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      • KCI등재

        대한민국 청소년의 주간 졸음증에 관련된 요인 분석

        장은정,김정선,김기태,곽혜선,한지민 한국임상약학회 2024 한국임상약학회지 Vol.34 No.1

        Background: Daytime sleepiness, a common phenomenon among adolescents focused on academics, has negative effects on aspects such as growth and overall learning. However, research on various drugs and diseases affecting daytime sleepiness is lacking in the reality. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the factors influencing daytime sleepiness in adolescents with daytime sleepiness. Methods: This study was conducted through a survey of 2,432 middle and high school students, aged 14 to 19. The questionnaire consisted of information on socio-demographic characteristics, overall health status, and sleep patterns. The Pediatric Daytime Sleepiness Scale (PDSS), translated into Korean, was used to assess daytime sleepiness. Daytime sleepiness was measured by calculating the total score for each item of the PDSS, and divided into two groups based on the cutoff value of 19, which was the upper quartile. Results: We analyzed a total of 1,770 students including 799 boys and 971 girls. Students with a PDSS score of 19 or higher made up 33.3% of boys and 66.7% of girls. In multivariate analyses, females, smoking, poor self-reported health level, sleep after 12 am, not feeling refreshed in the morning, headache, muscle pain, and scoliosis increased the risk of daytime sleepiness significantly. The AUROC of PDSS, including significant factors in multivariate analyses, was 0.751 (95% CI 0.725~0.776). Conclusions: Daytime sleepiness in adolescents affects growth, academic performance, and emotional stability. Therefore, it is important to manage medications, diseases, and other factors that affect daytime sleepiness on a social level.

      • KCI등재

        Cu-Cu 열압착 웨이퍼 접합부의 계면접합강도에 미치는 $N_2+H_2$ 분위기 열처리의 영향

        장은정,김재원,현승민,이학주,박영배,Jang, Eun-Jung,Kim, Jae-Won,Kim, Bioh,Matthias, Thorsten,Hyun, Seung-Min,Lee, Hak-Joo,Park, Young-Bae 한국마이크로전자및패키징학회 2009 마이크로전자 및 패키징학회지 Vol.16 No.3

        3차원 소자 집적을 위한 저온접합 공정 개발을 위해 Cu-Cu 열 압착 접합을 $300^{\circ}C$에서 30분간 실시하고 $N_2+H_2$, $N_2$분위기에서 전 후속 열처리 효과에 따른 정량적인 계면접착에너지를 4점굽힘시험법을 통해 평가하였다. 전 열처리는 100, $200^{\circ}C$의 $N_2+H_2$ 가스 분위기에서 각각 15분간 처리하였고, 계면접착에너지는 2.58, 2.41, 2.79 $J/m^2$로 전 열처리 전 후에 따른 변화가 없었다. 하지만 250, $300^{\circ}C$의 $N_2$ 분위기에서 1시간씩 후속 열처리 결과 2.79, 8.87, 12.17 $J/m^2$으로 Cu 접합부의 계면접착에너지가 3배 이상 향상된 결과를 얻을 수 있었다. Cu-Cu thermo-compression bonding process was successfully developed as functions of the $N_2+H_2$ forming gas annealing conditions before and after bonding step in order to find the low temperature bonding conditions of 3-D integrated technology where the quantitative interfacial adhesion energy was measured by 4-point bending test. While the pre-annealing with $N_2+H_2$ gas below $200^{\circ}C$ is not effective to improve the interfacial adhesion energy at bonding temperature of $300^{\circ}C$, the interfacial adhesion energy increased over 3 times due to post-annealing over $250^{\circ}C$ after bonding at $300^{\circ}C$, which is ascribed to the effective removal of native surface oxide after post-annealing treatment.

      • KCI등재

        일본군 ‘위안부’ 문제 해결을 위한 한・중 협력 방안에 관한 소고

        장은정 경북대학교 법학연구원 2015 법학논고 Vol.0 No.52

        This year is historically significant as South Korea celebrates the 70th anniversary of Independence Day and it is also the 50th year of Korea・Japan normalization of diplomatic relations. Although 70 years have passed since Japan collapsed, there are still people who are waiting for independence. They are the victims of Japanese military ‘sexual slaves’ during the Japanese colonial era and it is considered that true independence has not reached the surviving sexual slaves in different places around the world including our country. Currently, the world is demanding together for Japan to confront history and the truth and to provide a sincere apology and compensation. Despite all of this, Japan is repeating its regressive perception of history by covering up the past and distorting history. The actions of Japan are very sad as it goes against the peace of Northeast Asia as well as an era of global coexistence. Accordingly, they must perceive it as soon as possible and set things right for past history in order to create a historical reconciliation. The mobilization of Japanese military ‘sexual slaves’ is regarded as one of the most representative cases of crimes against humanity committed during WWII, of which settlement will surely be a standard for international human rights law. The Japanese government should admit that it committed acrime against humanity by mobilizing women as sexual slaves and need to show a sincere attitude to be reborn as a responsible menber of the international community through proper apologies to, and compensation for the Japanese military ‘sexual slaves’. Also Japan’s courts should roll up their sleeves to find a fundamental solution to the problem. Both the Korean・Chinese governments should take active measures to come up with prompt solutions about the problem of sexual slaves in their own country. Korea・China solidarity must be strengthened to continuously demand the Japanese government for a sincere forgiveness and compensation desired by the victims of the sexual slaves. In addition, they should provide joint countermeasures against the Japanese government. Once Japan provides sincere apology and appropriate compensation to the victims of the Japanese military ‘sexual slaves,’ then that will bring peace in Northeast Asia and future oriented Korea・Japan or Korea・China relationships. 올해는 광복 70주년을 맞이하는 역사적으로 큰 의미가 있는 해이며 한・일 국교 정상화 50주년의 해이기도 하다. 일본이 패망한지 70년이 지난 지금도 여전히광복을 기다리고 있는 사람들이 있다. 그들은 바로 일제강점기 일본군 ‘위안부’ 피해자들로, 우리나라를 포함한 해외에 곳곳에 생존해 계신 위안부 할머니들에게는지금까지도 진정한 광복이 오지 않은 셈이다. 지금은 전 세계가 한 목소리로 일본에게 역사와 진실을 직시하고 진정한 사죄와 배상의 이행을 요구하고 있다. 그럼에도 불구하고 일본은 과거사 은폐와 역사 왜곡을 통해 퇴행적인 역사인식을 반복하고 있다. 일본의 이러한 행태는 동북아의 평화와 전 세계 공존의 시대를 거스르는 참으로 안타까운 일로서 그들은 하루빨리 자각하여 역사적인 화해를 만들어가기 위해 지난 과거를 올바로 조망하고 정리해야 한다. 일본군 ‘위안부’ 문제는 2차 대전 중에 발생한 대표적인 반인권적 국제범죄 행위로서 이 문제에 대한 이슈와 해결방안은 국제인권법 발전의 기준으로 삼을 수있다. 일본 정부는 위안부 문제가 명백한 국제범죄임을 인식하고 위안부 피해자에대한 사죄와 배상을 통해 평화를 지향하는 국제사회의 공통체의 일원으로 거듭나도록 노력해야 하며 일본의 사법부 또한 문제해결을 위해 적극적으로 나서야 한다. 아울러 한・중 양국 정부는 자국 내 위안부 문제의 조속한 해결을 위해 적극적인 행동을 취해야 하며 향후, 양국의 연대를 더욱 강화하여 위안부 피해자들이바라는 진정어린 사죄와 배상을 지속적으로 일본정부에 요구하고 또한 일본 정부를 상대로 한 공동 대응방안도 마련해 나가야 한다. 일본군 ‘위안부’ 피해자들에대한 일본당국의 진심 어린 사과와 더불어 합당한 배상이 이루어 질 때, 비로소동북아의 평화와 미래지향적인 한・일 또는 한・중・일 관계가 가능해 질 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        Chitosan Stimulates Calcium Uptake and Enhances the Capability of Chinese Cabbage Plant to Resist Soft Rot Disease Caused by Pectobacterium carotovorum ssp. carotovorum

        장은정,구은혜,황병호,이찬,김종기 한국원예학회 2012 원예과학기술지 Vol.30 No.2

        Chinese cabbage plant was grown hydroponically for 4 weeks in order to examine the temporal relationship of calcium concentration of the nutrient solution with calcium content in the leaf tissue and susceptibility of the tissue to soft rot disease by Pectobacterium carotovorum ssp. carotovorum (Pcc). Calcium concentration from 0.5 to 32.0 mM was maintained for 1 week using Hoagland & Arnon solution. The calcium content of the leaf was proportionally increased to the concentration of the nutrient in the solution (r = 0.912). In contrast, the severity of soft rot symptom in the young leaves was inversely related with the amount of calcium supplied to the nutrient solution (r = 0.899). Water-soluble chitosan, prepared by hollow fiber filtration (> 100 kDa) was applied into the nutrient solution from 0.0 to 5,000 ppm. The chitosan of 10 ppm was the most effective to promote calcium uptake of the leaf, showing 155% of the control. The same chitosan solution prohibited most soft rot development of the leaf by Pcc, exhibiting only 53% of the control. Among different molecular weight fractions, chitosan fraction obtained from 30-100 kDa molecular weight cut-off promoted calcium uptake the most up to 163% of the control, and reduced the development of soft rot disease recording merely 36% of the control of the leaf tissue. The results obtained in the present study suggest that large scale production of water-soluble chitosan with an optimum molecular weight and its commercial application to Chinese cabbage production will be important to improve yield and quality of the crop.

      • KCI등재

        서비스산업 발전을 위한 새만금 한ㆍ중FTA산업단지 활용 및 법제 지원방안

        장은정 한중법학회 2016 中國法硏究 Vol.25 No.-

        정부는 한·중 FTA효과를 조기에 가시화 하고 우리 산업의 경쟁력을 강화하기 위하여 새만금 경제자유구역을 중국 및 제3국 투자유치의 거점지역인 글로벌 경제협력특구로 조성할 예정이며 계획의 첫 단계로 새만금 한·중 경제협력단지 내 ‘새만금 한·중 FTA산업단지’를 조성하고 유망 중국기업의 투자를 유치할 계획이다. 새만금 한·중FTA 산업단지는 한·중FTA 협정문에 근거하여 양국이 단지설립, 운영, 개발, 기업투자 증진 및 기타 방식에 관해 양국 간의 협력을 통해 추진되는 산업협력 단지이다. 2015년 12월 20일에 한·중 FTA가 공식 발효되면서 지난해 7월 한·중 정상회담에서 논의되었던 한·중 경제협력단지 조성 사업에 속도감을 붙일 수 있을 것이라는 기대와 함께 새만금 한·중 FTA 산업단지 조성에도 커다란 추진 동력이 될 것으로 전망되고 있다. 국제무역의 중심은 물품에서 고부가가치를 생산해내는 서비스로 전환하고 있으며 ‘중국의 꿈’을 주창하는 시진핑 국가주석은 한 차원 높은 개혁개방 전략을 추진하고 있다. 즉, 중국 정부는 제조업 중심에서 서비스업 중심으로 개방 정책을 전환하여 서비스업을 새로운 성장 동력으로 삼고 금융지원을 기반으로 한 서비스업 육성에 박차를 가하고 있다. 이러한 국가정책은 자유무역시험구를 통해 시행되고 있으며 궁극적인 목적은 중국의 구조적인 체질 개선과 국제 경쟁력 제고라 할 수 있다. 이에 따라, 중국과의 서비스무역에서 비교우위에 있는 산업을 발전시키고 새만금 한·중 FTA산업단지를 서비스산업 중심의 융복합 단지로서의 효과적인 운용을 위한 선제적 대응방안을 마련해야 한다. 본 논문에서는 새만금 한·중 FTA산업단지의 발전현황과 중국의 서비스 관련 법률 및 자유무역시험구를 토대로 새만금 한·중 FTA산업단지의 관련 법제들을 살펴보고 서비스 산업 발전에 관한 법제지원 방안을 모색하기로 한다. 한·중 FTA 시대는 이미 도래 하였고 우리가 중국을 제대로 알고 경쟁한다면 중국은 분명한 기회의 땅이 될 수 있다. 모든 가능성을 기회로 만들기 위해 중국에 대한 심도 깊은 연구는 향후 지속적으로 수행되어야 할 것이다. Government is planning to create Saemangeum Free Economic Zone as global special economic zone, a lodgement area for China and third power’s investment, to visualize Korea-China FTA effect early and strengthen Korea’s industry’s competitiveness. As a first step, the government will create ‘Saemangeum Korea-China FTA indusrial complex’ in Saemangeum Korea-China Economy Cooperation Complex and attract investment of Chinese Businesses. Saemangeum Korea-China FTA industrial complex is a complex forwarded by cooperation of both country based on Korea-China FTA agreement in establishing complex, operation, development, enhancement of business investment. It is expected to speed up the establishment of Korea-China economic cooperation complex which was discussed last July in Korea-China summit, and also expected to be propulsion power for creating Saemangeum Korea-China industrial complex as Korea-China FTA was officially became effective in December 20th 2015. The center of international trade is changing from goods to service producing high value, and Xi Jinping, Chinese president is prosecuting one level higher reform, open strategy advocating ‘Chinese Dream.’ In other words, Chinese government is changing open-door policy from manufacturing based industry to service industry, making service industry as new growth engines, and accelerating promotion of service industry based on financial support. This kind of national policy is implemented in Pilot Free Trade Zone, and its ultimate goal is to reform radical structurally and improve international competitiveness. Therefore, anticipative plan for reaction is needed for effective operation of Saemangeum Korea-China FTA industrial complex as a service mediated convergence industrial complex of Korea, and develop industry in comparative advantage compared with China’s service trade. This study will look at Saemangeum Korea-China FTA industrial complex’s present condition of development, China’s service related legislation and legislation of Saemangeum Korea-China FTA industrial complex’s legislation based on Pilot Free Trade Zone and seek legislation support measure. The era of Korea-China FTA has arrived, and if we compete knowing well about China, China can be absolute land of opportunity. To make all possibilities to chances, deep study of China should be continuously conducted.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        인공 우식 수복시 레진 침투법 전처리의 미세누출에 대한 효과

        장은정,박소영,신종현,김신,정태성 대한소아치과학회 2020 大韓小兒齒科學會誌 Vol.47 No.3

        This study was performed to evaluate the restoration combined with resin infiltration (RI) of early cavitated smooth surface caries lesion in terms of microleakage. Flowable resin and resin-modified glass ionomer cement (RMGIC) were compared. Sound 20 extracted 3rd molars were divided into 2 groups randomly. Artificial decalcified lesion was induced. Cavities were prepared on the mesial and distal surfaces, and randomly set as experimental and control group. RI was applied to the experimental group before cavity restoration. The control group was restored without RI. In group I and II, flowable resin and RMGIC was used for restoration respectively. After thermocycling and silver nitrate immersion, microleakage was assessed by μ-CT. Depth of microleakage was lower in experimental group than control group only in group II (p = 0.05). Microleakage depth was lower in group II than group I in both experimental and control groups (p = 0.05). RI pretreatment before restoration of early cavitated caries lesions might reduce the microleakage and help long-term maintenance of restoration. In this study, RMGIC was less polymerization shrinkage. Restoration with RMGIC after RI pretreatment reduced the microleakage of the restoration compared to the flowable resin. 이 연구는 와동이 형성된 초기 우식 병소를 재현하여 레진 침투법 처리 후 복합 레진과 레진 강화형 글라스아이오노머 시멘트로 수복을 시행하고 그에 따른 미세누출의 정도를 평가하기 위해 수행되었다. 건전한 20개의 발치된 제3대구치에 인공 우식을 유발하고 무작위로 I군과 II군으로 나누었다. 각 치아의 근원심면에 각각 와동을 형성하여 무작위로 실험군과 대조군으로 설정하였다. 실험군에는 레진 침투법 전처리를 시행하였고 대조군에는 전처리 없이 수복하였으며, I군은 유동성 레진을, II군은 레진 강화형 글라스아이오노머 시멘트로 수복하였다. 열순환 및 질산은 침지 후 μ-CT로 미세누출 양상을 확인하였다. 질산은 침투 깊이는 I군과 II군 모두에서 실험군이 대조군에 비하여 낮았으나, 통계적 유의성은 II군에서만 확인되었다. 재료 별로 비교 시 실험군과 대조군 모두 I군에 비해 II군의 침투 깊이가 통계적으로 유의하게 낮았다. 인공적으로 재현한 와동성 초기 우식 병소에 대하여 수복 전 레진 침투법 전처리를 하는 것은 치면과 수복물 계면에서의 미세누출을 감소시켰다. 레진 침투법 전처리 후 레진 강화형 글라스아이오노머 시멘트로 수복하였을 때 유동성 레진에 비하여 미세누출이 감소하는 결과를 얻었으며 실험적인 한계를 고려할 필요가 있다.

      • KCI등재

        자수기법과 자수 폭에 따른 기계자수 직물 및 니트의 물성변화

        장은정,박명자 한국의상디자인학회 2019 한국의상디자인학회지 Vol.21 No.3

        This study examined the cause of the phenomenon of shrinkage in machine-embroidered fabrics, specifically those made of thin and pliable fabrics. Four woven fabrics and two knitted fabrics were selected as samples for analysis. The fabrics selected were silk organza, flax linen, polyester chiffon, cotton batiste, polyester raschel mesh, and cotton jersey. The thickness and drapability of the fabrics were observed and the shrinkage of the various types of embroidered fabrics produced using satin & step stitch techniques were measured. Moreover, the correlation between the shrinkage of the machine-embroidered fabrics and the drapability of the original fabrics was analyzed. Also, the colorfastness of six embroidery yarns was determined. The results of the study are as follows: first, the shrinkage of machine-embroidered fabrics increased at a greater rate than in embroidered knitted fabrics as compared to rates in embroidered woven fabrics. Moreover, in terms of stitch techniques, there was a greater shrinkage rate when satin stitch was applied compared to step stitch. Second, the shrinkage rate of machine-embroidered fabrics decreased when a stabilizer was fused onto the fabric. The shrinkage rate also decreased for fabrics when fused with paper stabilizer compared to those without it, and the rate decreased at a greater amount with paper stabilizer as compared to alginate film. Third, since there was a strong correlation between the shrinkage rate of the embroidered fabric and the drapability ratio of the original fabric, it was generally the case that the more pliable the fabric was, the greater the shrinkage rate was when the fabric was embroidered. Fourth, while the embroidery yarns mainly used in machine-embroidery presented an overall excellent level of colorfastness,

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