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        신생아 백질연화증 환아 말초혈의 중성구 변화

        이환석,박경필,김행미,Lee, Hwan Seok,Park, Kyung Pil,Kim, Heng Mi 대한소아청소년과학회 2003 Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics (CEP) Vol.46 No.10

        목 적 : 조직 손상에 중성구가 관련하는 병변에서 말초혈 중성구 감소가 관찰되고 있다. 이에 저자는 백질연화증 환아의 출생 직후 채혈한 말초혈에서 중성구의 변화를 조사하여 백질연화증 발생에 있어서의 중성구 감소의 유무 및 나아가 백질연화증 발병 기전을 조사하고자 하였다. 방 법 : 1999년 2월부터 3년 동안 체중 1,500 gm 미만인 신생아로 출생 1시간 이내에 말초혈 온혈구계산(complete blood count)을 시행한 환아를 대상으로 하였다. 중성구는 말초혈에서 $1,500/mm^3$ 미만인 경우 중성구 감소로 판독하였다. 백질연화증은 두부 초음파 검사를 생후 3-7일에 시행하고 그 소견에 따라 1-2주 간격으로 반복 관찰하여 백질 에코의 증가 후 낭포를 형성하거나, 뇌 CT 혹은 MRI 검사에서 방사선과 전문의가 백질연화증으로 확진한 경우로 하였다. 결 과 : 중성구 감소 신생아는 대상 신생아 37명 중 13명으로 중성구 감소군 신생아의 중성구수는 $988{\pm}512/mm^3$, 중성구 감소를 보이지 않았던 24명의 대조군의 중성구수는 $7,450{\pm}7,412/mm^3$이었다. 중성구 감소군과 대조군의 재태주령, 체중, Apgar 점수, 산모의 임신유발고혈압 및 감염 빈도는 유의한 차이가 없었다. 중성구 감소군의 호흡 곤란 증후군의 빈도 인공환기 및 산소 등의 호흡 보조 처치의 필요성은 대조군과 차이를 보이지 않았다. 동반 질환 중 뇌실내 출혈 및 grade 3 이상의 중증 뇌실내 출혈이 중성구 감소군에서 각각 10명(76.9%) 및 4명(30.8%)으로 대조군의 10명(41.7%) 및 1명(4.2%)에 비해 유의하게 많았으나(P<0.05, 0.042) 만성폐질환, 미숙아 망막증 및 백질연화증의 발생 빈도는 차이를 보이지 않았다. 백질연화증으로 확진된 환아 5명과 12명의 대조군의 백혈구 및 중성구 수는 백질연화증군 각각 $18,760.0{\pm}10,266.1/mm^3$, $7,272.0{\pm}7,435.0/mm^3$, 대조군 각각 $11,131.7{\pm}3,386.5/mm^3$, $2,407.5{\pm}1,933.1/mm^3$로 백질연화증 군에서 더 높았고 백질연화증 군의 인공환기 빈도는 80.0%, 인공폐표면 활성제 투여 빈도는 60.0%로 대조군의 41.7% 및 41.7%에 비해 백질연화증 군에서 더 높았으며 인공환기 기간 및 산소흡인 기간 역시 백질연화증 군에서 더 길었으나 대상군의 수가 적어 통계적 검정은 하지 못하였다. 결 론 : 본 조사에서는 중성구의 감소와 호흡 곤란 증후군 및 보조 호흡관리 상태 사이에는 관련성이 보이지 않았다. 또한 중성구 감소 미숙아에서 백질연화증의 빈도가 증가하지 않았다. Purpose : It is now well established that infection and inflammation play an important role in the pathogenesis of ischemic brain damage. The loss of neutrophils from systemic circulation is an associated finding in injury mediated by granulocyte. Periventricular leukomalacia(PVL) caused by ischemia is the principal form of brain injury in premature infants. This study was conducted to evaluate whether the low neutrophil count is associated with periventricular leukomalacia(PVL) in premature infants. Methods : Retrospective review of medical records was undertaken. Subjects were premature infants with a birth weight of less than 1,500 gm, admitted to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of Kyungpook University Hospital. A complete blood count of peripheral blood was done within the 1st hour of life. Neutropenia was defined as absolute neutrophil count < $1,500/mm^3$, PVL as increased periventricular echodensities followed by cyst formation on ultrasonography or corresponding signs on brain MRI. Results : Thirteen infants out of a total population of 37 revealed neutropenia. Respiratory distress syndrome and requirement for respiratory support were not different between infants with neutropenia( neutropenia group) and infants without neutropenia(control group). Intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) and grade 3 and 4 IVH were more frequent in neutropenia group(P<0.05). There was no statistically significant increase of PVL in neutropenia group. The neutrophil count was $18,760.0{\pm}10,266.1/mm^3$, $7,272.0{\pm}7,435.0/mm^3$ infants with PVL and $11,131.7{\pm}3,386.5/mm^3$, $2,407.5{\pm}1,933.1/mm^3$ in infants without PVL, respectively. The frequency of mechanical ventilation and artificial surfactant therapy was higher in infants with PVL compared with infants without PVL, but statistical analysis was not performed due to small number of subjects. Conclusion : A low number of neutrophils in the systemic circulation was not associated with an increased risk of PVL in premature infants.

      • KCI등재후보

        소아에서 말초신경병증의 임상적 고찰

        이환석(Hwan Seok Lee),박우생(Woo Saeng Park),고철우(Cheol Woo Ko),손윤경(Yoon Kyung Sohn),권순학(Soon Hak Kwon) 대한소아신경학회 2003 대한소아신경학회지 Vol.11 No.1

        목적 : 소아에서 말초신경병증의 임상적 양상을 분석해봄으로서 미흡한 국내 자료에 보탬이 되고 각 질환들의 조기진단 및 조기치료에 도움을 주고자 본 연구를 실시하게 되었다. 방법 : 2000년 1월부터 2002년 12월까지 만 3년간 경북대학교병원 소아신경클리닉에서 말초신경병증의 임상적 증상이 있거나 인슐린 의존형 당뇨병 환자로 내분비 클리닉에서 추적 관찰하는 아이들 가운데 신경생리검사에서 비정상 소견을 보여 말초신경질환을 가지고 있을 가능성이 많은 62명의 아이들을 대상으로 후향적 조사를 실시하였다. 이 가운데 임상소견 및 검사소견을 근거로 말초신경병증이 있는 것으로 생각되는 39명을 환자 군으로 분류하여 자료를 정리 및 분석하였고 신경생리검사에는 이상이 있었으나 임상적 이상이 없었던 대부분의 당뇨병 환자(subclinical diabetic neuropathy)는 제외시켰다. 결론 : 임상적으로 유의한 말초신경병증이 있는 39명(남 24명, 여자 15명; 평균연령 7.6±4.3세)을 병인에 따라 분류해 보면 염증성/면역성이 원인이 된 경우가 18례(Guillain Barre 증후군 5례, 만성 염증성 탈수초성 다발성 신경병증 1례, Bell 마비 12례)로 46%를 차지하여 가장 많았고, 유전성이 원인이 된 경우가 6례(유전성 운동감각 신경병증 3례, hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsy 1례, 이염성 백질이영양증 2례)로 15%, vincristine을 포함한 항암제 치료와 관련된 경우가 3례(8%), 외상 2례(5%), 당뇨성 1례(3%), 원인 불명을 포함하여 기타 7례(23%)였다. 침범된 신경의 기능해부학적 혹은 임상적 분류를 했을 때 운동성 신경병증이 32례로 80%로 가장 많았고 이어서 혼합형 즉 운동 감각 신경병증이 6례로 15%, 감각성 신경병증 2례로 5%이었고 자율신경병증은 없었다. 손상된 신경의 수에 따른 분류를 보면 다발성 신경병증이 23례로 59%를 차지하여 가장 많았고, 이어서 단신경병증이 15례로 38%, 다단신경병증이 1례로 3%가 되었다. 병리조직학적으로 살펴보면 탈수초성 신경병증이 22례로 56%를 차지하여 가장 많았고 이어서 축삭성 신경병증이 12례로 31%, 혼합형이 5례로 13%가 되었다. 전기 생리학적 검사 결과를 비교해보면 정상치에 비해 탈수초성인 경우는 운동신경 전달속도가 감소되었고 활동 전위폭이 다소 감소된 소견을 보였으며, 축삭성인 경우는 운동 및 감각신경 활동 전위폭이 감소되고 운동신경 전달속도가 다소 감소된 소견을 보였고 각 군들간에 있어서는 운동신경 전달속도가 통계적으로 유의하게 차이가 있었다(P<0.05). 결론 : 염증성/면역성 말초신경병증이 소아에 있어서 가장 흔하였으며 유전성 신경병증 가운데에는 유전성 운동 감각 신경병증이 가장 많았다. 또한 염증성/면역성 말초신경병증이 주를 이루지만 치료가 가능한 경우가 약 46%를 차지했고 약물이나 사고 등과 같이 잠재적으로 발병이나 악화를 예방이 가능했던 경우가 36%이었다. Purpose : To analyze the clinical features of peripheral neuropathy in Korean children. Methods : A total of 62 children with acute flaccid paralysis, longstanding weakness of extremities, or abnormal electrophysiological studies, suggestive of peripheral neuropathy, were evaluated retrospectively from the hospital records. The subjects were recruited at the pediatric neurology and endocrine clinic, Kyungpook National University Hospital from 2000 to 2002 and they all went through neurological examination and electrophysiological studies with or without nerve biopsy. Results : Thirty nine children(Male 24 : Female 15; Mean age 7.6±4.3 years) were found to have clinical peripheral neuropathy. Inflammatory neuropathy(5 children with Guillain Barre syndrome, 1 children with chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy, 12 children with Bell's palsy; 46%) was the most common, followed by hereditary neuropathy(4 children, 10%), Chemotherapy induced neuropathy(3 children, 8%), metachromatic leukodystrophy(2 children, 5%), trauma(2 children, 5%), diabetic neuropathy(1 children, 3%) and so on. Thirty two children had motor neuropathy(82%), six children had combined motor and sensory neuropathy(15%), two had pure sensory(5%), but nobody had autonomic neuropathy. With respect to the type of involvement, polyneuropathies constitute 59%(23 children), mononeuropathy simplex accounted for 38%(15 children), mononeuropathy multiplex was found in 3%(1 child). Based on electrophysiological studied and biopsy results, demyelinating neuropathy was seen in 22 children(56%), axonal neuropathy in 12 children(31%), combined neuropathy in 5 children(13%). Eighteen children(46%) were completely or almost completely recovered from the illness. Conclusion : Inflammatory neuropathy was the most common among the acquired neuropathies and hereditary motor sensory neuropathy was the most common among the genetic neuropathies. Treatable neuropathies took up 46%. Potentially preventable neuropathies accounted for 36%. Early diagnosis and early intervention may have significant impacts on the prognosis of peripheral neuropathy in children.

      • KCI등재

        2003-2004년 경상북도에서 발생한 브루셀라증

        민영선,이환석,임현술,Min, Young-Sun,Lee, Hwan-Seok,Lim, Hyun-Sul 대한예방의학회 2005 Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health Vol.38 No.4

        Objectives : We conducted an investigation on 14 cases of brucellosis in Gyeongsangbuk-do during 2003-2004 to understand the source of infection and the transmission routes of brucellosis. Methods : The authors visited the each of the health centers and we examined the patients, their written epidemiologic questionnaire and the occurrence of bovine brucellosis. We visited the patients' living and work areas, and we examined their occupations, the date they developed symptoms, the progress of their symptoms, whether or not they were treated, their current status, whether or not they consumed raw milk and raw meat, and if their work was related to cattle breeding and the related details. We reviewed the results of the blood tests and medical records and we examined the cattle's barn. Results : There were 3 patients in 2003 and 11 patients in 2004. All of their brucella antibody titer exceeded 1:160. The patients' symptoms were fever, myalgia, malaise, chills and an influenza-like illness, but the clinical signs were absent on the medical records. Brucella abortus were cultured from 3 of the patients' blood samples. Conclusions : When the authors discovered the transmission routes, they were divided into 4 different sorts. The first route was related to cattle birth such that patients touched the calves or placentas that were infected with the Brucella species. The second route was related to performing artificial insemination on the cattle and the semen that was used for artificial insemination. The third route was due to the ingestion of raw meat and milk. The last route was due to sexual intercourse between the patients.

      • KCI등재후보

        미세변화신증후군 환아에서 Tumor Necrosis Factor-${\alpha}$의 혈중 및 요중 변화와 알부민 투과성에 미치는 영향

        조민현,이환석,오현희,정기영,구자훈,고철우,Cho Min-Hyun,Lee Hwan-Seok,Oh Hyun-Hee,Chung Ki-Young,Koo Ja-Hoon,Ko Cheol-Woo 대한소아신장학회 2003 Childhood kidney diseases Vol.7 No.1

        목적 : 미세변화신증후군은 소아 원발성 신증후군의 가장 흔한 원인이다. 최근 $TNF-{\alpha}$가 미세변화신증후군의 병인기전과 밀접한 관계가 있다고 보고되고 있다. 이에 저자들은 미세변화신증후군 환아에서의 $TNF-{\alpha}$의 변화를 살펴보고 $TNF-{\alpha}$가 사구체 기저막의 투과성에 미치는 직접적인 영향을 알아보기 위하여 본 연구를 시행하였다. 방법 : 대상 환아는 신생검으로 미세변화신증후군이 확진된 만 2-15세 사이의 소아로서 이들에게서 혈액과 요를 채취하여 ELISA 방법으로 $TNF-{\alpha}$를 측정하였고, Millicell system을 사용하여 알부민에 대한 투과성을 측정하였다. 결과 : 재발시에 요중 $TNF-{\alpha}$는 대조군과 관해시에 비하여 유의하게 증가되어 있었으나(P<0.01), 혈중 $TNF-{\alpha}$는 유의한 변화를 보여주지 않았다. Millicell system을 이용한 알부민 투과성에 대한 실험결과 생리적인 농도 이상의 $TNF-{\alpha}$에서 알부민에 대한 투과성에 특이한 변화가 관찰되지 않았다. 결론 : 이상의 결과를 종합할 때 $TNF-{\alpha}$는 미세변화신증후군의 발병기전에서 일차적인 역할을 한다기 보다는 아마도 질환자체에 의한 이차적인 현상에 의하여 요중에서 증가된 것으로 생각된다. Purpose : Minimal Change Disease(MCD) is the most common primary nephrotic syndrome in children. Some suggested that tumor necrosis factor-${\alpha}$ ($TNF-{\alpha}$) are involved in the pathogenesis of MCD. This study was done to see the changes of plasma and urinary $TNF-{\alpha}$, and their effects on the permeability of glomerular basement membrane. Methods : Study patients consisted of 19 biopsy-proven MCD children aged 2-15 years old. Both plasma and urinary $TNF-{\alpha}$ were measured. Employing the Millicell system, $TNF-{\alpha}$ were screened for the permeability factors. Results : Urinary $TNF-{\alpha}$ during relapse was significantly increased(P<0.01). No significant change was seen in the plasma $TNF-{\alpha}$ during relapse when compared to those in remission and the healthy controls. Furthermore, in the in vitro Millicell system, $TNF-{\alpha}$ did not produce a significant change in albumin permeability. Conclusion : Therefore, it seems that $TNF-{\alpha}$ may not play a disease-specific role in the pathogenesis of MCD.

      • KCI등재

        2004년 영천시 D 초등학교에서 집단 발생한 살모넬라증

        민영선,이환석,임현술,Min, Young-Sun,Lee, Hwan-Seok,Lim, Hyun-Sul 대한예방의학회 2005 Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health Vol.38 No.4

        Objectives : An outbreak of salmonellosis occurred among the student s and staff of D primary school in Yeongcheon-si, 2004. This investigation was carried out to prevent any recurrence of this outbreak and to study the infection source and transmission of the salmonellosis. Methods : The authors conducted a questionnaire survey among 1,205 students and staff members from D primary school about the ingestion of the school lunch and drinking water, and the manifestation of their symptoms. The author examined rectal swabs, the tap water and microorganism cultures, and we also investigated the dining facility and water supply facility. Results : The diarrheal cases were defined as the confirmed cases or the persons who had diarrhea more than one time with symptoms such as fever, vomiting and tenesmus. The diarrheal attack rate was 28.0%. Ingestion of fried bean curd with egg had a significantly high association with the diarrheal attack rate (p<0.05), and the relative risk of the fried bean curd with egg was 10.68 (95% CI=3.88-29.41), as was determined by logistic regression analysis. The bacterial counts in the tap water of the food preparation room and toilet (first floor) exceeded the maximum permissible counts. S. Enteritidis bacteria were only cultured from the fried bean curd with egg of all the supplied foods on September 3, 2004. Conclusions : The major cause of salmonellosis was presumed to be the contaminated bean curd via contaminated tap water due to a water leak of a school water pipe. This contaminated bean curd was under prepared, which allowed the S. Enteritidis to survive and multiply prior to its ingestion.

      • KCI등재후보

        2005년 농촌 주민들에서 캄보디아와 베트남 여행 중 발생한 세균성이질

        임현술(Hyun-Sul Lim),이환석(Hwan-Seok Lee) 한국농촌의학 지역보건학회 2009 농촌의학·지역보건 Vol.34 No.3

        농촌 주민들 32명이 캄보디아와 베트남을 여행하였다. 7일간의 여행 중 8명이 설사를 하였다. 이에 원인과 감염경로를 파악하기 위해 역학조사를 시행하였다. 여행자 32명 전원을 대상으로 방문 혹은 전화로 역학조사를 시행하였으며, 23명의 직장도말 검체를 경상북도 보건환경연구원에서 검사하였다. 또한 여행사를 통해 여행 경로와 일정을 조사하였다. 발병률은 25.0%(8명)이었으며, 그 중 3명은 미생물학적으로 Shigella flexneri(Serotype 3a)에 의한 감염을 확인하였다. 외국에서 감염이 발생하였다고 추정하여 환경가검물을 검사할 수 없었지만 공동매개체로는 세균성이질의 잠복기와 역학적 특성을 고려할 때 앙코르와트에서 사 먹은 생수가 세균성이질 균에 오염된 것으로 생각한다. 가장 흔한 해외 유입 전염병은 물이나 음식을 매개로 하는 전염병이다. 외국을 여행하는 여행자들은 수인성/음식매개 감염병에 대하여 철저히 예방을 하고 여행 후 증상이 있는 경우 신고 및 적절한 치료를 받아야 할 것이다. Objectives: A group consisted of 32 Korean rural people had been travelled to Cambodia and Vietnam. During their travel for 7 days, first diarrheal case had occurred on 3rd day of travel and overall 8 people had diarrhea during travel. So we investigated the case for determination of the cause and route of infection. Methods: We interviewed all 32 people by visiting or telephone and took 23 stool samples from them, which are examined by Gyeungsangbuk-do Government Public Institute of Health & Environment in Korea. We interviewed travel agency for travel route and schedule. Results: The attack rate was 25.0% (8 cases) among 32 people. Of them, 3 cases were microbiologically confirmed to have the infection of Shigella flexneri (Serotype 3a). The result of this epidemiological investigation showed that the infection of shigellosis was happened in foreign countries. We assumed the water from Angkor-Watt was contaminated by S. flexneri. We could not able to test environmental specimens because of the infection is thought to be occurred in foreign countries. Conclusions: Most common infectious diseases from foreign countries are transmitted by water or food. Travellers to foreign countries must take caution for communicable diseases and must do report and get appropriate treatment when symptoms developed after travel.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        소아 특발성 고칼슘뇨증에서 골밀도의 변화

        홍은희 ( Eun Hui Hong ),김정옥 ( Jung Ok Kim ),추미애 ( Mi Ae Chu ),김준영 ( Jun Young Kim ),이환석 ( Hwan Seok Lee ),조민현 ( Min Hyun Cho ),고철우 ( Cheol Woo Ko ),조동규 ( Dong Gyu Jo ),이재태 ( Jae Tae Lee ) 대한신장학회 2007 Kidney Research and Clinical Practice Vol.26 No.6

        Purpose : Idiopathic hypercalciuria is a common clinical disorder in children with hematuria or nephrolithiasis. Recently, it has been reported that idiopathic hypercalciuria may disturb the metabolism of bone and induce its loss. We measured the biochemical markers of bone metabolism and bone mineral densities (BMD) by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) in children with idiopathic hypercalciuria to elucidate the prevalence and clinical significance of osteopenia. Methods : From 1997 to 2005, 52 children with idiopathic hypercalciuria were included in this study. The biochemical markers of bone metabolism were measured in all 52 patients. BMD was measured in 21 patients initially and additional 6 patients during the follow-up. Results : Mean age of patients was 6 years 7 months, and the male to female ratio was 1.26:1. BMD Z-scores were less than -1 in 10 of initial 21 patients (osteopenia), and -2.5 in 2 of 10 osteopenic patients (osteoporosis). There was a negative correlation between BMD Z-score and the level of osteocalcin. However, there were no significant differences in BMD Z-scores and other biochemical markers of bone metabolism among groups divided by sex, the type of idiopathic hypercalciuria, and the presence of urinary stone. Conclusion : Idiopathic hypercalciuria can be not only the cause of hematuria, but also of osteopenia in children. We suggest that the measurement of BMD in children with idiopathic hypercalciuria should be performed routinely with regular follow-up.

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      • SCOPUSKCI등재

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