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      • KCI등재

        친시민성 연안 친수공간 조성의 정책제언: 인천광역시를 중심으로

        전하나,변병설 국토지리학회 2007 국토지리학회지 Vol.41 No.1

        Incheon has various and abundant coastal resources as the city of west coast that includes international airport, international port facilities. Incheon is spreading active business of economic development center based on the coastal resources. This is time that active preservation and administration of the coastal environment for sustainable development of the coast in Incheon, because such economic development is causing problem that is the coastal environment pollution and ecocide. The coast is controled by the central government in Korea, so human resources and financial support are necessary for practicing the plan reflected local quality. And there is necessity to see the coast in social, environmental side. This study wishes to draw suggestion for sustainable development of the coast in Incheon that examine actual conditions of the coast in Incheon. 인천은 국제공항, 국제항만 시설을 포용하고 있는 서해안의 연안도시로서 다양하고 풍부한 연안자원을 보유하고 있다. 이러한 연안자원을 기반으로 인천은 경제개발 중심의 적극적인 사업을 펼치고 있다. 경제개발 중심의 연안개발은 인천에 경제적 이득을 가져올 수 있지만, 연안은 시민들의 휴식의 장이라는 사회적 가치를 지니는 만큼 연안 친수공간의 확보가 중요하다. 따라서 동북아 중심의 국제연안 도시로서 인천이 거듭나기 위해서는 연안 친수공간에 대한 관심이 필요하다. 이에 본 연구는 인천의 대표적인 연안 친수공간인 월미도 연안역, 연안부두 해양광장, 아암도 해안공원의 실태를 살펴보았다. 현재 인천의 해안은 군사상 보호의 목적으로 해안경계 철책선이 설치되어 시민의 이용이 어려워 연안 친수공간이 절대적으로 부족하다. 기 조성된 친수공간은 접근이 불편하고 홍보가 미약해 시민들의 이용에 제약을 주고 있다. 따라서 연안 친수공간의 양적인 확충을 위해 관계 군당국과의 지속적 협력을 통해 해안경계 철책정비를 추진해야 한다. 더불어 친시민적인 활용을 위해서 대중교통 체계 구축, 적극적 홍보활동, 다양한 문화여가 프로그램개발, 개성있는 연안 친수공간 조성 노력이 뒷받침 되어야 할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 교재에 나타난 한국 대중문화 교육의 실태와 방향성 연구

        전하나 한국문화융합학회 2019 문화와 융합 Vol.41 No.6

        The purpose of this study is to analyze Korean language textbooks, to grasp the current status of Korean popular culture education, and to inductively examine future directions for popular culture education. Korean textbooks from four universities were selected to analyze popular culture education contents, with the following results. First, there is a lack of popular culture content presented as cultural education. Second, a lower level of popular culture content and methods is addressed in cultural education, compared to materials used in language education. Third, contents related to popular culture generally begin to be presented at intermediate or higher levels. Fourth, some popular culture fields are employed more than others. Fifth, the relationship between content and learning activities is significant, as well as the use of various actual content. Based on the results of previous studies and textbook analysis, directions for popular culture education presented in this study are as follows. First, a full-fledged study of how to address popular culture in education should begin. Second, an independent popular culture curriculum that targets popular culture itself and does not subordinate it to language education is needed. Third, popular culture content as educational material should be selected based on set criteria. It is necessary to determine the desired form of popular culture education through continuous research in future.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 학습자를 위한 대중문화 교육 방안 탐색 -드라마 <이태원 클라쓰>를 중심으로-

        전하나 부산외국어대학교 다문화연구소 2024 다문화사회와 교육연구 Vol.16 No.-

        Recently, with the development of Korean popular culture, the number of Korean language learners has also increased, and accordingly, many studies are being conducted on ways to educate Korean culture through popular culture. Many researchers were interested in popular culture education and proposed educational methods, but because they generally only conducted one-off studies, it was difficult to consider and systematically plan the direction of popular culture education. Therefore, in this paper, I designed a concrete plan for cultural education through movies and dramas among popular culture genres and attempted to infer the direction of popular culture education based on the results. First, based on the contents of previous studies, the principles of the class were set as ‘learner participation class’ and ‘co-construction’ between a teacher and learners, and a specific plan for cultural education using the drama <Itaewon Class> was presented. The overall structure of the class can be briefly summarized as ‘selecting a popular culture text, finding cultural codes, and analyzing and evaluating cultural context’, and it was suggested that this process can become a large framework for popular culture education. Above all, it is most important to encourage learners’ participation throughout the entire course of class. In conclusion, it can be expected that learners will not only enjoy popular culture, but will also be able to satisfy their needs for cultural knowledge and improve their ability to understand other cultures through popular culture education.

      • KCI등재

        한국과 미국의 가치문화 비교 연구 - 드라마 <굿닥터>와 리메이크 드라마 <the Good Doctor>를 중심으로

        전하나 한국문화융합학회 2022 문화와 융합 Vol.44 No.4

        The purpose of this study is to analyze the Korean drama <Good Doctor> and the American drama <the Good Doctor> in order to compare the value culture of Korea and the United States. Korea and the United States are divided into East and West, and there is a cultural gap, so in the process of being remade, it can be adapted to the local circumstances. Therefore, changes in drama content according to culture can be an important clue to reveal cultural differences. First, by synthesizing the contents of previous studies, Korea’s representative value culture can be summarized as ‘collectivism, authoritarian culture, and emphasis on order and stability’. America’s representative value culture can be summarized as ‘individualism, egalitarianism, and acceptance of differences and uncertainties’. As a result of analyzing the contents of the drama in detail based on these characteristics, the Korean drama <Good Doctor> was able to confirm the characteristics of ‘priority in family relations, change in vertical relations, and tolerance for the socially disadvantaged’. In the American drama <the Good Doctor>, the characteristics of ‘the double standard of individualism, the pursuit of equality in diversity, and the culture and limits of coexistence’ were revealed. Through the analysis, it was possible to confirm in detail the characteristics of value culture that were somewhat broadly identified in previous studies, and to identify changes or exceptional aspects. Through this study, the two cultures could be objectively analyzed by comparing the original drama and the remake drama. Drama is the most popular narrative genre and is suitable for interpreting a country’s value culture. Therefore, if we deeply understand the meaning of the acts that appear in the drama, we will be able to get closer to understanding not only Korean culture but also other cultures.

      • KCI등재

        Teflon-FEP 와 PET Film 의 감마선 조사에 따른 물리적 특성에 관한 연구

        김성훈,김영진,이명자,전하,이병용 한국의학물리학회 1998 의학물리 Vol.9 No.1

        일렉트릿 (electret) 의 특성을 갖고 있는 Teflon-FEP 와 PET 필름의 유전체 양변에 크롬을 증착시켜 전극을 만들고 코발트-60 감마선을 찍어 이 두 유전체의 물리적 특성변화를 조사하였다. 선량률 25.0 cGy/min에서 방사선 조사하기 시작하여 2초이내에서 전류가 급격히 증가해 최대값에 이른후, 60초 이후에선 거의 안정값에 이르는 특성을 보였다. 방사선 조사동안 Teflon의 경우 유전 상수는 2.15에서 18.0으로, 전기전도도는 1$\times$$10^{-17}$ 에서 1.57$\times$$10^{-13}$ $\Omega$$^{-l}$ $cm^{-1}$ /으로 증가했고, PET는 유전상수는 3에서 18.3으로, 전기전도도는 $10^{-17}$ 에서 1.65$\times$$10^{-13}$ $\Omega$$^{-1}$$cm^{-1}$ /값으로 변하였다. 분당선량률을 변화시켰을때 (4.0 cGy/min, 8.5 cGy/min, 15.6 cGy/min, 19.3 cGy/min) 정상상태 방사선 유도전류(Ic), 유전율($\varepsilon$), 전기전도도 ($\sigma$) 가 선량률에 따라 증가함을 보였다. 정상상태방사선유도전류(Ic)값은 12시간내에선 1%내의 재현성을 보였고, 1주일간에선 3%내에서 일치하였다. 전하 및 전류값이 측정간격 (방사선 조사후 다음 조사때까지의 시간)에 의존성을 보였으며, 측정간격이 작을수록 초기측정값과 후측정값의 차가 크며, 최소 20분이상 간격을 둘 때 후측정값이 초기측정값과 같아졌다. 25.0 cGy/min. 선량률에서 유전체가 20분동안 전하를 유지하는 일펙트릿 성질을 갖고 있음을 보였다. 위 실험결과들은 2차전자에 의한 자유전자와 정공의 발생 및 이로 인한 내부편극과 전도도의 변화, 재결합등으로 인한 전자평형상태에 의한 것으로 볼 수 있다. 방사선조사직후 시료에 열을 가한 후 다시 조사하면 측정값이 상승하는 현상을 보였다. 이는 열을 가함으로 내부편극이 감소되었고 이로인해 다음 방사선 조사시 전하운반자(charge carriers)의 숫자를 높이는데 기여했음을 알 수 있다. 인가전압 및 흡수선량에 따른 선형성 및 재현성과 다른 전리함에 비해 적은 부피로 큰 전하량을 측정하는 것은 미세전류검출기로서의 사용가능성과 검출기의 부피를 크게 줄일수 있는 가능성을 보여준다. Circular metal electrodes were vacuum-deposited with chromium on the both sides of Teflon-FEP and PET film characteristic of electret and the physical properties of the two polymers were observed during an irradiation by gamma-ray from $\^$60/Co. With the onset of irradiation of output 25.0 cGy/min the induced current increased rapidly for 2 sec, reached a maximum, and subsequently decreased. A steady-state induced current was reached about in 60 second. The dielectric constant and conductivity of Teflon-FEP were changed from 2.15 to 18.0 and from l${\times}$l0$\^$-17/ to 1.57${\times}$10$\^$-13/ $\Omega$-$\^$-1/cm$\^$-1/, respectively. For PET the dielectric constant was changed from 3 to 18.3 and the conductivity from 10$\^$-17/ to 1.65${\times}$10$\^$-13/ $\Omega$-$\^$-1/cm$\^$-1/. The increase of the radiation-induced steady state current I$\^$c/, permittivity $\varepsilon$ and conductivity $\sigma$ with output(4.0 cGy/min, 8.5 cGy/min, 15.6 cGy/min, 19.3 cGy/min) was observed. A series of independent measurements were also performed to evaluate reproducibility and revealed less than 1% deviation in a day and 3% deviation in a long term. Charge and current showed the dependence on the interval between measurements, the smaller the interval was, the bigger the difference between initial reading and next reading was. At least in 20 minutes of next reading reached an initial value. It may indicate that the polymers were exhibiting an electret state for a while. These results can be explained by the internal polarization associated with the production of electron-hole pairs by secondary electrons, the change of conductivity and the equilibrium due to recombination etc. Heating to the sample made the reading value increase in a short time, it may be interpreted that the internal polarization was released due to heating and it contributed the number of charge carriers to increase when the samples was again irradiated. The linearity and reproducibility of the samples with the applied voltage and absorbed dose and a large amount of charge measured per unit volume compared with the other chambers give the feasibility of a radiation detector and make it possible to reduce the volume of a detector.

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