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        점진적 중도절단에서 역와이블분포의 적합도 검정

        조영찬,이경준 한국데이터정보과학회 2023 한국데이터정보과학회지 Vol.34 No.3

        In survival and reliability analysis, some units can be failed between two points of observation with exact times of failure of these units unobserved. Therefore, progressive censoring scheme was introduced. Also, the problem of examining how well a assumed distribution fits the data of a sample is of significant that has to be examined prior to any inferential process. Therefor, we derives an maximum likelihood estimator of the parameters of inverse Weibull distribution. And we introduced the goodness-of-fit test statistics and carried out Monte Carlo simulation to compare the proposed test statistics. In addition, real data set have been analyzed. 중도절단 자료의 발생의 원인 중 하나로 관측원의 실수 또는 기계상의 오류를 들 수 있다. 점진적 중도절단은 이러한 관측원의 실수 또는 기계상의 오류를 고려하기 위하여 제안되었다. 또한 통계적 추론에 있어서 자료가 어떠한 분포의 형태를 띄는지 자료의 분포를 검정하는 것은 매우 중요한 일이다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 역와이블분포의 최대우도추정량을 점진적 중도절단 상황에서 계산하고 적합도 검정통계량들 (순서통계량을 이용한 방법과 로렌츠 곡선을 이용한 방법)을 제안하였다. 모의실험을 통하여 본 논문에서 제안한 적합도 검정통계량들 (순서통계량을 이용한 방법과 로렌츠 곡선을 이용한 방법)을 비교하여 우수한 적합도 검정통계량을 확인하였다. 또한, 제안한 적합도 검정통계량을 실제 사례 자료에 적용하여 결과를 비교하였다.

      • KCI등재

        질소 소비료적성 고품질 벼 신품종 "청청진미"

        조영찬,오명규,최임수,김연규,김명기,황흥구,홍하철,정오영,최인배,최용환,전용희,이정희,이정일,신영섭,김정주,김기종,백만기,노재환 한국육종학회 2009 한국육종학회지 Vol.41 No.4

        Cheongcheongjinmi is a new japonica rice variety developed from a cross between Iri401 and Ilpumbyeo by the rice breeding team of National Institute of Crop Science, RDA. This variety is suitable for ordinary season culture of low level nitrogen application. Heading date of "Cheongcheongjinmi" is August 17, 4 days later than that of Sobibyeo in plain areas. It has culm length of 82 cm, and relatively semi-erect pubescent leaf blade and slightly tough culm tolerant to lodging with good canopy architecture. This variety has 13 tillers per hill, 126 spikelets per panicle and 90.2% of ripened grains. "Cheongcheongjinmi" showed lower spikelet fertility than Sobibyeo when exposed to cold stress. This variety showed slower leaf senescence and lower viviparous germination compared to Sobibyeo during the ripening stage. "Cheongcheongjinmi" is susceptible to blast disease, bacterial blight, virus diseases and planthoppers. The dried plant weight, total nitrogen and RuBisCO activity of "Cheongcheongjinmi" were higher than those of Sobibyeo in low level nitrogen application. The milled rice of "Cheongcheongjinmi" exhibits translucent, clear non-glutinous endosperm and medium short grain. It shows lower protein and amylose contents than those of Sobibyeo, and better palatability of cooked rice compared to Hwaseongbyeo. The milled rice yield of this cultivar is about 5.10 MT/ha at low level nitrogen application of ordinary season culture in local adaptability test for three years. Especially, "Cheongcheongjinmi" has better milling properties such as the percentage of whole grain in milled rice and milling recovery of whole grain, respectively than those of Sobibyeo. "Cheongcheongjinmi" would be adaptable to middle plain areas and middle-western coastal areas of Korea.

      • KCI등재후보

        중부평야지 적응 고품질 복합내병성 벼 ‘중생골드’

        조영찬,김명기,김연규,최임수,양창인,오명규,이점호,김정주,서정필,원용재,황기호,오세관,이정희,장재기,노재환,이충근,안억근,정응기 한국육종학회 2013 한국육종학회지 Vol.45 No.4

        ‘중생골드’는 중부지역 적응 고품질 중생 벼 품종을 육성할 목적으로 2004년 하계에 중생이고 쌀의 외관 품위가 좋고 도 정특성이 좋은 ‘영덕34호’와 조생이고 초형이 양호하며 내냉 성이 있는 ‘Yumetsukushi/새상주’ 조합 F1과의 삼원교배를 하여 SR29778-B-75계통을 선발하고, ‘수원528호’로 계통명 을 부여하여 2009년부터 2011년까지 3개년간 지역적응시험 을 실시한 결과 그 우수성이 인정되어 2011년 12월 농촌진흥 청 농작물 직무육성 신품종선정위원회에서 국가목록등재 품 종으로 선정됨과 동시에 ‘중생골드’라 명명되었다. ‘중생골드’ 의 출수기는 보통기 재배에서 평균 출수기가 8월 8일로 ‘화 성’보다 4일 빠른 중생종이고, 벼 키는 78 cm로 ‘화성’의 83 cm보다 작았으며, 이삭길이, 주당 이삭수도 19 cm 14개로 ‘화성’과 비슷하나 이삭당 립수는 113개로 ‘화성’보다 많았 다. 등숙율은 78.9%로 ‘화성’보다 약간 낮고, 현미 천립중이 20.6 g으로 중립종이다. ‘중생골드’의 도열병저항성은 화성보 다 강한 중도저항성을 보였고, 줄무늬잎마름병에 강한 복합저 항성을 보였지만, 흰잎마름병, 오갈병 및 멸구류에 대한 저항 성이 없다. ‘중생골드’는 불시출수 현상이 낮고 위조현상이 없으며, 도복에 강한 편이다. 내랭성은 ‘화성’과 비슷한 정도 를 보였다. ‘중생골드’의 입형은 현미 장폭비가 1.72로 중단 원립이고, 백미외관은 심복백이 거의 없어 맑고 투명하였다. 알칼리 붕괴도는 6.4였고, 단백질함량은 6.2%, 아밀로스함량 은 17.2%로 ‘화성’의 7.1% 및 20.8%보다 낮아 식미관능검 정 결과 식감이 부드럽고 밥맛이 우수하였다. 제현율, 현백률 및 도정율은 화성보다 약간 낮으나 도정된 쌀의 완전립율이 97.5%로 ‘화성’(94.7%)보다 높아 완전미 도정수율은 화성 수준으로 양호하였다. ‘중생골드’의 쌀수량은 2009년부터 2011년까지 3년 간 실시한 지역적응시험 결과 중부평야지 6 개소에서 보통기 보비재배 평균 5.05 MT/ha로 대비품종 ‘화 성’과 비슷한 수량성을 보였는데, 조기재배에서 5.51 MT/ha 로 대비품종 ‘조평’ 대비 10% 증수되어 평야지 조기재배용으 로도 가능성을 보였다. ‘중생골드’의 재배적지는 중부 평야지 이다. The ‘Jungsaenggold’ is a japonica rice variety developed from a cross between Yeongdeog34 which has translucent milled rice and good milling properties and F1 of Yumetsukushi and Saesangju that the varieties have a good canopy architecture, cold tolerance and early maturing property by the rice breeding team at NICS, RDA in 2011. The heading date of this variety is August 8 and four days earlier than check variety, ‘Hwaseong’. ‘Jungsaenggold’ has 78 cm of culm length and 113 spikelets per panicle. This variety showed similar cold tolerance to ‘Hwaseong’ while exposed to cold stress. This variety showed resistance to blast disease and stripe virus, but susceptible to bacterial leaf blight and planthoppers. The milled rice of this variety exhibits translucent, clear non-glutinous endosperm and short grain shape. ‘Jungsaenggold’ has better palatability index of cooked rice than that of ‘Hwaseong’ because of lower protein content (6.2%) and amylose content (17.2%) than that of ‘Hwaseong’. The whole grain rate of milled rice is higher than that of Hwaseong and milled rice recovery rate of ‘Jungsaenggold’ is similar to those of Hwaseong. ‘Jungsaenggold’ has 5.05 MT/ha of milled rice productivity in ordinary cultivation and 5.51 MT/ha in early cultivation. ‘Jungsaenggold’ could be adaptable to the middle plain area in Korea.

      • Identification of Major Blast Resistance Genes in Korean Rice Varieties (Oryza sativa L.) Using Molecular Markers

        조영찬 한국작물학회 2007 Journal of crop science and biotechnology Vol.10 No.4

        The 13 major blast resistance (R) genes against Magnaporthe grisea were screened in a number of Korean rice varieties using molecular markers. Of the 98 rice varieties tested, 28 were found to contain the Pia gene originating from Japanese japonica rice genotypes. The Pib gene from BL1 and BL7 was incorporated into 39 Korean japonica varieties, whereas this same gene from the IRRI-bred indica varieties was detected in all Tongil-type varieties. We also found that 17 of the japonica varieties contained the Pii gene. The Pii gene in Korean rice varieties originates from the Korean japonica variety Nongbaeg, and Japanese japonica varieties Hitomebore, Inabawase, and Todorokiwase. The Pi5 gene, which clusters with Pii on chromosome 9, was identified only in Taebaeg. Thirty-four varieties were found to contain alleles of the resistance gene Pita or Pita-2. The Pita gene in japonica varieties was found to be inherited from the Japanese japonica genotype Shimokita, and the Pita-2 gene was from Fuji280 and Sadominori. Seventeen japonica and one Tongil-type varieties contained the Piz gene, which in the japonica varieties originates from Fukuhikari and 54BC- 68. The Piz-t gene contained in three Tongil-type varieties was derived from IRRI-bred indica rice varieties. The Pi9(t) gene locus that is present in Korean japonica and Tongil-type varieties was not inherited from the original Pi9 gene from wild rice Oryza minuta. The Pik-multiple allele genes Pik, Pik-m, and Pik-p were identified in 24 of the varieties tested. In addition, the Pit gene inherited from the indica rice K59 strain was not found in any of the Korean japonica or Tongil-type varieties tested. The 13 major blast resistance (R) genes against Magnaporthe grisea were screened in a number of Korean rice varieties using molecular markers. Of the 98 rice varieties tested, 28 were found to contain the Pia gene originating from Japanese japonica rice genotypes. The Pib gene from BL1 and BL7 was incorporated into 39 Korean japonica varieties, whereas this same gene from the IRRI-bred indica varieties was detected in all Tongil-type varieties. We also found that 17 of the japonica varieties contained the Pii gene. The Pii gene in Korean rice varieties originates from the Korean japonica variety Nongbaeg, and Japanese japonica varieties Hitomebore, Inabawase, and Todorokiwase. The Pi5 gene, which clusters with Pii on chromosome 9, was identified only in Taebaeg. Thirty-four varieties were found to contain alleles of the resistance gene Pita or Pita-2. The Pita gene in japonica varieties was found to be inherited from the Japanese japonica genotype Shimokita, and the Pita-2 gene was from Fuji280 and Sadominori. Seventeen japonica and one Tongil-type varieties contained the Piz gene, which in the japonica varieties originates from Fukuhikari and 54BC- 68. The Piz-t gene contained in three Tongil-type varieties was derived from IRRI-bred indica rice varieties. The Pi9(t) gene locus that is present in Korean japonica and Tongil-type varieties was not inherited from the original Pi9 gene from wild rice Oryza minuta. The Pik-multiple allele genes Pik, Pik-m, and Pik-p were identified in 24 of the varieties tested. In addition, the Pit gene inherited from the indica rice K59 strain was not found in any of the Korean japonica or Tongil-type varieties tested.

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