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      • KCI등재

        경영판단원칙 - 독일 주식법 내용을 중심으로 -

        조지현 한국경영법률학회 2010 經營法律 Vol.21 No.1

        Ohne Risiko ist unternehmerisches Handeln nicht denkbar. Vorstandmitglieder haben daher eine Pflicht zum Vorangehen und Initiieren, eine Pflicht zum Streben und Wagen und müssen dabei auch gewisse Risiken eingehen dürfen. Eine übertriebene Risikoscheu der Vorstandmitglieder könne aber Ihnen einem übertrieben defensiven Verhalten veranlassen, welches dazu führe, dass neue risikobehaftete Geschäftschancen nicht wahrgenommen würden. Dann verpasse das Unternehmen im schlimmsten Fall den Anschluss an die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung. Notwendig ist darum, die Umstände zu schaffen, in der Vorstandmitglieder positiv handeln können. Eine der Lösungen ist die Einführung der Business Judgment Rele. In den USA hat man unternehmerischen Entscheidungen durch Richterspruch zum Durchbruch verholfen, Sanktionen gegen Verwaltungsmitglieder nach eigenem Ermessen ganz oder teilweise auszusetzen, wenn diese redlich und vernünftig gehandelt haben und die Pflichtverletzung nach den Gesamtumständen entschuldbar war. Im Deutschland ist die Business Judgment Rule seit der ARAG/Garmenbeck-Entscheidung im Jahre 1997 ein fester Bestandteil der gesellschaftlichen Dogmatik. Mit Inkrafttreten des UMAG wird die Business Judgment Rule in § 93 Abs. 1 Satz 2 AktG aufgenommen. Danach setzt die Business Judgment Rule fünf Merkmale voraus: Unternehmerische Entscheidung, Entscheidung zum Wohle der Gesellschaft, Entscheidung ohne Interessenkonflikten, Entscheidung auf der Grundlage angemessener Information und Entscheidung in gutem Glauben. Meiner Meinug nach ist es nun nötig, mit Rücksicht auf diese Voraussetzungen im koreanischen Handelsgesetzbuch die Business Judgment Rule zu kodifizieren.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        학교 밖 청소년의 자살위험에 영향을 미치는 요인

        조지현,김장래,배활립,전명욱,이경신,이소희 대한신경정신의학회 2023 신경정신의학 Vol.62 No.4

        Objectives This study examined the factors associated with suicide risk among out-of-school youths (OSY) by analyzing their medical records retrospectively. Methods The medical records of 280 OSYs who were admitted to the National Medical Center from January 2015 to December 2018 were examined. The demographic and clinical records, including behavioral problems, post-traumatic symptoms, harmful alcohol consumption, family functioning, and quality of life, were analyzed. Results Among the 280 subjects, 80 (28.6%) were considered a high-risk suicidal group. The number of post-traumatic symptoms was found to be positively correlated, and the family functioning scores were negatively correlated with the increasing risk of suicide in the OSY based on the multiple regression analysis of the medical records. Conclusion The result of this study provides inputs for suicide prevention programs targeted at OSYs by identifying the risk and protective factors associated with suicide among the group.

      • Mechanical and Rheological Properties of PBAT (Poly(butylene adipate-co-terephthalate)-Based Hot-Melt Adhesive

        조지현,류광현,이태형,신재호,김현중 한국고분자학회 2021 한국고분자학회 학술대회 연구논문 초록집 Vol.46 No.2

        Disposable products are increasing rapidly due to packaging, delivery, and courier effects because of the recent pandemic. As interest in the environment increases, materials used for packaging are also being replaced with materials that have a low environmental load when discarded. In this study, bio-degradable hot melt adhesive (HMA) was prepared from PBAT (Poly(butylene adipate-co-terephthalate) which is a well-known biodegradable polyester and rosin maleic resin for packaging. The result indicates the samples with 30 wt.% RM, which significantly enhanced the adhesion strength of PBAT from 1.8 to 7.3 MPa. While the additional excess of 40 wt.% or more RM caused deterioration of adhesion. To examine the adhesion properties of rosin maleic resin as a tackifier as the biodegradable polymer. Mechanical and rheological properties were measured using UTM, DSC, DMA, Rheometer.

      • KCI등재후보

        從屬會社의 少數者保護를 위한 支配企業의 責任

        조지현 한국경영법률학회 2006 經營法律 Vol.16 No.2

        【Zusammenfassung】 Die Haftung der herrschenden Unternehmen für den Minderheitenschutz der abhängigen Gesellschaften Ji-Hyun Cho Bei der qualifizierten Konzernbeherrschung werden die abhängige Gesellschaft und diese Minderheiten benachteilt, wenn das herrschende Unternehmen seinen Einfluss für die abhängige Gesellschaft nachteilig ausübt. Die Gläubiger der abhängigen Gesellschaft können aber durch die Durgriffshaftung, die die Lehre und die Urteile anerkennt haben, beschützt werden. Die Minderheitsaktionären der abhängigen Gesellschaft haben aber kein Schutzinstrument gegen die qualifizierte Konzern- beherrschung. Zum Schutz der abhängigen Gesellschaft und dieser Minderheitsaktionären ist es deswegen erforderlich, im Handelsgesetzbuch die Schutzregeln vor qualifizierter Beherrschung vorzuschreiben. Konkret gesagt, müssen der Verlustausgleich, der Ausgleich und die Abfindung in Betracht kommen. Darüber hinaus müssen Erleichterungen der Beweislast den Minderheitsaktionären zugebiligt werden.

      • KCI등재

        이사의 감시의무와 회사에 대한 배상책임 - 서울고법판결 2020나2034989 -

        조지현 단국대학교 법학연구소 2022 법학논총 Vol.46 No.1

        Since the company and directors are in a delegation contract relationship, directors have a duty of care to the company. The duty of care is determined by normative standards, not individual standards. Therefore, the representative director and the business director bear the compliance obligation to execute business in accordance with the normative standards. In addition for businesses that they do not execute, directors are obligated to monitor whether other directors execute businesses in accordance with the norms. If a director fails to take appropriate measures despite reasons to suspect that other director’s performance is illegal, the director shall compensate the company for damages due to violation of the duty of oversight. Recently, the 1st trial court and the 2nd trial court made different judgments regarding the director’s duty of oversight. The 1st trial court recognized only the violation of the supervisory obligation of the representative director and denied the general supervisory obligation of directors who were not in charge of the work, while the 2nd trial court recognized the violation of the supervisory obligation of both the representative director and directors who were not in charge of the work. Considering the purpose of the outside director system introduced for the efficient operation of the board of directors’ supervisory function, the opinion of the 2nd trial court, which recognized the duty of oversight of directors who were not in charge of the work, is valid. 이사는 회사와 위임계약관계이기 때문에, 이사는 회사에 대해 선량한 관리자의 주의의무를 부담한다. 주의의무의 기준은 자신의 주관적인 판단이 아니라 수탁받은 재산의 관리자처럼 업무를 처리하는, 종류와 규모가 비슷한 기업의 지휘자(업무집행자)이다. 상법상으로는 대표이사에게 회사의 대표권과 업무집행권이 있고,(제389조 제1항, 제3항, 제209조 제1항) 이사회에는 업무집행에 관한 의사결정권과 감독권(제393조 제2항)이 있어 개별 이사에게는 업무집행권이 없어 보이지만, 규모가 큰 회사의 경우 정관 기타 내규에 의하여 대내적으로 일정한 범위에서 업무담당이사에게 업무집행권을 위임하는 경우가 많은데 이 경우 이사도 업무집행권을 갖는다. 따라서 대표이사와 업무집행이사가 업무를 집행함에 있어서는 규범적인 기준이 적용되고, 이사가 주의의무를 이행했는지 여부는 이사의 주관적 능력이 아니라, 종류와 크기가 비슷한 기업, 구체적인 회사의 상황, 이사의 업무영역과 일반적인 경제상황에 따라 평가된다. 이사가 이러한 기준에 따라 업무를 집행함에 있어서는 준법의무를 부담하고, 자신이 집행하지 않는 업무에 대해서는 다른 이사의 업무집행을 감시할 의무를 부담한다. 이사의 감시의무는 법률에 명시된 개념은 아니지만 학설과 판례는 이사의 감시의무를 인정한다. 이사의 감시의무는 대표이사 및 업무집행이사의 감시의무와 평이사의 감시의무로 구분해서 살펴볼 수 있는데, 평이사가 일반적인 감시의무를 부담하는지에 대해서는 견해차가 존재한다. 이와 관련하여 최근 항소심이지만 평이사의 감시의무를 인정하고 의무위반으로 인한 회사에 대한 배상책임을 인정한 판결이 선고되었다. 이에 본 논문에서는 1심법원과 2심법원의 견해 및 이사의 감시의무에 대한 통설과 판례의 입장을 자세히 살펴보고자 한다.

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