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        비음처리(庇蔭處理)가 잣나무묘목(苗木)의 생장에 미치는 영향

        전상근,정현배,김영채 한국임학회 1979 한국산림과학회지 Vol.43 No.1

        잣나무 苗木의 生長에 미치는 光度의 影響을 알기 爲하여 잣나무 播種床에서 2年間 庇蔭網을 利用한 4水準의 人工庇蔭處理를 行한후, 苗木의 生長을 調査檢討했다. 調査된 生長의 內容은 苗丈, 地上部長, 地下部長, 直徑, 苗木의 生重量 및 乾重量, 地上部와 地下部의 生重量 및 乾重量等이었으며, T/R ratio도 求하였다. 全體的으로 볼 때 地上部長에 있어서만 庇蔭程度(相對光度差)에 따른 一定한 傾向을 찾어볼 수 없었을 뿐 其他 生長에 있어서는 相對光度가 높을수록 生長이 큰 傾向을 볼수 있었다. T/R ratio는 相對光度가 높을수록 그값이 작아졌었다.

      • KCI등재

        잣나무착과량에 (着果量) 미치는 몇 개 기상인자의 (氣象因子) 영향

        전상근,김일현 ( Sang Keun Chon,Il Hyun Kim ) 한국산림과학회 1982 한국산림과학회지 Vol.57 No.1

        The environmental influence on cone crop of pinus koraiensis has been studied by means of correlation and regression analysis of number of 1-year-old cone and meteorological data. A positive effect on cone crop is brought about by low air temperature during the year of flower bud differentiation and much sunshine duration for the year and the winter before flower bud differentiation. The weather of June before flower bud differentiation is very important for cone production.

      • KCI등재

        잣나무에 있어서 수형이 (樹形) 결실량에 미치는 영향

        전상근,노연희 ( Sang Keun Chon,Youn Hee Noh ) 한국산림과학회 1983 한국산림과학회지 Vol.62 No.1

        Number of 1-year-old cone in Pinus koraiensis was influenced by the factors consisting of the tree form. Number of cones increased with increasing DBH, diameter, volume of crown and number of forked stems. However, tree height, crown length, and the ratio of crown diameter to crown length showed no significant relations with number of cones.

      • KCI등재

        잣나무의 유전력에 관한 연구 (Ⅲ) - 5,6 년생의 수고 (樹高) 및 근원직경생장의 (根元直徑生長) 유전력 -

        전상근,김대은 ( Sang Keun Chon,Dae Eun Kim ) 한국산림과학회 1986 한국산림과학회지 Vol.74 No.1

        This study was conducted to estimate the heritabilities of height and stem diameter growth in 5- and 6-year-old Pinus koraiensis. Estimates of individual tree and family heritability for height growth were h²_I =0.40, h²_F= 0.77 in 5-year-old and h²_I=0.57, h²_F=0.89 in 6-year-old, respectively. Heritabilities for diameter growth were estimated as h²_I=0.16, h²_F=0.53 and h²_I=0.26, h²_F=0.72 in 5-and 6-year-old seedlings.

      • 잣나무 風媒次代 11年生의 樹高 및 直徑生長의 變異와 遺傳力

        全尙根,金聲起 경희대학교 부설 비교문화연구소 1992 硏究論文集 Vol.13 No.-

        This study was carried out to investigate the variation and heritability for tree height and diameter of 11-year-old open-pollinated progenies in Korean white pine. The results can be summarized as follows. 1. Family, block, and family x block interaction were significant sources of variation for tree height and diameter growth(1 % level) 2. The effect values of these sources on the height and diameter growth variation were 27.35% (due to family), 13.21 % (due to block), and 12.78% (due to family x block interaction), respectively, in contribution rate. 3. Average height and diameter all over the 23 families were 272.73 f l . 67cm (CV=18. 37%), 62.21±0.48mm (CV =23.32%), respectively. 4. No. 20 family and No. 8 family showed excellent growth of 326.30±5.81cm and 322.90±4.73cm in mean height, and 76.68±1.93mm and 74.99±1.43mm in mean diameter, respectively. 5. Individual-tree heritability estimates were 1.09 for height and 0.78 for diameter, and family heritabilities for height and diameter were 0.81 and 0.74, respectively. 6. Highly significant correlationship was recognized and regression equation Y=-8.4834±0.2592x was estimated between height and diameter.

      • KCI등재

        지역별 잣나무 초기생장에 미치는 미기후의 영향 - 연년생장과 미기후와의 관계-

        전상근,신만용,Chon Sang- Keun,Shin Man Yong 한국농림기상학회 1999 한국농림기상학회지 Vol.1 No.1

        본 연구는 경기도 가평과 충천북도 영동에 식재된 잣나무 임분의 임령별 연년생장을 파악하고 지역적 기후조건이 잣나무 초기생장에 미치는 영향을 구명하기 위하여 수행하였다. 먼저 각 지역의 임령별 평균 흉고직경, 평균 수고, ha당 흉고단면적, ha당 재적 등의 임분통계량을 측정 요약하였으며, 이에 근거하여 10년생부터 18년생까지 8년간의 초기생장에 대한 임분변수별 연년생장량을 파악하였다. 연구 대상지의 지역별 미기후는 지형과 기후치간의 관계를 이용한 지형기후학적 방법에 의해 평균기온, 최고기온, 최저 기온, 상대습도, 강수량, 그리고 일조시수의 월별 평년 값을 추정한 후, 공간통계기법을 적용하여 지역별·연도별 월별 기후치를 추정하였다. 이들 자료를 이용하여 임목생장에 영향을 미칠 것으로 판단되는 온량지수, 한랭지수, 건조지수 등의 17개 기후변수를 지역별·연도별로 산출하고 임분변수별 연년생장량과의 상관분석 및 회귀분석을 실시하였다. 잣나무의 초기생장은 경기도 가평이 충청북도 영동에 비하여 훨씬 우수한 성장을 보이고 있었다. 일반적으로 잣나무 임분의 생장은 기온이 낮고 강수량이 많아 높은 습도를 유지하는 지역이 적합한 것으로 알려져 있다. 지역별의 추정된 연도별 미기후와 연년생장과의 상관관계와 회귀분석 결과에 의하면, 가평 지역 잣나무 유령임분의 연년생장은 이러한 일반적인 생장-기후 관계와 일치하는 것으로 나타났다. 하지만 영동지역의 임분변수별 연년생장과 미기후와의 관계는 가평지역과는 다소 다른 경향을 보이고 있다. 이러한 결과는 연간 변이가 심한 기후조건에도 불구하고 비교적 짧은 기간 동안의 자료만으로는 연년생장에 미치는 영향을 구명하는데 한계가 있다는 사실에 기인한다. 또한 영동지역의 저조한 생장의 원인에 미기후 조건 이외에도 지위와 같은 다른 환경요인이 복합적으로 작용하기 때문으로 판단된다. This study was conducted to investigate the effects of local climatic conditions on the annual increment of Korean white pine planted in Gapyung and Yaungdong. For this, stand variables such as mean DBH, mean height, basal area per hectare, and volume per hectare by stand age were measured and summarized for each locality. Based on these statistics, annual increments for 8 years from stand age 10 to 18 were calculated for each of stand variables. A topoclimatological technique which makes use of empirical relationships between the topography and the weather in study sites was applied to produce normal estimates of monthly mean, maximum, minimum temperatures, relative humidity, precipitation, and hours of sunshine. Then, the yearly climatic variables from 1990 to 1997 for each study site were derived from the spatial interpolation procedures based on inverse- distance weighting of the observed deviation from the climatic normals at the nearest 11 standard weather stations. From these estimates, 17 weather variables such as warmth index, coldness index, index of aridity etc., which affect the tree growth, were computed on yearly base for each locality. The deviations of measured annual increments from the expected annual increments for 8 years based on yield table of Korean white pine were then correlated with and regressed on the yearly weather variables to examine effects of local climatic conditions on the growth. Gapyung area provides better conditions for the growth of Korean white pine in the early stage than Youngdong area. This indicates that the conditions such as low temperature, high relative humidity, and large amount of precipitation provide favor environment for the early growth of Korean white pine. A ccording to the correlation and regression an analysis using local climatic conditions and annual increments, the growth pattern of Gapyung area corresponds to this tendency. However, it was found that the relationship between annual increments and local climatic conditions in Youngdong area shows different tendency from Gapyung. These results mean that the yearly growth pattern could not sufficiently be explained by climatic conditions with high variance in yearly weather variables. In addition, the poor growth in Youngdong area might not only be affected by climatic conditions, but also by other environmental factors such as site quality.

      • 폭발사고시 효과적인 과학수사 방법에 관한 연구

        전상근,채종민,Jun, Sang-Gun,Chae, Jong-Min 대한수사과학회 2006 대한수사과학회지 Vol.1 No.1

        Accidents and terrorist acts that utilize explosives have a great influence on society and thus require a prompt investigation for the arrest of the culprit. However, such investigations are often met with difficulties due to the vastness of the crime scene, restrictions on approaching the scene, fragility of the evidence, complexity of investigation, and the lack of expertise. In spite of such facts, scientific investigation regarding explosives have not been widely studied in Korea. Therefore, the focus of this research primarily concerns the effective scientific investigation methods in cases of accidents that involve chemical explosives. Although the a systematic investigation method is at the heart of scientific investigation in cases of explosive accidents, it is only at its rudimentary stage. Therefore, in this research, a systematic investigation method is put forth for the 'scene investigation, the documentation of the scene, and the collection and processing of evidence. Further, I have set forth a 'scene investigation check list' the ensure a thorough scene investigation and to promote an exhaustive evidence collection that would guarantee the admissibility of such evidence in court. The above efforts were aimed at simplifying the currently complicated investigation system. 1) In the future, a guidebook that can be generally applied to accidents involving explosives in Korea ught to be produced, a continual systematic education and integrated training excises for investigators ought to be established, laws that require additives in explosives ought to be instituted so that the type, components, and source of explosives can be identified, and lastly, a database that contain information on former explosion accidents, trends, and techniques of criminal activities that involve explosion accidents should be compiled.

      • 솔잎혹파리의 被害程度가 소나무의 結實에 미치는 影響 (Ⅱ) : 被害率과 毬果 및 種子形質과의 關係 Relationship between Infestation Rate and Several Characters of Cone and Seed

        全尙根,鄭炫培,張仁和 경희대학교 부설 식량자원개발연구소 1986 硏究論文集 Vol.7 No.-

        This study was carried out to investigate the effects of infestation rate by the pine gall midge on several characters of cone and seed in Pinus densiflora Sieb. et Zucc. 'The results were summarized as follows: 1. 'The averages of cone characters were 31.59 ± 0.61 mm in length, 19.12 ± 0.28 mm in diameter, 6.06 ± 0.22 g in fresh weight, and 3.17 ± 0.12 g in dry weight. Most these characters have a tendency to decrease with increase of tree age and with increase in infestation rate. 2. The averages of seed characters were 4.94 ± 0.06 mm in length, 3.06 ± 0.08 mm in diameter, 1.83 ± 0.02 mm in thickness, and 8.33 ± 0.34 mg in weight. Most these characters have a tendency to decrease with the increase in infestation rate. 3. Most coefficients of correlation showed negative relationships between infestation rate and each character of cone and seed, but they were not significant statistically.

      • 朱木 天然林 群落構造 特性에 關한 硏究 : 咸白山, 小白山, 德裕山 地域을 中心으로 Centering around distribution area of Mt. Hambaik, Mt. Soubaik, and Mt. Duckyoo

        全尙根,張容碩 경희대학교 부설 식량자원개발연구소 1996 硏究論文集 Vol.17 No.-

        天然生 주목群落의 構造的 特性을 理解하기 위하여 咸白山, 小白山 德裕山의 3個 分布地를 중심으로 地域別로 調査區를 설치하여 調査, 分析한 결과 다음과 같은 結論을 얻을 수 있었다. 3個地域 天然 朱木群落은 전체적인 階層別 種 組成으로 볼때, 咸白山의 경우 주목-시닥나무-미역줄나무-큰개별꽃의 群落을, 小白山의 경우 주목-시닥나무-붉은병꽃나무-큰개별꽃의 群落을, 德裕山의 경우 주목-시닥나무-미역줄나무-조릿대의 群落을 組成하는 特性을 갖고 있었다. 咸白山의 謂査區 內에 출현한 總 種數는 109個 種(木本植物 40種, 草本植物 69種), 小白山에서 출현한 總 種數는 83個種(木本植物 31種, 草木植物 52種), 또한 德裕山에서 출현한 總 種數는 85個種(木本植物 40種, 草本植物 45種)이었다. 3個地域의 喬木層과 亞喬木層에서는 각각 주목과 시닥나무가 優占種이었으며, 교목층의 主要構成種으로는 주목, 미역줄나무, 분비나무. 시닥나무, 사스래나무, 신갈나무, 고로쇠나무, 구상나무, 아교목층의 主要 構成種은 시닥나무, 나래회나무, 미역줄나무, 마가목, 당단풍, 회나무, 주목, 신갈나무 等이었다. 灌水層에서는 咸白山과 德裕山 지역은 미역줄나무, 小白山 지역은 붉은병꽃나무가 優占種으로서 지역적 차이를 나타냈으며, 主要 構成種은 미역줄나무, 붉은병꽃나무, 시닥나무, 나래회나무, 물참대, 함박꽃나무, 괴불나무 等이었다. 草本層에서는 관목층과 다르게 咸白山과 小白山 지역이 큰개별꽃, 德裕山 지역은 조릿대가 優占種으로 나타났으며, 3개 지역에서 總 186個種이 出現하였다. 조사지역의 喬木層과 亞喬木層에 대한 胸高直徑級 분석 결과 朱木 天然林 群落은 將來 신갈나무를 중심으로 한 陰樹 喬木性 樹種에 의해 遷移가 進行될 것으로 예상되며, 또한 미역줄나무와 같은 덩굴성 樹種이 妨害樹種으로 존재하고 있으므로 天然林 保育 作業과 같은 對策 마련이 時急히 要請된다. This study was carried out to investigate the structural characteristics of Taxus cuspidata communities in Mt. Hambaik, Mt. Soubaik, and Mt, Duckyoo. The dominant species of the T₁ layer was Taxus cuspidata and that of the T₂ layer was Acer tschonoskii var. rubripes, respectively in the three area. And the dominant species of the S layer was Tripterygium regelii in Mt. Hambaik and Mt. Duckyoo, but Weigela florida in Mt. Soubaik. The dominant species of the H layer was Pseudostellaria palibiniana in Mt. Hambaik and Mt. Soubaik, but Sasa borealis was in Mt. Duckyoo. According to the diameter distribution of high ranking five species in T₁, T₂ layer at three natural Taxus cuspidata communities, these forests may be gradually replaced by Quercus mongolica, Tripterygium regelii.

      • 잣나무의 몇개 葉形質에 미치는 光度의 影響

        全尙根,金英彩 慶熙大學校 1983 論文集 Vol.12 No.-

        In the seedling grown under different light internsities for two years at seed bed, length of needle, density of serration, number of stomata and stomatal zone, and number of endodermal call in needle varied with relative light intensity except number of secretory cell. And the leaf characters were influenced by the light intensity in contribution rates from 18.4% to 34.3%. Positive correlation between the growth and weight of seedlings and the leaf characters were recognized. But there were no significant correlations between the growth of seedling and number of serration, and between the weight of seedling and density of stomata and serration.

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