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      • KCI등재후보

        한강하류의 환경학적 연구 - Ⅲ. 퇴적물 -

        한영희,이진환,이순길 ( Younghee Hahn,Jin Hwan Lee,Soon Kil Yi ) 한국하천호수학회 1997 생태와 환경 Vol.30 No.4

        In order to investigate the ignition loss, concentrations of organic carbon, organic nitrogen, cadmium, zinc and lead in the sediments of the lower part of the Han River, the present study was carried out seasonally at 7 stations during the period from June 1995 to June 1996. Ignition loss varied from the lowest value of 0.31% at Station 6 in October 1995 to the highest value of 37.03% at Station 3 in June 1996. Organic carbon varied from the lowest value of 0.10% at Station 7 in October 1995 to the highest value of 9.17% at Station 6 in May 1996. Organic nitrogen was hardly detected at any of the stations in May and June 1996, but in the other months, it varied in the concentration range of 0.01∼0.32%. Cadmium was not detected at any of the stations in June 1996 and at three stations in May 1996. However, cadmiun was detected particularly at high concentrations of 4.38㎍/g and 4.57㎍/g at Station 1 in May 1996 and at Station 3 in July 1995, respectively. Monthly average ooncentrations of zinc among 7 station varied considerably from the lowest value of 68.69㎍/g in October 1995 to the highest value of 244.77㎍/g in July 1995. Differences in average concentrations of zinc through a year were distinct among the stations with a tendency of a higher concentration at a lower station.The highest monthly average concentration of lead was 74.70㎍/g in July 1995 but it varied from 11.76㎍/g to 37.90㎍/g in the other months. Annual average concentrations of lead also showed a tendency of increasing at the lower part of the Han River. Annual average concentrations of organic nitrogen and carbon as well as zinc and lead appeared with the lowest value at station 1, with the highest value at Station 6 and with a relatively high value at Station 5. Temporal variation was greater than spatial variation in the concentrations of cadmium and lead in the sediments. Compared with a previous report in 1987, the concentrations of cadmium and lead at Station 1 in May and July were increased 3∼12 times in the present study. Continuous chemical studies are required to investigate characteristics of sediments at the lower part of the Han River.

      • 조세혜택에 따른 내재적 조세에 관한 연구

        한영희 남서울대학교 2005 남서울대학교 논문집 Vol.11 No.2

        This paper provides theoretical research and previous empirical evidence on the Implicit Tax. Results of previous empirical studies are consistent with the predictions of the Implicit Tax hypothesis and are statistically significant inverse relation between tax subsidy(PTTSE) and pre-tax return(PTROE). But the empirical relation is weaker than predicted for a perfectly competitive and frictionless market. which is due to presence of market frictions or systematic measurement error. We can know that previous studies on the tax burden of corporate that measured the variation of Explicit Tax only have not means. As a result, tax burden of corporate is sum of Explicit Tax and Implicit Tax, When both Explicit Tax and Implicit Tax are considered, horizontal inequity of tax burden disappear. So we can appreciate efficiency of tax strategy. Existence of Implicit Tax resulted from the tax subsidy means efficient in the application of tax strategy

      • 감수성의 통합

        한영희 안양대학교 인문과학연구소 2002 人文科學硏究 Vol.10 No.-

        The general point of view may be described as classicist in literature, royalist in politics, and anglo-catholic in religion. Symbolism may be defined as an attempt by carefully studied means-a complicated association of ideas represented by a metaphors to communicate unique personal feelings. Yet the doctrine of the objective correlative is a kind of summation of what Eliot, along with Hulme and Pound, derived from the theory an practice of the french Symbolists. The symbolists had argued the poetry cannot express emotion directly; emotions can only be evoked. And their studies had canvassed the various means by which this can be done. Baudelaire maintained that every color, sound, odor, conceptualized emotion, and every visual image has its correspondence in each of the other fields, Mallarme, insisting that poetry was made, not of ideas, but of words, devoted himself to exploring the potentialities of words conceived as gesture or as modes of emotive suggestion, and treated the interplay of words as a kind of ballet or a kind of musical organization.


        외상성 제2경추 골절 환자에 대한 임상적 고찰

        한영희,장태안,강성돈,김종문 대한신경외과학회 1994 Journal of Korean neurosurgical society Vol.23 No.2

        A series of 26 patients of acute axis fractures were treated at th5 Wonkwang Medical Center. Wonkwang University between Janualy, 1988 and December, 1992. The medical records and roentgenograms of these 26 patients were reviewed in detail. Follow-up data were available for all of the cases, for a median duration of 25.6 monthdrange 3 months to Syears). There were 8 hangman's fractures(31%>, 10 odontoid type Ⅱ fractures(38%)). 6 odontoid type Ⅲ fractures(23%). 2 miscellanous fractures(8% >. The odontoid type Ⅱ fracture was the most common axis fracture and the most common cause of injuly was motor-vehicle accident followed by fall, Hangman's fracture. odontoid type Ⅱ, miscellanous fracture were effectively treated with external stabilization. In the 10 odontoid type I1 fractures, 7 patients were treated by external stabilization .and 3 were by early surgical stabilization. Among the external stabilization group, the fusion failure occured 2 of the dens displacement of 4mrn or greater in the initial treatment. We offered the treatment algorithm for the subtype of axis fractures based on our experience.

      • Love & Stoicism

        한영희 대신대학 1991 논문집 Vol.11 No.-

        인간이 고통에 직면해서 어떻게 의연하게 살아 갈것인가 하는 문제는 굉장히 중요한 문제이다. 어떤 난관, 어떤 고난이 닥치드라도 의연히 살아갈수만 있다면, 얼마나 멋진 생인가. 이 문제는 우리의 영원한 숙제요 과제인 셈이다. 이런 인간의 궁긍적 과제를 테마로 삼아 자기의 문학을 세계문학의 대열에 올려논 Hemingway의 작품, 특히 그의 중편 The Old Man & the sea에서 Santiago을 통해 제시된 삶의 모습, Love & Stoicism은 어떤 난관, 어떤 어려움속에서도, 인내하고, 그러면서도 인간에 대한 더 나아가서 자연에 대한 그의 사랑의 자세는 오늘날과 같은 물질문명으로 오염된 우리의 생활 자세의 신선한 충격을 던져 주고도 남음이 있다.

      • KCI등재후보

        조세혜택과 서전이익률에 따른 조세공평성에 관한 연구

        한영희 한국국제회계학회 2006 국제회계연구 Vol.0 No.16

        >This paper provides theoretical research, previous empirical evidence and empirical evidence on the implicit taxes of companies listed in Korea. Results of empirical studies are statistically significant to the inverse relation between tax subsidy on equity(PTTSE) and pre-tax return on equity(PTROE).But the empirical relation is weaker than predicted for a perfectly competitive and frictionless market. This is due to the presence of market frictions or systematic measurement error.We can know that previous studies on the tax burden of corporations that measured the variation of explicit taxes only have no means. The horizontal inequity of tax burden which is considered both explicit taxes and implicit taxes disappear. When implicit taxes are considered, As a result, tax inequity does not disappear. because of asymmetric information, market frictions or systematic error, market interest rate and regulation in market. >이 논문은 이전의 실증적 연구 및 이론적 연구를 체계적으로 살펴보았고, 우리나라 상장기업을 대상으로 암묵적 조세가 이루어지고 있는가와 이에 따른 조세공평성이 이루어지고 있는가를 실증적으로 검증하고자 하였다.실증적 검증결과 PTTSE와 PTROE와의 사이에 역의 상관관계가 통계적으로 유의함을 검증결과 파악할 수 있었다. 그러나 정부의 규제, 시장마찰, 특정 산업의 보호육성 및 정보불균형의 존재로 불완전경쟁요소가 내포된 기업은 완전 역의 상관관계를 보이지 않았다.검증결과 마찰이 없는 시장인 완전경쟁시장하에서 예측한 것보다는 훨씬 미약한 것으로 나타났으며, 이러한 원인은 조세혜택의 차이를 조정하는 과정에서 시장마찰의 방해요인과 시장진입 규제에 따른 원인으로 조세공평성이 이루어지지 않고 있는데 기인한다.

      • 調理法에 따라 變化하는 可食野生草의 Ascrobic Acid 含量

        한영희,한광숙 연세대학교 생활과학대학 1969 婦學 Vol.2 No.-

        연세숲에서 자생하는 산, 들나물 등의 생태조사 및 조리후 ascorbic acid 함량을 정량하였다. 조리방안에 따른 ascorbic acid 함량치를 평균한 결과 볶은 것이 30.0mg%, 데친 것이 29.2mg%, 소그물에 데친 것이 17.7mg%, 식초 넣고 공기중에 1시간 방치한 것이 20.3mg%, 참기름 넣고 1시간 방치한 것이 18.3mg%이 있다. 본실험에서 볶은 것이 최고치를 나타냈고 이것은 기름이 채소의 표면을 둘러싸고 공기중의 산소에 의한 산화를 막으므로 인해 ascoribic Acid 파괴율이 낮았다고 볼 수 있다. 소금을 넣어 데친 것이 안넣고 데친 것보다 Ascorbic Acid의 손실량이 컸다. 또 식초넣고 1시간 방치한 것이 기름 넣고 방치한 것보다 대체로 Ascorbic Acid 보유하는데 좀 나은 경향이었다.

      • 光 强度別 아주까리의 光合成速度와 氣孔傳導度의 變化 및 相互聯關性

        韓英熙,崔仁洙,朴賢哲,金成萬,金容澈,李忠烈 밀양대학교 농업기술개발연구소 2000 農業技術開發硏究所報 Vol.4 No.1

        The Ricinus communis L. was planted 70cm x 70cm in field to investigate on the changes of photosynthesis followed by the investigation on the light intensity. The photosynthetic rate and stomatal conductance were increased as the PAR was increased to 2000μ mol/m2/s in leaves of all. A linear equation were obtained between net photosynthetic and transpiration rate. The quadratic equations were obtained between net photosynthetic rate and stomatal conductance, and a linear equation was obtained between transpiration rate and stomatal conductance. It was also confimed that intercellular CO2 concentration was significantly correlated with net-photosynthetic rate and stomatal conductance under low light intensity.

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