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        소아물리치료사의 치료경험 및 전문성에 대한 인식연구

        포커스그룹인터뷰를 중심으로 대구대학교 특수교육재활과학연구소 2018 특수교육재활과학연구 Vol.57 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to explore the unique treatment experience and the meaning of life of pediatric physiotherapist to understand their growth process as experts, and to contribute to the understanding of the job of pediatric physiotherapist and the improvement of professionalism, at a time when the domestic history of pediatric physiotherapy has exceeded half century. For this, the research was conducted by using the focus group interview method, considering the differences in treatment experience and the awareness depending on the work experience of pediatric physiotherapist. The subjects of the interview were 9 physiotherapist who worked in Seoul and Gyeonggi area with more than 3 years of experience in pediatric physiotherapy. The interviewees were divided into 2 groups based on their experience. As a result of constant comparison method, 9 high–level and 19 sub-categories were derived from participants by 3 research subjects. The two groups' treatment experiences and the recognition of professionalism were all interpreted in a similar context, but experiences of two groups were differed in the career choice motivation, and the difficulties they faced. Finally, the implications of participant’s common treatment experience and career experience were discussed.

      • KCI등재

        언간의 종결어미 형태

        <순흥안씨언간>을중심으로 한국사상문화학회 2006 韓國思想과 文化 Vol.32 No.-

        This article was written with purposes to explain a form of sentence-terminating Endings in the Korean old vernacular letters of the late Joseon period(henceforth Eongan), to research the characteristics of its morphology and syntax based on its constituent. Especially, through this article, I focused on the ‘Sunheung An-ssi Eongan’. And I could explain clearly the characteristics of the sentence-terminating endings in ‘Sunheung An-ssi Eongan’ through reanalyzing the components.. In fact, Eongan have not been made the best use for research due to the difficulties in deciphering and interpreting them. However, books of translations with notes on the Eongan have sprung up since the 1990s. As a result, we saw great strides have made both in the quantity and quality of translation. I believed that Eongan supplement vernacular Korean translation documents and the history of Korean language. Ultimately, I believe this articles prove that my belief that the Korean syntax discussion can be explained more clearly than to depend on morphology. 국어 종결어미에 의해 실현되는 문법 범주인 문체법과 상대높임법의 기능을 충실하게 기술하기 위해서는 종결어미를 포함한 어미구조체인 이른바 문장 종결 형식에 대한 형태론적인 이해가 선행되어야 할 것이다. 그리고 형태론적 이해를 위한 유력한 방법의 하나가 문장 종결 형식 의 구성요소에 대한 정밀한 형태 분석이다. 그런데 기존의 문장 종결 형식과 관련한 논의는 이것의 문법적 실현인 문체법을 펑서법, 의문법, 명령법, 청유법으로 분류기술하거나 상대높임법의 등급을 ‘쇼셔’체, ‘소’체, ‘라’체로 나누어 분류기술하고 각각에 해당하는 형태를 확인하는 방법이었다. 그러나 국어의 종결어미에 대한 형태 목록이 선행된 다음에 문법 범주 체계화의 일환으로서 문장 종결 형식이 나타내는 문법 범주를 살핀다면 보다 체계적인 연구가 이루어질 수 있을 것이다. 이와 같은 점에 주목하여 본고는 한국학중앙연구원 문중 기탁본 <순흥 안씨 언간> 22건에 나타난 문장 종결어미를 그 형태를 기준으로 분류하고 분석된 형태의 기본 의미와 해당 문장의 화용론적 상황에 대한 객관적 관찰을 토대로 문체법과 상대높임법의 등급을 결정짓는 형태를 확인하고 기술하는 것을 목적으로 하였다. 아울러 이들 종결어미에 통합되는 선어말어미의 분포도 확인기술함으로써 근대국어 공시태 속에서 언간에 나타난 종결어미의 특징을 기술하였다. 본고를 통해 언간 자료가 그동안 판본 자료 중심의 국어학 연구를 보충할 국어사 자료로서 매우 긍정적 가치를 가지고 있다는 인식이 확대되기를 기대한다.

      • 孫文의 民族主義의 展開過程 : with respect to Huijhou Rebellion

        惠州起義를 中心으로 東亞大學校 1983 東亞論叢 Vol.20 No.2

        Huijhou Rebellion was attempted in Japan after Sun Yat-Sen's failure in the First Kwangju Rebellion in 1895 and its progress had a close relationship with Japanese continental policy. In August 1897, Sun Yat-Sen arrived in Japan, putting an end to his 2 years' exile in Europe and since that time on he exerted all his energy to the expansion of Anti-Ching revolutionary organizaiton. As a result, he succeded in binding together several parties as a unified body of Anti-Ching revolutionary power, despite the failure in cooperation with Baohuang pai which had basically different ideas. By the end of 1899 Hsing Han Hui was established and Sun Yat-Sen was elected as its president in general. Meanwhile he got involved in the Philippine independence movement of 1899 and as the movement ended in failure, the weapon of the Philippine independence force was passed on to Sun Yat-Sen's disposal. Also he received Japanese promise to aid in the Huijhou Rebelion in exchange for Macao problem which had long been the target of Japanese government's political design for continental invasion. However, with the advent of new I-to Cabinet in 1900 October 19th, and the consequent change in Japanese diplomatic policy, the Rebellion was proved to be a total failure. By carefully observing the process of the Huijhou Rebellion, following several ideas can be summed up. First, since the rebellion was designed in cooperation with the conflicting Japanese aggressive policy, it was rather natural that the design was frustrated by the Japanese policy variables. Second, Sun Yat-Sen's policitcal ideas thoroughly directed to the western democratic model. Third, his nationalism in this phase was limited only to Anti-Ching nationalism. However Sun Yat-sen's secret involvement in Philippine independence movement in this period proved to be an expression of nationalism, anti-imperialistic in its nature and common among the suppressed nations. Furthermore, a severe oppression imposed by both Britain and Japan upon Sun Yat-sen and his Anti-Ching nationalistic followers had a great impact upon the later development of sun Yat-sen's nationalism.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        국민기초생활보장 제도 수급장애인의 역량강화와 근로욕구의 관계 연구

        지체 및 뇌병변장애인을 중심으로 대구대학교 특수교육재활과학연구소 2019 특수교육재활과학연구 Vol.58 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to identify the structural relations among the desire for work and the factors of empowerment(self-efficacy, self-determination, locus of control, participation in self-help group, critical consciousness) of the beneficiaries with disability of the National Livelihood Security System. A total of 97 surveys was recollected through mail and interview surveys, which was used for the structural equation model analysis using AMOS 18.0 statistics program. The findings of the study were as follows: First, self-efficacy, self-determination and critical consciousness affect the desire for work directly, while others don't. Second, self-determination had an indirect effect on the need for work and critical consciousness had mediating effect on the causal relationship between self-determination and the need for work. Based on the results of this study, Different services, economic support, psychological interventions are needed for beneficiaries with disabilities in order to improve self-efficacy, self-determination and critical consciousness.

      • KCI등재

        연구논문(硏究論文) : 외식 소비자의 MSG 허용범위와 사용량 인식이 구매의도에 미치는 영향

        소비자물가지수에 포함된 외식 메뉴를 중심으로 한국외식경영학회 2013 외식경영연구 Vol.16 No.1

        본 연구는 국내의 주요 외식메뉴를 대상으로 각 메뉴별 MSG(monosodium glutamast) 허용수준, 사용량 인식, 구매의도를 조사함으로써 외식업체들이 MSG를 사용하는데 필요한 유의미한 정보를 제공하는데 목적이 있다. 이러한 목적을 달성하기 위하여 2013년 1월10일부터 2월10일까지 약 1달에 걸쳐서 서울 및 수도권 거주자 195명을 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하였으며, 충실하게 응답된 186부의 최종분석 결과를 정리하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 요인분석 결과 외식메뉴는 ``한식 및 국수류``, ``회 및 고기류``, ``패스트푸드류``, ``돈가스 및 중식류``, ``비빔밥 및 찌개류``, ``단체급식``과 같이 총 6개로 분류되었다. 둘째, MSG의 허용수준은 모든 메뉴에서 평균값(3)보다 낮았으며, 사용량에 대한 인식은 모든 메뉴에서 평균값(3)보다 높은 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, MSG의 허용수준은 구매의도에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났으며, MSG사용량 인식은 구매의도에 영향을 미치지 않는 것으로 나타났다. This research has been conducted to provide useful information to restaurants that utilize MSG(monosodium glutamast), by inspecting major domestic menus in terms of the allowable range of the MSG, the awareness of its usage, and the intension of purchasing it. In order to accomplish this object, a survey has been conducted for 195 people living in and near Seoul from 2013. January 10th to February 10th. The following results stem from the 186 answers that were written well. First, factor analysis showed that restaurant menus were categorized into 6 menus; ``Korean foods and noodles``, ``sashimi and meat``, ``fast food``, ``pork cutlet and Chinese food``, ``bibimbap and stew``, and ``institutional food service.`` Second, the acceptable level of MSG was lower than the average rate(3) in every menus, and the awareness for its usage was higher than the average rate(3) in every menus. Third, the intension of purchasing MSG-contained products was influenced by the acceptable level of the MSG, while the awareness for its usage did not affect the purchase intention.

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