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        형평에 따른 법해석과 흠결의 보충

        최봉철 성균관대학교 법학연구원 2009 성균관법학 Vol.21 No.3

        Equity has played various roles in the history of law. It has been always used as important grounds when the judge apply law and mitigate the punishment, and when the ruler make pardon the criminals. It has also facilitated the institutionalization of mediation and arbitration, and the establishment of court of equity in the common law countries. In this paper, I confine my study of equity to the idea and roles of equity in judicial interpretation and gap filling. For that purpose, I pick up three equity philosophers who are Aristotle, Aquinas and Hobbes. To compare the role of equity in legal interpretation and gap filling, it is very useful to distinguish legal interpretation and gap filling on the one hand, and between express gap and hidden gap on the other. Though three philosophers shared the word of equity, each of them bestowed different meaning on it. Aristotle saw it identical with legislative intent. Though Aquinas sometimes referred equity as legislative intent, he regarded it as the principles of natural law such as justice or common good. This means that the legislator is assumed to be rational. Hobbes defined equity as equal treatment, and then proposed that its meaning should be decided by the sovereign will. These thinkers have a unanimous opinion on what instances the equity could be applied. First, the judge may interpret the law under the ideal of equity, but she is not allowed to interpret it against the letter of law. Second, where there are express gaps in the law, the judge may adjudicate the case according to equity for there is no law to govern the case. Third, when the judge confronts exceptional case, the judge may decide the case according to equity, though there are the laws governing the case. They all agree that the judge should not amend law, which means the judge should interpret law within the letter of law, and that gap filling by equity does not amend law because the judge decide the exceptional case by equity. In addition, their theories of interpretation can be classified as textualism.

      • 간통죄에 대한 헌법재판소 결정의 다수의견에 대한 검토

        최봉철 홍익대학교 법학연구소 2007 홍익법학 Vol.8 No.2

        The KCC has decided the criminal punishment of the adultery to be constitutional. In this paper, I maintain that the decision was wrong assuming that I agree on the KCC's majority opinion that the act infringes the right of others. The majority opinion held supplementary condition for such an act to be punished: if acts like the adultery may be criminally punished, there should be people's support that such an act be punished. How strong should people's support be for the adultery to be legally prohibited? The Court told that people regarded the adultery as the act that infringes the rights of others. Such an answer is clearly false. Right answers are for example; almost all people argues for the criminal punishment of adultery, people overwhelmingly hate such an act. In logical sequence, the Court first held the adultery to infringe the rights of others. Then it told that people's support is needed for the punishment of such an act like adultery. The additional requirement for punishment plays the role to curtail the state intervention as a matter of fact. However the Court made a blunt mistake, and could not give proper consideration to the requirement. 이 논문은 간통죄에 대한 헌법재판소의 다수의견을 비판하기위한 것이다. 결론부터 말하자면, 다수의견은 자신의 논리에 충실했다면 간통죄 규정은 위헌이라고 선언했어야 했는데, 자신의 논리를 제대로 이해하지 못함으로써 합헌이라는 잘못된 결론에 도라하게 되었다는 것이 필자의 주장이다. 다수의견은 간통을 타인의 구너리를 침해하는 행위로 규정하며, 간통과 같은 부류의 행위를 형사적 처벌의 대상으로 삼고자 하면 사회구성원의 지지가 있어야 한다는 논리를 폈었다. 우선 간통이 타인의 권리를 침해하는 행위인가에 대해 부정적인 판단이 존재할 수 있을 것이다. 잠정적으로 긍정적인 판단을 취한다 하더라도, 간통 처벌에 대해서는 사회구성원의 지지가 있어야 처벌의 대상으로 삼을 수 있다는 것이 다수의견의 취지이다. 이 때의 사회구성원의 지지란 사회구성원의 압도적인 지지를 뜻하는 것으로 보아야 한다. 상식적으로 보든 영국에서의 도덕의 법적 강제에 관한 논쟁을 보든, 사회국성원의 지지가 무엇을 뜻하는가는 명백하다. 부수적으로 말해 다수의견은 부부간의 성적 성실의무란 사실상 책무라는 점을 인식하지 못하였다. 책무의 특징 중 하나는 그 수행에 대해서는 정도에 따른 평가가 내려진다는 점이다. 그런데도 간통죄 규정이 그 위반에 대해 징역형만을 규정한 것은 책무의 의미를 제대로 이해하지 못한 결과라고 말할 수 있을 것이다. 또한 다수의견은 자유주의적 입장에 충실하다. 그러하다면 다수의견은 당연히 간통죄 규정을 합헌이라고 선언하지 말았어야 할 것이다. 앞으로 간통죄에 대한 헌법재판의 기회가 부여된다면 위와 같은 오류를 계속하여 범할 것이 아니라 결정의 취지를 변경해야 할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        드워킨의 『법의 제국』

        최봉철 한국법철학회 2005 법철학연구 Vol.8 No.2

        This paper was written in commemoration of the publication of the Korean translation of Law’s Empire(Acanet, 2004). In this paper, I examined two problems: whether Dworkin’s critique of semantic theory of law is justifiable, and how well the book was translated into Korean. I agree with Dworkin’s critique of semantic theory of law, though many influential legal positivist charged Dworkin with intentional misleading of legal positivism including Hart’s version. As far as I understand, legal positivism proposes that the category of valid laws is determined by two thesis, that is, social fact thesis and social convention thesis. Social convention would be a rule that is confirmed by somehow strong coincidences among the behaviors and attitudes of the members of a group. I believe that there will not be inconsistency between social convention and linguistic convention as a rule. Though I admit, there would be exceptional cases where people hide away and disguise their real intentions of action. The book was translated into Korean very well, so that English version is not needed any more in Korea. I put, however, the translation of several words such as McLoughlin, duty and obligation in question. In the light of the weight of the word ‘integrity’ in Law’s Empire, I proposed that more adequate word be found which convey Dworkin’s idea on it to Korean readers better.

      • KCI등재

        법치의 문제에 관한 몇 가지 결론

        최봉철 한국법철학회 2012 법철학연구 Vol.15 No.3

        It is desirable to understand rule of law as a compound of formal and constitutional conceptions of the rule of law, and not as a substantive conception. By now several conceptions of the rule of law are proposed as a way of understanding how we make law rule; formal, substantial, constitutional conceptions, etc. The formal conception demands that law should satisfy the formal conditions which law-makers should follow, the substantive conception proposes that law should satisfy substantial justice, and the constitutional conception demands that the government should rule in accordance with the basic charter. The function of the rule of law is to test whether and how well the government rules in observance with a political ideal known as the rule of law. Therefore, the measuring standards should be meaningful as well as effective and neutral. The main reason why Joseph Raz chose the formal conception is that it provides functional efficacy for the assessment. I think it is more important for the standards not to prejudice non-Western societies. For example, the conception of the rule of law which requires the guarantee of political liberties gives non-liberal societies disadvantage in evaluating the degree of conformity to the rule of law from the initial stage. It is sufficient to call such a society non-liberal. We do not have to reproach it doubly in the light of conformity to the rule of law. I believe that as Lon L. Fuller argues, the observance of formal requirements is incompatible with an evil regime. In addition, I think that the formal requirements is more significant than he proposes. People’s demand of their observance by the ruler erodes the legitimacy of the regime and drives the ruler into the choice between exceptional oppression which tends towards the demolition of the regime and its acceptance which leads to constrain the ruler’s power to a substantial degree. I assert that one should not confuse the rule of law as a general principle with the interpretation of the rule of law in a particular state. It is a crucial but often forgotten distinction. What I mean by the proposition that the rule of law be understood to be a compound of constitutional and formal is that we should not understand the rule of law to be substantive one. If the constitution of a state includes the fundamental rights of the citizen, however one may say that the principles of the rule of law of the state should be interpreted to demand that substantive justice should be guaranteed. I also examine two other issues in this paper. One is the characteristics of the concept of the rule of law and the other is the connection thesis between the concept of law and the rule of law. My tentative conclusion with regard to the former is that the concept of the rule of law is a solution concept while W. B. Gallie proposes the essentially contested concept to be a concept whose achievement may be discussed in the light of the paradigm case. The former concept has only a question that is, how we make law and not men rule. It is Jeremy Waldron’s idea. On the latter, I deny the connection between them. It means that the proponents of the positivistic concept of law may propose the substantive conception of the rule of law, and those of the natural law concept of law may do the formal conception without prejudice to theoretical coherence. 필자는 법치란 형식적 법치와 입헌적 법치의 혼합물로 이해하는 것이 바람직하다고 주장하였다. 법치란 법이 지배해야 한다는 것인데, 지금까지 여러 가지 방안이 제시되었다. 그것은 형식적 법치, 실질적 법치, 입헌적 법치 등이다. 형식적 법치는 법이 일정한 형식에 부합되어야 한다는 요구를 담고 있고, 실질적 법치는 실질적 정의가 보장되어야 한다는 요구를 담고 있으며, 입헌적 법치는 통치의 기본적인 헌장에 부합되어야 한다는 요구를 담고 있다. 법치는 법이 지배의 정도를 평가하는 중요한 도구이다. 따라서 평가기준으로서의 법치의 원리는 의미 있는 정치적 이상을 표현해야 할 뿐만 아니라 효율적이고 중립적인 평가를 가능하게 해야 한다. 라즈는 형식적 법치관을 주장하면서 그것의 장점으로 개념적 유용성을 들었다. 필자는 이러한 이유보다 법치는 비서구 사회에 불리하지 않은 기준을 제시해야 한다고 생각한다. 예를 들어 정치적 자유보장을 법치의 요건으로 하는 법치관은 정치적 자유가 보장되지 않은 사회에 대해 불리한 평가를 내리게 한다. 우리는 그러한 사회에 대해 정치적 자유가 보장되지 않는 사회라고 말하는 것으로 충분하며, 굳이 법치가 이루어지지 않는 사회라고 법치의 이름을 빌려 이중적으로 비난할 필요는 없다. 또한 필자가 제시하는 법치관은 정치적 이상으로 충분하다고 생각한다. 왜냐하면 형식적 법치관을 취한다고 할지라도 그것은 생각하는 것 이상으로 중요한 가치를 실현할 수 있다. 풀러의 주장처럼 그것은 지극히 사악한 지배와 양립 불가능할 뿐만 아니라 더 나아가 그에 대한 국민들의 요구는 선한 지배의 계기를 마련할 수 있기 때문이다. 이 논문은 법치의 원리와 개별국가에서의 법치의 원리의 해석은 구분되어야 한다고 주장한다. 법치의 원리를 형식적 법치와 입헌적 법치의 혼합물로 이해하더라도, 만약 개별국가가 기본권을 보장하는 헌법을 가지고 있다면, 그 국가는 실질적인 규범적 가치의 실현을 목표로 한다고 말할 수 있다. 이 외에도 이 논문은 법치개념에 대한 분석과 법개념과 법치관의 연관성 문제를 다루었다. 전자에 대해서, 이 논문은 법치개념을 월드론을 따라 모범례조차 가지지 않은 문제에 대한 해결을 요하는 개념으로 잠정적으로 정의하였다. 그리고 후자에 대해서는 법개념과 법치관에는 이론적으로 필연적인 연관성이 존재하지 않는다는 결론을 내렸다. 즉 실증주의 법개념을 취하면서 실질적 법치론을 주장하는 것이나 자연법론적 법개념을 취하면서 형식적 법치론을 주장하는 것이 이론적 일관성을 해치는 것은 아니라는 것이다.

      • KCI등재후보
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