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      • KCI등재

        이사회 내 위원회 구성이 인적자원 및 연구개발 투자에 미치는 영향

        정금희,김유찬 한국경영교육학회 2013 경영교육연구 Vol.28 No.2

        The roles of Board of Directors could be divided broadly into the two (i.e. monitoring and supporting the management), and these two roles should function in a balanced way. With respect to the composition of Board of Directors, prior studies heavily put their emphasis on the monitoring role of outside directors in the board. However, it is obviously beneficial to include inside directors in the board because they can sufficiently support managerial decision-making as insiders with the relevant information. A few of prior studies shed light on the role of inside directors in improving the firm performance. This study extended prior researches by examining board committee composition in specific decision contexts. The purpose of this study is to test the impact of board committee composition on the investment in human resources and research & development. The analysis in this paper was performed with firm-year observations from 2008 through 2010 listed on Korea Exchange. As a result, it was found that the proportion of inside directors on management committee and the proportion of outside directors on other supporting committee were statistically significantly associated with investment in human resources while the proportion of outside directors on audit committee was not statistically associated with investment in human resources. In addition, it was found that the proportion of outside directors on audit committee was statistically associated with investment in research and development while the proportion of inside directors on management committee and the proportion of outside directors on other supporting committee were not statistically associated with investment in research and development. These results indicate that more inside directors are needed when the board committee is organized for the decision for which the relevant information within a firm is required. This study has the implication for board committee composition in that it analyzes the board committee composition for the two specific decisions. It seems to be important that practitioners evaluate appropriately the role and the necessity of inside directors upon organizing board committees in Board of Directors. 이사회의 역할은 크게 감독기능과 경영지원기능으로 구분될 수 있다. 그리고 두 역할은 균형 있게 작동되어야한다. 이사회의 구성과 관련하여, 선행연구들은 사외이사가 수행하는 감독기능만을 지나치게 강조해 왔다. 그러나 이사회 내에 사내이사를 두는 것 역시 유익한 점이 있음이 분명하다. 왜냐하면, 그들은 목적 적합한 정보를 가진 내부자로서, 경영진의 의사결정을 충실하게 지원할 수 있을 것이기 때문이다. 몇몇 선행연구들은 기업성과의 개선이라는 측면에서 사내이사의 역할과 필요성에 주목했다. 본 연구는 연구개발과 인적자원 투자라는 구체적인 의사결정 상황에서 전문위원회의 구성을 논의함으로써, 선행연구의 틀을 확장하고자했다. 본 연구의 목적은 이사회 내 위원회의 구성이 인적자원 및 연구개발 투자에 미치는 영향을 검정하는데 있다. 본 연구에서의 분석은 2008년부터 2010년까지 한국거래소에 상장된 주권상장법인의 기업-연도 관측치를 대상으로 수행되었다. 분석결과, 경영위원회 사내이사비율과 기타운영위원회 사외이사비율은 인적자원투자와 통계적으로 유의한 양(+)의 관계가 있는 것으로 나타났으나, 감사위원회 사외이사비율은 인적자원투자와 통계적으로 유의하지 않은 것으로 확인되었다. 또한, 감사위원회 사외이사비율은 연구개발투자와 통계적으로 유의한 양(+)의 관계가 있는 것으로 나타났으나, 경영위원회 사내이사비율과 기타운영위원회 사외이사비율은 연구개발투자와 통계적으로 유의하지 않은 것으로 확인되었다. 이러한 결과는 기업 내의 목적적합한 정보가 요청되는 의사결정에 대해 전문위원회가 구성될 경우, 보다 많은 사내이사가 요구된다는 점을 보여주는 것이라고 할 수 있다. 본 연구는 두 가지의 구체적 의사결정 상황에서 전문위원회의 구성을 분석하였다는 점에서 이사회 구성의 문제에 대한 함의를 제공한다. 실무자들은 이사회 내 위원회를 구성할 때, 사내이사의 역할과 필요성을 적절히 평가할 필요가 있을 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        Meralgia paresthetica affecting parturient women who underwent cesarean section -A case report-

        정금희,이종연,고동균,박정현,전덕희,양현정,길현주,김민구 대한마취통증의학회 2010 Korean Journal of Anesthesiology Vol.59 No.-

        Meralgia paresthetica is commonly caused by a focal entrapment of lateral femoral cuteneous nerve while it passes the inguinal ligament. Common symptoms are paresthesias and numbness of the upper lateral thigh area. Pregnancy,tight cloths, obesity, position of surgery and the tumor in the retroperitoneal space could be causes of meralgia paresthetica. A 29-year-old female patient underwent an emergency cesarean section under spinal anesthesia without any problems. But two days after surgery, the patient complained numbness and paresthesia in anterolateral thigh area. Various neurological examinations and L-spine MRI images were all normal, but the symptoms persisted for a few days. Then, electromyogram and nerve conduction velocity test of the trunk and both legs were performed. Test results showed left lateral cutaneous nerve injury and meralgia paresthetica was diagnosed. Conservative treatment was implemented and the patient was free of symptoms after 1 month follow-up.

      • KCI등재

        모네 회화에서 나타난 색채론

        정금희 한국프랑스학회 2009 한국프랑스학논집 Vol.65 No.-

        Chez les impressionnistes du 19ème siècle, il n'existe pas une couleur porpre à la nature et la couleur change à chaque heure selon la lumière. Ainsi sachant l'importance de la lumiére naturelle, ils travaillent à l'extérieure en essayant d'utiliser une couleur qui soit la plus pure possible pour exprimer la nature avec une technique de pinceau à touche courte. Particulièrement, pendant toute sa vie, Monet garde dans son cœur l'importance du visuel et il peint à l'extérieur en plein air afin de faire preuve de la théorie de l'impressionnisme, par conséquent de voir des changements avec un seul sujet dans des heures différentes, selon une période et une atmosphère . Notre étude a pour but principal d'éclaircir une particularité du dispositif de couleurs dans les peintures de Monet et de mettre au point sa valeur artistique. Pour ce faire, nous avons essayé de savoir comment Monet emploie des couleures et avec quelles efficacités ces couleurs apparaî̂ssent dans ses peintures. L'art de Monet est influencé par la province normandie où il a grandi et a voyagé et aussi par Boudin, Jongkind, Courbet, les naturalistes et les paysagistes, qui l'apprennent à voir la nature et à développer une pensée nouvelle sur la lumiére et la couleur. Monet met en œuvre ses preuves expérimentales en série de la cathédrale de Rouen, Meules, Peupliers etc. Sa peinture vient d'une observation minutieuse sur la vision de la nature et il exprime cette observation minutieuse selon des changements de couleurs dans des heures différentes. Monet contitue son art propre en réalisant dans sa peinture une nature mystérieuse et anime avec des changements de couleur et de lumiére, des détails subtiles de l'espace et de l'air, et aussi avec des reflets de couleurs en harmonie. Dans sa peinture, il n'essaie pas de reproduire la nature, mais il observe et il décrit les impression qu'il a ressenti avec une sensibilité propre à lui. Selon Chevreul, l'harmonie vient de l'efficacité sur l'utilisation de la loi du contraste simultané des couleurs. Monet accepte la théorie de Chevreul et Il essaie de montrer qu’une couleur donne à une autre couleur voisine une nuance complémentaire dans le ton : les couleurs complémentaires s’éclairent mutuellement et les couleurs non-complémentaires paraissent ”salies” etc. Nous pouvons observer que les peintres de néo-impressionnisme comme Signac et Seurat sont influencés par ces pratiques de Monet. Les tableaux de la dernière carriére de Monet sont estimés et comprises par les expressionistes abstraits. On peut savoir que Monet met sa vie entière à mettre en valeur une maniére de voir les impression ressenties. Par conséquent, ce qui est important pour Monet, c'est peindre la nature dans toutes ses couleurs avec des tons de lumiéres différentes et observer cette nature avec des changements de motifs réalisés, et des couleurs selon des tons de lumiére.

      • KCI등재

        악성흑색종 절제 후 방사선 치료 도중 발생한 몬도씨 병 1예

        정금희,박현정 대한피부과학회 2013 大韓皮膚科學會誌 Vol.51 No.12

        몬도씨병(Mondor`s disease)은 비교적 드문 표재성 혈전 정맥염으로서, 흉벽 또는 복벽 부위에 호발하는 끈 모양의 선상 결절을 특징으로 한다1. 1939년 Mondor에 의해 흉벽 에 발생한 정맥염이 보고되면서 좀더 구체적으로 명명되 었다. 확실한 원인은 밝혀지지 않았으나, 과도한 운동, 외 상, 수술, 임신, 피부감염 또는 악성 종양 등의 다양한 인 자들이 관여할 것으로 추정되고 있다2. 38세 남자환자가 우측 흉벽에 발생한 끈모양의 압통성 요인이 영향을 미쳤을 것으로 생각된다. 첫째, 종양의 물리 적 압박 또는 전이성 림프절 압박 등의 직접적인 정맥압박 으로 인한 혈관 내피세포의 손상으로 인해 발생 할 수 있 다3. 둘째, 방사선 치료시 혈소판의 활성화, 혈액응고 인자 의 생성 이상의 기전을 통해 혈액응고를 촉진시켜 정맥염 을 초래했을 가능성도 생각할 수 있다4,5. 하지만, 악성 흑 색종을 제거한 후 방사선 치료 도중 3개월 만에 몬도씨 병 변이 발생하였기 때문에 방사선 치료로 인한 정맥염 발생 가능성이 크다. 저자들은 악성 흑색종 제거 후 방사선 치 료 도중 발생한 몬도씨병을 경험하고 흥미로운 증례로 생 각되어 보고한다.

      • KCI등재

        산모가 인지한 분만간호의 질 측정도구 개발

        정금희,김현경,김영희,김선희,이선희,김경원 한국간호과학회 2018 Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Vol.48 No.1

        Purpose: This study aimed to develop an instrument to assess the quality of childbirth care from the perspective of a mother after delivery. Methods: The instrument was developed from a literature review, interviews, and item validation. Thirty-eight items were compiled for the instrument. The data for validity and reliability testing were collected using a questionnaire survey conducted on 270 women who had undergone normal vaginal delivery in Korea and analyzed with descriptive statistics, exploratory factor analysis, and reliability coefficients. Results: The exploratory factor analysis reduced the number of items in the instrument to 28 items that were factored into four subscales: family-centered care, personal care, emotional empowerment, and information provision. With respect to convergence validation, there was positive correlation between this instrument and birth satisfaction scale (r=.34, p<.001). The internal consistency reliability was acceptable (Cronbach’s alpha =.96). Conclusion: This instrument could be used as a measure of the quality of nursing care for women who have a normal vaginal delivery.

      • KCI등재

        2단 활성슬러지 시스템을 이용한 저온에서 하수의 질소제거

        정금희,손정희,박종복,이용희 ( Keum Hee Jung,Jung Hee Shon,Jang Bok Park,Yong Hee Lee ) 한국물환경학회 1998 한국물환경학회지 Vol.14 No.1

        Nitrogen removal study of municipal wastewater was carried out in A City`s Wastewater Treatment Plant with dual sludge system. The dual sludge system consists of anoxic tank, oxic tank, and clarifier followed by Modified Ludzack-Ettinger(MLE) system. For nitrogen removal, methanol was used as an external carbon source in the anoxic tank. This process showed the effluent quality, achieving 81% of COD_(Cr), removal and 71% of total nitrogen removal. Influent wastewater contained 199∼548㎎/l of COD_(Cr), and 51∼83.8㎎/l of total inorganic nitrogen. The final effluent contained 42∼150㎎/l of COD-Cr and 11.2∼33.5㎎/l of total nitrogen. The specific denitrification rate and C/N ratio in the anoxic tank were 0.1∼0.34 (gNO₃-N/gVSS/d) and 3.06∼4.64 (gCOD consumed/gNO₃-N removed), respectively, at the range of 4∼14℃ of temperature.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • 재불 화가 이응노 예술에서의 디아스포라 양상

        정금희 유럽문화예술학회 2010 유럽문화예술학논집 Vol.1 No.1

        Artist residing in France, Lee, Eungnoh is a successful artist in Europe as a Korean ,whereas he is an 따tist damaged due to the realities of his divided fatherland as well. He breathed his last in France other than his homeland and has been buried up to the present. Lee, Eungnoh brought about the harmony between the things racial and intemational with a variety of materials and techniques during an artist' s career. He created works imbued with pride as a Korean even in his long overseas life. This researcher thinks it a11 the more meaningful in that this research did a study on his art like this at a diaspora viewpoint for the first time. This research raised an issue of "On what basis can Lee, Eungnoh be called an artist having a diaspora disposition?" and "What is diaspora-based pattem of work in his art and how is the value of his art?" Lee, Eung-noh expressed his conflict with the homeland, innocent prison life, his patriotism felt during his overseas life of 30 years or so and nostalgia in the form of art, and he created works based on patriotism, emotion, and political consciousness disposition in his later years. He wasn’t satisfied with Oriental brush-strokes or singularity of Sagunja[a painting of plum, orchid, mum, bamboo symbolic of four noble men], but attempted at character abstraction suited for the sense of the times. Then, in his later years, he portrayed the appearance of the crowd through a series of ’human’ with the aim of sharing community spirit together with the people. Lee, Eung-noh ended his life in foreign land embracing his limitless love for his homeland, ardent nostalgia for his hometown and yeaming for the emotion of Korea. He managed to sublimated his nationalism into art in a position of a nationalist and intended to seek after freedom of art. He pursued free aπ by deviating from the shackles of ideology. Lee, Eung-noh reproduced his thoughts and feelings which he vaguely felt at ordinary times by sublimating them into 않t while living in a foreign country, unable to go to his homeland though his homeland undoubtedly exists. Such feelings could be called a diaspora-based idea and the paintings based on these feelings could be called diaspora art.

      • KCI등재

        에드가 드가 작품에서의 ‘춤’에 관한 연구

        정금희,임성은 한국프랑스학회 2013 한국프랑스학논집 Vol.82 No.-

        Il s’est produit un grand changement dans la société française après la Révolution de 1789. Un nouveau mouvement pictural a été initié dans les Beaux-Arts. A la fin du 19ème siècle, les impressionistes ont préféré exprimer une impression temporelle à une reproduction réelle. Ils voulaient défier la peinture académique et ont affirmé que la couleur des objets variait selon le changement de lumière. Les impressionnistes comme Manet, Monet, Degas et Renoir ont choisi comme sujets la course aux chevaux, la danse, la blanchisserie dans des scènes quotidiennes. La danse en particulier était considérée comme un bon exemple montrant le mieux le développement de la société moderne. Bien qu'appartenant au mouvement impressionniste, Degas a choisi les portraits aux paysages. Fasciné par la danse, on la retrouve dans nombre de ses oeuvres, si bien qu’il a été appelé “peintre de danse”. Cette étude traite de la raison pour laquelle il a choisi la danse comme sujet de ses oeuvres, de sa signification et également des caractéristiques de sa palette esthétique. Comme des clichés instantanés, il dessinait souvent des scènes quotidiennes dont le sujet était la danse et sa peinture s’est surtout caractérisée par l'attention portée aux coulisses : la répétion des chorégraphies dans une salle de danse, l’attente des danseurs, le moment où les ballerines entrent en scène... Il est allé à contre-courant des peintres contemporains qui utilisaient plutôt un élément dramatique dans l’image de la danse : ils préféraient, eux, peindre une image splendide de la danse sur une scène lumineuse ou encore des bals où valsent des couples. En revanche, Degas a, lui, représenté la danse en opposant le rythme des danseuses, aussi bien sur scène que dans leur espace de travail quotidien hors scène, et le silence du moment en mouvement. Par l’intermédiaire de la danse, Degas a alors montré sa particularité en représentant diverses facettes d'un métier artistique et des scènes aux points de vue originaux et ce notamment en utilisant l’impression des danseuses.

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