합하여 동질성 검정을 수행한 결과 동질성을 만족하였다. 동질성이 만족된 지역별 월별 Mumps 자료를 시점 별 평균을 이용하여 종합하고 1차 자기회귀 모형으로 적합하였다. The concepts and structure of intermittent panel time series data are introduced. We suggest a Wald test statistic for the test of homogeneity for intermittent panel first order autoregressive model and its limit distribution is derived. We consider the fitting the model with pooling data using sample mean at the time point if homogeneity for intermittent panel AR(1) is satisfied. We performed simulations to examine the limit distribution of the homogeneity test statistic for intermittent panel AR(1). In application, we fit the intermittent panel AR(1) for panel Mumps data and investigate the test of homogeneity.

      • KCI등재

        친젠도르프(N. L. von Zinzendorf)와 할레 경건주의

        이성덕 한국교회사학회 2008 韓國敎會史學會誌 Vol.22 No.-

        Bei diesem Aufsatz geht es um die Untersuchung der Entwicklung des Konflikts zwischen der Hallischen Pietismus Pietismus und dem Herrnhutertum von N. L. von Zinzendorf. Am Anfang war Zinzendorf beeinflußt von A. H. Francke und dessen Hallischen Pietiesmus. Aber die Gründung Herrnhuts began den Konflikt der beiden Seiten zu verursachen. Alle Versuche einer Verständigung scheiterten. Die Gräben zwischen den beiden miteinander konkurrienden Typen des deutschen luthrerischen Pietismus zu tief. Der Prozeß der Trennung zeigt das Zusammenspiel unterschiedlicher Motive und Faktoren, die eng miteinander verflochten sind: 1. Urteil über die Person Zinzendorfs, die durch sein Verhalten mannigfache Bestätigung zu finden schienen, bestimmten das Mißtrauen Halles gegen ihn und seine Unternehmungen. 2. Die kirchenpolitischen Spannungen entzündeten sich an dem Engagement Zinzendorfs bei der Emitionen von Mähren und Zinzendorfs eigenwilligen Gemeineinrichtungen, die von den traditionellen Strukturen einer lutherischen Gemeinde abwichen. Die Rivalität wurde deshalb als besonders bedrohlich empfunden, weil Zinzendorfs Freizügigkeit im Umgang mit Heterodoxen und Separatisten den Pietismus als kirchlich-etablierte Richtung zu diskreditieren und zu gefährden schien. 3. Mit den kirchenpolitischen Spannungen waren die theologischen Differnzen eng verknüpft. Neben den Herrnhuter Gemeineinrichtungen und ihrer unklaren Stellung zur lutherischen Kirche ließen auch unorthodoxe Äußerungen von Zinzendorf und Herrnhuter Brüdern begründete Zweifel daran aufkommen, ob die Bekenntnisgrundlage der lutherischen Kirche gewahrt blieb. Hinzu traten vor allem die Differenzen im Verständnis der Heilszueignung (“Blut-und Wundenkult” versus “Bußkampf”) und daraus resultierenden Frömmigkeit und Ethik, die in der Folgezeit zu einem Hauptunterscheidungsmerkmal wurden.

      • KCI등재

        존 웨슬리의 종말론과 성화(Sanctification)

        이성덕 한국교회사학회 2012 韓國敎會史學會誌 Vol.32 No.-

        This article aims to explore the relationship between John Wesley’s eschatology and sanctification. It begins with the recognition that eschatology is at the heart of Wesley’s doctrine of entire sanctification or Christian perfection. Although he did not systematically develop his eschatology, John Wesley dealt with the eschatological themes such as death, resurrection, final judgement, and the kingdom of heaven and hell. His eschatological thought was much influenced through German pietist Johann Abrecht Bengel’s works, “Gnomon Novi Testamenti” and “Erklärte Offenbarung.” However, John Wesley declared that he had no opinion about Bengel’s chronological speculations on the Christ’s millennial kingdom, which would begin in 1836. In fact, John Wesley showed so little sympathy and had so little patience with eschatological fervor, which was generated among his Methodists. He tended to identify it with enthusiasm. The reason was that these eschatological enthusiasts stimulated opposition to entire sanctification or Christian perfection. Wesley’s concern for protecting and promulgating this doctrine of perfection may provide a key for understanding his reservations about eschatological fervor. John Wesley insists that it is possible in this life to be brought to entire sanctification and Christian perfection, which is equivalent to a perfection of love for God and neighbor. This doctrine is distinctive from notions of sanctification in other Christian traditions in that it expects the finite equivalent of eschatological fulfillment (i.e. entire sanctification or Christian perfection) as something which can happen in history rather than beyond it. By differing with those who taught that Christian perfection occurs only after death, at the point of death and by holding out for the possibilities of divine grace to perfect us in love in this life, John Wesley was making room for an eschatological hope that could become more than a hope, but rather a gracious reality in the here and now. Moreover, John Wesley, as a sacramentalist, had emphasis on the importance of the sacrament of the Lord’ Supper, which is able to sustain the believers in growth and grace and to lead them through a lifetime of the pursuit of entire sanctification or Christian perfection. “Hymns on the Lord’s Supper” published under the names of both John and Charles Wesley show Wesley’s ‘already’ and ‘not yet’ eschatological thinking.

      • KCI등재

        교회의 타락과 목회자의 경건- A. H. 프랑케의 진단과 처방

        이성덕 한국교회사학회 2018 韓國敎會史學會誌 Vol.49 No.-

        본 논문은 독일 루터교 경건주의 운동의 한 정점을 이루었던 할레 경건 주의의 주도자인 A. H. 프랑케가 자신이 속해 있던 당시의 루터교회 타락의 원인과 목회자의 경건에 대한 생각을 고찰하고자 한다. 그는 자신의 회심 체험으로 신앙의 확실성을 획득한 후 이전과 달리 성령의 능력 안에서 살아 있는 신앙, 실천적이고 열매 맺는 신앙과 신학을 추구했다. 그는 ‘교리의 개혁’을 넘어 ‘삶의 개혁’으로 나아가고자 했다. 이러한 그의 태도는 교조적인 법정적 칭의론에 안주하던 정통주의자들로부터 오해 받고 공격 받았다. 그러나 그는 오히려 이러한 정통주의자들의 무능과 허위와 위선의 모습 속에서 마태복음 7:15-23에 나오는 거짓 예언자의 모습을 보았고, 이 들의 문제점을 조목조목 비판한다. 그는 교회 타락의 주된 원인은 거짓 예언자(목회자)들이 득세하기 때문이라고 본다. 그는 거짓 목회자들은 영적인 상태나 경건의 실천에 장애가 있는데, 그 장애의 뿌리에는 ‘인간에 대한 두려움’이 자리 잡고 있다고 진단한다. 이것을 참된 신앙과 경건의 문제와 연결시키는 것이 A. H. 프랑케의 독특한 관점이다. 루터의 종교개혁 이후 A. H. 프랑케가 수행한 개신교 자체에 대한 이러한 통렬한 자기반성은 비록 콘텍스트가 다르긴 하지만 한국 개신교회가 개혁을 논할 때 충분히 숙고할 가치가 있다고 본다. This paper aims to investigate how A. H. Francke, the architect of German Halle Pietism, made a diagnosis of the causes of the corruption of German Lutheran Church in the seventeenth and eighteenth century, and what kind of prescription for those he found out, and how he thought about the piety of pastors of the day. Since he himself has experienced the conversion and secured the certainty of faith, he pursued the living faith in the Holy Spirit and the practical and fruitful faith and theology. He struggled to proceed from the reform of doctrine to the reform of life. His efforts was harshly criticized by doctrinaire orthodox lutheran who sticked to the forensic justification theory. He saw rather in them such incompetence, falsehood and hypocrisy as are well represented in Matt 17:15-23. He criticized their problems one by one in the sermon “About false prophets.” He attributed the corruption of the church to the rise of false prophets (pastors and professors). He diagnosed that fake prophets have a disorder in spirituality or the practice of piety, where fear of human beings lies at the root. It is his unique point of view to link this with the problem of true faith and piety. The severe self-criticism of the Protestant Church itself, carried out by A. H. Francke after the Reformation, deserves to be taken into consideration by Korean protestants, although it is different in context.

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