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        The National Security Law and Anticommunist Ideology in Korea Society

        임재홍 한국학중앙연구원 한국학중앙연구원 2006 Korea Journal Vol.46 No.3

        Some Korean power groups suffered from a lack of political legitimacy,so they tried to control the thoughts of citizens. Those in political powerrelied on unconstitutional, antidemocratic violence, and went further tomobilize anticommunist ideology to justify this violence. Especially,since the Korean peninsula was divided into North and South, empha-sis on national security from foreign adversaries was easily coupledwith anticommunist ideology. From liberation until the 1980s, freedomof thought and freedom of expression were not fully guaranteed inKorean society. Abuse of thought-control laws was naturally met with resistance.Citizens resistance against the military dictatorship in June 1987brought about the June 29 Declaration. As democratization progressed,the question of whether to repeal or revise the National Security Lawwas very frequently discussed whenever political power shifted. Howev-er, it should be kept in mind that in order to consolidate democracyand guarantee human rights, a mere revision or repeal of the NationalSecurity Law is insufficient. More importantly, genuine democratiza-tion can be achieved only when the state apparatus that implementedthought control laws, as well as the judiciary branch that applied thelaw to many cases, both confess their antidemocratic acts and guaran-tee that similar cases will not recur in the future.

      • KCI등재후보

        Station for structural studies on macro objects: beamline 6C Bio Medical Imaging at the Pohang Light Source-II

        임재홍,서승준,김효윤,류춘길,나승유,황정연,이채순,서인득,김섭구,이동윤,조무현 한국구조생물학회 2017 Biodesign Vol.5 No.2

        Similar to macromolecular crystallography (MX), radiography uses X-rays to reveal structures, however, of macro objects,which can be several orders of magnitude larger in size than the subjects of MX. Beamline 6C Bio Medical Imaging of thePohang Light Source-II (PLS-II) utilizes synchrotron radiation X-rays to implement parallel beam projection radiography. Major applications are virtual anatomy of small animals and plants, non-invasive physiological monitoring and 3D histologyin biology and medicine. Uses in material science and defect analysis of industrial products are also becoming popular. In this review, the use of the beamline is introduced including sample preparation, data acquisition and a workflow for 3Dimage reconstruction, visualization and analysis. For biologists who are familiar with MX, a brief comparison has beenmade between the two techniques. The mechanisms for spatial resolution determination and contrast formation in theparallel beam projection radiography are also presented.

      • 방사광 X-선 영상을 이용한 곤충 연구

        임재홍,서민석 한국응용곤충학회 2017 한국응용곤충학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2017 No.04

        최근 고해상도 X-선 영상 기술이 발전하면서 곤충의 삼차원 영상을 얻는데 사용되고 있다. 시료의 형태가 보존되기 때문에 정확한 해부학적 정보를 얻을 수 있고, 영상의 해상도는 수 또는 수 십 마이크론이다. 이러한 삼차원 영상은 분류/계통학 및 운동 메커니즘 연구에 활용되고 있으며, 곤충 질병의 원인 규명에도 기여할 수 있다. 방사광 X-선은 밝고 직진성이 우수하여, 이를 이용한 X-선 영상은 고해상도 고감도의 X-선 영상을 빠르게 획득할 수 있다. 따라서, 방사광 X-선 영상은 개체수를 많이 하는 통계적인 연구 및 살아 있는 곤충에 대한 동영상 연구 등 일반 X-선 영상으로는 수행하기 어려운 연구에도 활용이 가능하다. 포항방사광가속기 생명의학영상빔라인은 국내 유일의 방사광 X-선 영상 시설이다. 본 발표에서는 방사광 X-선을 이용한 곤충 연구의 국내외 동향을 소개한다

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        대학교원의 신분보장 - 사립대학교 교원임용제도와 관련하여 -

        임재홍 민주주의법학연구회 2006 민주법학 Vol.0 No.31

        <Abstract> The Status Guarantee of the Faculty - Especially around faculty reappointment system of private schools - Lim, Chae-Hong Professor, Yeungnam Univ. University as a system has introduced over 60 years and now it comes in common education, but the problems are yet considerably. Especially the status guarantee of faculty of private schools is the representative thing. After the introduction of the faculty reappointment system since 1974, many university teachers are driven out from education field in spite of the fact that they satisfied the required conditions. The reason is that the faculty reappointment system was continuous with the university control. As a result of democratization, effort to improve the system was made. The Constitutional Court performed an important role. The Constitutional Court did not rule the system unconstitutional, but decided that the system was not in accord with the Constitution. So the Private Schools Act and the relation act were revised. But with the neo-liberalistic higher education policy and the incomplete democratization, the status of school faculty becomes unstable. Despite of the effort, the Supreme Court didn‘t change the judicial precedent. What is worse, the Constitutional Court has recognized the distorted the judicial precedent. The Revision of the Act for the Public Educational Personnel and Staff is necessary for the principle of legality of the status of the teaching staff. The university autonomy is guaranteed by a constitutional institution. The faculty is the leading composition group of university autonomy. So the status guarantee of the faculty is the prerequisite of professor autonomy. For the establishment of educational authority the Status Guarantee of the faculty must become accomplished legally.

      • KCI등재

        대형 수목의 이식공법 - 천안시 팽나무와 안동시 은행나무 사례 -

        임재홍,이재근,김학범 한국조경학회 2002 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.30 No.4

        This study investigates, analyzes, and summarizes Dansplantation techniques and methods through practical methodology centering on fieldwork in order to present effective planting methods for large trees that have important significance. The conclusions are as follows : 1. The transplantation process of a large tree generally consists of the stages of digging up a tree, manufacturing a carrier frame, loading the tee on a vehicle, transporting, transplanting the tree, installing a strut and maintaining and managing the new transplant. In addition, planting a tree on a mounted place includes the primary procedures of trimming out the root, and preparing for transplanting the tree on a mounted place, as well as the secondary work of trimming out the root, transplanting a tree on a mounted place, maintenance and management. 2. In order to decide on a transplantation method for a large-sized tree, a structure calculation has to be performed first. That is, one must calculate the weight of the tree and the allowable stress of the strut (H-beam, etc.) fhst and then decide on the upper method through computer modeling based upon this structural calculation. 3. As a result of the analysis of a transplanted tree using the life soil method, it was confirmed that large quantities of feeder roots had developed around the root within a short time after the transplantation. The life soil method has proven to be very effective for transplantation of large-sized trees. 4. As for the production method of an H-beam strut frame, it was found that the manufacturing process and disassembly process were simple and proper; therefore, the H-beam frame is an appropriate structure to be used in the transplantation of large trees. 5. The concavo-convex method, which consists of filling the life soil in the concavo-convex area around the root, was found to be a method that promotes the growth of feeder roots within a short period of time and saves the supply of water at the same time.

      • KCI등재

        고등교육과 교육공공성의 확장

        임재홍 경상대학교 법학연구소 2012 法學硏究 Vol.20 No.1

        헌법과 교육기본법에 의하면 대학교육기관은 학교이며 공공성을 갖는 공교육기관임을 적시하고 있다. 고등교육에도 공공성이 보장된다면 그 핵심이 되는 것은 교육비용의 공적 부담원리를 말하는 것이다. 그런데 우리나라 대학 등록금 수준은 세계 2위로 미국 다음이다. 우리나라에서 고등교육비용이 높은 이유는 사립대학의 비중이 과도하기 때문이다. 즉 국가의 재정보조를 받는 국·공립대학의 비중이 적다는 말이다. 2010년 기준으로 고등교육기관중 국공립대학의 비율은 13%로 사립대학의 비중이 87%에 달한다. 더 심각한 문제는 우리나라 사립대학의 수준이 공교육을 수행할 수 있는 능력을 확보하고 있지 못하다는 점이다. 대부분 등록금에 의존하여 학교를 운영하고 있다. 심지어 학교법인이 부담해야하는 법정부담금도 거의 등록금에 의존하고 있는 학교가 상당수이다. 우리나라 국공립대학의 등록금은 사립대학 등록금의 57% 수준이다. 따라서 교육비의 공적 부담원리를 실현하기 위해서는 국공립대학의 비중을 높여야 한다. 외국의 경우에 비교해보더라도 한국의 국공립대학 재학생 비율은 22%에 불과하다. 이는 국공립대학 재학생 비율이 80%에서 100%에 이르는 유럽 각국과 호주, 72%에 이르는 미국 등과 비교하기 힘든 세계 최저 수준이다. 이런 점에서 볼 때 사립대학위주의 고등교육공급정책을 지양할 필요가 있다. 이런 점에서 국공립대학의 신설이나 확충은 매우 필요하다. 그러나 이 방법은 고등교육의 과잉공급 상황을 고려할 때 합리적이지 못하다. 따라서 사립대학의 준국공립화 정책을 병행할 필요가 있다. 정부책임형 사립대학이란 법률이 정하는 고등교육의 인적·물적 조건을 재정적 문제로 충족하지 못하는 사립대학중 발전가능성이 있는 일부 대학에 정부지원을 하되, 해당 사립대학의 법적 지위를 반(半)공립, 반(半)사립의 지위를 갖도록 전환시킨 대학을 말한다. The term Public Education is not synonymous with the term "publicly funded education", but Public education refers to education that is funded through taxation rather than tuition fees. In Korea students have to pay fees to colleges or universities. Pay increases have caused chronic controversy. Data from the statistics office and the Bank of Korea show that schools have been gouging parents in the past few years by raising tuition faster than inflation. Household spending on higher education has been rising inexorably over the past few years, aside from a temporary dip during the financial crisis. According to the OECD``s "Education at a Glance 2011" report, the average tuition at public Korean universities was $5,315 using purchasing power parity, which was higher than any other OECD nation aside from the United States ($6,312). The yearly average tuition at the country``s private universities and graduate schools was at $9,586, higher than the OECD average. Some argue that the numbers show Korean university students shoulder a heavier burden than those of any OECD country as the country``s public schools account for just 13 percent of its universities, the lowest proportion among OECD nations. Tuition has become a sensitive political subject. College students and citizens hold a candlelit vigil to call for the government to halve tuition fees. Most students (and their families) who pay for tuition and other education costs don``t have enough savings to pay in full while they are in school. Some students must work and/or borrow money to afford an education. Developed countries have adopted a scheme for higher education to be supported by taxes rather than tuition. After World War II, an enhanced standard of living and the existence of free university education in many countries enabled more working-class youths to receive a degree, resulting in the inflation of education and enlarged middle classes. Significant progress is necessary in the Restructuring of Higher Education in Korea. Korean higher Education shows several distinctive features when compared with other countries. First of all, the majority of higher education institutions are private. About 87% of Higher Education institutions are private. About 78% of university students and 96% of professional school students enrol in private institutions. As private institutions rely heavily on tuition revenue, their fees are relatively high. Even public universities in Korea charge substantial tuition, because government support for higher education in Korea is relatively small. Public financial expenditures on higher education as a percentage of GDP are very low at 0.3%. The net result is that, the household sector bears the bulk of the financial burden for higher education. The proportion of government subsidies was limited to 22.3%, much lower than the OECD average(68.9%). Partly the rapid expansion of higher education supply has started to exceed demand. In spite of outward goal i. e., Strengthening the Global Competitiveness of Universities, the policy of Ministry of Educations, Science And Technology has focused on shutdown of private institutions. The government has launched a campaign to restructure universities by weeding out financially-week private schools and merging state-run ones. The government``s move to weed out underperforming schools is tied to its tuition-cut drive. Korea needs to reform the universities before reviewing ways to lower tuition. But the proper way of higher education reform should begin to subsidizing higher education institution. The government needs financial subsidy rather than weeding out substandard schools to upgrade the quality of higher education.

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