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        ‘병합사안’을 통해본 한국병합 인식

        정애영(Jeong Ae-Young) 한일관계사학회 2007 한일관계사연구 Vol.27 No.-

        본고는 1910년 일본의 조선강점기 병합사안(?合私案)을 중심으로 다양한 조선 인식 및 식민지배 구상을 고찰한 것이다. 특히 1903년부터 재조선 일본거류민단장과 한성신보 주필을 역임하고 간도 조사와 함경도 서기관을 지낸 나카이 기타로(中井喜太?)의 병합사안을 중심으로 조선에서 활동한 재조일본인의 조선인식과 통치구상과 영향을 고찰하였다. 그는 재조선 일본인 거류지를 일본인의 ‘海外膨張’의 근거지로 위치 짓고 더욱더 일본인 단체의 충실화를 꾀해 팽창의 기반 강화를 주장하며 군사 정치적인 침략 뿐 아니라 사람을 이주시켜 세력을 부식시키는 ‘식민’을 통해 그것을 관철시키려 하였다. 그는 한국병합 당시 병합을 자신들의 오랜 염원의 달성이라고 환영하며 자신이 만든 ?合私案을 발표하고 있다. 이는 당시의 일본의 대륙론자들의 행동의 일단을 보여주는 것으로 당시 제기된 병합사안들은 실천적 팽창론자들의 적극적인 행동의 면모와 아이디어를 보여준다. 병합 당시 제기된 다른 병합사안들과 비교해볼 때 나카이의 병합안은 매우 광범위하며 현지의 체험에 기초한 제안이 많이 보인다. 예를들면 조선 역사와의 ‘절충’적 통치의 제안이나 조선에서의 징병제 실시, 일본과의 무관세 주장 등 이후의 조선식민지정책과 관련지어 볼 때 주목할 만한 부분이 많다고 생각된다. 그리고 거기에는 조선인을 일본의 국민으로 보아 팽창의 선봉으로 삼고자하는 조선인식이 두드러진다. 조선을 이주식민지로 보는 시각이 강하여 일본의 과잉인구문제 해결과 조선통치에서의 동화정책의 주체로 위치지어 인적팽창에 의한 국민적 규모의 동화를 시도한 점이 특징이다. 병합의 형식에 있어서도 군부의 총독제 구상과는 다른 합방 형식의 논의가 보이고 동문동종론이나 문화적 동화주의 보다는 인적팽창을 위주로 한 ‘국민’적 시점의 동화론이 강함을 볼 수 있다. The purpose of this paper is to inquire into lots of recognition on Chosun and plans of colonial control by centering around the private plan for annexation during Japanese occupation by force in 1910. It examines, in particular, the recognition and ruling ideas & influences of Japanese people in Chosun who took an active part in Chosun by centering around the private plan for annexation by Nakai Kitaro who had served as a head of Japanese residents in Chosun, chief editor of HaSungShinBo, investigator in Chientao, and secretary of Hamkyeongdo since 1903. He located Japanese concession in Chosun as a base of Japanese ‘foreign expansion’, intended to make Japanese groups be faithful all the more, and asserted to intensify the foundation for expansion. At the same time, he tried to accomplish his intention by the ‘colonization’ to immigrate people and erode the force as well as by the military and political invasion. He welcomed the annexation as an achievement of Japanese long-cherished desire at the time of Korean annexation and presented his private plan for annexation which he had made out himself. This exposed some of Japanese continental theorists’ actions, and the private plans for annexation suggested at that time revealed active aspects of actions and ideas by practical expansionists as well. Compared with other private plans presented at the time of annexation, Nakai’s private plan is very broad and shows a lot of suggestions based on the experiences from the field. It is, for instance, regarded that there are many remarkable parts such as the suggestion of ‘compromise’ reign with Chosun history, the execution of a conscription system in Chosun, and the assertion of no tariff with Japan in relation to Chosun colonial policies afterwards. Moreover, the understanding of Chosun that considered Chosun peoples as both Japanese ones and the vanguard of expansion is prominent in Nakai’s private plan. It has, also, characteristics that takes a strong viewpoint to see Chosun as a colony for emigration, locates Chosun as a subject for the solution of overpopulation problem in Japan and the assimilation policy in the reign of Chosun, and makes an attempt to assimilate by personal expansion on a national scale. It is figured out that the discussion of annexing form different from the plot of governor-general system has appeared in the form of annexation, and the theory of assimilation from a ‘national’ viewpoint by putting personal expansion first has been apparent strongly rather than the theory of the same script and the same race and the cultural assimilationism.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        귀국 해난사고를 통해 본 강제동원과 귀환

        鄭愛英(Jeong Ae-Young) 한일민족문제학회 2010 한일민족문제연구 Vol.19 No.-

        This paper aims to examine the sea accidents which occurred to Koreans who were returning to Korea from Japan shortly after the liberation of Korea and the victims' remains which were collected after the accidents. This work will partly contribute to clarifying certain facts about forced mobilization of Koreans and raising the issues about their returns. Those sea accidents frequently happened especially in September and October, 1945, because of bad weather conditions and overloading as well as the poor transport system. I focused on the damage to individual returnees whose aspects was not explored enough in the previous studies through an exemplary accident and conducted further research about the transport conditions of private ships where the Koreans embarked which caused the accidents in the process of returning and the movements about the remains of victims. While I try to specify the remains of returnees' who had worked in the Mitsubishi Corporation in Hiroshima and disappeared in the sea accidents as a representative example, I analysed the situation about returns of the forcedly mobilized Koreans. By doing that, I confirmed a number of cases of big accidents and castaways in Iki, Tsushima waters, mostly caused by typhoons in the poor transport conditions and the lack of salvage system and emergent aid system. So called 'Konjoin remains' and 'Odayama Memorial remains' which were collected from the accidents are the symbol of sea accidents of Korean returnees and their damage. Seeing the return process of laborers of Mitsubishi Corporation in Hiroshima, more than 50% of Korean laborers returned individually, which means that their return process was put in extreme chaos. The fact they had to return individually was deeply related with the smuggling network that had worked before war. While 'Notice on Imported Laborers' provided that Japanese should lead their return to Busan, it was ignored and not executed in the field. Lack of policies on Korean returnees and aid system caused large-scale accidents. For example, a few rejections of the landings at the island by administrators of Iki were the reason of big accidents. Research about 241 returnees from Hiroshima to Korea can be considered to be the beginning of studies on sea accidents where Korean returnees were victimized, having historical meanings in that it reveals some issues like Korean victims of atomic bombs and mobilization of Koreans during war. In conclusion, I think that laborers of Mitsubishi were likely to be victimized in Tsushima accident that occurred at Makurazaki Typhoon, September 17, 1945 and Iki bay accident. My assumption is that their remains are related with 45 bodies collected from Tsushima and kept in Konjoin and about 130 bodies put under the Iki Memorial. 本稿は解放直後日本から朝鮮への引き上げ途中多発した朝鮮人引揚者海難事故中の一つの事件と実際海難事故で漂着された死体の遺骨との相関関係を明らかにし、それを通して強制動員と帰還被害の一端を把握するのを目的とする.特に日本の敗戦と占領の混乱の中朝鮮への帰還輸送体系が不備だった9月10月に気象悪化、劣悪な輸送船、過積などの理由から多発した帰還海難事故の事例を発掘し、従来の帰還研究で研究されてこなかった'個別帰還による帰還被害'に焦点をあて民間帰還船の輸送実体及び帰還朝鮮人遭難事故とその遺骨をめぐる運動を中心に考察した。それとともに朝鮮人海難事故の代表的な事例である広島三菱重工帰還失踪事件と関連遺骨の特定を通して強制動員の帰還実体を分析した。調査結果帰還輸送体系と引揚援護対策の不備の中帰還民が殺到した9、10月に台風などによる民間船大型遭難が相次ぎ壱岐·対馬海域を中心に多数の漂着事例を確認することができた。この海域で収拾されたいわば 「金乗院遺骨」, 「小田山慰霊碑遺骨」は朝鮮人帰還海難事故を雄弁するもので朝鮮人帰還被害を象徴している。広島三菱強制動員労務者の帰還実体をみると、帰還者の半分以上が個別帰還であったことから極度に混乱状態であった帰還の状況がわかる。このように頻繁な個別帰還には戦前から動いていた密航ネットワークとの関連も深いものといえる。このような帰還現場では 「移入労働者に関する通達」は全く履行されず、また壱岐での何回かの上陸拒否が大型遭難への結び付いたいった点などから日本の朝鮮人強制動員帰還対策、援護対策の不備が大規模の海難被害を量産したともいえる.結論的に三菱徴用工事件と関連して相関関係の高いものと思われるのは枕崎台風時の対馬東海岸遭難と壱岐葦辺湾遭難で 「金乗院遺骨」と相関関係が高いと推定される。

      • KCI등재

        한중평위산의 현미감정 연구

        박종희,김진수,정애영,Park, Jong-Hee,Kim, Jin-Soo,Jeong, Ae-Young 대한약학회 1996 약학회지 Vol.40 No.2

        Han Jung Pyeong Yi San is a Chinese Patent medicine, which is used for stomachic disorder, acute and chronic indigestion, dyspepsia and diarrhea in Korea. This medicine consisit of 16 kinds of powdered crude drugs. For the identification of individual ingredients in such powdery mixtures, microscopic method may advantageously be used as it requires only a small amount of specimens. In this paper, the effectiveness of this method is exemplified by the identification of the ingredients in Han Jung Pyeong Yi San which contains 16 powdered crude drug ingredients.

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