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      • KCI등재

        사노 마나부[佐野學]의 전향과 강인한 전통 : 천황의 국가, 종교와 집단

        정혜선 한국민족운동사학회 2006 한국민족운동사연구 Vol.48 No.-

        Sano Mananobu’s Conversion and Strong Tradition-The Monarch's State, Religion and Group-Jeong, Hye Sun 사노 마나부의 전향과 강인한 전통-천황의 국가, 종교와 집단-정혜선

      • KCI등재

        종결어미와 통합하는 ‘보다’ 구문에 대하여 - ‘-ㄴ가 보다’, ‘-ㄹ까 보다’를 중심으로

        정혜선 국어학회 2010 국어학 Vol.0 No.59

        본고는 종결어미와 통합하는 ‘보다’ 구문을 대상으로 역사적 문제와 의미적 문제를 다루었다. 우선 ‘보다’ 구문은 19세기에 문헌 자료에 처음 등장하는데 이 시기에 ‘보다’ 구문이 어떤 특징을 가지는지 살펴보고 그 출현 원인을 논의하였다. ‘보다’ 구문의 출현은 중세국어부터 인지 행위를 나타내던 본용언 ‘보다’가 근대국어 들어 분포가 확장되면서 그 쓰임이 다양해진 데 기인한 것이다. ‘보다’ 구문의 의미에 대해 기존 연구에서는 객관적 근거에 의한 판단이라고 하였는데 이러한 의미는 일부의 ‘보다’ 구문에만 적용된다는 점에서 재고의 여지가 있다. 이에 본고는 ‘보다’와 이에 통합하는 ‘-ㄴ가’, ‘-ㄹ까’ 의문문의 의미적 관련성을 통해 ‘보다’ 구문의 의미를 파악하고자 하였다. ‘보다’의 의미는, 의문문이 의심의 의미일 때는 [명제가 옳다는 화자의 확신 증가], 의문문이 의도의 의미일 때는 [명제를 수행하겠다는 화자의 의지 증가]이다. 그 결과 나타난 ‘보다’ 구문의 의미는 각각 [명제가 옳다는 판단], [확고한 의도]가 된다.

      • KCI등재

        영세사업장 보건관리 지원사업 실시 전후의 산업보건수준 비교 분석

        정혜선,Jung, Hye Sun 한국직업건강간호학회 1995 한국직업건강간호학회지 Vol.4 No.-

        The small scale industries which have less than 30 employees occupy 86.5% of total number of industries in Korea. And though they have higher accident rate and lower environmental condition than big industries, it has been not mandatory to appointing health care manager at factory. So, from 1993, government subsidizes to the health care management of small industries. The purpose of this study is to identify the real feature of health care status in small industries, and to evaluate the level of health care management, before and after the subsidiary program. 65 small plating industries which have been managed by the same health care management support institution in 1993 were selected for study. Of the 65 industries, 3 which have not taken both environmental evaluation and health screening in 1994, and 9 which have closed were excluded from study sample. And the remaining 53 were analyzed by using the results of environmental evaluation and health screening, reported to the Ministry of Labor, before and after the subsidiary program, the analysis was done by the comparison of the two year paired data of the same industry. Over-permissible-limit rate, health screening implementation rate, above grade C rate were calculated and compared. The status of health care management ; 1. Of the sample industries, 96.9% provide protective equipment and 80.0% set up ventilating system. Protective gloves (89.2%) and protective clothing (80.0%) are widely provided, but ear plugs (4.6%) are rarely provided. 21.5% of the protective equipment are well put on, and 40.4% of the ventilating systems function well. 2. In 1993, 35 industries, 53.8% of the sample, checked working environment twice. Over-permissible-limit rates of heavy metal (12.2%), suspended particle (11.1%), noise (5.5%) were high. To put on protective equipment and to set up local ventilating system were pointed out by the examiners. 3. General health screening was done at 63.1% of the sample industries and 35.3% of total workers were examined. Specific health screening was done at 93.8% of the sample industries and 75.4% of workers were examined. 15.5% of workers was provided to be above grade C and to have digestive system disease (43.3%), circulatory disease (18.9%), and hematopoietic disease (14.2%), etc. 4. In 1993, the subsidiary program of health care management was provided in forms of health education, health counseling, and rounding check of working field. And 61.5%, 83.0%, 55.4% of sample industries respectively received it. The average visit per industry was 1.8. Comparisons of the level of occupational health before and after the subsidiary program ; 1. Over-permissible-limit rates of hazardous factors of 1993 and that of 1994 were compared. The rates of suspended particle, noise, organic solvent of 1994 (37.5%, 13.4%, 24.2% respectively) were higher than that of 1993 (25.0%, 6.0%, 6.3% respectively). In the case of acid, there was no difference between the rate of 1993 and that of 1994. Only the rate of heavy metal decreased from 12.9% in 1993 to 3.0% in 1994. 2. General health screening was done at 38.7% of the sample industries in 1993 and at 44.6% in 1994. But the implementation rate of specific health screening decreased from 72.4% in 1993 to 64.6% in 1994. 3. The implementation rate of specific health screening was analyzed by some health factors. The rate of suspended particle increased from 61.8% in 1993 to 91.2% in 1994. But the rates of the others-noise, organic solvent, heavy metal, specific chemical substances-decreased. 4. Above grade C rate in health screening increased from 27.8% in 1993 to 35.5% in 1994. But that of endocrine disorders and pulmonary disease decreased.

      • KCI등재

        베이커리제품을 구매하는 여성소비자의 소비가치가 충동구매와 구매만족도에 미치는 영향

        정혜선,심지숙,이종진 (사)한국조리학회 2017 한국조리학회지 Vol.23 No.8

        This study was to examine how consumption value of female consumers affects impulse consumption and purchase satisfaction when they buy bakery goods, present specific determinant factors that affect them, and identify its influencing factors. The survey was conducted with those who have bought bakery goods of female consumers in Seoul and Kyonggi area, using a convenience sampling method. After a total of 400 responses was collected, 366 responses were included for the multiple regression analyses in order to test the hypotheses. To summarize findings from this study, analysis of the first hypothesis showed that “emotional impulse buying,” “stimulating impulse buying,” “reminder impulse buying,” and “situational impulse buying” among impulse buying factors in consumption value factors had positive effects. The second hypothesis analyzed that “emotional impulse buying,” “stimulating impulse buying,” and “situational impulse buying” gave positive impacts on “purchase satisfaction,” while “reminder impulse buying” had no influence. Analysis of the third hypothesis demonstrated that “consumption value” had positive effects on “purchase satisfaction.” These findings were significant to examine consumption value that show the consuming pattern of consumers, analyze influencing factors on impulse buying of female consumers, and further present marketing strategies used for advantageous tools with competing stores to bakery owners or marketers.

      • KCI등재

        대학생, 중년, 노인 집단의 이야기에 대한 기억과 해석

        정혜선,편지영 한국인지및생물심리학회 2005 한국심리학회지 인지 및 생물 Vol.17 No.4

        Adams, Smith, Nyquist and Perlmutter(1997) investigated the effect of aging on narrative comprehension and reported that older adults interpreted narrative texts in deeper and more integrative ways than younger adults. In their study, however, the educational level of the older adults was significantly higher than that of the younger adults, making it difficult to determine whether the superior interpretation ability of the older adults was due to the increased text comprehension experiences that older adults had, as Adams et al. proposed, or whether it was due to the added education experience of the older adults. This study compared the retell and interpretation ability of older, middle-aged, and younger adults with similar level of education. The results showed that when the level of education was equivalent, older adults' interpretations were no longer better than younger or middle-aged adults' interpretations. However, the pronounced age differences observed in text recall and recognition tasks disappeared when the depth and synthesisness of their interpretations were examined. These results suggest that the effects of aging on text comprehension vary depending on the stages of text comprehension. It seems that although the ability to recall the contents of the texts decreases with aging, the ability to interpret the texts remains relatively intact. Adams, Smith, Nyquist 및 Perlmutter(1997)는 우화(allegory)를 가지고 노인 집단과 대학생 집단의 이야기 이해 능력을 비교하여 대학생 집단보다 노인 집단에서 이야기를 더 깊고 통합적으로 해석함을 보고하였다. 그러나 이들 연구에서는 노인 집단의 교육 수준이 대학생 집단보다 유의하게 높아서 이들의 결과가 연령의 효과인지, 아니면 교육의 효과 때문인지 불분명하였다. 본 연구에서는 40대 중년 집단을 포함하고 교육 수준이 유사한 참가자를 대상으로 하여 연령에 따라 이야기 회상과 해석 능력이 어떻게 변화하는지 살펴보았다. 그 결과 Adams 등에서처럼 노인 집단의 이야기 해석 능력이 대학생 집단보다 더 우수하지는 않았으나, 재인과 회상과제에서 나타났던 뚜렷한 연령 집단 간 수행 차이가 해석 과제에서는 사라졌다. 이러한 결과는 해석하기와 같은 이야기 처리의 후기 단계에서는 정보 처리 속도, 단기 기억 등의 요인보다 사전 지식과 경험의 역할이 중요하기 때문으로 보이며, 노화의 효과는 이해 과정의 단계와 처리 수준에 따라 다르게 나타남을 시사한다.

      • 무용창작에 있어서 즉흥표현에 관한 고찰

        정혜선 한국스포츠리서치 2004 한국 스포츠 리서치 Vol.15 No.3

        Dance materializes the visual images through momentary movements of the body. Thus, in dance, "movement" has great significance, Ail the movements imply images, An image can be defined as some experiences that are evoked or created in mind through all our senses. Proper understanding of the ways to express such images correctly and clearly will help us to express our emotion, spurred by external impulses, immediately and promptly, This is, what is called, the improvisational expression. Three basic ways of concentration and response for the improvisational imagination are "concentration of consciousness," "release of restriction," and "creative consciousness," And there are four stages to create the foundational improvisational expression such as the sense of fulfillment; preparation, Investigation, development, and organization and formulation, A creative dance in a real sense results from the individualized and concretized combination of the techniques of beautified movements coning out of a trained body, profound psychological values, and the sense of beauty in dance, And the psychological basis of the creative process is expressed through individual intuition or the sense of emotion, Therefore the expression of the improvisational movements can be regarded as a greatly important process of creative dance, for the images described in the associative process of subconscious, when applied to the improvisational elements, leading to the body, So far this study has been manifested that the improvisational expression is a basic pattern of creation, in which the human emotion appears through immediate and reflective movements, movements, can be expressed in new, creative, productive and practical art works. And the improvisational expression in creative dances has been defined as "the choice of emotion in specific stimulation and consciousness, and the dynamic movements of structurized physical potential" In brief, the improvisational expressions requires diversity of movement, and can help the dancer expand his or her scope of action to find and harmonize new space structures and movements.

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