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        仁祖反正으로 인한 南冥學派의 沈沒과 沙溪學派의 浮上

        허권수 경상국립대학교 경남문화연구원 2003 남명학연구 Vol.16 No.-

        Owe Nammyeong's practical education, disciples of Nammyeong had fighted at rick of their life During Imjin war. So they have built great merits that they have saved Chosun dynasty. After Nammyeong has died, King Seonjo have serected many disciples of Nammyeong, because he very respected Nammyeong. Many Disciples have acquired great confidence, and advanced into court. Arriving King Gwanghae's period, they have formed Daebuk political group. Then they have displayed the mighty power. The representation of Daebuk party is Jeonginhong and his disciple Leeichum. They have too ousted another party as Seoin party and Namin party and all power was inrested in Daebuk party. Therefore Seoin party have secretly rallyed men of same mind. At lenth they succeeded in Injo restoration. King Kwanghae was ejected from the throne, Hence Daebuk party is too ejected from the goverment. Since then Daebuk party haven't get the opportunity that regain the political power again. Daebuk party was organized by Nammyeong disciples and disciples' disciples. Because the downfall of Daebuk party just was the downfall of Nammyeong school. Seoin party was constituted by Sagae's disciples. So Sagae school have risen quickly. Since then they have seized government power continuously. In conclusion, owing to the Injo restoration, Nammyeong school have gone to ruin, on the contrary, Sagae school have risen. The great damage group of Injo restoration is Nammyeong school, the great profit group is Sagae school. >1623년에 있었던 仁祖反正으로 인하여 南冥學派는 몰락한 반면 栗谷 牛溪의 계통을 이은 沙溪學派가 급부상하여 이후 조선말기까지 조선의 정계와 학계를 주도하였다.서인들은 자신들의 정치적 정당성을 확보하기 위하여 大北의 영수인 정인홍을 처형하지 않을 수 없었고, 정인홍의 정신적 기반인 남명학파를 공격·폄하하지 않을 수 없었다. 南冥 제자인 정인홍의 영향권에 있던 大北政權 정치적 과오를, 정권을 장악한 서인들은 대부분 남명에게 원인이 있는 것으로 왜곡 선전함으로써, 남명학파의 몰락을 유도하였다.이후 조선이 망할 때까지 남명학파는 다시 부흥하지 못했고, 사계학파는 정계와 학계에서 주도적 위치를 계속 유지해 나갔다.본고는, 인조반정으로 인하여 남명학파가 어떻게 몰락하였으며, 몰락시키기 위해서 서인들이 어떤 책략을 썼던가를 밝히고, 사계학파를 부상시키기 위해서 어떻게 노력했는가를 밝히는 데 초점을 두었다.

      • KCI등재

        南冥·退溪 兩學派의 融和를 위해 노력한 澗松 趙任道

        許捲洙 慶尙大學校 南冥學硏究所 2001 남명학연구 Vol.11 No.-

        Gansong is a great scholar in Choson dynasty middleages. He was born in Haman county Kyungsang province depend in Nammyung school. However, He was educaded by three scholars belong to Tygae school from young age. Because his learning and personality was influenced from them strongly. especially from Yuheon. But he cannot help belonging to Nammyung school, for many Nammyung's disciple have resided in his hometown Haman and his wife's hometown moreover Nammyung's hometown Samga. Besides his father-in-law Nopa was the disciple of Nammyung's disciple Junginhong and he had be the chairman of Yongyam memorial hause. Though Gansong became a member of Nammyung school, he never has seceded from Tygae school. He has always play active part as both a member of Nammyung school and a member of Tygae school. Consequently his association span was very wide, and he made the best use of these circumstances. He has strained every nerve to mediate two schools. He was well-balanced scholar, so he has supported neither Nammyung school nor Tygac school. He adopted the good points of two schools and developed himself, became new own personality. Therefore he never have abtained a post in the government keeping his integrity. Though he has lived at seclusion, he has never forgotten nation and people. This point was influenced by Nammyung school. He has wirtten many prosees and poets, this point was influenced by Tygae school. His successors have regarded him as a member of Tygae school in order to uplit him. But this is not true. It is clear that he is both a member of Nammyung school and a member of Tygae school. His poet is very excellent, so deserves minutely study. If so, we can grasp him more crosely.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        淵民 李家源先生의 漢文學 咸就過程에 대한 고찰

        許捲洙 열상고전연구회 2008 열상고전연구 Vol.28 No.-

        淵民 李家源(1917-2000)은 근세 우리 나라를 대표하는 한학자, 국문학자, 서예가이다. 그는 대학자일 뿐만 아니라 한문문장과 漢詩를 마음대로 지을 수 있는 한문학 작가였다. 淵民은 駿逸한 자질과 剛毅한 집념으로 6세 때부터 학문에 정진하였다. 가정적으로는 父老들의 정성어린 교육을 받아 家學을 계승하였고, 외가쪽으로는 畏齋 丁泰鎭, 西洲 金思鎭 같은 通儒를 만나 학문의 깊이와 폭을 넓힐 수 있었고, 처가 쪽으로 匯溪 柳建宇으로부터 文學的 修鍊을 받았다. 23세 때 鄕吏에서의 硏學을 종결짓고, 서울로 올라와 5년 동안 당대 우리나라 漢文學界의 最高峰인 山康 卞榮晩, 爲堂 鄭寅普을 從遊하며 새로운 안목을 키웠다. 그리고 中國文學을 전공하고 우리나라 최초로 漢文學史를 저작한 聖岩 金台俊을 따라 漢文學史 집필의 의지를 세우고 민족의식을 고취받았다. 서울에서 공부하는 동안 晋州의 碩儒 晦峯 河謙鎭을 알게 되었는데, 서신왕복을 통해서 문학의 바른 길을 인도받게 되었다. 서울 明倫專門學校에 재직하면서 四庫全書 등 많은 中國 書籍을 접하게 되어 학문의 깊이와 폭을 더하게 되었다. 이를 계기로 나중에 우리 나라 최초의 中國文學史인『中國文學思潮史』를 집필하게 되었다. 淵民은 대학에서 제자들을 양성하면서, 100여 권의 저서와 2500편의 한시와 2000여 편의 漢文文章을 저작해 낸 대학자요, 대문장가, 대시인이다. 그리고 韓國漢文學會, 漢文敎育學會 등 여러 학회나, 退溪學硏究院 등 여러 학술단체를 맡아 운영하면서 후학들을 인도하고 학문할 수 있는 풍토를 조성하였다. 동시에 儒道會總本部 委員長, 陶山書院, 竹樹書院, 深谷書院 등의 원장을 맡아 傳統儒林의 지도자로서의 역할도 수행하였다. 일본의 우리 문화 말살과 해방후의 서양문물의 범람으로 우리 民族의 學問이 인멸되어 가는 시기에 태어나 우리 학문을 정립하고 발전시켜 나가는 데 많은 공헌을 했다. 淵民의 漢文學은,『韓國漢文學史』,『朝鮮文學史』 집필 등 漢文學을 전반적으로 조감하는 巨視的인 학문과 蛟山, 燕巖 등 참신한 改革派의 학문에 관심이 많았고, 家學으로서 退溪學도 평생 연구하였다. 그의 문장에 대해서는 우리나라의 최고 경지에 이른 山康 卞榮晩, 爲堂 鄭寅普, 晦峯 河謙鎭, 碧史 李佑成, 芝薰 趙東卓 같은 분들이 극찬을 했고, 그의 漢詩文集인『淵淵夜思齋文藁』를 읽고, 孔子의 宗孫이며 대만대학 교수인 孔德成, 대만대학 高明 등 여러 대가들이 극찬을 아끼지 않았다. Lee Gawon[1917-2000], also known as Yeonmin, was great Sino scholar, Korean literature scholar who stood for our contury. He was not only great scholar, but also writer who could freely write Chinese classic sentences. He was born with excellent talents, and devoted himself to studies from six years old. He has accept best education from his elders of family, in account of this education he could inherit his studies handed down in the family. In addition to that, he was presented with academic guidance from his wife's family and mother's family. From twenty three years old, he had terminated studies in his hometown, and had moved to Seoul. from that time he continued to study at Myunglyun special school, at this period, he had studied classics setting Sangang and Widang as the masters, so his appreciation was amplified. At that time, Sangang and Widang were the best scholars in our country. Yeonmin has met Kimtaejun who majored in Chinese literature and made Yeonmin make up his mind to write Korean classics history. Yeonmin had known great Confucian Hagyumjin by corresponding letters and had been educated the right path of classics study. During study period in Myunglyun special school, Yeonmin had read many Chinese books for instance the Four Collections therefore his study was more deep and wide. Later he had first written Chinese literature history owing to his stock of knowledge in this period. Yeonmin was great scholar and poet who has taught student at university, he had written one hundred sort books, 2500 prose and 2000 poems. Besides, he administered the academic society like Sino literary society of Korea, Sino literature educational society of Korea, had lead younger scholars, had made academic climate. As a leader of Confucian scholars, he has been the chairman of confucian center committee, Dosan classical academy, Juksu classical academy, Simgok classical academy. Yeonmin had been born the period when Korean classical study was robbed by Japan or Western nations, he had contributed much to the settlement and development of traditional study. He had studied Korean classics macroscopically, so he could write The history of Korean classics in Sino, and Korean history of literature. On the other hand, he had studied innovative scholars like Heo gyun, Pakjiwon, also he had studied Taegye's study, because Taegye's study was the study of his family. His prose written in Sino character had received many eulogies from many great scholars no matter what nation he belongs to.

      • KCI등재

        신재(愼齋) 주세붕(周世鵬)의백운동서원(白雲洞書院) 건립의 과정과 의의

        허권수 연민학회 2022 연민학지 Vol.38 No.-

        Shinjae Chu Se-pung was a literati, academic, and educator who lived during the mid-Chosŏn era. Many great scholars were active around his time; Shinjae made sure to communicate with them academically to widen his scholarly perspective. Shinjae treated his seniors like teachers, and also reached out to both T'oegye and Nammyŏng-who were both six years his junio-whereas T'oegye and Nammyŏng themselves never met each other. Shinjae also had a strong sense of responsibility and loyalty to his government post. In life, he always tried to practice what he had learned, and thus, he was able to remain in a government post all his life. Shinjae regarded Confucianism as the correct form of edification, and thus endeavored to disseminate Confucian teachings. He also made an active effort to apply Confucian ideology to politics. His founding of Paegundong Seowon reflects this mentality. As the first Seowon built in Chosŏn, Paegundong Seowon invigorated the autonomy of scholarship and enhanced the pride of Korean scholars by enshrining them for the first time. This had a great impact on Korean scholarship, culture, and education among other areas. Shinjae’s founding of the Seowon allowed Korean scholars to be methodically trained, and scholarly thinking came to be established. At this time, government schools-Seonggyungwan and local Confucian schools-had already become vessels of perfunctory education, oriented towards studies for the civil service examination. Instead, the Seowon came to be the site of a novel and authentic academic innovation, providing an education that focused on the learning of “the Way” (道學). Paegundong Seowon primarily dedicated its efforts to the practical application of Neo-Confucianism, such as the edification of the people through scholarship, rather than theoretical research. The one who succeeded the tradition of founding Seowon was T'oegye Yi Hwang, who not only supported such projects, but went on to construct Seowon himself. Approximately one thousand Seowon had been constructed by the end of the Chosŏn dynasty’s rule, serving as headquarters for academic research and the edification of the people. A collection of Shinjae’s works, Various Writings of Murŭng, is more structured in its contents compared to the other literati and academics of his time, making it a valuable resource in studying the politics, society, and culture of the period. In particular, there are invaluable materials for researching the history of Seowon and the scholarly mind of Korea. 신재(愼齋) 주세붕(周世鵬, 1495-1554)은 조선 중기의 문신이면서 학자이자 교육자였다. 신재의 시대에는 동시대에 대학자들이 많았는데, 신재는 이들과 모두 학문적 교류를 하여 자신의 학문적 안목을 넓혔다. 신재는 선배를 스승처럼 모셨고, 퇴계와 남명보다는 6세 많은 중간에 위치한 인물로서 두 사람과 다 교류하였다. 퇴계와 남명이 직접 만난 적이 없는 것과는 대조적이었다. 벼슬에 대하는 자세도 매우 적극적으로 책임감과 충성심이 강했다. 배운 바를 최대한 실현하려고 노력하였으므로 평생 관직에 있었다. 그는 유학(儒學)을 교화(敎化)의 방도로 여겨 유학의 보급을 위해 정성을 쏟았고, 또 유학의 이념을 현실정치에 그대로 적용하려고 적극적으로 노력한 인물이다. 그가 백운동서원을 창설한 것은 이런 그의 정신적 자세의 반영인 셈이다. 조선 최초로 창설된 서원인 백운동서원은 최초로 우리나라 학자를 향사(享祀)함으로 해서 우리 학문의 자주성을 높이고, 우리나라 학자의 자존심을 세웠다. 이후 우리나라 학문, 문화, 교육 등에 지대한 영향을 미쳤다. 신재가 서원을 창설함으로 해서 우리나라의 선비가 비로소 체계적으로 양성되고 선비정신이 정립되게 되었다. 이때 오랜 역사를 지닌 관학(官學)인 성균관과 향교는 이미 과거시험 위주의 형식적인 교육으로 추락하여, 새로운 참된 학문적 전기를 마련한 곳이 서원이었다. 특히 도학(道學)을 위주로 하는 참교육을 실시하였던 것이다. 백운동서원은 성리학의 이론적인 연구보다는 학문을 통한 백성 교화 등 현실 적용에 더 비중을 두었다. 신재의 서원 창설의 전통을 계승하여, 자신이 직접 서원을 창설하거나 서원 창설을 적극 지원한 인물이 바로 퇴계 이황이었고, 조선후기에 이르면 근 1천여 개의 서원이 건립되어, 학문연구와 백성교화의 본부가 되었다. 신재의 문집인 무릉잡고(武陵雜稿) 는, 동시대의 여타 문인ㆍ학자들에 비해서 비교적 완비된 체재를 갖추고 있어 당시의 정치, 사회, 문화 등을 연구하는 데 많은 도움이 된다. 특히 우나라의 서원의 역사와 선비정신을 연구하는 데 크게 도움이 되는 자료가 많다.

      • KCI등재

        외재(畏齋) 정태진(丁泰鎭)의 생애와 학문

        허권수 연민학회 2022 연민학지 Vol.37 No.-

        Oijae Jungtaejin was an outstanding scholar who was born in the late Joseon Dynasty and lived until the establishment of the Korean government. He succeeded in the studies of his outstanding ancestors and achieved excellent studies. In addition to that, he was fortunate to be taught by a master who was the best scholar of his time, and his learning further improved. His studies were particularly outstanding in the study of Confucian scriptures and the study of etiquette, and he was also good at writing poems and sentences. His writings contain a lot of practical content. However, the era he lived in was an era in which the country was in ruins, and he had no chance to show off his abilities. So, buried in the countryside, he had no choice but to study science and teach his disciples. However, he did not live quietly, turning his back on the world and purifying himself alone, but participating in the restoration of the country. He went to Manchuria to open up a farm and try to make it a base for the independence movement. However, in the end, everything failed and he returned to his homeland and quietly devoted himself to academic research. His representative student is Professor Lee Ga-won of Yonsei University. In his collections of literature, there are many things worth researching, including original reform ideas. An in-depth study is expected in the future. 외재(畏齋) 정태진(丁泰鎭)은 뛰어난 선조 학자들이 남긴 가학(家學)의 바탕 위에서 동정(東亭) 이병호(李炳鎬), 면우(俛宇) 곽종석(郭鍾錫) 같은 큰 스승에게 배워 충실한 학문을 이루었다. 특히 경학(經學)에 조예가 깊었다. 문학도 스스로 표방하지는 않았지만, 시문의 수준이 높았다. 외재는 지행합일에 이른 학자였다. 우리나라의 독립을 국제적으로 청원한 파리장서(巴里長書)에 서명하고 만주로 가서 적극적으로 독립운동에 참여하는 등 늘 국가ㆍ민족을 생각하는 사명감을 가진 학자였다. 단지 학문을 위한 학문을 하면서 자기 자신만 깨끗이 간직하는 은둔형 선비는 아니었다. 외재의 문집에는 가치 있는 글들이 많다. 각종 체(體)의 시가 239수가 실려있는데, 영주나 문경의 산수 자연을 알 수 있는 경물시가 많다. 문경 선유동(仙遊洞)을 읊은 시는 문학성이 대단히 뛰어나다. 그중 「선유구곡(仙遊九曲)」시는 주자와 퇴계의 구곡시(九曲詩) 전통을 계승한 우수한 작품이다. 또 시 가운데는 일제 이후 해방 후까지 활동했던 유학자들의 만사(挽詞)가 많은데, 이는 우리나라 유학사나 사상사를 연구할 수 있는 전기적(傳記的) 자료로서 가치가 크다. 동정, 면우 등 당대의 대표적 학자를 포함한 회당(晦堂) 장석영(張錫英), 중재(重齋) 김황(金榥) 등과 학문을 토론한 서신은 유학 연구에 도움이 되는 자료들이다. 특히 정창묵(鄭昌默)과 주고받은 많은 서신은 예학(禮學) 연구에 좋은 자료가 된다. 문집에 실린 책(策), 논(論), 설(說) 등은 독창적인 사고와 안목을 담은 중요한 글로, 실학적인 요소가 많이 들어 있다. 이런 면이 외재를 여타의 시골 선비와 위상을 달리하게 한다. 뛰어난 학문과 국가ㆍ민족을 생각하는 실천이 받침이 된 학자지만, 당시는 일제강점기 해방 이후 혼란기인지라 외재가 평생 쌓은 경륜을 펼치지 못한 점이 아쉽다. 그러나 그의 학문이나 사상은 문집을 잘 읽으면 알 수 있다. 앞으로 젊은 학자들의 외재에 대한 본격적인 연구가 있어야 할 것으로 생각된다. 그의 대표적인 제자로는 전 연세대학교 교수 연민(淵民) 이가원(李家源)이 있다.

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