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      • KCI등재

        전북 서해안지역 原三國∼三國時代 토기 變化 - 群山 藍田패총 · 주거지 출토품 중심으로 -

        최흥선 전북사학회 2014 전북사학 Vol.0 No.45

        The purpose of this study is to viewing a look at the change process of pottery during Proto Three Kingdom ∼ Three Kingdom period that was excavated at Gunsan seongsanmyeon yeobang-ri Namjeon shell mound in 1995. and then will compare with a study of pottery from the Namjeon dwelling siteAnalyzed potteries are 2068 for all. 1847 for a Proto-Three Kingdom period of pottery divided into Hard-plain Pottery (38), Flat bottom deep bowl(547), Long egg-shaped jar(299), Jar (502s), Long bodied jar(7), Vessel(29), Big-bowl(123), Bowl(142), Steamer(57), pottery with spout(30), Cap shaped pottery (11), Big-jar(6), inward-hemmed-mouthed pottery(8), Mounted cup(5), pottery with two-fold mouth(3), Bird-Shaped Pottery(2), Japanese pottery in Pot with Handle[土師器](2). Pottery of Three Kingdom period except for the Jar is 36 that devide into Mounted flat cup(11), Cup shaped pottery(6), Flat bottom bowl pottery-stand(1), Cup with cap(12) and Bottle (6). As a result, Namjeon shell mound largely can be divided into two Periods. Ⅰperiod Includes 2 layer-group and 3 layer- group. Ⅰstage can be divided intoⅠa stage and Ⅰb stage depending on whether Hard-plain Pottery. Chronology is the late of third century and the early of fourth century. Ⅱperiod includes 4 layer-group and 5 layer-group. In detail, depending on the effect of Baekje pottery, Ⅱperiod is divided into three stage. Ⅱa stage is from the 8 layer to the 6 layer. Chronology is the middle of the fourth century. In Proto-Three Kingdom of pottery, bottom deep bowl Ⅱ type, Long egg- shaped jar Ⅱ type, Jar Ⅱa type appeared. Ⅱb stage is 5 layer of 4 layer-group. Chronology is the late of the fourth century. ceramic firing Jar andMounted flat cup, Cup shaped pottery, Pottery-stand are appear. Ⅱc stage is from the 8 layer to the 6 layer of 5 layer-group. Chronology is close the early of fifth century. Cup with cap, Bottle are appear and another Proto-Three Kingdom of pottery is varied. In summary, Ⅱc stage from the finished Proto-Tree Kingdom pottery group in Ⅰperiod appeared consistently used. From Ⅱperiod, new models appear in some deformation and two rounds of the newly emerged Baekje pottery. Finally, Cup with capⅢ type appear in 1 layer, top soil and disturbance layer. So, layer below of 1layer is judged as at the stragraphic end of Namjeon shell mound. Comprehensively, pottery of Namjeon shell mound can devide into indigenous pottery, transformed pottery under influence of Baekje, flowed pottery newly. And there was a meaning result when compared with a study of pottery from Namjeon shell mound and dwelling site. First Namjeon dwelling site hold during from the early of the fourth century to early of fifth century not temporary. Second special pottery as stovepipe pottery used only in dwelling site. Third it will be possible compare with a study of pottery from Namjeon shell mound and the other site in Jeonbuk province.

      • 후백제 도성 신자료 소개

        최흥선 한국고고미술연구소 2016 동원학술논문집 Vol.17 No.-

        견훤은 900년 전주를 도읍으로 하여 백제를 세우고 스스로 왕이 되어 정개(正開)라는 연호를 사용한 것으로 보인다. 935년 아들인 신검에게 양위한 다음, 936년 후백제가 멸망하므로 후백제의 존속 시기는 37년이 되는 셈이다. 후백제는 후삼국기 가장 강력했던 나라이자 가장 넓은 영역을 지배하였으나 역사에서 후백제의 주역인 견훤의 삶과 그의 궁성, 도성 또한 철저히 파괴되고 시간이 흘러 찾아볼 수 없게 되었다. 후백제에 대한 실증적인 연구 방법으로 후백제의 궁성과 도성에 대한 접근은 『완산지』를 이은 1943년 지방읍지 『전주부사』에 와서야 시작되었다. 전주부사에서는 구체적인 견훤의 궁성과 도성의 범위를 밝혀내고 그에 대한 방증자료를 소개하였다. 최근 연구에 의하면 독자적인 『후백제사』가 존재했다는 논문이 발표될 정도로 진전을 거두고 있다. 그러나 최근 학술적인 연구가 진전됨에도 불구하고 불행하게도 후백제의 수도였던 전주시에 대규모 공사에 따른 큰 변화가 일어나고 있다. 즉 근대 이전의 생활거주지는 대부분 그 이전의 문화층까지 내려가지 않았지만 최근의 변화는 구릉과 같은 지형 자체를 없애는 작업이 포함되어 있다. 따라서 추가적인 파괴 및 훼손에 앞서 전주에서의 후백제 도성에 대한 연구는 진행되어야 하며 관련 유적을 보호해야 하는 과제가 남아 있다. 이에 먼저 후백제 도성 및 궁성에 대한 선학의 연구를 살펴보고, 최근 후백제 유적을 보호하기 위해 시도된 지표조사와 본격적인 발굴조사를 토대로 밝혀낸 성과를 소개하고자 하였다. In Later Three Kingdoms period, Gyeon Hwon(甄萱) ruled over a strong Baekje Kingdom with Jeonju as the capital for 37 years. Nevertheless, he was made to face harsh consequences on the losing side of history: for example, he was often included in historic accounts of figures who were not kings, and he himself was perceived and described as an immoral figure. The history of his country, Later Baekje(900-936), was also omitted or distorted, and the country is estimated to have been completely devastated in reality. Despite these limitations, this paper starts from the assumption that Jeonju had at least a trace remaining of its former grandeur as the capital of the country for 37 years, and that prior research had also left some leads for such traces. Due to the author’s limitation, this paper does not address the research on historical records, and only attempts to approach the capital of Later Baekje based on previous research on the city and recent archeological research findings.

      • KCI등재

        수목의 수분특성에 관한 생리 · 생태학적 해석(Ⅱ) : 잣나무와 전나무엽의 수분 특성인자의 계절변화

        한상섭,최흥선 한국임학회 1982 한국산림과학회지 Vol.55 No.1

        Pressure Chamber Technique에 의해 測定한 잣나무와 전나무 葉의 各季節에 있어서 水分特性은 다음과 같다. 1. 最大飽水時의 잣나무 葉의 浸透壓(π_0)은 -1.2 MPa(5月)에서 -1.6MPa(11月)정도, 전나무 葉의 π_0는 -1.4MPa(5月)에서 -1.6MPa(11月)의 季節變化를 나타냈다. 2. 初期原形質 分離点 (膨壓=0)에 있어서 잣나무 葉의 浸透壓(π_p)는 -1.8MPa(5月)에서 -2.1MPa(1月)정도, 전나무 葉의 π_p는 -1.6MPa(5月)에서 -2.1MPa(1月)의 季節變化를 나타냈다. 3. 잣나무葉의 最大飽水時의 總水分에 대한 Symplasmic water는 51%(8月)에서 65%(5月)정도, 전나무葉은 40%(11月)에서 66%(5月) 정도의 變化를 나타냈다. 4. 잣나무葉의 細胞의 彈性係數(ε)는 26.4(5月)에서 65.1(10月)의 季節變化를 나타냈다.

      • KCI등재

        수목의 수분특성에 관한 생리 ·생태학적 해석 : (3) 잣나무 ·낙엽송 ·전나무임분에 있어서 엽의 수분흠차의 일변화

        한상섭,최흥선,이명종 한국임학회 1982 한국산림과학회지 Vol.57 No.1

        斜面이 다른 人工造林地에 있어서 林分의 水分動態를 알고저 快晴한 날의 葉의 Water potential (φ_L)의 日變化를 測定, 斜面方向 및 葉位(上·中·下)에 따른 差를 檢討 報告한다.

      • KCI등재

        수목의 (樹木) 수분특성에 관한 생리 · 생태학적 해석 (Ⅱ) - P - V 곡선에 의한 잣나무와 젓나무지엽의 (枝葉) 수분특성 인자의 계절변화 -

        한상섭,최흥선 ( Sang Sup Han,Heung Seon Choi ) 한국산림과학회 1983 한국산림과학회지 Vol.61 No.1

        This study was to diagnose the ontogenetic ability of drought tolerance in trees, and was to investigate the seasonal changes in tissue-water relations parameters, πo, πp, Emax, Ns/DW, Vo/Ws and RWC(tlp) obtained from P-V curves on the Pinus koraiensis and Abies holophylla shoots. The results obtained are as follows; 1) Seasonal changes of original osmotic pressure at maximum turgot, πo, were -1.2 to -1.6 ㎫ in Pinus koraiensis and -1.4 to -1.7 ㎫ in Abies holophylla. 2) Seasonal changes of osmotic pressure at incipient plasmolysis, πp, were -1.8 to -2.1 ㎫ in Pinus koraiensis and -I .6 to -2.1 ㎫ in Abies holophylla. 3) Seasonal changes of relative water content at incipient plasmolysis, RWC_(tlp) were 70 to 77% in Pinus koraiensis and 69 to 85% in Abies holophylla. 4) Seasonal changes of maximum bulk modulus of elasticity at maximum hydration, Emax, wE:re 2.2 to 6.3 ㎫ in Pinus koraiensis and 3.1 to 7.9 ㎫ in Abies holophylla. 5) Seasonal changes of number of osmoles of solute in symplasm versus dry weight, Ns/DW, were 0.5 to 1.3 in Pinus koraiensis and 0.3 to 1.0 in Abies holophylla. 6) Seasonal changes of original osmotic water volume versus total water volume (symplasmic and apoplastic water), Vo/Ws, were 55 to 65%r in Pinus koraiensis and 40 to 65% in Abies holophylla. Consequently, as the comparative values of πo, πp, Emax, Ns/DW, Vo/Ws, and RWC_(tlp) it might be suggested that Abies holophylla shoot could have more or less a greater ability of drought tolerance as compared with Pinus koraiensis shoot.

      • KCI등재

        수목의 (樹木) 수분특성에 관한 생리 · 생태학적 해석 - 물참나무와 상수리나무 엽의 수분특성의 계절변화 -

        한상섭,최흥선 ( Sang Sup Han,Heung Seon Choi ) 한국산림과학회 1986 한국산림과학회지 Vol.72 No.1

        Seasonal changes of water relations parameters were obtained from p-v curves in leaves of Quercus grosseserrata and Quercus acutissima. The osmotic pressure at full hydration, no, and osmotic pressure at incipient plasmolysis, trp, were high in newly emerged leaves but decreased with leaf development in each of the species. Water deficit at turgor loss was 10 to 20% in each of the species during the growing season. Maximum bulk elastic modulus in cell walls at full turgor, Emax, rises rapidly with leaf development before senescence in each of the species. Seasonal change of number of osmoles solute in symplasm per dry weight, Ns/DW, was higher in Quercus grosseserrata leaves than Quercus acutissima leaves, while relative water content (Vp/Vo, RWC^*, Vo/Vt) was relatively constant in each of the species.

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